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The Stranger Next Door

Page 10

by Chastity Bush

  “I’m Tess McCoy. A special-order sink was supposed to be ready today. Can you tell me if it’s been delivered?”


  The clerk behind the counter punched the keys on her computer then smiled. “It just arrived. You’ll need to go back to kitchen and bath and make sure it’s the right one. Then when you’re ready, we’ll have someone help you to your car with it if you wish.”


  Turning, Tess felt Jack take her hand in his, and a spark flared deep within her. She liked Jack, and the fact that he wasn’t afraid to let people assume they were a couple made her want to jump up and down like a little girl who’d just been given a pony. She knew this was most likely nothing more than an entertaining way for Jack to pass the time being cooped up in her house with her, and once the possible danger to her passed, it would end and he’d go back to his bachelor lifestyle. A pang of hurt resonated within her at the thought. Ruthlessly she smothered it.

  She’d enjoy what time with Jack she had, while she could.

  “There’s the sign for Kitchen and Bath,” Jack said, glancing down at her. “Are you all right?” The smile fell from his face. His expression filled with worry.

  He’d seen her troubled expression.

  Schooling her features, she smiled up at him. “Yes, I'm fine. Let’s go check out my new sink.”

  As they approached the small desk with a banner hanging overhead reading Kitchen and Bath, a petite, woman came from behind the desk to greet them. Her hair was short, curly and silver. Her form was thin beneath her orange smock. Her eyes were as sharp as a hawk’s as she took in the two of them. Tess couldn’t help but think her grandkids most likely didn’t get away with too much, and she smiled.

  “I’m Harriett,” she said, rushing forward to extend her hand to them.

  “I’m Jack Blake, and this is Tess McCoy,” Jack said, taking the woman’s offered hand.

  “What a lovely couple.” She beamed as she glanced from Tess then back to Jack.

  “Oh no, we’re not—”

  “Thank you,” Jack interrupted her.

  Tess peered up at him and wondered what the hell he was doing.

  “I see so many young couples come in here but the two of you look happier than most. It’s good to see such happiness within a couple.”

  “But you only just met us,” Tess said gently with a shake of her head.

  “I know, but there’s a glow about the both of you. It can only be love.”

  Tess stood frozen for a moment before mumbling a small thank you. She wasn’t upset by the woman’s observation, but something she said had Tess’s hopes flying.

  You two just have a certain glow about you. It can only be love.

  She suspected her attraction to Jack was impossible for anyone to miss, but Jack’s attraction to her couldn’t be as strong … could it?

  “Holly from the customer service center called back here and let me know you were coming. We have your sink right over here, and I must say, I think it’s beautiful.”

  Jack’s slight pull on her hand brought Tess back to the here and now, and she proceeded forward to the box leaning against the side of the desk.

  “The depth of this sink and the vintage cream-colored porcelain are absolutely beautiful,” Harriett finished.

  Leaning down, Tess peered into the box and nodded. “It’s perfect. Exactly what I pictured.”

  “It is quite beautiful,” Jack said from beside her.

  “Fantastic,” Harriett said. “I’ll just call Cameron to come, and he’ll help you wheel it to your car.”

  They thanked the woman for her help just as Cameron arrived. Tess and Jack led the young man to Jack’s SUV and helped him load the sink into the back. After thanking him, they got into the car and buckled up.

  “Harriett was certainly something, wasn’t she?” Jack asked with a smile as he started the vehicle and pulled out into the busy intersection.

  “She certainly was. Can you believe she thought we were a loving couple?” She laughed nervously.

  In love? As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she feared Harriett was right and that’s exactly what she was. Everything was happening too fast, but Tess had learned at a young age that nothing ever happened as expected.

  Jack glanced over at her then continued down the street without a word, only a sexy grin covering his face.

  * * * *

  Robbie’s plane was scheduled to land at the airport within the next half hour.

  Much to her surprise, the day had been particularly good. She and Jack had more in common than she’d initially thought. She was curious as to what his partner was like, as Jack hadn’t said much about him.

  If he’s anything like Jack, I'm going to be in trouble.

  Weaving through the throng of people bustling about the terminal, Tess scanned her surroundings, taking in all the changes since the last time she’d been in the airport.

  It’d been a long time since Tess had been to the airport.

  Peering interestedly at the numerous guards carrying wands and walkie-talkies, she sighed.

  When she’d told Jack it’d been at least two years since she’d been to the airport, he’d looked at her like she was sprouting a second head. But she understood why. His job required constant travel, and hers didn’t.

  “He said his plane was unloading at Gate Thirteen.”

  Glancing up at Jack, she smiled. “It’s that way.” She pointed to the right. “Unless that’s changed since the last time I was here, too.”

  Chuckling, Jack took her hand in his and led her alongside him.

  The warmth of his big strong hand wrapped securely around hers was comforting and confusing at the same time.

  Since leaving the house, he’d held her hand, put his arm around her as they walked, and held doors open for her.

  It was odd he was being so attentive to her, but she didn’t mind. As a matter of fact, she enjoyed it, and much to her surprise, it felt so natural, so right, to act as though they were a couple.

