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Page 6

by KJ Dahlen

  Harry shrugged. “I can try to get a heat signature screen up but I may not be able to.”

  “All I ask is that you try. I need to know if she’s still alive before we go in.” Ivan stared at him.

  “I will try.” Harry nodded.

  “Thank you,” Ivan whispered. Then he looked over at Gregori and Pyotr. “We need to find some men.”

  “Don’t worry my friend, we have all the men we will need,” Pyotr told him.

  “You have us as well,” Tate assured them.

  Ivan turned to stare at Tate and asked, “Why would you help us storm this particular castle?”

  “Because a man like Begian goes against everything we stand for.” Tate met his gaze. “We protect our women, we value them, and everything they do to makes our lives easier. We don’t use and abuse them for our own merriment. I won’t allow anyone in the club that does either. We also hate the damn drug trade. I won’t deal them or tolerate anyone who does. If they want to deal that shit, they don’t do it wearing our colors. We earn every dime we make legally. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve been up against men like him. They almost destroyed my family.” He paused and looked at Creed then at his other sons. “They think they can take what they want. So, yes. It feels like the right thing to do. Join you and help take is fucker down Men like Begian deserve their place in hell and before he dies, I think he should see that.”

  Ivan held out his hand to Tate.

  Tate clasped it hard.

  Thus, a commitment to see the deal done was born.

  Friday was still a day away but things were heating up on Ivan’s side. Men and provisions were arriving every hour. Word in Ivan’s world was spreading and he actually had turn some men away.

  Rani couldn’t sleep. The entire house was quiet but she felt the walls closing in on her. The last few days had crashed her whole world and she didn’t know what to think anymore. She realized her whole life was a lie and she wasn’t sure how to deal with it.

  She got up and rather than go all the way through the house, she wrapped herself in a blanket and opened the window. Crawling through, she felt the cool night air on her face. She didn’t have to go far as there was a swing just down the way. She sat in the dark and looked at the night sky to just clear her mind.

  How long she sat there, she didn’t know. It was only when she heard a throat clear that she found she wasn’t as alone like she thought. She slowly turned her head and saw Daniel sitting there. She put her hand over her chest. “You scared me. I thought I was alone.”

  Daniel smiled. “I didn’t want to disturb you. I think the last few days have been really hard for you. I’m sorry.”

  “What are you sorry for?” she asked with a tilt to her head.

  Daniel shrugged. “I don’t think you were ready for what happened to you. I know it’s been so much information and no time to digest it all.”

  She snorted. “You got that right.” But now, so much that happened has a new meaning, you know?”

  “How so?” he asked.

  Rani patted the seat beside her.

  Daniel got up and joined her on the swing.

  She pulled the blanket off her shoulders and shared it with him. Then she laid her head on his shoulder and finally said, “I think Begian let mom carry me because he knew he could control her if he had me to use against her. He must have known I wasn’t his child. From the day I was born, he had the perfect weapon didn’t he?”

  Daniel sighed as she leaned over and kissed her head. “Yes, he did.”

  “He wasn’t very good to us you know that but he was despicable to her behind closed doors,” she whispered. “The life she had with him I wouldn’t wish on a mortal enemy.”

  Daniel closed his eyes at her words and his heart hurt for the woman who gave her birth. “No woman deserves that kind of life.”

  “Her only saving grace was the fact that he couldn’t perform that often?” She spilled another of Begian’s secrets.

  Daniel frowned. “I thought you told us earlier that he claimed he could have any woman he wanted.”

  She nodded. “He did tell her that and like I said she told him she would welcome that if it meant he would leave her alone. I think there is more than one way for a man to hurt a woman in bed. But if he could find another woman and leave her alone? I think she would welcome that. Don’t you?” She lifted her head from his chest and stared at him for a moment.

  “Yeah, she would welcome that,” Daniel agreed with her.

  “She never told me Ivan’s name until the night she begged me to leave. Why?”

  Daniel knew the answer. “Why would she? I mean until then, she didn’t think Begian would allow either of you to leave.”

  Rani nodded and laid her head back on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat seemed to calm her nerves. “I’ve been afraid of that man all my life and I couldn’t help it but when he touched me, I think I cringed. Even if he never said anything, I know it bothered him. His eyes would go cold every time. He would glare at my mom and she would just stare at him as if to say, what did you expect? He didn’t touch me very much after that.”

  “That’s a good thing.”

  “Thinking he was my father, it wasn’t a good thing at the time. It was a creepy way to grow up I can tell you that.” Rani looked down at her fingers.

  Daniel was aware something was going on with her, but she wasn’t sharing it. “What’s wrong?” he finally asked her.

  “My mom gave me a letter she wanted me to give Ivan, if I ever met him,” she admitted.

  Daniel stilled. “Do you still have it?”

  Rani nodded. “I don’t know what to do with it, to tell you the truth. If I don’t and it turns out to be her last message to her true husband... what would he do to me? Would he still consider me his daughter? Would he hate me? I want to give it to him but how do I approach him with it? I’ve known him for all of two days already and I never brought it up.”

