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Battle Magic

Page 37

by Tamora Pierce

  Hengkai handled the beads he’d gathered in a particular order, his lips moving. He passed his free hand over them. That done, he shifted the beads to his free hand and murmured, then passed the other hand over them. Briar felt a pressure on his ears, then a pop.

  “Don’t you feel better?” the God-King asked Hengkai. “It can’t have been easy for you, holding such a vast spell for so long a time.”

  The general did not answer him. He sank onto the top step by the throne and put his head in his hands.

  Weishu did not even ask if he felt unwell. He ducked Parahan’s sword and walked down the steps, ignoring the God-King. He brushed past Rosethorn and Sayrugo, pointing to different Yanjingyi soldiers. The others moved out of his way.

  “They will leave their weapons here,” Sayrugo called as Weishu was about to pass through the open doors.

  “Very well,” the God-King said. “Weishu, you heard General Sayrugo.”

  The emperor did not move, but the soldiers he had chosen did. They stripped off their sword belts and even their daggers, leaving them in a heap before they accompanied Weishu out of the throne room. Without discussing it, the God-King, Parahan, Soudamini, Rosethorn, Briar, and Evvy followed.

  “Are you coming?” Evvy asked Riverdancer when they passed her.

  The shaman shook her head. “I have see too much … death,” she said haltingly, proving that she spoke a little tiyon.

  They kept pace with Weishu and his soldiers as they passed from the God-King’s palace onto the wall that encircled the city. From there they followed the wall down, level by level. All the way to the gate they saw that Gyongxe’s big and little gods had been fighting here, too. They found Yanjingyi soldiers in smothering bundles of spider silk and others bloated and face-black with poison. More were wounded or hacked apart by sharp edges. On and off Briar looked over the edge of the wall, inside the city and out. Quite a few soldiers had jumped to get away from whatever had attacked them up here.

  Weishu pretended to see none of the men and women who had died for him.

  At last they came to the main gates and the scene they had viewed in the spinneret pool. No inch of ground on the plain was untouched. The earth was dark from spilled blood. Parts of it moved. The creatures they had seen in the pool — cave snakes, peak spiders, the eagle-headed horses Rosethorn had called “deep runners,” nagas, ice lions and lionesses, and mortal snow leopards and cave bears — wandered everywhere, together with huge red, blue, green, and orange many-armed gods. Giant vultures wheeled in the sky together with mortal eagles and ordinary vultures. Some were busy killing those of the enemy who were still alive. The rest were pursuing the fleeing army. And it was fleeing.

  Any sense of victory Briar felt over Weishu’s army vanished. These poor bleaters had no idea of what they might be walking into. They were used to fighting their northern neighbors’ armies, horse nomads, and imperial Namorn’s trained army in the northwest. The emperor had walked them into a storm of magic and creatures from their nightmares. He wondered if they had even been given a choice about joining the army. Knowing Weishu, probably not.

  He glanced at Rosethorn. She was even whiter than usual. Only Evvy looked happy. There was a small, tight smile on her lips. She’s entitled, maybe, Briar thought. More than maybe, after what they did to her.

  There was no expression on the emperor’s face at all.

  The God-King had to reach up to put a hand on his enemy’s shoulder. “Let’s go back inside and talk about a treaty. You won’t even think of breaking it when you get back to Yanjing, I know. You can never tell what kind of spies will choose to come back with you.”

  They turned back toward the palace. Briar chose not to mention the baby cave snake dangling from a silk thread — or a spider thread — on the emperor’s robe.

  Rosethorn drew a deep breath. “I’m going to get my kit and go down there,” she said. “I won’t hold it against you if you stay behind.”

  As if he would let her go alone! Briar looked at Evvy, who was shaking her head. “I’ll keep Luvo company,” she told them. “There isn’t much I could do down there. At least here we can help rebuild.”

  Rosethorn nodded. She and Briar went in search of their medicines.


  A week later, Riverdancer came to the workroom to tell Rosethorn and Briar that Weishu had left for Yanjing with those healthy soldiers who remained to him. He had needed a cart just for the agreements he had signed with the God-King.

