Flawlessly Flawed

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Flawlessly Flawed Page 8

by Amelia Shea

  T noticed his date wasn’t next to him. He watched Bogs walk through the crowd and hold out his hand to someone he couldn’t see. He saw him start to smile and then he placed his hands together in a pleading stance. T shook his head and smirked. That fucking jackass could get any bitch he wanted but it seemed there was one who was making him work for it. He continued to watch his brother plead with the mystery girl in the crowd before dropping down on one knee. T grinned at Bogs. His brother cracked him up. Before he could go down to both knees a hand reached out and Bogs hopped up triumphantly. It looked like little brother was getting some pussy tonight.

  T’s smile faded and his anger escalated to full fury as he watched Bogs and Cassie walk out onto the dance floor. Now, he was really going to fucking kill that little shit.


  The entire table turned to T. He kept his eyes on Bogs and Cassie. They were both laughing and although she looked a little uncomfortable, she also looked like she was enjoying herself. With his brother. It was a fast song so they weren’t touching but they were too close for T’s liking. He couldn’t contain his anger; he balled up his fists, his fingers digging into his palms. He was ready to jump up and grab her from the dance floor but the song had just ended. He waited for them to leave the floor but another song came on. This time it was slow. Before Cassie could walk away, Bogs reached for her hand and pulled her into his arms.

  T shot up from the table and stalked to the dance floor. He powered through the couples, bumping into a few and not giving a shit. Cassie’s back was to him when he caught sight of them. Bogs watched as he got closer. That dickhead had the nerve to grin at him. Yeah, he’s a dead man.

  “Big bro, perfect timing. I have to hit the men’s room. Hey, you finish this dance with Cassie.” He placed her hand in T’s. He gripped it and pulled her to him. Bogs chuckled his way off the dance floor.

  “Ummmm…I have to go check on things.” Cassie looked up through her lashes, pulling on her hand. T refused to let it go.

  “Yeah? But you could dance with Bogs?” He scowled.

  “I just remembered,” she said cautiously.

  “Too good to dance with me, is that it?” he snapped, harsher than he intended. His anger was still raw from watching her with Bogs. Jealous of that little prick, who he would kick the shit out of by the end of the night. Bogs knew exactly what he was doing by asking Cassie to dance. T knew Bogs had seen through his bullshit about not wanting her. Asshole was probably laughing his ass off at seeing T fume over a girl.

  “No. Shouldn’t you be dancing with your date?” Her tone was challenging.

  Ignoring her comment, T released her hand and wrapped both arms around her waist. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders and they swayed slowly to the music. Their bodies were so close he could almost feel her breath. He could also feel her body tense.

  “This ain’t so bad, right?”

  She shook her head. She didn’t meet his eyes, instead she stared down at his chest.

  “I don’t dance,” T said.

  Cassie started giggling and looked up at him. Her face lit up and her eyes and nose crinkled. Her body shook under his hands and her giggle grew louder. He liked that sound. It was carefree and innocent, and it fit her perfectly.


  She grinned. “That’s the name of the song, I Don’t Dance.”

  T listened intently and heard the lyrics. He pulled Cassie closer to him until they were against each other. Holding her close, he felt his body react to her. He hated dancing, he never did it, but here, with Cassie, he’d fucking dance. They weren’t dancing like the other couples but that was fine by him, he liked his hands on her waist.

  He could feel every inch of her body against his. She was smaller than most women he had been with, and not just in height—she had a small ass and small tits. He usually went for the opposite; he went for the type of girl he brought tonight.

  “For someone who doesn’t dance, you’re pretty good at it.” Her warm smile lit up her face and he tightened his grip on her waist as they moved to the music. He breathed in her scent—sweet, flowery, like apples.


  “Your date isn’t a black belt, is she? She looks like she’d like to judo chop me.” She snickered.

  T looked to his right to see his table and exactly what Cassie was seeing. Rene was glaring at them. He turned back to Cassie, who was still looking over at his table.

