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RISE - Part One (The RISE Series Book 1)

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by Deborah Bladon

  Ansel would perform with just his guitar and I'd record it all. I'd upload the performances to his social media sites and tag other singers, music producers and even friends of the friends of people who worked at radio stations.

  By the time we announced a free concert for Ansel during a block party one summer evening, interest was already growing. The local news showed up, girls flocked to see him and within weeks the views of his videos online climbed into the tens of thousands.

  "You're serious about being an event planner because you just wanted to work for yourself?" Landon repeats the question, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  "My dad always told me that if you can be your own boss, you should do it." I tap my fingers against his chest. "He told my brothers and sister the same thing."

  "You have brothers and a sister?" He moves his head slightly. "How big is your family?"

  I push a hair off my forehead as I look at him. "I have three siblings. I come from a big family."

  "I'll say." He raises both brows. "Are you close to all of them?"

  "I'm the youngest," I confess. "They're scattered all over the country, but I talk to them pretty regularly."

  He nods as if that appeases his curiosity enough for the moment. "I talk to my brother more now. We weren't close for a long time."

  "Was that because of your dad's death?"

  He shifts his legs and I feel instantly bereft when he pulls his arm away from me. "He was close to my dad. He missed him a lot. I did too."

  "Death is hard," I say with little experience. The only person that has died in my family was my Aunt Grace. She's Ivy's mom and she died before I was even born. Even though I never met her I still sense her loss each time I look at Ivy's face. There's a fleeting sadness in her eyes sometimes when she talks about the mother she never knew.

  "My mom took it hard too." He pauses to look down at his hand. "She still wears the wedding ring my father gave her."

  It's romantic in a way that's tragic. "She never fell in love again?"

  "She never dated again," he corrects me. "She devoted herself to volunteering and helping Dane deal with my father's drowning. Dane is my brother."

  I nod. I know that because of what I read online about that day. "You said he lives here, in New York?"

  "He does. He's been in Paris with his fiancé, but they're coming back here soon." He rubs his hand over his shoulder, his fingers skimming across his tattoo. "He's a fireman."

  I smile at the thought of that. "Your mother must be proud of both of you."

  "For the most part I think she is." He half shrugs as he slides to the edge of the bed. "We've both let her down at times, but she still sees the good in us."

  "She's sounds like an amazing person."

  His eyes drop to the floor. "She's a saint. She's the most forgiving person I've ever met. My father did things that were inexcusable. There were things we didn't know about until after he was gone. Things that hurt a lot of people and she stood by his memory and the love she had for him. I don't know how a person does that."

  I don't know either and as he stands up to pull on his clothes, I have to turn over to fight the urge to ask him what secrets his father kept hidden from everyone he loved.

  Chapter 18

  "When I got home from work yesterday Lilly was streaming music louder than should be legally allowed." Clive smiles as he looks across his desk at me. "Guess who she was listening to?"

  If I was a detective hired to solve this mystery, I wouldn't get paid for more than two minutes of my time. I know the answer to that question. Ironically, his question answers mine about why he asked me to meet him here, at his office, instead of at his condo. "You know."

  "I know. Lilly doesn't know."

  I've never told Lilly about my relationship with Ansel Rinaldi. It was over before I met her and when I went to Milan my intention was to use that trip as an opportunity to cut off contact with him for good. Telling her about him would have only complicated my friendship with her. I know she adores him. I've heard her humming some of his songs when we've walked down the street together. "Are you going to tell her?"

  "Tell me why it's such a big secret, Tess." He taps the tip of his pen against the edge of his laptop. "I thought you and my wife shared everything."

  There's a subtle challenge woven into that statement. I've never seen a man more protective of his wife than Clive Parker is. He cherishes her, not only because he loves her more than anything, but because of her past. Lilly lived through a horrific event when she was a child. She told me about it one evening over dinner with the promise that I wouldn't bring it up ever again. I haven't. She lost her entire family when her father's depression became too much for him to bear. Lilly had survived and had to build a new life on her own. She did and now with a loving husband and child, she's flourishing.

  "It was over a long time ago, Clive." I cross my legs, trying to get my body to relax. "Ansel isn't part of my life anymore."

  "He's coming to New York." He skims his fingers over his laptop keyboard. "He's set to arrive here on Thursday night."

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. I came here to talk about an exciting new project that I thought Clive wanted me to plan for him. Now, I'm learning that he's such a fan of my ex-boyfriend that he tracks his every movement. "How do you know that?"

  "He's going to be the surprise guest at a concert on Friday night." He slams the lid of his laptop shut. "I found that out from my wife at breakfast this morning."

  I skip past that. I don't want to think about Lilly looking up details about the man I once planned a life with. I know I should tell her. I know that she confided in me about something that shaped her past so I owe her as much. "I'll tell her, Clive. I'll find the right time and I'll tell her."

  "She'd be crushed if she knew you were holding back." His voice softens. "Lilly doesn't have a lot of friends. You're the closest one she has and I don't want her to lose that."

