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Spring Shine Sparkles

Page 4

by Jennifer Castle

  Addie put her arm around Violet and rubbed her friend’s hand. “That must have hurt!”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Addie saw Sky Dance and Shimmer Leaf exchange a knowing glance.

  There’s only one way to work against magic like that, Sky Dance now told Addie in a thought message. More magic!

  Addie leaned in toward Violet’s ear. “Watch this,” she whispered.

  Sky Dance and Shimmer Leaf flew up toward the roof of the cave, then in a big circle along the cave walls. Addie was confused at first, but then realized they needed room to pick up some speed. They rushed toward Madame Furia so quickly that Furia didn’t have time to react. The two butterflies touched wings and flew a circle around the caterpillar. The ribbon of light they left behind was pink, turquoise, purple, peach, and mint green, and sparkled brighter than ever.

  They flew behind Addie, Clara, and Violet, then back around Madame Furia.

  “Oh no, you don’t!” shouted Furia. She opened the woven grass bag she was carrying and pulled out a golden leaf.

  But the cloud of glittering colors settled over the caterpillar like a fog, carrying the leaf out of Furia’s grip and into the swirling air. Sky Dance and Shimmer Leaf picked up even more speed and flew another circle, and then finally a third.

  It was hard for Addie to see the butterflies now, because suddenly there were fireworks in her eyes. She had to close them for a moment. When Addie opened them, she realized everything looked much bigger.

  That meant she was much smaller! Butterfly-size!

  Addie stretched out one arm and sure enough, it wasn’t an arm. It was a wing, magenta and powder blue with a lavender heart pattern. Whenever Wishing Wing magic turned her into a butterfly, she came out looking like this.

  She looked for Clara and Violet, but they weren’t there. Instead, there were two other butterflies.

  Addie recognized one: its wings were the deep pink and orange of a sunset, patterned with flames. That was Clara!

  But who was the other butterfly? The one with purple flowers on her yellow-and-green wings?

  Oh, duh!

  “Violet!” cried Addie.

  “What on earth just happened?” asked Clara.

  Violet’s butterfly eyes stared at Addie, then at Clara, then glanced around her. She jumped when she glimpsed one of her own wings.

  “Am I . . .” Violet started to say, but was too shocked to finish.

  “A butterfly! Yes!” replied Addie. “I’m not sure how it happened, but cool!”

  Sky Dance and Shimmer Leaf fluttered past in another circle. The trail they left behind was fading, the colors not as strong.

  Without really thinking about it, Addie called out to Clara and Violet. “Let’s fly with Sky Dance and Shimmer Leaf!”

  Addie knew she and the other girls didn’t have magic like the Wishing Wings, but at least the butterfly sisters would know they weren’t alone in their battle against Madame Furia.

  Addie lifted herself into the air, and Clara did too.

  “How do I do that?” called Violet.

  “Just imagine flying!” Addie replied.

  “It’s like running, but in the air!” added Clara.

  Addie didn’t think her friend would have trouble with flying . . . and she was right. It only took a couple of experimental wing-flaps before Violet was off the ground.

  “Oh. My. Gosh!” she squealed.

  “Come on,” laughed Addie. “We’ll show our friends that we have their backs!”


  “What in the woods?” exclaimed Shimmer Leaf when she saw that Addie, Clara, and Violet were now butterflies, zooming through the cave.

  “I have no idea how it happened!” Addie shouted as she fluttered alongside Sky Dance. “But we’re here, and we’re with you.”

  Clara flew next to Shimmer Leaf. Violet was a little slow at first, but soon she was keeping up with them on the other side of Sky Dance.

  The five butterflies started another circle around Madame Furia, who pulled out another leaf and began gobbling it up. Addie glanced over her shoulder and couldn’t believe what she saw.

  The trail of colors had changed. It wasn’t just Sky Dance’s and Shimmer Leaf’s colors, like before. Now the rainbow was wider, striped with magenta, powder blue, and lavender—Addie’s colors—along with pink and orange, which were Clara’s colors! She also saw the violet, green, and yellow of Violet’s wings.

