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The Devoted Winter: BWWM Billionaire Romance Novel (Her Winter Love Series Book 1)

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by Jamila Jasper

  Nadiyya shuddered. Lucian pried her pussy lips apart and inhaled the warm damp scent of Nadiyya’s pussy. She smelled amazing. He dove his tongue between her pussy lips and french kissed her clit directly. Nadiyya couldn’t help but let out a loud scream as she gripped the arms of the chair tightly. Lucian licked the length of her slit and then refocused his attention on pleasuring Nadiyya’s clit again.

  Nadiyya cried out in pleasure. It had been a long time she’d been with a man and a long time since a man had actually wanted to please her like this. She was wet and wanted to be entered badly. Nadiyya knew she had to resist her urge to sleep with Lucian. After all, it would make everything far too awkward. She just couldn’t do it…

  Her first orgasm was enough to nearly change Nadiyya’s mind. The sensations of euphoria started in her pussy but washed over her entire body. Nadiyya felt like she was seeing stars. She’d always heard about how good white men were at eating pussy but this was beyond anything she could have imagined. Nadiyya’s legs were trembling in pleasure. She had another orgasm and another before Lucian raised his head from between her legs.

  “Satisfied?” he asked.

  Nadiyya nodded. She was weak with exhaustion.

  “Let’s get you home then. I’ll drive you,” Lucian said. Nadiyya was surprised at how abruptly he was ending their encounter, but she wasn’t upset by it. She hadn’t quite figured out how she was going to tell him that she wasn’t ready to sleep with him yet.

  Nadiyya got dressed quickly. There was no awkwardness between her and Lucian as they walked to his car and he drove her home. When she arrived at her house, Lucian again waited outside to ensure she got in safely.

  Lucian wasn’t convinced that he should show Slade any mercy for what he’d done to Nadiyya. He wasn’t sure the little cockroach deserved that much empathy. He knew that he’d promised Nadiyya he wouldn’t take any action but he couldn’t help but feel like she was making a mistake.

  When he arrived at his hotel, Lucian paced around the luxurious suite for about an hour contemplating the events of the day and what actions he should take. He was getting angrier and angrier. The only thing he liked less than being messed with personally, was his money being messed with. He also couldn’t forgive what Slade had done to Nadiyya. How dare he hurt someone so sweet and loyal? Lucian decided it was time to break his promise to Nadiyya.

  He made a call.

  “Hello, C.J. I have a job for you and the boys.”

  “It will be ten thousand dollars for the lot of you.”

  “As soon as possible have Jennie book you tickets out here. His name is Slade King. You’ll have to find his address.”

  Lucian hung up, comforted by the knowledge that Slade wouldn’t be much of a problem anymore.


  Chapter 5

  Slade was making his way home from Uncommon Grounds. He still visited the coffee shop in hopes of catching a glimpse of Nadiyya who had long abandoned their old haunt. The memories there were too sad for her. Slade’s footsteps crunched loudly in the snow that covered the streets and sidewalks. He burrowed his face in his scarf as he turned onto the dead end street where his house was.

  When Slade got to his house, the door was already open. “What the hell?” he thought to himself as he timidly entered the house. Nothing looked out of place. The only thing different was how cold the inside of his house was. His indoor plants had shriveled beyond recognition. “Hello?” Slade called out. His breath formed a white mist in front of his face. He was met with silence.

  “Is anyone in here?” Slade called out again. The sound of footsteps descending down his staircase let Slade know that he wasn’t alone. Slade whipped around as his front door slammed shut behind him. A voice said, “Hello Slade,” drawing his attention to his staircase again.

  The man was now standing at the foot of the stairs. He had a German accent and he looked like he’d jumped off the page of a bodybuilders catalog. Slade started shaking. “What are you doing in my house?” Slade asked, trying to keep his voice steady. “I’ve come to give you a message,” the man said. Before Slade could move, the man grabbed his arm and twisted it, exposing Slade’s back to him. Slade yelped out “Let go! Let go!”