  “I told her I don’t dance, she’s probably fucking pissed that I’m dancing with ya.”

  “So, why are you dancing with me then?”

  She looked up curiously, her blue eyes penetrating his. He didn’t answer, instead he pulled her closer to him. Cassie shivered and darted her gaze back over to his table.

  “Only one girl, huh? Slow night?” Sarcasm dripped from her tone. She quirked one eyebrow. She was trying to lighten the mood, he knew it.

  His eyes heated and she stared back at him. He could see heart beating at her chest, she was effected by him. He sure as fuck was affected by her.

  “Night ain’t over yet,” he teased.

  Cassie ducked her head to his chest but not before he saw a small smile on her lips. She peered over at his table again.

  “She’s really pretty,” she paused, “and she sure fills out that dress.”

  “You fishing for a compliment?”

  Cassie whipped her head up. “No!” she snapped and then snorted. “Everyone is built differently, some luckier than others.”

  He leaned down to her ear and whispered, “I like how you fill out your dress.”

  “Yeah, right, my lack of cleavage is so enticing.”

  T growled. “All I need is a mouthful and I’m golden. My dick’s been hard all night thinking about what you got under that dress.”

  Cassie gasped and she blushed. She looked up at him with heat but it faded quickly. He surveyed her expression. Something in her head changed from to desire to distance. T watched her pull back as the song ended. She looked hurt by his words, which was fucking crazy since he just admitted how much he wanted her.

  “I told you, I don’t do threesomes, so you’ll have to find another girl to go home with you and your date,” she murmured, and looked to the floor before she walked away from him.

  Shit! That was not what he meant. Little did she know, the only girl he wanted in his bed was her. He’d fucked up, again. He needed to give her time. He pissed her off and he needed to give her a little space. A week, maybe four or five days. Fuck it, he’d give her the weekend, then he was going to her. He shook his head upon realizing what he was going to do. In two days, he’d do something he’d never done before, he was going to ask a girl on a date. Fuck me!

  He walked back to the table angrier than he had been when he got up. This girl had gotten under his skin, something no other girl had ever done.

  He pulled out his seat and dropped into it. He noticed Sadie smiling at him. He softened his face. He wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of confirming what she thought and the shit Bogs had been spreading—T found a girl, a keeper. Still, Sadie was special and didn’t deserve his anger. He felt a hand on his knee.

  His date, on the other hand, was gonna get all his shit if she didn’t back the fuck off. He gripped her wrist hard enough to warn her but not hurt her. He pulled it off his knee and turned to her getting a few inches from her face. He wouldn’t embarrass his family by having another outburst but he was going to make it clear that she wasn’t the red dress he wanted to strip down.

  “I thought you didn’t dance,” she bitched.

  “I don’t.”

  “But I just saw you with that…”

  “Have a few drinks, eat your dinner and enjoy the fancy shit. But that’s it. Nothing’s happening between you and me, so back the fuck off.”

  She gasped and got up from the table. Bogs’ date glared at T and also got up to follow her sister.

p; Roxanne giggled. “Wow, T, not only alienating your own date but other’s dates too? You’re like the Anti-Prince Charming.”

  T rolled his eyes and ignored his little sister’s jab. He scanned the room but caught no sight of the little red dress.

  Time. He was going to give her some time. He fucked things up tonight, scared her away. This girl was different, he was different with her. He was done trying to get her out of his head, he wanted her, and he was going to have her.

  * * * *

  Cassie was still reeling from her dance with T. He was so hot and sexy, and completely wrong for her. Everything about him said Run Cassie, run, but she stayed and had the best dance of her life with a guy who didn’t dance. It was amazing until he opened his mouth. T would be perfect if he would just shut the hell up. She hated the way he made her feel, wanting him, consumed by thoughts of him, giving her just enough nice to like him, and then ripping it away. She shook her head and released a frustrated grunt. She may want him but she wasn’t going to have him. She was nobody’s third in a threesome.