  After they finished their loop around Furia, the colors swirled together into a thick, glittering cloud that settled over the caterpillar. Addie flew close enough to hear Furia try one last spell, glaring at them. It was the most frustrated, angry look Addie had ever seen on anyone—human or insect.

  “Fly no more, you meddling girls!” shouted Furia. “I turn your antennae back into curls!”

  She knocked her front legs together, and a golden lightning bolt shot out. But this time, the bolt vanished as soon as it hit the cloud.

  “No!” Furia cried. She shuddered, lowering her body down segment by segment.

  The many colors of the cloud turned into sparkles that landed on Furia like snowflakes. Sky Dance, Shimmer Leaf, and all three butterfly-girls flitted toward the ground. It felt extra-hard and solid on Addie’s six little feet.

  She watched as the sparkles themselves faded. When she could see Madame Furia again, she was curled up into a ball as if trying to hide inside herself.

  The fireworks flashed in Addie’s eyes, and she knew what that meant. Back to being human! Before she knew it, she had transformed again. She turned and saw Clara and Violet’s magic wearing off.

  Clara examined her own hands, as if making sure she still had the same ones and the right number of fingers. “I don’t understand,” she said. “How did Sky Dance and Shimmer Leaf turn us all into butterflies? I thought they needed the Queen and King’s help to do that!”

  “As did I,” said a voice above them. Addie glanced up to see Rose Glow and Flit Flash glide to a landing between the girls and Madame Furia. Rose Glow looked long and hard at Addie and Clara, tilting her furry red head one way, then another.

  “Here’s what I believe happened,” continued the Queen. “Furia had a golden leaf that got mixed in with Sky Dance’s and Shimmer Leaf’s magic, giving it extra power to change you three girls. Then, your show of support for your friends made everything stronger still. Strong enough to destroy Furia’s anger and jealousy.”

  “That makes sense!” said Sky Dance.

  “I’m glad the leaf was used for something good rather than wicked,” added Shimmer Leaf.

  They all turned to Madame Furia.

  She had uncurled herself, but was now hanging her head, her eyes drooping low. Big green tears fell from them onto the floor of the cave.

  Addie opened her mouth to say something, but stopped. Maybe this was another of Furia’s tricks. After all, she had fooled everyone into thinking she was a kind and harmless caterpillar.

  Then Furia whispered something. Addie leaned in.

  “I’m . . .” Furia began, then sobbed. “I’m . . . ​so . . . ​ sorry.”

  Now everyone gathered close to hear what she had to say.

  “I never meant for it to go this far,” continued Furia. “But when I saw those four New Blooms in their chrysalides, waiting to burst out as beautiful butterflies, I felt so very jealous! That’s always been my problem. I just couldn’t control myself this time.”

  “I know all about jealousy,” said Clara. “I have a big sister . . .”

  Furia gave a sad little smile at that.

  “I’m deeply, deeply sorry,” said Furia. “I know you’ll never forget what I’ve done, but I hope you can forgive me. That’s all I ask. Then I’ll be on my way.” She inched slowly toward Rose Glow. “Thank you for all your kindness, my dear old friend. I regret that I took advantage of it.”

  Furia moved slowly past the Queen and King on her way out of the cave. Addie had never seen anything as sorrowful or lonely in her lif
e . . . and hoped she never would again.

  Rose Glow whispered something into Flit Flash’s antennae. He tilted his head, then nodded.

  “Golden Burst, wait!” she called to Madame Furia.

  The caterpillar froze, then slowly turned. “You called me by my caterpillar name . . .” murmured Furia.

  “That’s who you will always be to me,” Rose Glow said warmly. “And I believe that’s who you still are, in your heart. Except maybe now you’ve learned a long overdue lesson about jealousy.”

  “Are you saying . . .”

  “Yes, Golden Burst. I forgive you!”