  The German ignored him and pushed Slade to the ground. Then he began kicking. His shoes were clearly steel toed and each blow to Slade’s body knocked the wind out of him. He was screaming and writhing on the ground, trying to cover his head to avoid a deadly blow. “Don’t FUCK with Lucian Wynter,” the man yelled as he continued to pummel Slade like a sack of rice. Pools of blood started to spill from Slade’s body, covering his wooden floor like thick paint.

  The German stopped when he Slade’s body went limp. He checked for a pulse. Slade was still alive. “Good,” he thought to himself. The boss didn’t like when he was overly enthusiastic with his work. The German watched the unconscious man and figured he should call the hospital. He picked up the phone and said in an Australian accent,

  “ ‘Ello. I’d like to report a robbery.”

  The German gave the address and then left the house calmly. No one had seen him and no one would see him. Just like a thief, he disappeared into the night. When the German was on his flight back to Los Angeles, he messaged Lucian from his burner phone. Done.


  When Slade was finally conscious and able to communicate, he’d been in the hospital for five days. His right eye still couldn’t open on his own but the swelling over his left eye had diminished quite a bit. He was just lucky that they didn’t have to fly him over to Mass General hospital. He at least appreciated the familiarity of Fletcher Allen. Slade couldn’t believe the deep shit he’d gotten himself into. Granted, he probably should have thought more carefully about pissing off a guy with billions of dollars to his name. A guy like that obviously had tricks up his sleeve.

  Slade was worried this would put a damper in his plans. But he hadn’t given up yet. Lucian had done him a favor. Slade knew Nadiyya would be shocked to see him hurt like this. In his vulnerable state, she would believe anything that came out of his mouth and ultimately forgive him.

  He managed to get a nurse to bring his cellphone to him. It had been in his pocket when the ambulance picked him up but the doctor had recommended he heal without technology. The only thing that would bring Slade healing was revenge on this asshole who thought that he could take everything away from him. Nadiyya didn’t pick up so Slade left her a voice message.

  “Nadiyya, it’s me. I’m in the hospital. I’m hurt pretty bad. I’m so sorry. I… I went off my meds. Things were fucked up. But… I’ve been really hurt and I need to see you. It’s important. He’s not who you think he is. Please… I’m at Fletcher Allen. Come by around four if you get this.”

  Slade hung up and waited patiently for four o’clock to arrive. He was sure that his message would get her to come. If there was one thing Slade could rely on it was Nadiyya’s forgiveness and her need to nurture those in need.

  Sure enough, four p.m. rolled around and Nadiyya came around to see him. She was dressed casually, with a peacoat and skinny black jeans. Her thick curls were tied up in a high bun. When she saw Slade, she realized that he’d been beat up pretty badly. “Slade! What the hell happened to you?” Nadiyya asked. Slade knew he had to amp up the drama.

  “I was attacked... It was Lucian. Nadiyya, he was trying to send me a message and this is what he did to me,” Slade said. Nadiyya’s face twisted up in displeasure. Lucian had promised her that he wouldn’t hurt Slade but he was very clearly hurt. Nadiyya looked at the purplish bruises all over Slade’s body and she was immediately brought back to the place they were prior to their big fight. Slade continued, describing the attack in detail. He described how close he felt to death and how all he could think about in his final moments was Nadiyya, and mending their friendship. Nadiyya fought back tears. How could she had trusted Lucian over him? Sure, Slade had gone off the deep end but she knew he was on medication and these medications had a
ll kinds of side effects!

  Lucian had lied to her face. He’d promised her one thing and done another thing entirely. What kind of man could hurt another human being this way so remorselessly and then go on as if he’d done nothing at all. Nadiyya was hurt by Lucian and confused. She was still wary about working with Slade or letting him back into her life completely but she couldn’t deny what Lucian had done to him.

  “I… I can’t believe he would actually do this. Slade, I need to see him. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve this,” Nadiyya said. She kissed Slade on the cheek and then walked out of the hospital briskly. As the winter air hit Nadiyya’s face she fought back the urge to scream loudly into the empty street. Life had become so complicated so quickly.