  “You can give it to me and I’ll give it to him,” he volunteered.

  “Why would you do that for me?”

  Daniel sighed. “Because I know him better than you do and if your mother wanted the letter to get to him, then it should get to him. I can do this for you and I will if you want me to.”

  “I just feel so out of sorts right now, you know what I mean?”

  Chapter Nine

  Daniel nodded as he wrapped his arms around her. “Yeah, I know what you mean. The night we met, I was feeling that way too.”


  Daniel sighed. “I was here for a wedding between my grandfather and his new bride. I looked around and saw my entire family was happy and with their significant other. And I wasn’t. I felt left out, I guess. So, I jumped in my car and went for a drive to clear my head. Then I met you.”

  “Oh, wow.” She groaned. “And I disrupted your life in ways you never expected?”

  Daniel smiled at her. “Yeah, you kinda did but I’m also very glad I found you. I felt glad I was where I was meant to be, so I could step in and help you. I don’t know if it was fate but I think I was meant to be in the right place at the right time. I certainly don’t regret it.”

  Rani looked up at him for a moment then said, “Please don’t tell a girl like me stuff like that. It might allow me to think things you don’t mean for me to think.”

  “Like what?” Daniel asked while staring at her. “Like the fact that I want you so much I hurt? Like the fact that I want nothing more than to keep you safe and protect you for the rest of your life? That I want you in my life and in my bed? Things like that?”

  Rani swallowed hard at his words. “Yeah, things like that,” she whispered.

  “Then think those things because they are all true,” Daniel told her.

  “What if I told you for the first time in my life, I want those things too?” she whispered raggedly.

  Daniel paused then urged her, “Just say the words. I need to hear you say the words.”

ani hung her head and finally admitted, “I don’t know the right words to say. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before. You make me feel cherished and protected and for the first time in my life, I feel safe when I’m with you. But I’m feeling like I’m missing something, maybe what happens next? The only problem is I don’t know what comes next. The only thing I do know, is I feel lost when you aren’t there.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and told him, “I know the confrontation between Ivan and Begian is going to be dangerous and people are going to die. I’m afraid, scared, and almost hopeful, all at the same time.”

  Daniel listened as he stroked her hair.

  She paused to look at him. “And then there’s you. When I first woke up in your car, you tried so hard to tell me you weren’t going to hurt me, but I knew that in my heart already. I knew I was safe with you, only with you. You wouldn’t touch me but I wanted you to. Then you brought me here and helped me. But you offered me so much more than just medical aid. You offered me life. You brought me full circle. And I know there’s more waiting in the wings but I don’t know what it is. I do know your touch excites me, your kisses promise me something better but I’ve never had that before and I’m afraid to ask for something I don’t know about.”

  Daniel shook his head. “We go slow...I am trying to anyway.”

  She went quiet for a moment, then spoke, “My mother never told me about what happens between a man and a woman. And after what happened between her and Begian, I did not want to know. But I want to know with you. The last few days have turned my world upside down really. Finding out the man I thought was my father kidnapped my mom and stole her from a man who loved her, then taking her away from the people and the country she loved to raise the of a man he hated just to keep her in line? That’s a lot to digest.” She let out a sigh and looked at him. “I have nothing to offer you except for me. I want to explore this new world you put me in but I’m afraid.”

  “Afraid? Of me?” Daniel asked softly.

  “Oh gosh, no.” Rani shook her head. “I’m afraid of me. I want to be in your arms all the time. I want you to kiss me. I feel a spark of something I never knew existed before. I never wanted anyone’s touch before but I want your touch.” She paused then cocked her head and stared at him. “I know there’s so much more beyond the touching and I want to feel all of it with you. Will you show me?”

  Daniel smiled and she could see his smile even in the dark. “Yeah sweet thing, I can show you. A few days ago, I looked around at the members of my family and felt left out, then I found you and I knew what I was missing. I was missing you.” He gathered her into his arms and got to his feet then he walked back down to her open window. He set her down and she went inside.

  He sighed and tried to keep his head clear. Stepping through and over the windowsill, he looked down at her and asked again, “Are you sure you want this? When I claim you, you will belong to me. I won’t be able to let you go.”

  She reached up and cupped his cheek. “Yes, I want this. I want you. For the first time in my life, I don’t want to run from this.”

  Daniel leaned down to crush her mouth under his.

  Rani moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck to bring them closer. Daniel walked over to the bed. He kept kissing her as they moved.

  He broke the kiss to lay her down, then stepped away to lock the door and shut the window. Coming back, he began to unbutton his shirt. As he stripped off the garment, he locked eyes with Rani.

  She gasped at the sight of his chest. His skin was tanned from hours out in the sun and muscled from working hard. She could barely see the ink on his chest and arms but she knew it was there.

  He had a light coat of dark hair on his chest and she ached to touch it and see if it felt as soft as the hair on his head. The hair came down his belly in a V shape that disappeared below the waistband of his jeans. She couldn’t figure out why this intrigued her so much.