  The Gala had ended about an hour ago and the cleanup crew were almost done. She was obligated to stay until they finished. She grabbed a plate of dessert and a beer from the bar and hung out at an empty table.

  She hadn’t seen T after the dance. If she was being honest, she was doing her best to hide. It was just as well, he had a date and there was no way her red dress could compare to his date’s. Somewhere buried deep she heard him say “What would I even do with that?” His words still stung weeks later.

  “Excuse me, Miss?”

  Cassie turned to find one of the wait staff at her side. He was dressed in the white collared shirt and black pants uniform. The staff they had was phenomenal. She smiled at him and put her beer on the table.


  “Hey. Did you want us to throw out the picture board too?”

  The Haggard Group had made a picture board of success stories for display. The thought behind it was smart. People were more inclined to donate if they saw that their money was really going to help actual kids. The group had made the display and Evie had set it up. She hadn’t gotten the chance to check it out.

  Cassie grabbed her bottle and her plate. “I’ll take care of it. Thanks.”

  She threw out her garbage on the way to the patio. It was still lit up as she made her way to the table. She smiled as she looked over all the pictures. So many happy kids who found what the Haggards called “forever homes.” This was definitely something they’d want back.

  She took the first two boards down and leaned them against the table. She grabbed the third and stopped when she saw the picture. She stared at it. She knew those faces. She read the write-up from Mrs. Haggard.

  While all my success stories hold a special place in my heart, this one will forever be a favorite of mine. They went from being a loving couple to a family of seven in two short years. The love in this family knows no boundaries; John and Darla gave their home and more importantly, their hearts, to these amazing children. And in return, these children gave theirs. If you want to see what will become of your donation tonight, I ask that you look at the love and happiness in these children’s faces. The Garrison Family is the reason we do what we do…

  She smiled through her tears as she looked at the Garrison kids. Her eyes landed on T. He was about fifteen in the picture, young and a bit scrawny, but she could see T in his face. Brown hair and dark eyes with a smile, a real smile. God, he was truly a beautiful boy when he smiled. He was standing on a porch in a row with three other boys. She looked closer and recognized Stone and Bogs. In front of them was a little girl with long dark hair laughing so hard her face was completely scrunched up. She was adorable. Roxanne. On either end of the boys were a man and a woman. She didn’t know the woman but she knew the man. T’s dad.

  Cassie stared at that picture for a while until her soft smile fell. T had a wonderful family now. But she wondered what his life was like before he got to the Garrisons. She immediately shook the thought out of her mind. T wasn’t hers.

  Chapter 9

  CASSIE had spent the weekend recovering from the Gala. She slept most of the weekend. She needed to recoup because she knew Monday morning would hold yet another event that would have Beverly ranting and raving.

  Monday proved to be exactly that. From the moment she arrived at work until she left ten minutes ago, Beverly had been barking orders at her and Evie. Nine hours later she was finally home; she unlocked her apartment door and walked in.

  Flicking on the lights, she screeched when she saw a guy sitting on the countertop. Cassie hadn’t seen Tina’s brother, Jimmy, in months. He had always creeped her out a bit. He was nice but there was a certain look in his eyes that was off.

  “Finally!” Jimmy hopped down from the counter and stalked to Cassie. “Need a favor.”

  Cassie stood in the middle of the kitchen. shocked and slightly scared. Jimmy was definitely on something. His eyes were bloodshot and he was all twitchy. His clothes were wrinkly as though he had slept in them for days. This was not good.

  She spared a quick glance around the apartment and saw it was destroyed. Cushions were on the floor, drawers in the kitchen were open with everything poured out onto the floor. The place was a mess.

  “What happened?” She was bewildered.

  “I was looking for something.”

  “For what?”

  “None of your fucking business.” He inhaled deeply. “Look, I need to get my shit. Tina has it and I need it back.”

  “Can’t you go ask her, in jail, during visiting hours, I mean.” Cassie rocked back on her heels, trying to calm her body.

  “Warrants, can’t step foot near that jail. Now, I need a favor,” he snarled. She could tell from his glare that he was losing his patience.

