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The Stranger Next Door

Page 13

by Chastity Bush

  Scrubbing his hand through his damp hair, he shrugged.

  Whatever it was, Robby was on his way, and he’d find out soon.

  Placing the phone onto the table once again, Jack peered down at a sound-asleep Tess and smiled.

  Every time he looked at her, he could swear he felt his heart expand with some unidentifiable emotion.

  He’d be moving back into his house today but felt certain what was happening between them would continue to grow.

  Tiptoeing to the closet, he quietly gathered a pair of old jeans and a thin t-shirt. Slipping the jeans on, he grabbed socks and shoes and proceeded quietly from the room.

  As soon as he reached the landing, a knock sounded at the door.

  Hurrying over, he pulled the door open and watched warily as Robbie entered.

  His hair was disheveled, his clothing wrinkled, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Which was odd, considering he’d seen him the night before.

  “Everything all right?” he asked curiously.

  Robbie shook his head. “Where’s Tess?”

  Jack looked toward the stairs then back at Robbie’s distressed face. “Still asleep. Why?”

  Hurrying into the kitchen, Jack took the coffee and filters from the cabinet and prepared a pot of coffee. He definitely needed to get Tess a bigger coffee pot.

  “Good. We need to talk.”

  Jack grabbed two coffee cups and motioned for Robbie to take a seat at the table.

  “What’s going on?” he asked as the coffee finished perking. Pouring the coffee, he then handed the cup to Robbie before taking his own seat. His partner’s distress was really starting to worry him.

  Robbie took a small sip then frowned into the black liquid.


  Taking a deep breath, Robbie sighed. “Remember how I thought we needed to look into the Camillo family?”

  Jack nodded.

  “Well, after I went back to your place last night, I made a few calls and started digging.”

  Jack listened intently. “Go on.”

  “At first I didn’t think I was going to find anything, but then as I was looking through some old newspaper clippings, something caught my eye.”

  Reaching into the bag Jack only now noticed he’d carried in, Robbie pulled out a file folder. Opening it, he reached inside and pulled out a newspaper clipping then slid it across the table.

  Jack took it in hand and looked it over. It was a picture of a funeral. Officers in uniform and several civilians surrounded a flag-draped coffin. He immediately spotted Tess standing graveside in her uniform. The headline read, HEROIC OFFICER LAID TO REST.

  “Okay, so you found a picture of Dean’s funeral. What’s so suspicious about that?”

  Robbie shook his head quickly and leaned forward to point at a man in the picture.

  “It’s not. But he is.”

  Looking closer at the picture and the man Robbie pointed to, he shook his head again. “I still don’t get it. What am I missing?”

  Leaning back in the chair, Robbie ran a hand through his hair as he often did when stressed. “This old man is Dean Camillo’s father, Roman Camillo. He’s the owner of C&D Oil.”

  “Again,” Jack said, “that’s nothing new. We already know what his father does for a living.”

  “Just listen,” Robbie said quickly. “I recognized him immediately. When I was a kid, my dad was a detective here in the city. For the longest time, he was after this guy named Sylvester Armada. Dad and his partner knew he was involved with the mob, drugs, firearms, the whole nine yards, but they could never catch him in the act, and when they did, there was never enough evidence to put him away. He always found a way to weasel out of the charges and sue the department for wrongful arrest. After about the third lawsuit, the captain gave my father and his partner strict orders to leave him alone. The case was costing the department too much money. He did, and after that, Sylvester faded into the background.”

  Jack stared at the picture for another long moment before the realization of what Robbie was trying to tell him sank in.

  Sliding another picture across the table, Robbie frowned. “This is an old picture of Sylvester Armada.”

  Jack gaped as he stared at the same man in both pictures.

  “You mean Dean’s father is a mob boss? That’s not very likely. Tess has known this family all her life. Don’t you think she would’ve caught on to the fact her best friend’s father was a mobster? Besides, what does this have to do with someone trying to kidnap Tess or Dean’s wife’s murder? What gives?”

  “Maybe they thought Tess and the wife had information they needed. And you never know … Maybe Tess does know about the family’s secrets.”

  Jack shook his head. “That’s pretty far-fetched.”

  “Maybe. But it’s not impossible.” Robbie shrugged.

  Thinking quietly for a long moment, Jack shook his head. “No,” he said sternly. “There’s no way she knew about any of this.”

  “Come on, Jack. I know you care about Tess, but you have to look at the facts.” He pointed to the man in the picture. “That’s Sylvester Armada, and what better way to cover your sizable income from illegal activities than to purchase and operate an oil company? To top it off, having a cop for a son would keep the attention off him as well, especially if Dean was in on his pop’s illegal activities.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Jack blew out a breath. “No way. There are too many holes in your story. How would he hide himself in plain sight if he were so well known in that world? Even with the name change, someone was bound to spot him, even if he wanted out.”

  “I don’t know,” Robbie admitted. “But Roman and Sylvester are the same man. Of that much I’m certain.” He just couldn’t bring himself to believe Tess knew about any of this. If she’d known Roman all of her life, she had to have known him as Sylvester at one time, unless she’d met the family after he’d become Roman.