  Rosethorn murmured, “Mmhmm.” Briar made no sound at all. They had spent most of their time with the Earth temple novices, filling bags with their fast-growing barley. With luck, the Gyongxin farmers might get four short, plentiful harvests before the winter snows.

  “Hengkai did not go with him,” Riverdancer said through her translator.

  That got the attention of the two green mages. They stared at her.

  Riverdancer smiled and passed each of them a seed cake.

  “Hengkai has entered the temple of the Yanjing goddess Kanzan. He hopes the goddess will forgive him his many killings and keep him safe from cave snakes and peak spiders, he says.” Riverdancer and her translator took stools and nibbled on their own cakes when Rosethorn and Briar relaxed.

  “It is too bad, in a way,” Riverdancer went on. “If he had gone home to Yanjing, he would have forgotten them, except for some dreams.”

  Rosethorn looked sharply at her friend. “What?”

  The translator nodded. “The gods protect Gyongxe,” she said, and translated her words for Riverdancer. The older woman spoke. The translator said, “Surely you have heard no tales about the things you have seen? Nothing about the creatures that showed themselves to you or to the emperor?”

  Rosethorn and Briar both nodded. “You’re right,” said Rosethorn. “Not a word.”

  “The gods do not want folk from the world over coming to disturb their peace,” the shaman said through the translator. “A veil will fall between you and these memories when you leave us. You will remember the humans, but the nagas, the cave snakes, the ice lions?” Riverdancer shook her head. “Only in dreams. They will be rich dreams.”

  Briar scratched his cheek and heard a rasping noise. He would have to start shaving more often. “I’m surprised the emperor let Hengkai stay.”

  “The emperor blames his defeat on Hengkai. He took away Hengkai’s lands and fortune. He wanted to take Hengkai back to Yanjing a prisoner, but the God-King left him no choice about any of Yanjingyi who wished to remain.” Riverdancer smiled. “A number of mages and generals also stayed.”

  Briar whistled softly. “Weishu won’t forgive the God-King any time soon.”

  “The emperor will have signs to remind him of his fate if he thinks he will take revenge,” Riverdancer said, and shrugged. “Maybe he will die of a long illness. I do not think it will be that. Many of his nobles are unhappy with his wars. He will have enough to keep him busy.” She tousled Briar’s hair. “But you have finished with your seeds, yes? It is time for you three to go home.”

  “And we’ll forget?” Rosethorn asked wistfully.

  “You will dream of the nagas, the spiders, the cave snakes,” Riverdancer said. “We would be sad indeed if you were to forget those of us among the humans. We will certainly remember you.”



  Two weeks later the twins accompanied Rosethorn, Briar, and Evvy to the Kanpoja Pass leading to the Realms of the Sun. Jimut and Luvo came as well. Jimut wanted to pay his respects to the river that was worshipped in Kombanpur as the goddess Kanpoja. Like the twins, who meant to work for the God-King for two more years to earn a nest egg for their coming war against their uncle, Jimut was remaining in Gyongxe.

  Luvo had come to say good-bye to Evvy. One of Diban Kangmo’s daughters would carry him back to his mountain afterward.

  “You’re the only thing I’ll miss about this place, really,” Evvy told him as they
watched the river tumble by. It seemed less personal than watching Parahan and Rosethorn. “I mean, I’ll miss Parahan and Souda, but they’ll be riding all over the country and getting rid of any soldiers left behind. I don’t want that. No fighting, no war. I wish I could have stayed with you and learned more.”

  “I wish you could stay, too,” Luvo said. “This traveling is so odd. We mountains never stray. It astounds my kin that I went to Garmashing.”

  Parahan came over to Evvy and crouched before her. “I owe you everything,” he told her quietly. “You know this, don’t you?”

  Evvy flapped her hand at him, her way of saying, “Forget that.”

  “I would heap you with jewels were I at home, but here I am only a poor soldier. The God-King hasn’t even paid me yet!” Parahan smiled at her. “The gods bless you in your journeying, and give you sweet dreams.” He put his palms together before his face and bowed. Evvy hugged him fiercely. She would never get another chance.

