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Playing His Game

Page 11

by Tunstall, Kit

  He couldn’t wait any longer. With her first shudder, as her muscles tightened around his shaft, Roarke let his climax sweep over him. He pulled her closer, and she strained against them. For a moment, it was is if they were one person as their satisfaction pulsed through them. Their heartbeats were simpatico, and a mingled cry came from both of their throats before Roarke collapsed on top of her and held her against him. He rubbed his face in her soft hair as her hands moved to his back. He never wanted to let her go, and he pulled her even closer.

  Maya held onto him as if he was her lifeline. Maybe he was. She wanted to stay with him forever, but she knew she would have to leave. First, she had to settle things with Bobby before she could think about a discussion of the future with Roarke.


  “Are you sure you want to take a cab? I can drive you.”

  Maya shook her head as she did up the last button on her vest top. “A taxi is fine. You look too comfortable to move.”

  A rueful grin curved across his face. It was true he didn’t want to move. The only thing that would make the moment more perfect was if Maya stayed with him. He almost asked her to, but knew she would refuse. Bobby expected her at home, and the afternoon’s events hadn’t changed that. She was still Bobby’s girl—for now.

  She hesitated at the doorway and looked back at him. She half-hoped he would ask her to stay. When he didn’t, Maya sighed and twisted the knob. “I’ll see you Friday?”

  Roarke put his hands behind his head and snuggled against the pillow. “Unless you want to see me sooner?” He kept his tone deliberately light in an attempt to mask the serious undertones.

  She wanted to, but Maya was afraid of his reaction to her sudden enthusiasm. She couldn’t handle a rejection right now until she sorted things out with Bobby. Either way, she knew she couldn’t stay with her fiancé—not after she had realized she loved Roarke. Even if it was all just a game to him, it had become serious to her. It wouldn’t be fair to Bobby to pretend that she still loved him just to have a safety net in case things ended badly with Roarke. “I can’t. Work and all…”

  Roarke sighed. “Friday it is. Do you want me to walk you down?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll be fine.” Maya wanted to say so much more, but in the end she turned and left the bedroom. She was halfway down the stairs when she heard him call out to her. Her heart stuttered and she hoped he was about to ask her to stay. She gripped the banister and turned around. “Yes?”

  He stood at the top of the stairs in the nude. “You left your earrings on the night stand.”

  A horn honked in the driveway to indicate the taxi had arrived. “Bring them with you Friday.” Maya hurried down the stairs and out the door before she blurted out a confession or begged him to let her stay. It was too soon, and she was too uncertain. Besides, she owed Bobby an explanation before she stayed overnight with Roarke—if he wanted her to.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dinner With The Producer

  When Maya entered the apartment, her eyes fell on Bobby. He stood in the entryway in a suit and tie. His blonde hair was secured into a slicked-back ponytail, and she could smell his cologne from the door.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Jesus Christ, Maya. It’s almost seven. You have to get dressed.”

  “Why?” Maya pulled her hand away as he reached for her. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re having dinner with Tony Scarpeti.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, and who is Tony Scarpeti?”

  “He’s doing a movie, and I might get the lead.” Bobby’s blue eyes sparkled with excitement. “Tonight is about striking a deal—maybe.”

  She shook her head. “Why didn’t you give me some warning?” Maya winced as her shoulders grew stiff. Already the relaxation of the afternoon spent with Roarke had dissipated.

  He frowned at her. “Mr. Scarpeti invited us today. I couldn’t say no.”

  Maya knew their discussion would have to be postponed until after the dinner. “What time are we meeting him?”


  “Eight.” She looked down at the slacks and vest she wore. “I’ll never make it.”

  “Hurry.” He took her arm to push her toward the bathroom. “And make yourself beautiful.”

  She put her hands on her hips, frowning up at him. “Why?”

  Bobby’s eyes shifted away from hers. “I’ve heard he has an eye for the ladies. It can’t hurt if you impress him.”

