Flawlessly Flawed

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Flawlessly Flawed Page 9

by Amelia Shea

  “How is she?”



  “Oh right. She’s good, I mean okay, she’s okay.” Cassie felt herself becoming annoyed by T’s questions. If he was so concerned he should visit her. Jealousy is ugly.

  Cassie stared at Jimmy, who was fidgeting and scratching at his arms. Watching him she could see the beads of sweat form on his forehead and lip. He was jonesing for something and Cassie feared she might be in some deep shit.

  “She ask about me?”

  Cassie blinked and focused back on the phone. Fear getting the best of her, she had almost forgotten T was on the phone. Cassie took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. She couldn’t panic. Panic would just leave her helpless.

  “Um…we didn’t talk long, she was, um, you know…”

  “No, I don’t know.”

  “Well, in jail.”

  Jimmy stalked over to Cassie and gripped her left arm. He whispered, “Hang up.”

  Cassie nodded her head. “Okay, so, I gotta run but it was nice talking to you and I’ll tell Tina you were asking about her. I’m sure she misses you.” While keeping eye contact with Jimmy, Cassie took in a deep breath.

  “Cass?” T asked quietly.

  “Yeah?” Cassie whispered.

  “I’m about ten minutes away, just stay with me, pixie.” T’s voice was sweet and calming. Oh my God, did he just call her pixie again! He must know Jimmy was there.

  “Okay.” Cassie nodded.

  “Good girl. Just keep talking to me, don’t hang up.” She had never heard T so endearing. Aside from their dance and the coffee shop incident, he had always been a complete dick. Well, there was also that time when he took care of her when her room was trashed and Tina left. Then he was sweet. Argh! Shut up, Cassie, and focus.

  Jimmy watched Cassie and his eyes began to twitch again. She could see it in his eyes, suspicion. He knew something was up. He moved in closer to Cassie and blocked her from moving by caging her in with his arms. She retreated at his snarling lips. “Fucking hang up, bitch.”

  Cassie’s breath hitched and her heart began to race. If she hung up something bad might happen but if she didn’t hang up now, she was certain something bad would most definitely happen.

  “He’s asking me about Tina, I can’t just hang up.” Cassie said it purposely loud so T would hear.

  Their heads were so close together that she knew if T spoke, Jimmy would hear him and just as that fear set in, she heard T’s voice.

  “Almost there, Cassie, just stay on the line and we’ll get him.”

  Jimmy’s face turned red and his temple pulsed, he was so enraged. He ripped the phone from Cassie’s ear and threw it against the wall screaming, “You fucking bitch! I’ll kill you.”

  Cassie’s eye went wide as his fist drew closer to her face.

  She threw her hands up to block him but she was no match. His curled fist landed on her cheek and knocked her against the wall. The pain in her face ripped through her as she slumped down. She instinctively curled into a ball when she hit the floor. Instant pain racked her body when Jimmy’s foot landed on her back. She screamed at the top of her lungs before feeling a sharp pain to her head and then she saw black.

  * * * *

  “You fucking bitch, I’ll kill you!” Jimmy screamed right before the phone went dead.

  “Fuck!” T slammed his hand into the dashboard, which was now dented with his fist print.

  “What? What the hell is going on?” Stone asked, his voice full of concern. T had briefed him at the bar as they were leaving. He had no idea Jimmy was with her until he heard him in the background. Damn it! He had to get to her.

  “Fuck, that asshole fucking heard me. He knows, he fucking knows. Fuck, man, drive fucking faster. Shit!” T’s voice was intense and angry. He had screwed this up royally, and now Cassie was stuck with a drugged-out, unpredictable, dangerous motherfucker.

  “Fuck, man, we’ll get there. Call Bogs, tell him we need a tracer on that phone.”

  T texted Bogs for an immediate tracer on his phone and Tina’s. He knew something was up when he saw the number. He should have guessed that Jimmy would go back to his sister’s house. He should have known and set up surveillance. Now Cassie was there with him alone, in God knows what circumstances. Motherfucker!