  Furia puffed up and turned a brighter shade of green. “Oh, dear Queen! Thank you!”

  Rose Glow smiled and sighed. “I think the outside you should reflect the inside you,” she added. “I think you should become the butterfly you’ve always longed to be.”

  “Are you sure?” asked the caterpillar hopefully.

  “Absolutely sure. But first, Spring Shine must earn her magic. Agreed?”

  “Yes, yes! Of course!”

  Addie turned to Violet and poked her in the ribs. “That means you! You’re up!” She pointed toward Spring Shine’s cell, where Spring Shine was watching with her face pressed against the web strands. Violet scrambled to standing, reached over to the strands, and pulled them apart. They came away in her fingers like holiday tinsel.

  Spring Shine whooshed gleefully into the air. Violet held out her hands, cupping her palms so they made a perfect nest for the butterfly. When Spring Shine landed there, Violet put one palm over the other and giggled.

  “I can feel her wings tickling my hands,” said Violet. “Can I let her go now?”

  Rose Glow nodded. Violet opened her hands and Spring Shine flew straight up, letting out a “Yippee!” as she flew over to the entrance of the cave. She landed on the edge of the puddle they had stepped over earlier, and peered at her reflection in the water.

  Addie held her breath. Was the curse broken? Would Spring Shine be able to see how beautiful she really was?

  “Wow!” said Spring Shine. “Not bad!”

  “You can see your wing patterns now?” asked Violet.

  “Yes! I was so silly for not believing you!”

  Spring Shine flew a wide, joyful figure eight above everyone, then landed on Violet’s shoulder.

  “So now it’s wish time!” she told Violet. “Have you thought about what to ask for?”

  Addie watched Violet’s face as it got very serious. She looked at Addie and said, “This is really hard.”

  “I know,” replied Addie. “Been there. But don’t think about things or stuff. Think about what will truly make you happy, deep inside.”

  Violet nodded and closed her eyes. After several long moments, she opened them again.

  “Okay. I’ve got it,” said Violet. She took a deep breath. “You know what I wish the most? I wish I had more confidence in myself.”

  Spring Shine stared at Violet, her bead-like eyes wide and thoughtful. “That is a great wish,” she said. “I can relate.”

  Violet laughed. “Thanks.”

  “Go scoop some of that puddle water into your hands,” said Spring Shine.

  Violet frowned at Addie, and Addie gave her a quick nod. It said, these Wishing Wings know what they’re doing. Violet bent down with her hands in the bowl-shape again, and scooped up as much puddle water as she could. She showed it to Spring Shine.

  “Now what?”

  “Hold still,” said Spring Shine. She flew one, two, then three circles around Violet’s hands, trailing a beautiful rainbow behind her. When the sparkling bursts of color faded, Addie looked to see what the magic had left behind.

  A mirror.

  Violet held it up and turned it around. The non-mirror side was covered in glittering rainbow stripes.

  “It’s, uh, very pretty,” said Violet.

  “This isn’t just any mirror,” said Spring Shine, landing on Violet’s shoulder. “It’s got magic in it. When you look at your reflection in that glass, you’ll always see how kind and strong you are. If you’re ever feeling down about yourself, check the mirror.”

  Violet held up the mirror again and gazed into it. Her eyes lit up and a big smile spread across her face.

  “Thank you!” said Violet, with more happiness than Addie had seen in her friend in a long time.

  “I can feel the Wishing Wing magic at its full strength now,” said Rose Glow. “It’ll be more than enough for what comes next.”

  Rose Glow rocketed up and fluttered a circle around Furia. Then a second, and a third. Her trail of red, green, and silver seemed brighter than before. Addie could tell Rose Glow was using the most powerful magic she had. The colors and sparkles danced in the air for a long time, but when they finally dissolved, the caterpillar was gone!

  In its place was a dazzling butterfly, bright yellow with pink and purple star patterns on its wings.

  Rose Glow landed next to the butterfly and smiled affectionately. “Welcome, Golden Burst. It feels wonderful to call you that again.”