  Nadiyya called Lucian and asked him to meet at her apartment. He agreed, thinking that they would be starting up where they left off the night before. When Lucian arrived, Nadiyya let him in but from the look on her face, he could tell that there was no chance they would be leaving off where they did the night before. Nadiyya’s face was stern and unmoving. She invited him to sit with her in her humble living room. Once she’d poured him a glass of wine she sat down herself.

  “You lied to me Lucian. I just got back from seeing Slade at the hospital,” Nadiyya said. Oh boy. Lucian finished his glass of wine in one gulp. He could tell he was going to need it. “Oh,” he replied.

  “That’s all you have to say for yourself?”

  “Well what else can I say Nadiyya. You’re right. I went behind your back. I just couldn’t let him hurt you like that,” Lucian said. It was a weak defense, but it was the truth. He had started to truly care for Nadiyya and the idea of anyone hurting her made his skin crawl.

  “But you promised me Lucian. How can I ever trust you again?” Nadiyya said. She took another big gulp of wine. She hated confrontation like this.

  “You can still trust me. It was a mistake made in a moment of anger,” Lucian tried to reason with her. All of a sudden he was regretting that impulsive phone call, especially since he hadn’t been able to enjoy seeing that little shit pay for what he’d done.

  “That doesn’t mean I can trust you,” Nadiyya countered.

  “Trust that I have feelings for you Nadiyya,” Lucian said. He looked into her eyes deeply afterwards. His icy blue stare melted her stone cold expression just a little bit.

  “Giving me head at the office doesn’t mean you have feelings for me,” Nadiyya replied, looking down to avoid being pulled in by Lucian’s hypnotic gaze.

  Lucian stood up and walked over to Nadiyya’s seat. He kissed her deeply on the lips. She savored the flavor of red wine on his mouth. “Do you believe me now?” Lucian asked. Nadiyya looked into his eyes again. She wasn’t sure she believed him but she was all of a sudden certain that she wanted him right then and there.

  Nadiyya pulled Lucian’s head close to hers and kissed him again. The scent of his aftershave filled the room. Nadiyya stood up and ran her hands over his chest through his shirt. She felt the bulge of his broad chest and chiseled abs. Nadiyya felt the heat rising in her chest. She wanted him so badly. Lucian could feel her energy shifting as her desire for him grew. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. Nadiyya started to unbutton Lucian’s shirt.

  She should have been angry with him for betraying her and for harming her friend. But the only thing she could think about was her mounting desire for Lucian. His admission that he had feelings for her confirmed what Nadiyya had suspected and gave her a reason to act on the feelings she had for him that she’d been trying to suppress for the sake of maintaining their professional relationship.

  Lucian watched her nimble fingers work his shirt off. She admired his pale strong chest and then holding Lucian’s gaze, Nadiyya fell to her knees. Lucian shuddered in anticipation as she unbuckled his pants and pulled his underwear to the ground with them. Lucian’s dick came into view. He was already hard and ready for Nadiyya to wrap her sweet lips around his member.

  Nadiyya hadn’t pleasured a man like this since her last boyfriend. She tried not to let her uncertainty show. Lucian’s dick was quite impressive, one of the biggest she’d ever seen. He was around eight inches long and circumcised. His bulging head was a dusky pink hue and oozing with delicious clear precum. Nadiyya gripped the base of his dick and then licked gently around the head. Lucian shuddered in anticipation of her swallowing his entire length deep down her throat.

  Nadiyya plunged Lucian’s entire length down her throat after teasing his head for a few moments. He groaned as he felt the tip of his dick touching the back of her throat. His dick stiffened in her mouth as she continued to suck him off. Nadiyya was enjoying the feeling of his hot tool plunging into her mouth. It felt good to finally give Lucian the same pleasure he’d given her the other day.

