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Flawlessly Flawed

Page 2

by Amelia Shea

  She crooked her finger and motioned for him to come closer to her. He didn’t move. But she noticed his body tightened and tensed. He wasn’t as calm as he wanted her to think. She inched closer gliding her hands up his chest. Her own body slightly shivered. She could feel his muscles; he was as hard as a rock. She could also feel his beating heart and slid her hands up to his shoulders. She pulled him close to her. His hands dropped and he leaned into her slightly. Her small smile grew as she moved closer until her lips were almost grazing his ear.

  She whispered, “When I got off to you, you were between my legs, tasting me, licking me everywhere.” Her hands slid down to his hard stomach. “Mmmm…it was so good, T, so hot, and I came so hard with your name on my lips.” She leaned in closer, her lips touching the outer shell of his ear. “That wasn’t the first time I did it, just the first time you heard it.”

  “What the fuck!” Tina shouted from behind them. Cassie jumped back from T and spun around. Tina’s eyes darted between them both and landed on Cassie. She was livid.

  “What the hell is going on?” Tina screeched. She stormed down the hall and got directly in Cassie’s face. Cassie took a step back and Tina followed her.

  Cassie had always been the type of girl to hold her own but Tina was a different kind of crazy, bordering on the line of psychotic. Tina raised her hand and put her finger in Cassie’s face. Her eyes were enraged.

  “Are you trying to get with my man? What the fuck were you doing?” she shouted in Cassie’s face.

  Cassie looked to T, who looked completely unaffected by the scene playing out in front of him. Tina grabbed Cassie’s face. “Don’t you fucking look at him, bitch. I should kill you right now!”

  Yeah, Tina was definitely psychotic and once again, Cassie’s smart mouth had gotten her in trouble. It was the story of her life. But she was a fast thinker; you had to be when you got into trouble.

  Cassie spread her hands in front of her in a sign of peace. “Tina, I wasn’t trying to get with him or hit on him, I swear. I know your birthday is coming up and I just thought we’d have a little surprise party for you, that’s all. I was just asking T what he thought.” Her words were slightly muffled due to Tina’s death grip on her face. Cassie tried to smile at Tina and prayed she’d buy this bullshit.

  Tina released Cassie’s face and stepped back. Cassie widened her mouth to stretch out her jaw. Jesus, that girl had strong hands. She was sure she’d left a mark. Cassie watched Tina’s confused face as she looked over to T.

  “Is that true?”

  T watched from his spot. His eyes casually looked to Tina and then landed on Cassie. His face was emotionless and serious. He stared at Cassie then looked back to Tina.


  Cassie’s eyes widened and Tina’s head whipped back to her.

  “She offered me her pussy,” T continued.

  Cassie gasped. “I did not!”

  T’s eyes met hers and his brows cocked up. “When a bitch tells me she fucked herself to me, I take that as an offer.”

  “You little cunt!” Tina screamed and rushed to Cassie but T grabbed her around her waist and held her back. “You fucking slut!” Tina thrashed in T’s arms but he held onto her.

  That was the only thing Cassie was thankful to this asshole for. If he let go, she was pretty much fucked.

  “Calm the fuck down.” His voice was stern. “She can offer but I ain’t taking. What the hell would I do with that anyway?” He snarled in disgust and his head motioned to her as Tina calmed down.

  Cassie stared at the two of them. For all the fight she thought she had, his words stung. What the hell would I do with that? Cassie knew she wasn’t gorgeous and she didn’t have Tina’s body, all huge boobs and ass, but she wasn’t a horror show. However, after T’s comment, she kind of felt like one.

  Tina let out a nasty laugh. “Yeah, right? This bitch couldn’t handle you anyway, and she is no competition for me. Right, lover?”

  T pulled her back into her bedroom, his eyes on Cassie. “None.”

  Cassie’s heart sank at the dig. She watched them back into the room and slam the door behind them. She released the breath she had been holding and stared at the door. She could hear Tina’s nasty laugh from inside. Cassie shook her head and headed down the hall into the kitchen. That’s what she got for trying to be slick, almost killed by a psychotic bitch and a wounded ego.