  I don’t want to lose it either. "How did you know about me and Ansel? Who told you?"

  "It popped up when I had an associate run a background check on you."

  That's both offensive and expected. I know that Clive is all about security. Lilly has told me stories about how he looked through her personal computer when they first met. It almost tore them apart. The man definitely has trust issues. "Do I pass the test?"

  "I want you to work on the gala, Tess. It's not just because of your friendship with my wife or the fact that my cousin's wife is your cousin. I actually think we're related in some abstract way." His mouth curves into a grin. "I want you on board because you're good. I heard about what you did for Liore lingerie."

  "I won't let you down." I settle into the chair, the tension in my shoulders finally loosening for the first time since I sat down. "I'll do a great job."

  "I have no doubt about that." He glances at me before he looks down at a document on his desk. "There's something else, Tess."

  "What is it?" I lean forward trying to catch a glimpse of what's typed on the paper.

  "Lilly said you're dating a pilot you met on that flight from Milan." He grabs the edge of the paper before he flips it over quickly. "Landon Beckett? That's his name?"

  I study the back of the paper but there's no clue to be found there. Did I actually tell Lilly his full name? "Yes, that's his name."

  "How well do you know him?"

  I look to my right to hide the surprise in my expression. I don't want Clive to delve into Landon's personal life. I don't want him to run a background check on him the same way he did to me. I want my relationship with him to stay uncomplicated. "I like being around him. It's not serious."

  "I've heard good things about his family," he says with a warm smile. "His brother is a stand-up guy."

  I don't ask for clarification. I want this conversation to end on the positive note it's at now. "I've heard that too. Should I email you my proposal for the gala or do you want me to come back to go over the details?"

  He doesn
't flinch even though it's obvious by his furrowed brow that he's not pleased with the sudden shift in conversation. "Put together some ideas, Tess, and I'll call you to set up a time to come back to go over those, and the proposed budget. We can discuss your fee then too."

  I push myself to my feet. "I'll do a good job, Clive. Thank you for trusting me with this."

  "I trust you, Tess. I trust you with this. My wife trusts you too."

  I pivot on my heel and walk out of his office, fully aware that he's given me a silent deadline to tell Lilly about my past with Ansel.

  Chapter 19

  "Have you ever kept something important from someone you care about?"

  Landon swallows as he stares at my face. "Where did that come from?"

  I am suddenly overcome with humiliation. I feel embarrassed for asking a question that is too intimate for the relationship we're just beginning to grow. We've only seen each other a few times and even though those moments have been filled with pleasure, emotional discussions and a feeling of peace, we've never defined what we are to one another. "I'm struggling with something."

  "You're keeping a secret from someone?" I can hear the genuine curiosity in his tone. "Is it me? You know you can tell me anything."

  I smile softly. "It's not you."

  "Good. Is it your dad?"

  "No," I answer quickly. "Why would you think that?"

  He weaves his fingers through mine as he glides his lips over my cheek. "Your dad called a few times since you got here. You haven't called him back."

  I barely heard the door of Landon's apartment close behind me before we were in his bedroom. I'd pulled the dress I was wearing over my head just as he fell to his knees and parted my folds with his tongue. He ate me so greedily that I came quickly before leaning back into the wall while he licked me painfully slow until I held tight to his head as another orgasm rolled through my body.

  He'd pushed me onto his bed flat on my stomach then. He'd licked my back, trailing soft kisses over my sensitive skin before he entered me from behind. He'd fucked me tenderly at first, whispering in my ear about how my body reacts to his in just the right ways.

  I'd pressed against him, levelling my hips off the bed so my fingers could find my own core. I'd circled my clit and as he heard the small whimpers that fell off my lips with each thrust, he had pumped harder and faster until I came. He'd followed with a few deep thrusts as his body emptied its release.

  "I've been a little busy since I got here." I run my fingers over his chin. "I should get up and find my phone so I can call him back."

  I hadn't wanted to move from the spot on the bed next to him. I know I have to go soon though. Before I knocked on his door, I had texted Lilly telling her I wanted to meet for dinner. I'd typed out the address to Landon's building for her. The plan was that she would call me as soon as she exited a taxi in front of the building. I'll go down and we'll choose a place close to here for dinner.

  Since Ansel is set to arrive in New York today, this is the time to tell Lilly about what once existed between me and the man she thinks has the voice of an angel.

  I'd postpone my confession if I could. Not because I don't think Lilly deserves to know but because what I once felt for Ansel has disappeared. He's never going to matter to me again but the fact that he once did is reason enough to tell my best friend. The thought of her finding out in a story in some tabloid newspaper or on one of the gossip sites she frequents is almost unbearable. I have to do this and there's no time like the present.

  "If it's not your dad, who is it?" He leans back to grab his smartphone from the nightstand. "Who are you keeping a secret from?"

  I watch as he tilts it away from me. His fingers race quickly over the screen, typing out a short message. He bites his bottom lip as he looks over the phone towards me.