  With a disgusted sigh, Maya marched down the hall to the bathroom. Thank goodness she had taken a shower at Roarke’s before she left. She applied makeup and twisted her hair into a loose bun. Afterward, she stripped off her clothes and dashed down the hall to their bedroom.

  She locked the door behind her so Bobby couldn’t walk in. It was crazy when she considered how many times they had seen each other naked, but she no longer wanted to be exposed in front of him. It would feel like she had cheated on Roarke.

  After she put on underwear and stockings, Maya took a black dress from the closet and grimaced at the thought of wearing it. The heat that enveloped the city would transform the frock to a furnace, but it was her only formal dress, so she had no alternative. She slid the simple silk sheath over her head while she shoved her feet into black pumps. When she hurried from the bedroom, she found Bobby in the hall, where he leaned against the wall. “Zip me?”

  He grunted and set aside his drink as Maya turned around. Bobby lifted the zipper, and then put his hands on her hips. “There’s something different about you.”

  “Huh?” Maya fought back a blush as she turned back to face him.

  His eyes narrowed as they examined her. “You’re different.”

  She rolled her eyes. “We don’t have time for this. There’s traffic…”

  Bobby shook his head. “You look different.”

  Was it an afternoon of great sex or the knowledge she was in love that made her look so different? Maya shrugged unconsciously and tried to divert Bobby’s attention from her. “Mr. Scarpeti won’t like it if we’re late.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, we should go.” He eyed her critically. “Take your hair down.”


  “You should wear your hair down.”

  “That style doesn’t suit this dress.”

  His lip curled. “Maya, the fashion guru.”

  Her spine stiffened. “I prefer economy over fashion. It’s something you could learn about.”

  Bobby glared at her. “I want you to wear your hair down. I said you had long hair, and I want you to show it off.”

  “Too bad. It’s hotter than hell out there.” Maya turned from him and scooped up her purse and car keys on the way to the door. “Coming?”

  “Yeah.” Bobby snatched the keys from her hand and strode from the apartment. He didn’t seem to care if she kept up.

  Rather than run after him, Maya walked at a sedate pace. When she got to the parking garage, she found him behind the wheel. He glowered at her when she opened the door. With a cool smile, she climbed into the SRX and slammed the door as he accelerated from the space. Maya shook her head at the way he drove and fastened her seatbelt without comment.

  The ride to Cïrqué was laden with a tense silence that she felt no inclination to break. Once she opened her mouth, Maya knew the truth would fly out, and she didn’t want to ruin Bobby’s deal with Tony Scarpeti. Their breakup was imminent, but she didn’t want it to be acrimonious. Not that she wanted to be friends with Bobby either.

  Bobby left the SRX with a valet and took her arm. He wore a charming smile, and Maya tried to keep the frown off her face. Always the consummate actor, her Bobby. A small smile found its way through her lips. Not really her Bobby for much longer. Was she a terrible person to feel so relieved? No longer would she have to pander to his ego or give in to his wishes. She sighed quietly and received a warning look from him.

  The maitre‘d greeted them with a sneer, but
quickly humbled himself when Bobby gave the name Scarpeti. “Ah, yes. Mr. Scarpeti waits for you in the lounge.”

  They followed him into the small lounge where a handful of people waited. Maya saw a dark-haired man and woman at a table and assumed they were the Scarpetis. Instead, the maitre‘d led them to a lone man. He was in his forties, with thick black hair, intent dark eyes, and olive skin. He was on the chubby side, but still handsome.

  “Bobby,” she hissed at him.

  “What?” he asked out of the corner of his mouth.

  “Why did you bring me? This is obviously a business dinner, or he would have a date too.”

  Bobby shrugged and disengaged his hold on her to extend his hand to Mr. Scarpeti. “Hello, sir.”

  “Bobby.” He spoke with the tiniest trace of an accent. Mr. Scarpeti shook his hand and flashed three shiny gold rings. Then he turned to smile at her. “You must be the fiancée.”