  * * * *

  T grabbed his shirt and was trying to put it on while watching Tina play with herself. He had to give it to her, she might be a fucking crazy bitch but she was just his kind of dirty. This was the type of girl he’d always gone for, the slut who knew what to expect. T didn’t have it in him to be someone’s boyfriend. He didn’t watch movies and cuddle on the couch. He wasn’t the guy girls brought home to meet the parents. He didn’t date, he fucked.

  He focused his attention back to Tina lying on the bed with her hand moving between her thighs. She moaned a little too loud and T knew it was for show. But what the hell, he’d enjoy the show.

  He needed something to get his mind off Cassie. Cassie. That girl was killing him. From the day he set eyes on her, she had taken up too much space in his head. He couldn’t remember ever seeing beauty like Cassie’s. Soft face with big doe eyes. Small, almost fragile body. She was the complete opposite of every girl he’d ever been with, and polar opposite of everything he was.

  Not much surprised him but she was unpredictable. One minute she was sweet and innocent, blushing at him, and the next she was crooking her finger and tempting him. He had been close to going to her. He had to force himself not to move. She had a strange effect on him—hearing her voice describe her fucking herself, he almost lost it. He wanted to grab her and fuck her right out of his system. Done. But that wasn’t going to happen, not with her. A girl like her, once would never be enough.

  She was just a good girl trying to play a bad girl. He’d only said a few words to her before last night but he knew. She was a good girl—the couch cuddler, the meet the parents, the dinner date. She was the hand-holding type of girl. The exact opposite of everything he was and that thought pissed him off.

  Last week, he’d gone to the kitchen to grab a beer but stopped in the hall when he saw the television on and Cassie snuggled on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. She was throwing it in the air and trying to catch it with her mouth. She sucked, missing every time. On her last try, she got it, throwing her fist in the air with a triumphant, “Yes!” This chick was weird but fuck if it didn’t make him smile. He watched her grab a handful and shove it in her mouth. For a brief second, he wondered what it would be like to be sitting next to her on that couch.

  When he walked out, she looked over, gave him a tight smile, then quickly averted her eyes. He made her nervous. He made everyone nervous.

  After grabbing his beer he walked over to the couch where she sat. Looking down at her, he could tell she was staring at the TV but not watching it. She was covered in a blanket with just a T-shirt showing—a gray shirt with the words, “Save Ferris” on it.

  “Who the fuck is Ferris?”

  “What?” Stunned, she looked up at him. Those big blue eyes widened. Man, those eyes are pretty.

  He pointed to her shirt.

  “Oh.” She flushed. “Um, Ferris Bueller.”

  T stared at her.

  She shifted under her blanket and sat up straight, “From Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? It’s a movie from the eighties. It’s a classic. One of my favorites.” She blushed again and her lips formed a tense smile. “My sister got it for me, ya know, ’cuz I like the movie so much.”

  T nodded and continued to stare as she squirmed on the couch. Yeah, he made her nervous. Silently, he turned toward the hall and walked back down to Tina’s room. His lips crept into a small smile. That was one of his favorite movies, too.

  Even after that night, he found himself thinking of her and he hated it. Women didn’t get inside his head,
ever. But with Cassie, she was constantly there, the thought of her face, her body, even her fucking laugh.

  That thought angered him almost as much as the look on Cassie’s face when he said she was no competition for Tina. He might as well have stabbed her. He’d never been one to care about hurting someone’s feelings but with Cassie, it ate away at him. Fuck!

  T had a certain type of woman that he fucked. Not dated, not slept with, just fucked. Sex was the only thing he was interested in, and he made that known from the beginning. Those women knew the score, although there were a few who believed they were different, that somehow they’d be special and he’d fall for them. T scoffed at the idea. No woman would ever get anything but an orgasm from him.

