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Page 6

by Charisma Knight

  “Akaisha, that is a good thing. Surely, you remember how Daegan abducted you from Egypt.”

  “Yes, he walked through some opening in time, it seemed. It was a light blue, circular opening in midair. He mentioned the use of dark magic, and his magus.”

  “Yes, Daegan sensed you, but could not tell exactly where you were. His magus, the black hearted critter, used magic to obtain you. Can’t you see that we possess the same opportunity! It is our only way out, and we must hurry!” Elizabeth spoke in a hushed voice.

  “Daegan will only use you for his own gain, while destroying you in the process, Akaisha. I have seen it happen before. Daywalkers are mistreated immensely, their life force drained on a daily basis. You are no ordinary daywalker, but he will use you until there is nothing left. The only thing saving you from the wrath of certain members of his coven is the fact that he has made you his mate. He intends to feed upon you. Your blood will allow him to walk the daylight hours.”

  “Elizabeth, that is absurd. Daegan will not use and abuse me, as you say. We feed from one another, and he doesn’t have the power to walk during daylight hours.”

  “Akaisha, there is a time and place for everything. The universe is working in your favor, and now is the time for planning. Don’t you see that you do not belong here? You were taken from another land, another time, by an evil force."

  “Elizabeth, how do you know these things?”

  “Like you, I possess the gift of foresight. The vampires can read our thoughts, so we must keep our minds clear so there is nothing to read. I have practiced this for years. You possess the exact gift of protection. I knew what Daegan and his magus where up to, and felt it every time they dabbled in the black arts.”

  “I always had dreams of someone taking me from my precious Egypt, Elizabeth. It was Daegan, although I could never fully view his face. I was sleeping when he opened that magic doorway. I…” Akaisha’s words trailed off, tears streaming down her face.

  Elizabeth, holding Akaisha in her arms, brushed a lock of hair from the daywalker’s face. “Everything happens for a reason, child. It is up to us to make the best out of a bad situation. We both shall leave this place of despair. “

  “Can’t we leave now, Elizabeth?” Akaisha asked innocently, pretending she believed every word the woman spoke. She had to trust her own instincts. Daegan was not the man Elizabeth said he was.

  “No, now is not the time, Akaisha. Everything must be in its place. Heed my warning, if Daegan catches us, we will never see the light of day again, and I can promise you that. Have you seen the soulless creatures that vampires produce when they no longer have any use for them?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Soulless creatures!” Akaisha exclaimed. “We have no such beings in Egypt, Elizabeth. Please, take the time to explain, this is entirely too much for me to understand.”

  Sighing heavily, Elizabeth proceeded to explain how vampires left their victims with very little blood. Not killing or turning them, but leaving them on the brink of life and death. Vampires often left their victims in a state such as this for their amusement.

  “These soulless beings wander aimlessly in the woods, terrorizing local villages. Some were killed by large mobs of people. They feed off the blood of livestock and any humans they may encounter. It is a fate worse than death, Akaisha.”

  Akaisha couldn’t shake the horrid fear that rocked her entire being. “Elizabeth, in Egypt, we did not have such nonsense. Everyone lived in peace and harmony. We celebrated life, and death, in a positive way. Humans were treated as equals, and sometimes turned, and were never looked down upon.”

  “In my entire existence within these walls, Akaisha, I have been lucky to familiarize myself with a vampire whom I held in the highest regard. Of course, they hailed from the Italian coven of Venice. Lord Falco was born in fourteen fifty. He was a man of honor, warmth, and light, who ended his own existence two years ago.”

  “He destroyed himself instead of acting upon the desire to destroy those who crossed his path,” Akaisha murmured.

  “Yes,” Elizabeth bowed her head, happy to know their thoughts were on the same wavelength. “Lord Falco only acquired two mates within his lifetime; the second was a reincarnation of his first love. After her destruction, Falco changed, for the worse and never sought another mate. Imagine how you would feel, existing for such a long time, watching everything around you change. He felt he had nothing left. Unlike other vampires, he didn’t embrace the dark side, so he eventually sacrificed himself to the daylight.”

  “It takes a strong creature to fight the powers of darkness. These castle walls harbor those who have lived for centuries, and those embracing darkness continue to destroy, rape, and carry out their unholy deeds upon this earth. Never satisfying their lusts of flesh and blood, they are bound to this earth until they sacrifice themselves or die by the hands of another,” Elizabeth explained. “Finding a mate makes a large difference in a vampire not falling prey to darkness.”

  “My father has existed since the dawn of time, Elizabeth. He is a man of honor, and would never even think of harming another vampire or human unless it was necessary. My mother is human, and he loves her dearly, although she does not want him to sire her. She is unsure if she wants to live forever. My father being the loving, compassionate man that he is, obeys her wish.”

  “Akaisha, like Daegan, we must re-open a doorway to return us to your time.”