  When they let each other go, Souda was waiting. She, too, bowed to Evvy, her hands pressed together before her face. “Thank you for helping my brother to escape the emperor,” she told Evvy. She looked at Briar, who had come over with Jimut. “Briar, my thanks to you both. If our prayers count for anything, you will reach your home in health and safety.”

  Rosethorn led her horse over to them. The peak spider followed her.

  “Please count my prayers, too,” Jimut added. He had splashed river water over his face and head for what seemed like the dozenth time since they had reached the pass. “Because of you I have seen the place where the beautiful river crosses into the Realms of the Sun!” He looked at Parahan and Souda, then grinned at Briar and Evvy. “Don’t worry. I will take good care of them.”

  “Then we should all go,” Rosethorn said, swinging into the saddle. Evvy and Briar did the same. “We have a long journey ahead. Emelan is almost half a world away. Luvo, your spider friend is ready to take you home.”

  Luvo had been rocking back and forth on his stubby feet as everyone talked. Now he turned to the peak spider. “I thank you, but no,” he said with his usual courtesy. “You do not need to return me to Kangri Skad Po.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Rosethorn asked.

  Luvo made a humming sound full of rises and falls. The spider crouched low to the ground, then rose to the top of its toes. Luvo hummed louder and deeper, then turned toward Rosethorn. “If you will permit, Rosethorn, I wish to journey to this Emelan with you.” He turned his head knob toward the mountains. “No, my brothers and sisters!” His voice thundered against the rocky heights all around them. Everyone covered her or his ears. “That you have never gone forth does not mean I should not do it! My mountain is fine! Its waters and plants and creatures will do nicely without me, and I will wander where I choose!”

  By the time he had finished, all of those near him but Evvy had moved away and were using their forearms to put as much flesh as they could between their ears and his thundering voice as it echoed in the pass. Evvy was crying. “You don’t have to do this,” she told the creature who had made her feel safe in those ugly hours after she fled her torturers. “You don’t have to leave your only home.”

  Luvo turned his head knob up to her. “I have seen how your education goes, Evumeimei,” he said quietly. “It is well enough, but I can teach you other things. And I do not wish to sleep eternity away. I wish to see more. You and Briar and Rosethorn, and your friends, among you I have felt more awake than I have felt since the first humans came to Gyongxe. I wish to stay awake with you.”

  “Well, if that’s settled, we still need to go.” Rosethorn opened a bag on one of the horses and pulled out some of the scarves the God-King had given them. “Will you ride a packhorse or with Evvy?”

  “I will ride with Evumeimei for a time,” Luvo said.

  Rosethorn and Briar quickly wound scarves around Evvy and Luvo until the living stone was tucked and secure in front of the girl.

  Jimut handed Evvy the reins. “Give my greetings to the river goddess when you reach Kombanpur,” he told Briar. They clasped hands.

  “I will,” Briar said. He bowed to Parahan and Souda and rode to Rosethorn, taking the lead rein for their string of packhorses from her.

  Evvy waved as the twins and Jimut turned to gallop back to the main road to Garmashing. She waited until they were out of her view before she leaned over and spat on the earth of Gyongxe. “Pass that on to Yanjing, if you’d be so good,” she whispered to the gods of the realm. “I know at least a couple of you are listening.” She looked ahead. “C’mon, Luvo. Any place that gave us Briar and Rosethorn has to be interesting.”

  “I look forward to it,” the heart of the mountain said.

  “I look forward to going home,” Briar said. “Home! My sisters, and Lark, and a city where winter means rain and wool clothes, not furs!”

  “Our garden,” Rosethorn added. “Winding Circle temple. The sea.”

  “I have not been near the sea in a long time,” Luvo said. “It must have changed very much.”

  “You will have to tell us,” Briar replied. “And the Kanpoja River will take us there.”