  Stone drove through every red light and they made it to Cassie’s apartment in less than five minutes but it was still five minutes too long. They pulled up in front and T jumped out before the truck stopped moving. He charged up the stairs to the main entrance and threw his shoulder into it to bust the security lock. The door flew open and he raced up the stairs two at a time. He could hear footsteps not far behind; Stone was only a flight below him.

  On her floor he ran to the door and stopped abruptly. Breathing heavily, he placed his hand on the knob and leaned his head to the door. He had to know what they were rushing into. Silence. Stone reached the door as he turned the knob and slowly opened it. The room was dark with only a small shaft of light coming from down the hall.

  They crept in and surveyed the apartment. The place had been completely flipped. To his left he scanned the kitchen. Drawers were emptied. It was a mess, with food and wrappers everywhere. Jimmy must have camped out waiting for her. He inched closer to see a used needle thrown haphazardly on the counter. T’s body tensed and his heart began to race. He was shooting up with Cassie here? Where the hell was she? If he laid one finger on her, he would kill him. T felt a hand on his back.

  “Pull it together, man.”

  T shook off Stone’s hand and stalked to the light coming from the hallway. The fear that ripped through him had him breathing hard. He was a foot away from the couch when he saw slight movement from the corner of his eye. He turned toward it and tried to focus through the dark.

  “T…” Her voice trembled and he heard her before he actually saw her. He rushed over as a light came on to illuminate the room. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of her.

  She was crumpled in a ball on the floor, her eyes red rimmed. Her clothes were ripped and she had a gash on her cheekbone. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach and streaks of tears covered her cheeks. She looked so fucking scared.

  He was immediately transported back in a memory, huddled in the corner, battered and bruised, bleeding, crying, and fearing for his life as a boy. Paralyzed by fear, he saw a young boy, no more than seven or eight. Staring back at him was a childhood T.

  “Holy fuck!” Stone whispered from behind him.

  T snapped back to the now. He stood motionless, his rage filtering through his entire body, the need to punch something radiating through him. He clenched his fists and jaw. He was going to kill that motherfucker when he got his hands on him.

  Cassie stared at him in fear and backed away slightly on the floor. Stone walked over to her with his hands held up in front of him. His tone was soft, the way he would talk to a child.

  “Cassie, you remember me, right? From the other night?”

  Her eyes shifted to Stone and then back to T. She was frightened and looking to T but he was immobile. His anger had him stuck in his spot. He feared if he did move he’d throw the fucking couch out the window. He could only imagine what she must have seen when she looked at him. If what he felt was written on his face, she’d see pure rage.

  “Sweetheart?” Stone whispered. She looked back at Stone and tears streamed down her face.

  “It’s okay, Cassie. You’re okay. Is he still here?”

  Cassie slowly shook her head. Stone nodded back.

  “Good. I’m going to come closer, okay?”

  Cassie’s eyes widened and she looked at T again. She shook her head vigorously.

  “Okay, sweetheart, I won’t, I’ll stay right here. No one’s gonna hurt you, Cassie, I promise.”

  Her voice was low and shaky but it was clear. “T?”

  His rage dissipated immediately. She was calling for h
im. She wanted him. He watched her eyes plead with him. He walked over to her and bent down to his knees in front of her. He held out his hand for her to take.

  “Come here, Cassie.” His voice was quiet but stern. He needed to give her soft reassurance but right now, he didn’t have soft. The best he could do was try to be gentle with her.

  She hesitantly reached out and clasped T’s hand. Her hand shook slightly. He leaned forward as Stone backed up. His body crowded hers in the cramped corner by the couch. She watched him as he moved in closer to her. When he was directly in front of her, he released her hand, and reached under her legs and around her back to cradle her against him.

  “I’m going to pick you up now. You tell me if anything hurts, okay?” He tried to muster up a gentle, non-threatening voice. This was a hard feat considering everything about him was threatening, but she nodded. When he lifted her up, her arms circled his neck. He felt her rapid heartbeat against his chest and for some reason he couldn’t explain, it calmed him. He hugged her closer.