  His eyes focused back on Tina. As soon as this job was done he’d be rid of this bitch. He had spent the last week counting down the days. Being with this skank was almost unbearable but the job called for it, and he was the only one willing. Tonight it would be over.

  T sat on the bed still watching and laced up his boots. Tina was almost finished. She groaned and screamed out, “Oh, baby!” It was hot but not nearly as hot as the little pixie screaming out his name. He didn’t even get to see that but the thought of it and hearing his name on her lips, he almost blew his load in his jeans. That fucking chick was testing him with her sassy tongue. Just the memory of her hands on him, so small and gentle, he felt his dick harden. He needed to get out of here, away from her. Cassie was confusing him, making him second guess how he felt. He needed her to get the fuck out of his head.

  “How come I can’t come with you?” Tina whined, breaking him out of his daze over the little pixie.

  “I’m meeting a buddy at Jack’s.” T reached over to the nightstand for his phone as Tina crawled on the bed toward him.

  She put her arms around his shoulders and got close to his ear. “If he’s a close buddy then I should come, have some drinks with you guys.” She kissed his neck. “Then we can all come back here and fuck.”

  T slowly turned to Tina, who had a coy smile on her face. She probably thought she was coming off sexy. She wasn’t. The only threesomes that T participated in had involved only one dick. His. T shrugged her hands off him and got up walking to the door. He opened it and turned to face her.

  “No.” His tone was serious. “I’ll be back tonight, late. Be here.”

  T closed the door behind him and walked toward the front door but abruptly stopped when he heard Cassie talking to herself.

  She had her back to him. She had the empty platter of brownies in her hands with the top off and was looking up to the ceiling. “Really? After the kind of morning I had, I can’t even get a friggin’ brownie? Seriously?”

  This wasn’t the first time he caught her talking to herself. Actually, she did it a lot.

  T’s lips quirked up at the corner. This one was just as crazy as the bitch he left in her room. But this one was a different kind of crazy, the kind that got to you, the kind that wiggled her way in and made him wish for things, want things. For T, this one was a dangerous kind of crazy. Wanting this girl was never the plan, neither was liking her. He didn’t need this complication in his life. He had to keep Cassie far away, and if being a dick was what he had to do then so be it. Wouldn’t be the first time he had pushed a woman away. This was just the first time he regretted having to do it.

  He watched Cassie release a heavy sigh and stomp to the fridge in a pair of moose slippers. He shook his head. The chick was weird. Her hips swayed and his eyes focused on them. Everything about her was small—her ass, her tits, even her features were tiny, almost elf-like, but it worked on her. Her short blonde hair sticking out in all directions made her cute as hell. She whipped open the door and bent over, giving T an incredible view of her tight ass in her skintight yoga pants. He clenched his teeth and stared. This one was definitely dangerous.

  “Where the hell is the milk?” she grumbled.

  “I drank it,” T stated.

  Cassie jumped up whacking her head on the top of the fridge, “Owww!” She rubbed her head while she turned around. She straightened her body and stared at him. He met her eyes and had to suppress a laugh. She was fucking fuming. She continued to rub her head as she closed the door to the fridge.

  “So, you drank all the milk? That’s mine you know, I pay for that, not Tina,” Cassie was infuriated, which only intensified T’s need to mess with her. There weren’t many people who were willing to go head to head with him but little pixie wasn’t backing down. And he liked that more than he wanted to admit.

  “You need to buy more then,” T said in a bored tone, but he was enjoying this little banter they had going. It was hard to keep a straight face while seeing her in those ridiculous slippers.

  She scowled at him. “And my brownies?

  “What do you think I used the milk for? To wash down the brownies.”

  “They were mine!” She took two steps toward T.

  T took two steps forward as well and they were now only a few inches apart.

  “They were yours, now they are gone.”

  She scowled at him. “You’re a jerk!”


  Cassie stared at T, still glaring. He knew she would back down, everyone always backed down. But he had to give her credit for coming at him; most men didn’t even have the balls to do that. Little pixie was a fireball; he liked that, a little too much. He scowled back at her. This girl was getting under his skin in a way that he didn’t like.