  They set off at a trot, the road clear ahead of them.

  abatis(es) ∼ branch(es) or X-shaped log structure(s) set in ditches with sharpened point facing outward; an obstacle

  Alion ∼ province where Winter Palace is located

  bag(s) ∼ Briar’s slang, moneybag(s)

  baita ∼ home-away-from-home, a Yanjingyi temple in a foreign land

  Banpuri ∼ language of Kombanpur and its neighbors

  bleat-brain ∼ Imperial slang for someone stupid

  caravansary ∼ an inn with a large courtyard that provides accommodation for caravans

  cave snake ∼ a creation of the mountains from human bone in the beginning: a skull with a body that is all vertebrae; they now breed on their own

  Chammur ∼ Evvy’s most recent home in eastern Sotat

  Chammuri ∼ dialect of Chammur

  chetu ∼ toad spit in tiyon

  company ∼ (of soldiers) 100 fighters

  cuirass ∼ piece of armor that protects the chest and back

  damohi ∼ homosexual in Trader-talk

  deep runner ∼ a creation of the mountains, horse-like, with an eagle’s head, golden beak, thin legs, and metal hooves

  Drimbakangs ∼ tallest mountains in the world

  Lho ∼ longer arm of Drimbakang mountains south of Gyongxe

  Sharlog ∼ arm of Drimbakang mountains in southeast of Gyongxe

  Zugu ∼ “finger” of Drimbakang mountains, reaching from Lho around Garmashing

  emchi ∼ mage in Gyongxin

  flank ∼ the right or left side of a military formation

  fluorite ∼ a transparent crystal that comes in many colors, in this case clear, dark green, and purple

  frog ∼ braid loop-and-knot fastening

  Garmashing ∼ capital of Gyongxe

  get ∼ child

  gilav ∼ head of Trader caravan

  greaves ∼ leg armor worn below each knee

  halberd ∼ long spear with a broad blade that can be used to chop as well as stab

  Hanjian ∼ port city on Storm Dragons Ocean, southeastern Yanjing

  Heibei ∼ Yanjingyi god of luck

  Imperial ∼ language common to the countries around the Pebbled Sea, all part of the Kurchal empire before its fall; home language for Briar and Rosethorn

  infantry ∼ foot soldiers

  Inxia ∼ kingdom to immediate north of Yanjing

  Kajura ∼ nation to south and west of Kombanpur

  Kanzan ∼ Yanjingyi goddess of healing

  kaq ∼ Trader-talk slang, someone useless, non-Trader; an obscene term

  knap ∼ to chip stone with sharp blows, as when shaping flint or obsidian to form an edge

  Kombanpur ∼ Parahan’s home in the Realms of the Sun, to the south and west of Gyongxe and Yanjing

  Lailan ∼ Chammuran godd
ess of water, mercy, and healing

  Lakik ∼ Briar’s trickster god

  La Ni Ma ∼ southern Gyongxe sun goddess

  Ganas Rigyal Po, Snow King (southeast husband)

  Ganas Gazig Rigyal Po, Snow Leopard King (west)

  Kangri Skad Po, Talking Snow Mountain King (middle)

  lathe ∼ the arch or bow part of a crossbow

  Long ∼ present ruling dynasty of Yanjing, also Yanjingyi term for dragon

  lugshai ∼ craftspeople, Trader-talk

  mage ∼ someone who has received formal training in the use of magic at a school or through a succession of teachers who are trained by schools

  midday ∼ lunch

  Mila ∼ Living Circle goddess of the earth and growing things

  mimander ∼ Trader mage

  Mohun ∼ Chammuran god of silence, stone, dark and secret places

  momo ∼ Gyongxin dumpling with various stuffings

  nanshur ∼ mage in tiyon

  neb ∼ Briar’s slang for “nose”

  Ningzhou ∼ language of Yanjingyi imperial court

  numia ∼ Banpuri for “little sister”

  pahan ∼ Chammuri for “teacher,” “mage”

  palanquin ∼ covered and enclosed platform chair with cushions, set on rods front and back, used to carry people

  pipa ∼ four-stringed musical instrument; strings are plucked with a plectrum, or pick

  prebu ∼ Banpuri for “master/mage”

  puissant ∼ powerful, mighty

  Qayan ∼ kingdom to north of Yanjing

  qi ∼ (kee) Yanjingyi court dialect for power, magic

  qus ∼ Zhanzhi (Evvy’s birth dialect) for “maggots”

  Raiya ∼ Kombanpur goddess of mercy and kindness

  Realms of the Sun ∼ lands, including Kombanpur, south and west of the Drimbakang mountains


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