  “Elizabeth, do you know how to open these doorways? I understand you could not say much earlier, but I need to know, how soon can we do this?” Akaisha inquired. “I need to go home. I can’t stay here, and Daegan…

  “Hell, Akaisha, I would have left quite some time ago if it were all in my control. You see, doorways are opened at certain times, when the stars and the planets are aligned in a certain way. The phase of the moon plays a part as well. Do you know how long it took until Daegan possessed the ability to pierce time?”

  “How long, Elizabeth?

  “Exactly four months prior to the time he located you, Akaisha.”

  “By Anubis, Elizabeth, the fourth month is when I felt an overwhelming presence.”

  “The planets were in alignment, but as you know, Daegan is not one of the most patient men. It should have been approximately one year before that doorway was opened, Akaisha. Power and greed ruled him, and he found other ways of appeasing the darkness. Sacrificed certain objects, and people, to get what he desired, along with his magus’ help. They both will rot in hell forever for the unholy things they have done."

  “How long must we wait?” Akaisha asked in a weakened voice, afraid to know the answer.

  “We must do things correctly. It is bad enough we are dealing with dark magic, but I refuse to damn myself for eternity to sacrifice others to speed up that time.”

  “So, I’m basically trapped here?” Akaisha asked, panic-stricken. A strong feeling of remorse filled her as well. She had made friends with many of the slaves and most of the cooks; not to mention the strong relationship forged between herself and Daegan.

  “I’m afraid so, child, but worry not. As long as you and I stick together, all will be well. You must have faith. Now, give me the crystal, my dear. No one can know of this, agreed?”

  “I swear, that night in Egypt when I went back to sleep, I awoke in hell,” Akaisha murmured.

  “Little do you know, my child, little do you know.” Elizabeth grinned, an evil grin.

  Chapter 11

  Elizabeth showed Akaisha certain parts of the magnificent castle she had not shown her weeks ago, or so Elizabeth thought. Akaisha had somehow managed to drift off to some of these hidden places. Some places were dark, eerie, and cold, while others were colorful and cheery she discovered. Quite often, other vampire covens would stay for many nights for festivities such as orgies and discussing business.

  Elizabeth spoke of a few vampire elders who made up the council as well. Komin was a vampire elder, wise beyond his centuries. He was a great warrior, bu
t chose to fight with his mind, instead of his strength. Surprisingly, he was small, but he fought hard, when necessary.

  The grounds were kept in the utmost condition. The full moon shed light on cobblestone paths, leading into the thickest parts of the woods. Plush green grass adorned the large acreage of land in which Castle Daegan stood. Akaisha swooned over the breathtaking view of it all.

  Along the outskirts of the woods, Akaisha could just make out a couple, writhing in the throes of passion, the male vampire, dominating the female human, before feeding upon her. The rich smell of blood adorned her senses, causing her incisors to lengthen. Akaisha craved Daegan’s blood, wishing he were with her. She fought hard to put him out of her mind. Vampire mates fed solely upon one another, rejuvenating each other, for an equally, stimulating bond that would last an eternity. Smiling to herself, she thought of the next rendezvous she would experience with Daegan.

  “Well, my darling, I’m afraid it’s time for me to turn in. I need to catch a few winks of sleep before awaking in the morn. I—”

  Before Elizabeth could say anything else, a large black wolf leapt between the entrance to the castle and the women. Two blood red eyes peered back at Akaisha, apparently warning her of something. Sensing the beast’s urgency, she yearned to communicate with him. Unfortunately, Elizabeth stepped forward, speaking in another tongue, not familiar at all to Akaisha. Surprisingly, the beast stepped back, fear in its eyes, retreating into the woods, but not before shooting another look of warning to Akaisha.

  “What in the hell was that all about, and how the hell did you calm him so!” Akaisha demanded, trying to calm herself.

  “I don’t know, child, let’s get you inside. I’m not sure as to why that beast would want to rip you to shreds. He is one of the friendlier watchers of the ground.

  “Elizabeth, what did you say to it—him? He meant me no harm, I know it.”

  “It is of no importance. Let us count our blessings we live to see another day.” Akaisha departed from Elizabeth, whom stopped to gossip about another servant in the west wing. Slowly, she sauntered to her bedchambers, locking the doors behind her.

  Sitting down before the mirror, Akaisha brushed her hair, in an effort to make sense of all Elizabeth had just introduced to her. Akaisha had more than enough time to access Daegan while in his bedchamber. Truly, she was attracted to the man. However, something was amiss. Daegan was capable of showing tenderness, and Elizabeth was lying her ass off!

  Every time Akaisha sensed suspicion, Elizabeth conveniently found an excuse to re-shape her mind, which meant one thing—Elizabeth was covering her tracks about something. Another mystery to her was the werewolf they encountered on the castle grounds. She knew he tried to warn her of something, until Elizabeth spoke her jibberish, making the beast retreat to another part of the grounds. Tomorrow evening she would try to locate him, without Elizabeth’s knowledge.

  Exhaling sharply, she slipped in between the bedcovers, finally allowing sleep to claim her.