  Golden Burst bowed her head to the Queen, then shook out her new wings. Slowly, she began to flap them. How strange and amazing it must feel, thought Addie, to want wings so badly for so long, and finally get them.

  Within seconds, the new butterfly was in the air. Flying. And laughing. And then, singing!

  “Do you really think she’ll be okay with never having magic?” Sky Dance asked Rose Glow.

  “There are many different types of magic,” replied Rose Glow. “Sometimes you are gifted with it, and sometimes you have to make your own, with your decisions and actions.” She glanced at Addie, Clara, and Violet. “Golden Burst will find a way to do that, I’m sure.”

  Three girls and three butterflies crossed the line of trees that separated the woods from Addie’s backyard.

  Addie knew she should feel happy. They had broken the enchantment and saved all four New Blooms! Plus, she was so proud of how brave she’d been in the last few days. But underneath those feelings was a bittersweet sadness. Their adventure was over. They would no longer see Sky Dance, Shimmer Leaf, and their other magical friends every day. Plus, Violet would be leaving to go home soon. What would happen now?

  Sky Dance landed on her shoulder. She must have sensed Addie’s thoughts.

  “It’ll be okay, said the butterfly. “I’ll visit you, and you’ll visit me.”

  “Same here,” added Violet, stepping up onto Addie’s other side and taking her hand.

  Addie laughed. How could she feel sad when she was surrounded by such great friends?

  Suddenly, Addie heard her mother’s voice calling. “Hey, girls? We’re going to have a barbecue and could use your help!”

  “We’ll be right there!” Addie called back.

  “We should flutter along,” said Sky Dance, crawling down Addie’s arm and into her hand. Addie pulled her close and let Sky Dance’s wings tickle her cheek in a butterfly kiss. “But I promise,” Sky Dance added, “this is not goodbye. Just ‘see you later’.”

  Violet held out her palm and Spring Shine landed on it. “In our case, much later,” Violet said sadly.

  Addie knew that Sky Dance had to cast Forgetting Magic on Violet. She wouldn’t remember the Wishing Wings, but would still feel her butterfly connection to Spring Shine.

  Clara had Shimmer Leaf cupped in her palms, and they were whispering to each other.

  “Ready?” Addie asked Sky Dance. Sky Dance nodded. “You guys ready, too?” Addie asked Clara and Violet. They nodded as well.

  Addie took a deep breath, then shouted, “One . . . two . . . three!”

  Together, the girls opened their palms. The three butterflies sailed into the air, zigzagging playfully around one another as they traveled toward the woods. Addie, Clara, and Violet watched until their flying friends became tiny dots of color . . . and then disappeared in the distance.

  Clara and Violet put their arms around Addie in a three-person hug. Ad
die felt the weight of all her worries about school, and her new life, melt away.

  Finally, Clara stepped out of the hug and said, “I know you’re all awesome and fearless now, but are you prepared to face Dad’s first attempt at a barbecued dinner?”

  Addie laughed. “Bring it on!” she said.

  A barbecue. A new school. Magic butterflies who may need more help in the future.

  Bring them all on!

  Jennifer Castle is the author of the Butterfly Wishes series and many other books for children and teens, including Famous Friends and Together at Midnight. She lives in New York’s Hudson Valley with her husband, two daughters, and two striped cats, at the edge of a deep wood that is most definitely filled with magic—she just hasn’t found it yet.

  Tracy Bishop is the illustrator of the Butterfly Wishes series. She has loved drawing magical creatures like fairies, unicorns, and dragons since she was little and is thrilled to get to draw magical butterflies. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, son, and a hairy dog named Harry.

  Text copyright © 2018 by Jennifer Castle

  Illustrations copyright © 2018 by Tracy Bishop

  All rights reserved

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  First published in the United States of America in April 2018 by Bloomsbury Children’s Books

  This electronic edition published in 2018 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  Bloomsbury is a registered trademark of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


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