  Cassie watched him stare at her while he fidgeted. She could see his anger building. She shifted to the left, closer to the door, but he mirrored her move and came toward her.

  “Call him, that guy, call him now.” He jittered and shoved a cell phone into her hand.

  “What guy?”

  “T Garrison.”

  Cassie shook her head. “Jimmy, I don’t know him. He was Tina’s boyfriend, I only saw him here a few times,” she lied. She was not calling T, no way.

  Jimmy snorted in disgust. “Tina’s boyfriend? Is that what he told you?”


  “Call him!” he shouted, and spit piddled out of his mouth. He looked like he was seconds away from losing his shit and she was the only person in sight. She thought, quickly hoping to diffuse the situation. She didn’t want to have to call T but Jimmy was really scaring her.

  “I don’t even know his number.” Her fear grew as she assessed the situation. Jimmy was freaked out and desperate. This was not a good combination.

  “Contacts, under T. Fucking call him.”

  She looked down at the hot pink case-covered phone, Tina’s phone. She took a deep breath. She’d just call him. At this point, she needed some kind of help. Cassie was realizing quickly that she was in a very dangerous situation. Damn that bitch, Tina.

  She hit T’s name under contacts and listened to it ring.

  “Who is this?” His voice was gruff. It was definitely T.

  “Uh hey, T, this is Cassie,” she said shakily. She kept her eyes on Jimmy, who was still twitching.

  There was silence and if not for the background noise she would have thought he hung up.

  “Um, Tina’s roommate?” she added nervously. More silence. Shit, he didn’t remember her. He just saw her two nights ago, they friggin’ danced. This was not the time for him to be acting like an ass. He probably thought she was stalking him again. Great, I’m fucked.

  “Why are you calling from Tina’s phone?” Yeah, he definitely thought she was in stalker mode.

  She made eye contact with Jimmy and nodded her head for further instruction. Jimmy mouthed,
“Does he know where I am?” and pointed to the phone. Her eyes grew confused. Why would T want to know about Jimmy? She mouthed, “What?”

  Jimmy came close to her and pointed to the phone and whispered, “Tell him you talked to Tina, she wants to know if they found me. Just do it.”

  “Cassie?” T’s voice got her attention back. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “Yeah, so I was, um, talking with Tina and she wanted me to call and see if you’ve gotten her brother yet?” Jimmy’s eyes crinkled and he smiled. He approved of her start. Thank God!

  “You talked to Tina? About Jimmy?” He was skeptical.

  “Um, yeah. She called from jail and asked if I could reach out to you and see if you’ve picked up Jimmy.” She nodded at Jimmy who nodded back.

  “She called you at home? Just now?” T asked. She could hear rustling in the background and voices whispering.

  Cassie was confused by his question but just went with it. “Yeah.”

  Jimmy walked toward her and mouthed “What?” Cassie shrugged her shoulders. He pushed her back. “Ask him again.” He was getting angry. Shit!

  “So um, T, do you know where Jimmy is, do have any um…leads?”

  There was more silence except for doors slamming and Cassie began to panic. If she didn’t get Jimmy some kind of information, he was going to lose his shit.

  “T?” Her voice cracked as desperation set in. Jimmy was not in his right mind; he was wired and cranked out on something.

  “Shit,” she whispered, and backed up from Jimmy who was stalking toward her.

  “No leads. The guy is probably out of the state, maybe even the country. He’s in the wind. Closing his file,” T responded.

  Cassie covered the phone and said, “He said they have no leads, they’re closing your file.”

  Relief swept Jimmy’s face and she took a deep breath. Jimmy nodded and mouthed, “Cool, hang up.”

  Cassie nodded back. “Okay, I’ll let her know. Thanks. Bye.”


  “Yeah?” she asked while Jimmy paced around the room. His relief was short lived and she assumed he was thinking of his next move. By the immense twitching, he was also planning on his next fix. This was such a bad scenario. How do I get myself into these situations?


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