  “I see your wheels turning. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  Jack frowned. He wouldn’t jump to conclusions about Tess’s involvement until he had more evidence. He just couldn’t believe Tess would be involved with something like this. His heart wouldn’t let him.

  He’d keep up his relationship with Tess and sneak in as many questions about her partner and his life as he could. He’d also do a little snooping. She didn’t need to know of Robbie’s suspicions. If she had anything to do with Dean and his father’s extra-curricular activities, he’d find out and confront her about it then. And if she didn’t, he wouldn’t have to worry about damage to their relationship due to false suspicions.

  “I still don’t think Tess has anything to do with any of this. I mean, she couldn’t miss the signs if what you’re saying is true and the Camillos are mixed in with the mob, but I’ll snoop around and see what I can find.”

  “Don’t bother. I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Then you can get the hell out.”

  Turning toward the doorway, Jack gaped at Tess as her eyes bored into him fiercely.

  * * * *

  Drying quickly, Tess dressed and headed downstairs.

  The night before had been one of sheer delight as she spent it rolling around in the strong circle of Jack’s arms. Her body ached in places she’d forgotten she possessed, but she couldn’t be happier. She was on her way to a real relationship with a wonderful man. She’d even decided on a course of action involving her career.

  Being a cop wasn’t what she wanted anymore. There was too much violence and death around every bend, and she feared that, without her best friend to support her, she couldn’t deal with it any longer. She enjoyed remodeling her house and, with a little urging from Patrice, decided that becoming a contractor might not be such a bad idea. She’d already made some calls to gather information on what she needed to do to get started.

  In the meantime, since Jack was moving back into his place today, she had some errands to run. She needed a little alone time si
nce Jack and Robbie had invaded her house for weeks, and running some errands would give her just the alone time she needed.

  Skipping happily down the stairs, she halted abruptly as the sound of Robbie’s voice drifted from the kitchen. It wasn’t surprising to hear Robbie in her house, but what he was saying startled her.

  “Come on, Jack. I know you care about Tess, but you have to look at the facts,” he said. “That’s Roman Camillo, and what better way to cover your sizable income from illegal activities than to purchase and operate an oil company? To top it off, having a cop for a son would keep the attention off him as well, especially if Dean was in on his pop’s illegal activities.”

  What the hell’s he talking about? She wondered. What illegal activities?

  Stepping closer to the doorway, she pressed herself against the wall and out of the men’s line of sight. She wasn’t normally an eavesdropper, but when something was going on in her own home, she held no qualms about it, especially when it had to do with her dead partner and his family. Dean’s family had been like a family to her since she was five years old.

  Jack’s voice rumbled quietly. “I still don’t think Tess has anything to do with any of this. I mean she couldn’t miss the signs if what you’re saying is true and the Camillos are mixed in with the mob, but I’ll snoop around and see what I can find. Dean did leave her an insane amount of money when he died. Maybe you're right and she knows something. I just hope not.”

  Tess sucked in a startled breath.

  This couldn’t be happening. How on Earth could they think the Camillos had anything to do with the mob? And how could they assume she had anything to do with such illegal activities? Her anger boiled over. Her hands shook with rage as she stepped into the doorway.

  “Don’t bother. I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Then you can get the hell out.”

  Jack looked at her with a mixture of guilt and surprise. She couldn’t believe he was accusing of her such atrocities after the night they’d just shared.

  “Tess, I didn’t know you were awake. How long have you been standing there?” he asked warily.

  “Long enough to know that you suspect me, and the only people who cared for me growing up, of being mixed in with the mob.”

  “Tess, listen—”

  “Shut it,” she bit out as Robbie tried to speak.

  Closing his mouth, Robbie sat back down and watched cautiously.

  She didn’t blame him. She was enraged. The people she’d come to trust over these last few weeks had been secretly spying on her. How could they?

  “What do you want to know?” she asked through clenched teeth.

  “Tess, please calm down.”

  “How can you two sit there and suspect me of something like this? How can you point fingers at Dean and his family? What proof do you have?”

  Jack scrambled to stand before her. His eyes held his worry, and for a moment, she felt herself soften toward him, but just as quickly, she hardened her heart.

  “We do have proof,” he said quickly. “Well, we only have proof that Dean’s father isn’t who he says he is.”

  Arching an eyebrow, she shook her head. “You expect me to believe that?”

  “I’ll show you,” Jack hurried on. “Come sit down. You said you’ve know Dean and his family all of your life, right?”

  “Since I was five. Dean and I met in kindergarten, so basically all of my life, yeah. What’s that have to do with anything?”

  Tess glanced at Robbie then back at Jack. He seemed adamant about this so-called proof. Curiosity got the best of her, and she slowly approached the table.

  When they continued to look like deer caught in the headlights, she huffed out a breath.

  “Just show me what you think you have.”

  Jack quickly showed her the picture and told her the story about Robbie’s father and his attempts to capture Sylvester Armada, a.k.a. Roman Camillo.