  There was too much to think about concerning Jack and what she wanted from him. She didn’t know what Jack wanted from her, if anything, so she decided to just go with the flow and let what happened happen. Terrible things had happened to her in the past, but that was no reason to shield herself from what could exist between her and Jack. However, the kidnapping attempt weighed heavily on her mind. What if she was in danger? If that were the case, Jack was in danger as well, and she couldn’t let him get hurt. But there was nothing she could do about it. Jack refused to leave her side. She would do her best to keep him safe if that time came. Until then, she would enjoy their time together.

  “Robbie said he was meeting with a client, and would meet us in the Spring Garden Chinese Restaurant when he was finished.”

  Tess smiled. “That sounds great. I’m starved.”

  “Me too,” he admitted with a crooked grin. “Today’s been so busy I didn’t realize we’d missed lunch.”

  Tess nodded.

  She hadn’t noticed their lack of lunch either, but now that her stomach was growling loud enough to frighten the children passing by, food seemed like an excellent idea.

  Stepping off the moving sidewalk, they found the restaurant easily and ordered their food.

  “I’ll bring your drink round in a moment. The tea is almost finished brewing.”

  Smiling, Jack thanked the server standing behind the counter. Taking the Styrofoam boxes loaded with their lunch from the smiling cashier, Jack led her to a small both near the window. They had a clear view of the terminal and the people coming and going. They would easily spot Robbie when he approached them; well, Jack would. She had no idea what the man looked like.

  Gate Thirteen stood only a short distance from where they were eating, so Jack’s friend wouldn’t have to go far to find them.

  Sliding into the booth, Tess sat her handbag beside her in the seat and opened the lid to the box as Jack sat across from her and did
the same.

  The smell of creamy chicken and shrimp wafted up to her nostrils, and she fought the urge to close her eyes and savor the tantalizing aroma.

  They ate in silence for long moments before Jack’s warm voice slid over her.

  “Did you choose a tile yet?”

  Glancing up, she nodded. “I didn’t think I’d ever decide, but Patrice helped, and I think what we picked out will look great with the recycled glass countertop.”

  “Recycled glass?”

  Smiling, Tess took a sip of the tea a waitress placed before her and nodded. “The countertop is made of recycled bottles and other glass items so each piece is a different color and reflects the light beautifully. It was a little pricier than the other options, but it’s so beautiful I couldn’t pass it up.”

  “So, are you really into recycling and such?”

  Swallowing, she shook her head. “Not overly. I do recycle and try to buy things made from recycled material, but this countertop being made of recycled material was just a coincidence.”

  When he smiled with an expression of approval, her cheeks flared hot. Why his approval mattered to her, she didn’t know, but the thought of him looking down on her made her stomach tense.

  “When will it arrive?”

  “Tomorrow morning. That’s why I wanted to pick up the sink today. Everything has been cut and measured and is ready to go once the delivery’s made.”

  “How long will it take for them to install the countertop and do the tile?”

  She grinned. “What?” he asked cautiously.

  “Well, that’s the thing. I’ll save money doing it myself, so…”

  His expression was priceless. “You mean we have to do it?” he asked, his horrified voice and expression bringing an uncontrollable burst of laughter from her lips. He looked like a little boy who’d just had a frog shoved down his tighty-whiteys.

  Through her laughter, she answered, “Don’t look so appalled. It’s not that hard. Patrice and I did the entire bathroom next to your room in less than two days, and that was our first time ever doing anything like that. Besides, we watch a lot of the DIY Network, so we’ve got a pretty good idea of what we’re doing.”

  “DIY Network?” he asked curiously.

  “Do It Yourself.”

  His expression eased, and she shook her head.

  He sighed with relief. “That’s good to hear.”

  “Besides,” she continued, “the house still needs painted, and the last time I checked, you were raring to get going on that little project. You can work on that if the thought of cabinetry scares you.” She laughed.

  “I think I’ll take you up on that little offer. Painting is so much easier.”

  They finished their meal before curiosity finally got the better of her and she mustered the nerve to ask the question niggling at the fore of her mind.

  “What’s your partner like?”

  “Robbie?” Jack raised his brows. “He’s just … Robbie,” he finished with a shrug.

  “Care to elaborate?”

  Taking a drink of his soda, his expression grew thoughtful for a moment, as though he were trying to solve an especially hard puzzle.

  She understood. If someone were to ask her to describe Dean, she’d have to think of a way to describe him that wouldn’t make him sound bad. It wasn’t that he was a bad person; he was just a little rough around the edges, and his sense of humor wasn’t always funny to others. She figured that was the case with Jack’s partner, Robbie, and he was trying to figure out how to tell her without putting her off before she even met him.

  Clearing his throat, Jack leaned back in his seat and sighed. “Robbie’s just Robbie. The ladies love him.” He rolled his eyes and smiled. “He’s a flirt, a real prankster, and he can try your patience, but he’s loyal. Which is more than you can expect from a lot of people nowadays.”

  Nodding, Tess agreed. That was one reason she didn’t have a lot of friends. To Tess, trust was something of the utmost importance in a relationship, be that relationship intimate or strictly platonic.