  “Don’t be here tonight,” T ordered.


  “Don’t fucking be here I said,” T demanded again, getting frustrated.

  “Uh…hello…I live here. You can’t tell me I can’t come into my own home.” He could tell she was getting angrier but he needed her to stay away. This was what he had been working on for weeks. His job was going to end as soon as they caught Tina’s brother, and with him being so unpredictable, he didn’t want Cassie anywhere near this scene tonight.

  Through gritted teeth, T grated out, “I just fucking did. You will not be here tonight, do you understand?” He knew his voice and words scared her as she retreated. He had a gift of being able to scare the shit out of people. Usually, he enjoyed it but today he didn’t. For some reason he couldn’t explain, the fear in her eyes bothered him.

  She nodded. “Fine.” Her tone wasn’t defiant. She would stay away.

  T turned around and walked toward the door but stopped when he heard her mutter under her breath.

  “Great, this is just great.”

  He looked over to Cassie whose eyes looked worried as she tapped her finger to her lips. “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes came back to T, almost as if she forgot he was there. “Nothing.”

  T inhaled a deep breath. “I don’t like fucking repeating myself.”

  “It’s fine. Go, just go.”

  T stalked back to Cassie and planted his hands on the counter that separated them, his patience quickly withering. “What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong?”

  She took a step back and threw her hands in the air. “God, why are you like this?”

  “Cassie,” he said in warning, taking a deep breath to calm himself. “What’s the problem?”

  She stared at him, her brows quirking up and her face relaxing a bit. She shifted on her feet and pointed down the hall. “Well, I mean, you kind of threw me under the bus back there with Tina and now you’re leaving. I just thought…”

  “You thought what?”

  “I didn’t think you were leaving and now I’m going to be alone with some psycho who thinks I offered sex to her boyfriend.” Her gaze dropped to the floor.

  Shit! He hadn’t thought about that. He grabbed his phone and checked the time. “How much time ya need?”


  “How much time you need to get ready?”

  “You’re going to wait for me?”

  T released a heavy breath and s
cowled at her, cocking his head to the side.

  “Right, that’s a yes. I just need to change, I’ll be super quick.” Her face was a mixture of relief and confusion but she quickly rushed to the hall. He started to text Stone he was running late.

  “Hey, T?”

  He looked over to meet her blue eyes and small smile.


  He watched her disappear down the hall.

  Chapter 3

  T and his brother and partner, Stone, had spent the last four hours watching Cassie’s apartment. Their job, Tina’s brother Jimmy, had eluded them several times. He had jumped bail four weeks ago and T’s family’s company, Garrison Securities, had picked up the job. T and Stone were two of the best bounty hunters in the area but this job had proved especially difficult. Jimmy was set on not getting caught because he was looking at years behind bars.

  It was T’s job to get close to Tina, Jimmy’s only lifeline. Longest fucking two weeks of his life he spent banging and tolerating that junkie bitch while waiting for Jimmy to come out of hiding.

  Fifteen minutes ago, they watched him sneak into the apartment building. They were giving him time to get comfortable before they apprehended him. He was ready for this job to be over.

  “Bogs got everything set?” T asked, watching the building from the tinted truck. His other brother, Bogs, was the computer whiz for the company. Tonight, he served as backup for T and Stone.

  “Yeah, this should go smoothly.” Stone glanced up from the laptop resting in his lap. “Safe house is secured and Marnie knows she’s coming.”

  They had used the safe house before on other jobs. Most times, it was to secure someone for their own safety. In Tina’s case, she would have a place to detox. They had contacted Marnie, who ran it, letting her know to expect a new guest. But they all agreed Tina wouldn’t go willingly.

  They knew they would have to get something on Tina to keep her quiet. Her coke addiction was the perfect ammo to threaten her. T hated drugs, never used, and despised anyone who did. Spending the last weeks with this coked-up bitch had been fucking torture. Sure, he got his dick wet but he would have preferred it not to be with her.


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