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The Stranger Next Door

Page 7

by Chastity Bush

  His thumb ran in a slow circle over the back of her hand as he looked into her eyes. “We want to make sure you’re safe. That’s why I’m asking anything and everything I can think of.”

  A deep growl sounded softly behind her. Glancing up, she struggled to suppress the shiver that threatened to wrack her body as she took in Jack’s expression.

  Looking up, Officer Holdings must have seen something in Jack’s expression as he quickly removed his hand before clearing his throat and continuing. “It would be better if you weren’t alone until we find who’s responsible.”

  Despite the situation, Tess had the overwhelming urge to giggle. Not only was the handsome officer subtly flirting with her, not that he hadn’t always flirted with her, but Jack sounded as if he were a lion about to pounce. If she could, she would tell Jack he had nothing to worry about. If she wanted a man, despite the officer’s good looks and charm, he wouldn’t be the one she’d choose. But she had more important things to worry about than soothing Jack’s ego.

  “We don’t even know if her murderer and the men breaking in here tonight are related,” Tess argued.

  “True,” the captain replied. “But I can’t, in good conscience, leave you here alone like bait. You need to be with someone at all times or go to a safe house until this is all cleared up.”

  When she started to argue, he held up a hand to silence her. “I won’t hear anymore about it, Tess. You get someone to stay with you, you go stay with someone, or you go to a safe house. Those are your choices. Take your pick.”

  “I’ll stay with her. That is, if it’s all right?”

  Turning in her chair, she met Jack’s indigo eyes. Although his statement was voiced as a question, his eyes conveyed the weight of his words. There was no question in his expression; the hard set of his jaw told her he held no room for argument. He was staying whether she agreed or not. She knew she was in trouble. She and Jack would never be just friends, just neighbors. It was only a matter of time … and there was no escape.

  Gazing up at him a moment longer, her blood roiling through her veins, she capitulated.

  “That sounds like a fine idea,” the captain agreed.

  “Having a PI here is almost as good as having a cop living with you.”

  “I am a cop,” Tess mumbled.

  “We know that,” Captain Lewis assured her, “but he’s an extra set of eyes and knows what to do if there’s an emergency.”

  “And I don’t?”

  “You know what I mean, McCoy. Stop being so damn difficult!” Captain Lewis snapped.

  Glancing at the men surrounding her, she closed her eyes for a moment and sighed as the heat of Jack’s hands continued to seep into her.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  * * * *

  If Holdings had touched Tess one more time, he would have lost that hand.

  Never before had Jack felt that kind of jealousy. It was quite the foreign feeling, one he found he didn’t like in the least.

  Fortunately, after Tess agreed to let him stay with her until the case had been solved, the men left. They were satisfied she’d be safe with him.

  Jack, on the other hand, was still irritated with the officer’s advances, subtle though they were.

  He and Tess watched as the police got into their cars and drove down the street and out of sight.

  “It was nice of you to offer to stay with me, but you really don’t have to. I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.”

  Jack shrugged. “You could always come stay with me at my place. It might not be that bad of an idea. Whoever’s after you would look for you here and never consider my place.”

  Tess glared at him. “I’m not staying in a strange house with a man I hardly know. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, but I just can’t pack up and move in with you. Besides, I think everyone’s blowing this entire situation out of proportion. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Jack understood Tess’s reluctance to have someone looking after her. He didn’t think he could handle someone in his space watching over him twenty-four-seven without going crazy either. But he had to try. When he’d offered to stay with Tess, he hadn’t thought of all the things he’d have to pack up and tote to her house. “I understand, but I’m not leaving you alone. Someone tried to hurt you today and then tried to kidnap you tonight. If I left and something happened to you, I could never forgive myself.”

  Tess’s expression softened.

  “Now, I know you don’t like the idea of me staying here—”

  “That’s not it,” Tess interrupted. “I don’t mind you staying here. It’s just that I don’t like the idea of putting you into danger, if there is any danger. And I don’t like people thinking I can’t take care of myself.”

  “Did I miss something or didn’t I just rescue you from being kidnapped? You needed help, Tess. I know you can take care of yourself, but in a situation like that, everyone would need a little help. I fully understand how you feel. But I promised those gentlemen I’d protect you. Now, if for no other reason, please let me stay for my own peace of mind. We can go on like we did today. I’ll stay out of your way, and the only difference will be, instead of me going home after dinner, I go upstairs to the guest room.”

  Tess smiled a smile he could only interpret as one of capitulation and nodded. “All right. You can stay. While you get your things, I’ll ready one of the guest rooms.”

  Grinning, Jack opened the door and made his way across the street. He would have rather had her staying with him under his roof, but this arrangement was fine. He could still protect her, and he would get to see her in her home as she would be were he not there.

  Opening his door, Jack entered the house and went about the business of gathering his things.

  * * * *

  Jack smiled as Tess glanced back at him before continuing down the long second-floor hallway, leading him to the room that would be his indefinitely.

  Being in her home, next to her day and night, could only work to his advantage.