  “I completely understand,” she said with a nod. “I don’t keep a lot of friends for that very reason. I think every girl friend I had in school had something to say about someone else behind their back, and every guy—with the exception of Dean—had an extra girl or two in their pocket as well. Trust is a hard thing to find in a person. When you find someone loyal, you should grab on to them.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  The question caught her completely off guard, and she swallowed quickly.

  “I haven’t known you that long, but…” She shrugged as the truth filled her mind. “Yes, I do trust you. It’s odd, but I do.”

  Jack grinned, and she couldn’t help but smile back.

  “What about you? Do you trust me?” she asked lightly.

  “I wouldn’t be living in your house if I didn’t,” he said without pause.

  She sat in silence, lost in the glitter of Jack’s eyes for a long moment before the sound of a metal pan hitting the floor brought her back to reality.

  “So, Robbie is a ladies’ man, huh?”

  Jack pulled a face. “You better believe it.” He laughed. “And speaking of the Devil, there he is.”

  Following Jack’s gaze through the restaurant window and into the crowd of people, she had no problem picking Robbie out of the crowd.

  It would have been hard to miss him with his shaggy black hair, faded and distressed low-slung jeans and black t-shirt. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think his clothing was painted on. It hugged every inch of his body like a second skin.

  She could clearly see why Jack considered Robbie a ladies’ man. Every woman he passed couldn’t stop herself from giving him an appreciative once-over before gathering her senses and moving on, a bit flustered.

  While she appreciated Robbie’s excellent looks—and they were excellent—Jack’s were better. She cast a quick glace at Jack and couldn’t help but picture him on her front porch shirtless, his auburn hair ruffling in the breeze, his abs rippling with every movement, and his eyes twinkling when he laughed.

  He was definitely the better looking of the two.

  But as she gave Robbie the once over, something caught her eye.

  A man dressed immaculately in a black suit stood between what appeared to be two bodyguards, talking seriously with another man, complete with guards of his own. They stood to the side of the terminal against the wall, well out of the way of the passers-by.

  That can’t be…

  But it was. Blond hair, muscular build, and as he glanced up and met her inquiring gaze, she easily recognized the man who’d caught her eye.

  Officer Holdings?

  A sly grin tilted the corners of his wide mouth momentarily before he went back to his conversation.

  “Welcome back,” Jack said as Robbie approached and clapped him on the back.

  As Tess listened to the men greet each other, she couldn’t help but wonder what Danny was up to. Bodyguards? Danny was a cop. Why would he need bodyguards? Perhaps he was undercover. That would certainly explain his strange behavior. Struggling to get her curiosity under control, she turned to Robbie as he spoke. The last thing she wanted to do was blow Danny’s cover, and if he kept looking at her as he was, that’s exactly what would happen. It took balls to go undercover. The last thing she wanted was to get another officer hurt. Danny had been looking for a way to move up on the force; maybe the captain had finally relented and given Danny an assignment.

  “Thanks,” Robbie said easily, “it was a long flight.” Turning toward her, he flashed a crooked grin and extended his hand. “You must be Tess. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Reaching out, she shook the proffered hand and smiled wryly, Danny and his odd situation already slipping from her mind. “That’s amazing, because I can name what I know about you on one hand,”

  “That’s all I could tell you about him without embarrassing you,” Jack said to he
r lightly before retaking his seat, this time next to her in the booth.

  “How’d your meeting go?” Jack asked.

  “Aw, man, let’s talk about that later. Right now, I’m starving, not to mention, there’s a beautiful lady in our presence whom I need to get to know a little better.” Robbie smiled before heading toward the counter to place his order.

  Tess couldn’t keep the smile from her face as Jack cast a scowl in Robbie’s direction.

  “He’s something else, isn’t he?” Tess joked.

  “You don’t know the half of it.” Jack grinned.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “While you finish wiping that down, I’m going to go grab a tube of silicone from upstairs. When I get back, we should be able to seal around that,” Tess said to Patrice as she stood.

  Jack watched as Tess left the room, as he’d found himself doing incessantly for days now. He stood to stretch from where he’d been working on removing the molding so it could be refinished. Taking a peek around the room, he smiled as he watched Patrice and Robbie working together, completely lost in their own conversation. They’d never notice him missing were he to slip away. He hadn’t been able to sneak away and taste the sweetness of Tess’s lips all day.

  Her sweet taste had become an addiction to him. Every moment they were alone together brought them closer to taking that next step in their relationship.

  Hurrying out of the room quietly, he reached the middle of the stairs just as Tess was coming down.

  “Something wrong?” she asked with a worried expression.


  “You look a little … upset,” she said with concern.

  Unable to control himself, Jack reached out and snared her around the waist.

  Yanking her against his chest, the tube of silicone fell from her hands as she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I’m not upset, just … needy.” He smiled.

  Twining her fingers into his hair, she purred, “And what exactly is it that you need?”

  Jack lifted her; smugly pleased her legs automatically encircled his waist. Turning, Jack pressed her back against the wall and pressed his obvious desire against her center.

  A gasp slid past her lips as he pressed himself against her more firmly.


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