  His hand went to his belt but he paused as he looked at her.

  Rani knew what he was waiting for even without the words. She grasped the hem of her sleep shirt and pulled it up over the top of her head.

  Daniel had to gasp at what he could see of her. Her skin looked smooth and creamy in color. Her breasts were high and full, the pinkness of her hard nipples made his mouth water. Her dark hair was like a blanket as it settled around her shoulders and draped down her back. She sat on the bed with her legs together and they were hiding the prize from him...he couldn’t wait to see the rest of her.

  The wound on her belly was almost healed now and the burn marks were almost gone. He stepped forward as his hands undid his belt and zipper. He pushed down his jeans and stepped out of them as he knelt on the edge of the bed in front of her. “I want you...all of you,” he whispered.

  “Show me, and I will try to be all that you want,” she whispered back.

  Daniel pushed her down onto her back and hovered over her mouth. When he kissed her, Rani groaned as sparks between them flew through both of them. His hands held her head in place as he exploded her mouth with his own.

  When he finally broke the kiss, they were both panting but Daniel didn’t give her any time to settle as his lips kissed a path down her jaw to her neck. He found a place just below her ear that drove her insane with need when he sucked just a bit on her skin.

  His hands roamed her body cupping the weight of her breasts within his fingers. He suckled a nipple into his mouth while he played with the other one. Rani arched her back in response as if trying to move her breasts closer.

  She spread her legs and Daniel fit himself into her cradle. His cock was hard and it was longing for her core.

  Daniel slipped his hands down her body to her warm moist core. As he drew near, he could feel her heat and he groaned again. He began kissing a trail down her body and he didn’t stop until he reached his goal.

  Her scent was a mixture of promise and sin and he couldn’t wait to taste her. His strong fingers ripped her underwear right off her body and all she could do was moan. Then his mouth was there as he licked and sucked her juices.

  Rani felt the fire burning inside her and when his lips touched her, she burst into flames. She cried out his name as she flew over the edge.

  Daniel groaned as he suckled her clit into his mouth. He felt harder than he ever remembered being before and he knew he couldn’t wait anymore. He dragged his body up along hers and looking her in the eyes, he joined with her. Nudging his way inside her, he reached the barrier and whispered, “I’m sorry.” He broke through it, surging deep into her.

  Rani arched her back and cried out.

  Daniel held himself still while buried deep insider her. Framing her face with his hands, he looked into her startled gaze. “Are you all right?”

  Chapter Ten

  “I-I am good. It feels so wonderful...” Rani gasped but it wasn’t in pain, the pain had been swift and brief, then she felt nothing but pleasure as he pushed his way deep into her.

  She began to shake as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. With every stroke, she went higher and higher.

  Daniel was right there with her whispering in her ear, “Sweet Rani, I need you to come, I can’t hold on any longer.”

  This was enough to send her over the edge for the second time. She arched her back and cried out his name even as he covered her mouth with his own, muffling her cries.

  Daniel groaned as he felt himself explode inside her. He painted her walls with his hot seed and he couldn’t help but pray this was what she really wanted. Because after this, he was damn sure, he was going to keep her. He didn’t intend to let her just walk away from him.

  He lifted himself off her. Their skin was sweaty and sticky but neither of them cared. He slipped out of her and slid down beside her, cradling her in his embrace. Rani turned her head to see him. She smiled and leaned up to kiss his lips gently. “That was—like wow...”

  Daniel smiled gently. “Yeah it was and will be every
time because it’s right. You and me baby girl, we were meant to be together.” He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I think I’m gonna keep you.”

  Rani’s heart burst in her chest. “Really?” she whispered. “No one has ever wanted to keep me before, well except my mom of course.”

  “Yeah, sweet thing, I’m gonna keep you,” Daniel promised. “I will be right back.” He rose up.

  Rani watched him stride across the room in his naked glory. She stared at his firm ass and long legs. “Just wow,” she whispered to herself. She had never seen or known a man like him.

  He came back and knelt on the bed.

  She just kept staring. She could see more of him. He was so satiny all over and his ink tattoos were more than interesting. He had powerful legs and he smelled so good all the time. She let out a soft sigh.

  “Rani,” he spoke.

  “Huh?” She gazed up at his face.

  “I was asking if you your legs for me.” His eyes almost glowed like he knew she had been ogling him.

  “Oh...” she gasped out in embarrassment at getting caught and her legs instantly fell open.

  Daniel grinned then lowered his hand and used a warm cloth to clean her up.

  Sighing at his gentle touch, she flushed again.

  He smiled as he shook his head. “Damn, we are going to have lots of fun in the future. I can tell.” Then he set the cloth on the nightstand and laid down. He snuggled under the covers with her and held her tight.

  They spoke about a few things. She had little knowledge of the outside world and Daniel felt determined to take her on trips in his Mustang and show her the world. Well, a few American states anyway.

  Rani went quiet for a few minutes then dared to ask, “Do you think my mom is still alive?”


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