  He only wished better circumstances had brought him here. Selfishly, he would take any time with her he could get.

  She still appeared to be a little out of sorts he would be staying with her, and he felt the urge to try and comfort her.

  “I know you can take care of yourself, Tess, but I wouldn’t be comfortable knowing someone was out to get you, and while I was safe in my home, you were in danger in yours.”

  It was the truth. He truly liked Tess. If something happened to her, he was certain it would destroy him.

  Glancing back at him, she smiled. “Who said chivalry’s dead?” She stopped before a solid, dark-colored door.

  “This is one of the three guestrooms,” she said, twisting the knob. “The other two are finished, but I thought this one would suit you best.”

  Following her deeper into the room, he looked around and smiled. She was right. The room was perfect and surprisingly masculine.

  The floors, a rich, dark hardwood, gleamed up at him as he crossed slowly to a bay window covered with deep, blood red curtains. The mahogany and cream-colored furniture closely matched the furnishings in his own home.

  “This room has its own bathroom, computer with internet access if you need it, and a fireplace. There’s just about everything you could need in here. Even a mini-fridge in the closet.”

  “It’s perfect,” he agreed, removing the duffle bag from his shoulder and placing it on the dresser to his left. “Do you have many visitors?”

  “No, I just like to decorate. When I’m redecorating the house, it takes my mind off of everything except what I’m doing at that moment. It’s a stress reliever, if you will. Besides, I don’t see any reason to leave the rooms bare. I wanted to get the interior finished before I started work on the exterior.”

  “I understand. That’s one big bed,” he said lightly, nodding toward the massive, four-post structure in the center of the room.

  “Oh, yeah. It’s a California k
ing. I sleep in one the same size.”

  Grinning wickedly, he met her eyes. “I like a big bed. More room to … move.”

  He watched as she fought, and failed, to suppress a shiver. He moved back to gaze out of the wide bay-style window.

  After a long moment, she moved to stand beside him at the window. They stood in silence, gazing out over the open lawn. She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry I dragged you into this.”

  Jack turned to face her. The sun was already starting to rise, casting rays of pale yellows and pinks across the sky as its light filtered through the window, outlining her soft silhouette.

  For a moment, with her soft, pale skin, her ethereal glow, and petite frame outlined by the early morning sunlight, she reminded him of a fairy.

  “You didn’t get me into anything. I want to be here,” he assured her. Reaching out, he smoothed a lock of hair from her face. “To protect you.”

  The need to bend his head and take her lips beneath his in a gentle caress held him in its grasp, nearly overwhelmed him, but he couldn’t, not yet.

  Although he was experiencing feelings for her, it was still very early in the game. So early, in fact, he was still reeling from the fact he was already as attracted, as in need of her as he was. It was mind boggling, but he couldn’t deny what he felt.

  Not to mention, there was no real evidence, other than the small hints of attraction she’d displayed, that indicated she would welcome his advances.

  Allowing his fingertips to linger on her skin a moment longer, he let his arm drop to his side and watched the expressions flicker across her face.

  If there was one thing he knew about Tess, it was the fact that, no matter how hard she fought to hide her emotions, they were always visible in her expressions. “It-it’s been a long night,” she stuttered. “There are towels in the closet. If you need anything, I’m right across the hall. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen,” she finished quickly as she hurried from the room, closing the door soundly behind her.

  After Tess made her hasty getaway, he pulled his bag of toiletries from the duffle bag then turned and headed into the bathroom for a hot shower. It’d been a long day. More had happened in the last twenty-four hours than in one of his usual workweeks.

  Opening the shower’s glass door, he reached in and twisted the knob. Hot water streamed down as he stepped away to strip off his clothing. Once nude, he stepped beneath the heavy downpour.

  A mystery surrounded Tess, one he was anxious to solve. He knew she had no idea what was going on. She was as flummoxed as he and the other officers had been. But something was there; he could feel it. Something was about to happen, and it would center on Tess.

  Scrubbing his hair, he felt his PI instincts kick in.

  He possessed ways of finding things out others had no chance of discovering. He was a private investigator. There was no reason he couldn’t snoop around a bit, see what he could dig up.

  Rinsing his hair, he quickly finished his shower, his mind already constructing a to-do list. He’d start with a little investigation into her partner’s family and close friends. It was the logical place to begin, seeing as how his wife had been a recent murder victim and now Tess had almost been kidnapped.

  Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself off and brushed his teeth. Walking out of the bathroom completely naked, he contemplated his actions as he pulled back the heavy comforter and slid beneath the heavenly soft sheets.

  Lacing his fingers behind his head, he closed his eyes.

  Dean was a touchy subject with Tess. He’d been her partner and best friend for the greater part of her life. If she found out he was looking into Dean’s past and the lives of his family and friends, she’d be furious.

  But it had to be done. He’d call Robbie later in the day. For now, he needed some sleep. The sun would rise in less that an hour, and the day ahead was already shaping up to be a full one.

  Taking a deep breath, he relaxed and finally drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Despite the fact she’d slept less than four hours before the kidnappers attacked, sleep eluded her.