  Maya held out her hand. “Maya, Mr. Scarpeti.”

  He took her hand, pressing a kiss to the palm instead of shaking it. “Call me Tony. Did you want a drink, or shall we go to our table?”

  Maya left Bobby to answer as she discreetly wiped her palm on the dress and followed them across the restaurant to a round table in a quiet alcove. She remained quiet as they discussed the movie and concentrated first on the menu, and then on her food. She tried to hide her boredom, but a yawn escaped her.

  “Look at us.” Tony shook his head. “We’re discussing business when we could be discussing pleasure.” He winked at Maya.

  She frowned at him and automatically pressed her back against the linen of the chair. “This is a business meeting, so please don’t feel like you have to entertain me.”

  He frowned at Bobby before he regarded her intently. “It is just business for you?”

  She shrugged. “What else would it be, sir? This is about Bobby’s career, after all.”

  He stroked his chin and suddenly laughed. “Ah, I see.” His mirth disappeared when he turned to eye Bobby. “You have not represented this arrangement honestly, Mr. Waller.”

  “I’m telling you she’ll do it.” Sweat beaded Bobby’s forehead.

  Once more, Tony’s eyes studied Maya. “I think not. There is nothing about the girl to suggest she is accustomed to these sort of games.”

  Bobby shook his head. “What about Thomas?”

  Maya’s mouth fell open. “What does Roarke have to do with anything?”

  Tony shook his head and laid aside his napkin. “I have had enough of this, and I think you will be busy explaining long into the night, Waller.” He opened his wallet to peel off a few bills and tossed them on the table. He rose and nodded to both of them. “Good night.”

  Before Bobby could say anything, Scarpeti had walked away from the table. “Bastard.” He slammed his hand on the table and turned to glare at Maya. “This is your fault.”

  She bit back a retort as she pushed away from the table. Most of the Mandarin Quail remained on her plate. “We need to leave. Now.” She didn’t look back to see if he followed as she marched from the restaurant. She stood on the curb near the valet and waited for Bobby to emerge.

  He stopped beside her, obviously angry. Bobby took the keys from his pocket and tossed them to the valet. “The SRX.”

  The red-jacketed valet nodded, and then hurried to the lot. When he pulled up with the SRX a minute later, Bobby tore around to the driver’s side. As the valet got out, Bobby pointed to a tiny scratch on the bumper. “Look what you’ve done to my car.”

  The young man shook his head. “No, sir. I didn’t…”

  “You incompetent moron. I’ll have you fired for this.” Bobby grabbed the lapels of his red jacket and shook him vigorously. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  Heat filled Maya’s cheeks as she hurried forward. She wrenched on Bobby’s arm. “Stop it. You know that scratch was there before. You made it on the way home from the dealership.”

  The kid pulled himself free and hurried back to his kiosk on legs that trembled.

  Bobby glared down at her. “Don’t contradict me.”

  “Don’t act like an ass in public. You’re taking your anger out on that kid.” She scowled at him before she walked around to the passenger side. Bobby had already climbed inside, and Maya’s mouth dropped open when he locked her side. She glared at him, but refused to plead for entrance. She turned on her heel to reenter the restaurant, where a bank of payphones lined the wall.

  By the time she emerged into the heat again for the taxi that stopped at the curb, Bobby and the SRX were gone. Maya almost directed the cab to take her somewhere besides their apartment, but she had nowhere to go at the moment. Besides, she wanted to toss Bobby’s ring back at him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Moving Out

  Bobby didn’t arrive at the apartment for several hours after Maya got home. By the time he sauntered in, as if nothing had happened, she had moved her things to the guest room. She was curled up on the couch under a throw and wore the robe and slippers Roarke had given her. She could almost pretend she was back on his silk sheets again.

  He stopped in the entryway when he saw her on the couch. “You’re still up?”

  She shrugged. “We need to talk.”

  “I’m tired.” There was a petulant cast to his lips.