  Lucian dug his hands deeply into Nadiyya’s curls, undoing her bun and grabbing her hair to guide her mouth up and down the length of his dick. He fucked her mouth hard using her for his pleasure. Nadiyya thought that Lucian was going to empty his seed right there inside her. Lucian pulled out just in time. He couldn’t control himself any longer. No more games, no more pretense, he needed to have Nadiyya immediately.

  “Take your clothes off,” Lucian commanded. The tone of his voice told Nadiyya that he was serious about his demand. He didn’t just want her to comply, she had to. Nadiyya was naturally a submissive woman sexually; she counted herself lucky that Lucian seemed to complement that perfectly. Nadiyya began to strip slowly. She peeled her brightly colored vintage dress off her deep brown skin. As her soft flesh came into view Lucian found himself nearly salivating with desire. Nadiyya slid her sheer leggings off as well. Her legs looked soft and sexy. Nadiyya unhooked her bra and Lucian had the pleasure of enjoying her breasts a second time. Her nipples were already hard by the time they were exposed to the cold air of her living room. All that was left was Nadiyya’s underwear, a lacy navy colored number that hugged her large hips.

  Lucian moved over to Nadiyya and assisted her in stripping off her underwear. He rolled the panties down around her hips as he enjoyed the softness of her flesh between his fingertips. Lucian took pleasure in how curvy and beautiful Nadiyya was. There was a premium placed on stick thin white model types in his world but he’d never really bought into these exclusive standards of beauty. What was wrong with a thick woman who had meat on her bones and a little something to grab onto? Nadiyya was a plump, beautiful woman and there was nothing wrong with that.

  Lucian guided Nadiyya to her couch where she lay on her back. He positioned himself on top of her but before he entered her she whispered “condom?” Lucian had nearly forgotten. He quickly got a condom out of his wallet and rolled it on his hardness before repositioning himself between her legs. Nadiyya was slick with her own juices and ready to be entered. Her breathing was becoming labored, turning more into panting before Lucian even thrust his cock inside her.

  “Is everything okay?” Lucian asked her.

  “You might not believe me… But Lucian, I’m a virgin,” Nadiyya said. Lucian was shocked, but he knew acting shocked would only embarrass the poor woman.

  “That’s okay. Do you want me to go slow?” Lucian asked her.

  “No, I want you to just… be normal,” Nadiyya said nervously.

  “Okay. I’ll stop any time you want to. Just say the word,” Lucian said.

  His reassurance made her feel safer and soon Nadiyya’s breathing returned to a normal rate. Lucian began to press his dick to her entrance. She held onto the small of his back, gripping tightly as he moved the first inch of his length inside her. Nadiyya moaned as the bulging helmet pushed past her virginity. She grabbed Lucian’s baubled ass cheeks as he slid about half of his dick into her. He paused to gauge her reaction; Nadiyya seemed fine. She was surprised at how much his dick hurt her as he entered and how quickly that pain seemed to be replaced with pleasure.

  Lucian couldn’t take it anymore and he thrust the rest of his dick into Nadiy
ya hard. She cried out in pleasure as her pussy became filled for the first time. Lucian looked at the woman’s face, twisted in arousal. He began to pound Nadiyya into the couch mercilessly. It was a secret fantasy of his to deflower an innocent virgin but at his age, you didn’t find many virgins around. Nadiyya groaned out partly in pain, partly in pleasure as Lucian fucked her.

  Their eyes locked as he plunged deep into her again and again. This was more than just sex for the two of them. Their eyes betrayed their true feelings for each other that they’d both been trying to deny. Nadiyya felt heat building up in her core as she approached orgasm. Then the most amazing euphoria she’d ever felt surged throughout her body causing her limbs and every inch of her skin to tingle.

  As her pussy clenched around his cock, Lucian felt himself getting closer to release. He grunted and started pumping into Nadiyya with renewed vigor. Nadiyya gripped Lucian’s back and instinctively thrust her hips up to meet his pumping. Lucian groaned loudly as he came. Nadiyya felt his dick twitching inside her; she was glad she’d remembered to ask him about a condom. Lucian collapsed on top of her and kissed her lips as if to thank her for the sweet release.


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