  “You good?” he whispered. He felt her nod against his shoulder. He met Stone’s eyes filled with concern and questions.

  “Cass, I’m gonna sit down on the couch and Stone’s going to check your place. Just hold on to me. You’re good. I gotcha, pixie, I gotcha,” he muttered. T felt her arms tighten around him.

  Stone nodded to T and backed up. T watched him retreat down the hall and leaned back to sit on the couch. Cassie’s body quivered but held him tight. He could hear the hitch in her breath as his hand caressed her back. He was trying to comfort her but he wasn’t good at this shit. He never gave chicks anything but sex. This whole comfort and gentleness thing was new to him but he wanted to give it to Cassie. He wanted her to know nobody was going to hurt her. Not ever again!

  T continued to caress her back and felt her relax slightly in his arms. He shifted her onto his lap and pulled away from her but her grip was strong around his neck. “I need to check and see if anything’s broken. Let go, Cass.”

  She released his neck and he watched her slump down on his lap. He touched her stomach where she had been holding it earlier and felt her ribs. She flinched and let out a gasp.


  “A little, he kicked me. Jerk!” She breathed heavily.

  T felt it again, rage. He evened his breathing, not wanting to scare her. He moved slowly across her ribs feeling for anything broken. He didn’t. The asshole didn’t break anything when he kicked her, just bruised her. He told himself that to keep from losing his shit.

  He looked back at her. She stared at him with big blue eyes that were no longer scared but definitely in pain. A lone tear slid down her cheek. He raised his hand to wipe it away and clasped her neck in his hand. His hand looked huge near her tiny face. He caressed her jaw with his thumb.

  “I was really scared,” she whispered and wiped her cheek. “I cry when I’m scared.”

  “Nothing to be scared of now. I gotcha,” he vowed, and meant it.

  Her eyes peered into his. He fucked up. He should have been here, protecting her. Instead, he was an asshole. This girl made him feel things, made him want to be the guy who protected her. His intention had been to give her time. If he hadn’t waited the weekend this might not have happened. He’d screwed it up again. She needed him and he let her get hurt. Fuck, this could have been so much worse. His breathing was heavy, his body filled with raw emotion. He gazed down at her. Her eyes were calling to him, pulling him to her.

  He reached forward and pressed his lips to hers. He needed to feel her, really know that she was okay. He needed the contact to calm him. She gasped in surprise but didn’t pull away. Her lips were soft and full and fucking perfect. He felt the pressure against his. She deepened their kiss. His arms encircled her tiny waist and pulled her closer to him. Cuddled in his arms. Safe.

  Her tongue glided over his bottom lip. He tried to ignore the tightness in his pants. Her hands lay flat on his chest, her touch soft. She moaned and he took that opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth slowly. She reached up to his neck holding him steady, not letting go. Her mouth was sweet and silky and T couldn’t imagine softer lips than the ones pressed against his. But he knew he had to stop.

  The kiss slowed to light kisses before he pulled back.

  Her eyes were glassy from the tears but they were also heated with desire. The same desire that was constricted in his pants at the moment. This was so fucked up. He needed to back off; he had to give her that.

  “I gotta check with Stone.”

  She nodded but didn’t let go of him.

  He gently tugged her hand from his neck to her lap. “I’ll be right back.” T lifted her off his lap and onto the couch next to him. He walked to the back of the apartment to find Stone in Tina’s room.

  “Got anything?”

  “Not unless you’d like to keep some used rubbers as a keepsake. Man, this chick was fucking filthy. Hope you double bagged it.” Stone snorted with a disgusted look.

  “Every time, brother.”

  “So, what about Cassie? She can’t stay here. She got family close by?”

  “Don’t know, don’t care, she’s coming home with me,” T said firmly.

  Stone’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You’re taking her home? To your house? The same house no woman you ever bang is allowed to step foot in?” His tone was laced with sarcasm.