  * * * *

  Akaisha awakened, feeling rejuvenated despite the few hours of sleep she received. The castle was weighing her down, as she was not used to closed walls, and utilizing torches during daylight hours. She knew it was day, however the disenchanting gray stone walls of the castle made her feel like she was imprisoned within a tomb. If she were in Egypt, she would greet the day by taking in the breathtaking view of her land. The Nile River beckoned to her each morning. Upon waking, she would always bath in the beautiful waters of the Nile, the warmth of the sun adding to her motivation to start her day.

  Those fond memories, she continued to hold close to her heart, as though she had spent years within Castle Daegan. Choosing to keep a clear mind, and not dwell on the past, Akaisha picked out clothing for the day. Daegan provided her with beautiful clothes of the era, but they paled in comparison to her beautiful Egyptian clothing she was accustomed to. These clothes weighed heavily upon her petite frame, sometimes irritating her skin.

  Determined to explore more of the castle grounds, Akaisha eagerly ventured into the great hall. The only other inhabitants were other servants, and a few of the guardian werewolves who reverted to their human forms. Michael, one of the werewolves who faithfully protected Castle Daegan’s vampires for a century, introduced himself to Akaisha.

  “How long have you been a guardian to the Daegan Coven?” Akaisha asked, happy to have someone other than Elizabeth as a contact.

  “I have served here since for approximately one hundred years,” Michael replied sheepishly. “I was born into servitude, and my family became close to Daegan and Biele. Daegan was a completely different person in those days. Please forgive me, Akaisha, we weren’t properly introduced.” Michael said, puzzled. “Although, you seem vaguely familiar to me.”

  “Michael, I’m originally from another time and land, and it is too much for me to explain at this point in time,” Akaisha murmured as the two ventured onto the castle grounds. “I’m unsure as to how I’m familiar to you.”

  “Ah,” Michael replied. “You have been brought here to help watch over the vampires. Werewolves have been leading revolts in other countries, and in some parts of Ireland. The vampire council suspects we will betray them as well, I would presume,” Michael sighed heavily. “They forget, some of our kind revolt, while others strive to prove their loyalty. All vampires aren’t cruel, heartless beings, neither are werewolves. Some vampires need to recognize that.“

  Akaisha and Michael continued their morning stroll to the far side of the grounds. Werewolves prowled the grounds, some in human forms, others proudly patrolling the grounds on all fours, while others preferred to walk on two legs, towering as high as seven feet.” Akaisha shuddered at the thought of having to battle these creatures.

  “I’ve heard talk about the revolts. It is all senseless bloodshed to me,” Akaisha stated firmly. “Michael, what do you know of Elizabeth?” Akaisha pried. “How long has she served Lord Daegan?”

  “Elizabeth,” Michael rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “I have nothing to do with the woman, to be honest with you,” Michael confessed. “She has served Lord Daegan for many years, preaching to others one thing, while her actions prove differently. She is a very secretive woman.”

  Akaisha, sensed Michaels inhibitions towards Elizabeth, and they were not good. He later confessed that none of the werewolves trusted her. To them, she simply was an enemy, someone who used people to obtain certain goals, unknown to any of the werewolves. They made it a point not to make it any of their business, as long as Elizabeth left them alone. She was an impetuous, manipulating woman, who could be ruthless when she wanted. Somehow, Akaisha knew all this before meeting Michael. Could it be so, that she was just as soulless and black hearted as some of the vampires who dwelled within Castle Daegan?

  Chapter 12

  Michael departed from Akaisha, leaving her to roam the castle grounds on her own. She obtained valuable information from the werewolf. Now, it was up to her to dig through the lies Elizabeth continued to weave, in efforts to cover her own ass. What in the name of Anubis could she be up to?

  * * * *

  Inside the castle, Elizabeth questioned Akaisha’s whereabouts. The insidious little wench had vexed her the evening before, and proved fatal to everything Elizabeth planned. She could not help but sense Akaisha was purposely avoiding her this morning.

  In vain, she questioned the servants of the daywalker’s whereabouts. No one seemed to know where the little wench wandered too. Valaris was sleeping, and she dared not awaken him before his time. She needed him to guard Akaisha closely, until they could finish what they started. As it was, their plan had taken far too long to set into motion. Cursing deeply under her breath, Elizabeth searched the parts of the castle of which she had familiarized Akaisha. The wench knew nothing of all the castle’s nooks and crannies, so it was apparent the little harlot was purposely hiding from her! Retreating to her room, Elizabeth pulled out a few loose bricks within the walls of he
r bedchambers, retrieving a small velvet black box. Impatiently, she opened the box, retrieving the black crystal Valaris stole from Daegan’s magus.

  * * * *

  Akaisha continued her search for the werewolf who approached her while in Elizabeth’s company the evening before. She needed to speak with him; however, the task would be daunting since Elizabeth concealed his name from her. This was another black mark against the older woman.

  As Akaisha returned to the entrance of the castle, she envisioned a man, locked in what appeared to be some type of confinement. Dirty and weak, the man was purposely cut off from the outside world.

  “Akaisha, are you all right?” Elizabeth’s voice rudely penetrated the daywalker’s vision.


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