  Tess stared at the pictures for a long moment before speaking. None of what they were telling her made a bit of sense. She knew the Camillos. They were good people, not some ruffian mobsters. “If what you say is true, I still don’t understand what it has to do with my attempted kidnapping or Melanie’s murder.”

  “Robbie thinks it has something to do with some information you two might have.”

  Tess glared at the men. “Sorry, but I don’t have any information.”

  “So, you didn’t know anything about their mob connections?” Robbie asked skeptically.

  “No. And I’m still not sure I believe anything you’re saying.”

  He nodded.

  What had started out to be such a wonderful day had taken a turn for the worse in record time. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she stood and moved toward the door. She couldn’t handle any more of their hooey. She knew what she had to do. There was only one way to get to the bottom of this mystery, and she was going straight to the source.

  “Have your things out by the time I get back,” she called over her shoulder as she made her way through the entryway.

  Jack hurried behind her. “Tess, please. I told Robbie I didn’t think you knew anything about this. You have to believe me,” he pleaded.

  Turning, she gazed into his deep blue eyes and nearly fell against his chest. Nothing would have felt better to her at that moment than the feel of his strong protecting arms surrounding her. But she couldn’t allow that to happen. She’d come to trust him, but he still didn’t trust her. His suspicions of her were proof. She’d been blinded by her desire for him. How could she have let this happen?

  Her heart sank another level in her chest. How could she have come to care about this man when he obviously didn’t give a damn about her?

  “Save it, Jack,” she said. “I really thought you cared about me.”

  “I do,” he replied, grasping her upper arms firmly.

  “No, you don’t. If you did, you would’ve brought your suspicions to me instead of plotting ways to snoop on me behind my back.”

  Jack gazed at her with the expression of a puppy that’d been left out in the rain, and her heart skipped.

  Twisting out of his hold, she snatched the newspaper clipping from his hand, grabbed her purse from the table, and hurried through the door onto the porch before making a mad dash for her car.

  Slipping behind the driver’s seat, she felt a tear slip down her cheek. Brushing it away ruthlessly, she started the engine and, with a press of the accelerator, shot out of the drive, and down the street.

  What Jack and Robbie had shown her raised several questions in her mind, and she was determined to get answers. But the one question she’d never be able to answer was why Jack couldn’t trust her.

  * * * *

  Stepping out of the car, Tess grabbed her purse and slammed the door.

  She’d wanted to drive non-stop to Roman’s house, but when the gas warning light began to blink, she knew her plans had been stalled.

  After opening the gas cap, she grabbed the pump’s nozzle and started to fill the tank.

  A million questions bounced around in her head as she watched the numbers on the gas pump tick by.

  Her anger at Jack and Robbie was still very much alive but not as severe as when she’d left the house. She understood they were suspicious by nature, the same as she was. She really should’ve listened to Jack, but she couldn’t bring herself to believe the things they were saying about her friend and family.

  It hurt her that Jack didn’t trust her after she’d given herself to him so freely. She’d been nothing but honest with him, yet he was unable to be so with her.

  The pump clicked off, signaling her tank was full. Removing the nozzle, she settled it back into place, twisted on the gas cap, closed the flap, and started toward the store.

  Pushing through the entrance, she approached the empty counter and reached into her bag. Pulling out her credit card, she handed it to the clerk and waited while he ran it through the scanner.

  Glancing around,
Tess couldn’t help but notice how similar the store was to the one she’d lost her partner in. Memories of that night flashed in her mind’s eye, and she fought to push the ugly memories away.

  The clerk smiled sweetly and handed the card back to her, along with a receipt for her purchase.

  Taking the card, Tess shoved it down into her purse and, in a hurry to get out of the store, turned and ran directly into someone.

  “Easy there, beautiful.”

  Glancing up, Tess stared into a pair of dark brown eyes. “Pardon me. Are you all right?”

  The man smiled and nodded. He was handsome, if not a little odd. His hair was long, sandy-blond. And pulled back into a tight ponytail. “I’m fine and you?”

  She nodded and stepped away quickly. She didn’t know why, but there was something about the man that made her feel uneasy.

  “I’m fine, thank you. Again, I apologize,” she said in a rush as she quickly exited the store.

  Passing a black sedan, she opened the door to her car and slid behind the driver’s seat then hit the automatic lock button to lock her doors. She knew she was just being paranoid because of the memories the store brought rushing back and the information Jack and Robbie had revealed to her earlier.

  Sliding the key into the ignition, she started the car and eased away from the pumps.

  Her cell phone rang. Pressing her brakes to stop the car before pulling out onto the street, she frowned as the brake pedal felt wrong. Pressing a tad harder, the car stopped.

  That’s odd. Probably just low on brake fluid; I’ll get it checked when I get back home.

  Grabbing the phone, she glanced at the caller ID button and frowned.


  Hitting the ignore button, she then turned off the phone and tossed it into her bag.

  She didn’t want to talk to Jack. There was only one man who could answer the questions currently swirling around her confusion-fogged mind. Besides, it wasn’t like Jack would believe anything she told him. He would have to trust her to believe her, and he obviously didn’t.

  Pulling out onto the highway, she turned up the radio and tried to relax as she sped toward Roman’s house and the answers awaiting her there.


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