  Gazing up at the ceiling, she sighed.

  Nothing about the last twenty-four hours made a bit of sense to her. She lived in a peaceful, secluded neighborhood, and yet, she’d been attacked in her garage in broad daylight and nearly carried off in the middle of the night, all in the span of one day.

  Going over the news she’d received only hours ago, she shook her head. Who was after her and why? What would someone get out of torturing Melanie? What secrets could she have possibly held they wanted desperately enough to torture her?

  Or were they all blowing this entire situation out of proportion?

  There were murders all over the city, many without a motive, some more grisly than others. Wasn’t it possible this was one of those cases?

  As much as she wanted to believe that was the case, the fact that nothing had been stolen from the house lingered at the fore of her mind, telling her she was just fooling herself if she believed that simple explanation. That brought her right back to Melanie and the likelihood she knew something someone wanted. But no matter how she looked at it, the entire situation didn’t make a bit of sense.

  Just when she’d thought her life was going to finally be set back on track, this happened.

  Now, not only was it possible she was next on some psycho’s hit list, she had the sexiest man alive living right across the hall. Could things get any worse?

  With his inconceivably good looks and clever wit and charm, she wasn’t sure how long she’d be able to resist Jack. But she had to. She liked Jack, and the fact that she’d unintentionally dragged him into this possibly dangerous situation tore at her already guilty conscious. If she became involved with him intimately, and there really was someone dangerous after her, he’d be in even more danger.

  But he was so hard to resist…

  Her head started to pound.

  Jack’s comment about the big bed in his room had sent such salacious images slithering about in her mind she’d nearly tossed him to the bed and started ripping away his clothing right then and there.

  Even now, she couldn’t get his image out of her head. Shifting restlessly, she groaned. It was obvious from his actions toward her he wanted more than simple friendship. Earlier, she’d believed he was going to throttle Officer Holdings. All he’d done was touch her hand in an attempt to comfort her, and Jack had turned stone-faced and silent, with the exception of his unmistakable growl. She felt comfortable with Jack, more comfortable than she’d ever felt with a man. It was hard to believe, hard to explain, but it was the truth. A truth she couldn’t deny. Perhaps she was going about this all wrong. What would it hurt if she gave in and became more than just friends with Jack? Would it really be that bad if she just let go and let what would happen, happen?

  He was in her home, protecting her, of his own accord. Putting himself in danger for a woman he barely knew. None other than a good man would do such a selfless thing.

  Unless he’s up to something.

  Rubbing a hand over her eyes, she groaned restlessly. Sometimes she wished she could kick this suspicious nature of hers to the curb. Jack had done nothing to invoke her suspicions. It was unfair of her to suspect Jack’s good nature for anything other than what it was, Jack being a good person.

  She was trying to get her life back on track. Maybe the comfort and solace he seemed so intent on providing her with was exactly what she needed. Maybe being in his arms would help her see what she needed to do with her life, with her very self.

  Or it would bring complications like the ones she’d earlier contemplated. And if something happened to Jack because of her, she’d never forgive herself.

  Tess hadn’t been with many men in her life; in fact, they could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

  Other things had always taken precedence over her private life, first school, then the academy, and finally her job as a police
officer. Had she lived her life alone too long? Is that why she ached for Jack’s touch after only hours of knowing the man? She already knew the answer to that question. Yes. And now that Dean was gone, she’d secluded herself even further, moving away from what friends she did have.

  Snuggling deeper into the satin bedding, she squeezed her eyes shut and hoped the answers to her questions would be easier to find once she’d gotten some much-needed sleep. Things would look better in the morning … she hoped.

  Breathing deeply, she relaxed as the gentle hands of sleep grasped her tightly and carried her away.

  * * * *

  The sound of pots and pans rattling snapped her from her fitful slumber. Rising onto her forearms, Tess pressed the hair away from her forehead with her hand and listened intently as more noise from below drifted up to meet her ears.

  Turning slightly, she spotted bright rays of the sun’s light peeking through the curtains. Grabbing the bedside clock, she gaped at the big red numbers glaring mercilessly at her. Five o’clock p.m. She’d slept the entire day away.

  Flopping back onto the pillows, she groaned. The temptation to lay there the rest of the night, in her own little world, was ever so tempting. But the clang of another pan sounded, and at the thought of food, her stomach rumbled.

  Jack must be cooking. Do men cook?

  As far as she knew, the answer to that question was a resounding no.

  “What’s he up to?”

  Deciding it best to go downstairs and see for herself, Tess swung her legs over the side of the bed. Grabbing the robe off the foot of the bed, she tied the belt and headed toward the bathroom. After brushing her hair and teeth, she pulled on a loose pair of jeans and a t-shirt before heading downstairs. She could come back up and shower after she ate. She was too hungry to wait, and the delicious scents wafting up to meet her were prickling her curiosity.

  It’d been a long time since she’d shared a place with anyone. She wasn’t sure how well she’d be able to cope with another person living in her house, invading her space, but she didn’t really have a choice in the matter.


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