  T shrugged. “I didn’t bang Cassie.”

  “Yet. You haven’t banged her yet.”

  “Shut the fuck up, asshole.”

  T left the room with Stone smiling. He knew as well as T that it was just a matter of time before he’d have Cassie. He also knew this was a game changer. Bringing her home was a statement, it was a claim. Cassie was his.

  T went into Cassie’s room and threw a bunch of clothes in her bag from the closet. He went in the bathroom and grabbed the shampoo and conditioner from the shower. Seeing the apple body wash, he grabbed that too. He went back to her room to turn off the light and something on the nightstand grabbed his attention. He walked over, picked it up and stared. His lips quirked up and he shoved it in the bag and left the room.

  Stone was in the living room with Cassie when he walked back in. She looked up at him expectantly. Her face was starting to swell and he needed to clean the cut. But right now, he needed to get her outta there. The only place she would be safe was with him. He walked over to her and bent down so they were eye level.

  “It’s not safe for you to stay here. I packed a bag and I’m taking you home to my place till we can figure out where Jimmy is hiding.” He left out the part that even after they found Jimmy, she was still going to be with him. One thing at a time. He would ease her into the fact that she was his now and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her ever again.

  T expected her to argue that she wouldn’t go home with him, or insist on going to a friend’s or a hotel. He was prepared with all the rebuttals; she was going home with him. There was no other option. But what he didn’t expect was the answer he got.

  “Okay, let me get my shoes on,” she said quietly, attempting to stand, but she fell backward and winced in pain.

  “Relax, Cass, just breathe slowly.” T draped his hand over her short hair. He never gave her hair much thought but now, touching it, he was enamored with how soft it was.

  Stone came up behind him and put a pair of flip flops beside him. He carefully put them on her and looked up to find her staring at him. She smiled. “Thanks.”

  “I’m gonna carry you out, just hold on.” T picked her up. She was light as a feather. He hitched the bag over his shoulder and proceeded down the five flights to the truck.

  Time was up. His girl was going home. With him.

  Chapter 10

  THE entire ride to T’s house was silent. She had a feeling the whispering in the front seat was about her but she couldn’t be sure. This was crazy. She was going home to stay with a man she hardly knew and wh
at she did know wasn’t good. He was rude, intimidating, and scary. But then there was the other side to him he rarely showed. Dancing with him at the Gala. Her latte. That kiss. Her lips tingled with the memory of that kiss, so soft and sweet and hot. Who knew behind that vulgar mouth was the softest pair of lips?

  Vulgar was underrated though. T could have his mouth on any part of her body and make her body tingly and panties dampen. He was like no one she’d ever met. He didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. It wasn’t an act, not a vibe he gave off, he was the real deal. He really didn’t care what anyone thought of him, and in Cassie’s eyes that was damn sexy.

  The truck pulled into a driveway and Cassie peered out the window. In front was a small house, cape style, with two pop-out windows upstairs. It had a small porch with three brick steps leading to it. The lawn was small but it had a large oak in the center.

  The doors opened and T and Stone got out. Cassie reached for her own door. When it came open T’s massive body stood in front of her. His hard face showed no sign of softness. Certainly not what she saw in her apartment. She stared while he looked to the back of the truck.

  “Got her bag?”

  In the distance, she could hear Stone. “Yeah.”

  As his gaze returned to her, she mustered up a small, nervous smile. She didn’t know what got into her but when he told her she was coming home with him she agreed. Not that he asked but still…She could have protested but she hadn’t. She wanted to come home with him. She was scared and vulnerable, and somehow the idea of being with him made her feel safe. Besides, this would be the only place safer than her parents’, and she didn’t want the lecture about her unsafe environment. If her dad saw her face he would freak out. That was the last thing she needed right now.

  “Can you walk?” T asked, leaning into the door.

  “Yeah, I think so.” Cassie slid her feet to the ground and lost balance when a pain shot through her side.


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