  "Who are you texting?" I ask, knowing that the question sounds territorial.

  "It's about work." He places the phone down on the sheet between us. "I'm not a senior pilot yet, so I don’t get first pick at available jobs. I have to trade with other pilots sometimes to get the routes I want."

  It's an innocent answer to a question I assumed was about another woman. I can't do this to myself. I can't let my imagination run circles around what is a basic, and uncomplicated, truth.

  Landon Beckett is my lover. We haven't set any other parameters for the relationship we share. He hasn't asked me how I spend my time when he's flying to other continents and I haven't asked him if there are other women waiting for him when he arrives there.

  "Did you think I was texting a woman, Tess?"

  I stepped into this willingly so I can't shy away from it now. "I wasn't sure. I was just curious."

  "I don't sleep with more than one woman at a time." He scratches the top of his lip. "I'm not seeing anyone else."

  It's direct and even if I didn't think I needed to hear the words, it's a relief. "I'm not seeing anyone else either."

  "That's the way I want it. We'll keep it that way, okay?"

  I nod just as I feel his soft lips glide over mine. I do want to keep it that way. I want to keep it that way for as long as possible.

  Chapter 20

  "I thought I'd get to meet the pilot today." Lilly sighs heavily. "I was hoping you'd bring him down to meet me in front of his building."

  I had intended to do that. It was one of the reasons why I asked her to meet me there. After I got dressed I had asked Landon if he wanted to ride down the elevator with me to see Lilly, but he'd declined. He needed to shower he told me. He was meeting someone too and he was running late. He'd kissed me softly with words about regret about not being able to touch me later tonight.

  After our promise of only seeing one another I knew there was no reason to ask for details. I have friends, he has friends, and if we continue on the path we're on, hopefully in a few weeks, or months, we'll have mutual friends.

  "Things are going well with him, aren't they?"

  I motion towards the waiter. "You're ready to order, right? I'm so hungry."

  She giggles as she munches on one of the dry breadsticks there were sitting on the table when we arrived at this Italian restaurant just down the block from Landon's apartment.

  I order the same entrée as Lilly, veal in a tomato based sauce. She orders us a bottle of red wine to share and I'm grateful when the waiter doesn’t turn towards me to ask for proof that I'm old enough to indulge. I've been carded almost weekly since I've moved to Manhattan so it's a treat not to feel as though I'm being viewed as a teenager trying to sneak a sip of alcohol behind her parents' back.

  "What did you want to tell me?" she says happily. "I already know that Clive gave you the gala job. He told me himself."

  "I'm excited to start planning that," I pause when the waiter arrives with the bottle of wine. He pours a small amount for Lilly. She takes a sip before gushing about how good it is. I wait until he's done pouring some into each of our glasses before I look across the table at her.

  "I can help you with anything you need." She picks up the wine glass in her hand. "I mean I know you're the expert, but I love parties. I can pitch in."

  It's an offer that's as kind and generous as she is. My friendships in college were all impacted by my relationship with Ansel. Jealousy became a factor the first time one of his songs landed on the charts and each time I had to cancel on a dinner or pep rally to go see him play, the resentment had only mounted. I'd graduated quietly with just my family there to congratulate me. I hadn't attended any of the celebratory parties after the ceremony. I wasn't invited and even if I had been, I didn't belong.

  In the short time I've known Lilly she has become one of the closest friends I've ever had. She is giving and accepting. Her heart is pure and untainted. I have to tell her now that I've been holding something back from her.

  I bring the wine glass to my lips and down half the glass in one swallow. As I place it down on the table I look directly at her. "I used to date Ansel Rinaldi."

Her hand leaps to her chin. "What did you say?"

  "I met him in college, Lilly." I pick up the glass again. "I knew him before he was famous. We dated for a few years. It's been over for months now."

  "Ansel Rinaldi? The Ansel Rinaldi? You actually dated him?"

  I can't pull any emotion from her questions. She looks completely stunned by my admission. "That's the one."

  She squirms in her chair. "I like his music but he seems like he'd be a total asshole in real life."

  "You have no idea." I still. "He changed so much when he became successful."

  She takes another small bite of the breadstick before she chews it quickly. "How serious were you two?"

  "I loved him," I admit. "He used to sing to me when we first met."

  "Seriously?" Her ass pops off her chair as she leans forward." He sang to you?"

  "We'd pack a picnic and go to a park after class." I look past her shoulder to a group of people seated at another table. "We didn't have much money so he'd bring his guitar hoping to pick up some spare change from people. Sometimes when no one else was around he'd just turn to me and sing."

  She settles back down on the wooden chair. "What happened? Why did you break up?"

  "It wasn't one thing." I shrug my shoulders. "We stopped having fun. He started changing because of all the attention and we just fell out of love."

  "That's sad, Tess."

  "It's life," I say sullenly. "Whatever we had ran its course. It happens sometimes."

  "It wasn't meant to be," she states loudly with a tap of her hand on the table. "He wasn't the right guy for you."


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