  “You shouldn’t have stayed out until three in the morning.” Maya resisted the urge to ask where he had been, because she really didn’t care anymore.

  “I’m a grownup. I can do what I want.” He tossed the car keys on the table with a thunk.

  Maya shrugged again. “What was the dinner with Scarpeti about?”

  “Never mind.”

  “Tell me.”

  Bobby strolled into the living room and propped his hip against the couch. “I told him you would be very nice to him if he gave me a role in his movie.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You were trying to pimp me out?”

  He shook his head. “Just furthering my career.”

  “At my expense.”

  Bobby scowled at her. “You don’t seem to mind trading your body for my benefit.”

  If he had been closer, Maya knew she would have slapped him. Instead, she curled her hands around the blanket. “I wouldn’t have done it.”

  “Yeah, right.” Bobby sneered at her. “I’m sure Scarpeti’s gifts are even nicer than Thomas’s. Your mercenary little heart would have gone pitter-patter for him.”

  “I’m not avaricious.” Maya gained her feet. “And I’m not the one hiding four hundred thousand dollars either.”

  He blanched. “So Roarke told you about that?”

  She shrugged. A tiny part of her had hoped he would deny the heated accusation, but she had known Roarke hadn’t lied to her. “Where is it? I’m entitled to some of that.”

  “You didn’t do shit for it.”

  “I put up with you, and I bartered my body for your success.”

  Bobby strode toward her and grabbed a handful of her hair. “It wasn’t anything you didn’t enjoy, now was it?”

  A cold smile curved across her face. “Absolutely right. I’ve enjoyed every minute with Roarke. He’s fabulous in bed.”

  Bobby’s hand curled into a fist, but he slammed it against the couch. “I’m going to bed.”

  “We haven’t finished here.”

  “Finish yourself, babe.” He strode down the hall and slammed the bedroom door behind him.

  “I should be good at that after having fucked you for four years,” she screamed after him. Maya had the urge to follow and tell him that they were through, but her heart still pounded with fear. She had seen the rage in his eyes and knew he had almost hit her. She would let his temper cool, and then confront him when he got home from work tomorrow night.


  Maya let herself into the apartment after work the next day. It was almost four, and she knew Bobby would be home within a couple of hours. That gave her plenty of time to get everything packed th
at she hadn’t gotten to last night so she could be ready to leave. Not that she knew where she would go yet.

  The money in her purse wouldn’t see her through more than a few days at a hotel, and she had already emptied the joint account she shared with Bobby. It seemed unlikely she would see any of his hidden money. She racked her brain for a solution as she walked down the hallway to the guest room.

  She frowned as she passed the partially opened door to the master bedroom. She could hear voices and heavy breathing. Her heart stuttered as she slowly pushed open the door, somehow unsurprised by what she saw.

  Bobby was in between the legs of a brassy blonde woman several years older than he was. Her large, round breasts jiggled as she thrust against his face. Moans came from her, punctuated with, “Fuck me, love.”

  Tears stung Maya’s eyes at the casual betrayal she saw before her. It didn’t matter that their relationship had died. How could he bring some woman into the bed they had shared together? Her eyes narrowed as the blonde tossed back her hair. Maya gasped when she recognized Roni Sherwood, Bobby’s agent.

  They jumped apart at the sound, and Bobby turned to face Maya. “You’re home early.” He sounded defensive, but there was a note of satisfaction in his voice.

  Their movements had been stiff and obviously rehearsed. When she looked in his eyes, Maya realized the scene was a setup. She was supposed to walk in and catch them while they fucked. She felt sick. “How long?”

  “Three years,” Roni said with a giggle. “I’m the reason Bobby moved you here. We met in Seattle…”

  “…she saw potential in me…”

  “…and here you are.” Roni shook her head. “How could you not know, Maya?”

  She shrugged. “I was an idiot?” Maya turned her head to look at Bobby. “Why keep me around if you want to be with her?”


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