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Catharine & Edward

Page 15

by Marianne Knightly

  He gave her a sappy grin. “I want a house full of arguing daughters or fighting sons, hopefully both.” He cupped her face. “And a wife who’s happy being married to someone who’s not a prince.”

  “I don’t know that I can agree to that.”

  Pain slashed through him; it was nothing he didn’t expect and everything he’d hoped wouldn’t be true.

  “You see,” she began, “if I married you, then you would become a prince. So, I couldn’t agree to that at all.”

  He gave a stifled laugh as relief coursed through him. “Catharine. You don’t joke with a man about something like this.”

  “Then let me be completely serious. I know you think we might be moving fast, but I feel as though we’re barely moving. Two years you’ve been with me. Protecting me. Caring for me from afar. Putting your life on the line for me.”

  “That’s my job.”

  “Is that all I really am? All that I’ve ever been?”

  His breath left him in a quick whoosh. “No. You’ve become much more than that.”

  “Exactly. There are still things I don’t know about you. There are still things you don’t know about me. We’ll learn them together.”

  He absently twisted his finger around a lock of her hair. “Sounds too good to be true.”

  “I hope not. And don’t worry about my family. For my sisters, at least, if they see you in this state, they won’t need any convincing. Though, I have to say, I’m very glad to know you weren’t hiding any injuries underneath your clothes. I imagined all sorts of things after I saw you in bandages yesterday morning.”

  Edward looked down, then cursed. He’d forgotten he was still naked. “There was nothing to worry about.” He stepped back and began to dress, Catharine finishing up beside him.

  She held up her tattered panties as they made their way outside again. “You destroyed my clothes.”

  “I got them dirty as well,” he murmured, brushing away bits of debris and dirt from their bodies.

  She gave him a bland look and shook the panties in her hand.

  He grinned. “Are you complaining about the end result?”

  “No, but I can’t walk around like this. You know, a gentleman would offer the underwear off his own bottom to his lady in a situation like this.”

  “Not this gentleman.”

  “Why not?”

  He pulled her behind a nearby tree and brought her body flush against his.

  “Because My Catharine keeps her pussy bare, so anytime I want, I can take her.” He kissed her neck and felt her pulse leap.

  “Eddie. What am I supposed to do when you say things like that to me?”

  “Keep your pussy bare.” He kissed her lips and his hands went under her skirt. “Uncovered, as much as possible.” Another kiss and his finger slipped inside; she was still slick and gorgeous. “I want unfettered access to your sweetness, to your body. Whose are you?”

  “Yours,” she sighed. Her head tipped back and her eyes closed.

  Her orgasm came swiftly, but just as sweet as before. As her body clutched his fingers, he wondered if he’d ever get enough of her.

  As he watched her body crest, then relax, he knew he wouldn’t. He’d want her for as long as he could.

  His phone rang just as he pulled his fingers out. Any ease they’d felt a moment ago was gone, replaced by controlled panic.

  The world intruded far too soon for his taste.

  He traced his wet fingers on her mouth, her swollen, pink lips sucking his digits. Some of her ease returned, so he answered the call.

  “This is Bash.”

  “Is the princess secure?” Blake asked.

  His entire body went on alert. He knew instantly that something had happened. He pulled his fingers free and Catharine looked wary. “We’re in the fields. We can be back at the bunker in a few minutes.”

  “Make it fast and lock her in.”

  “The girls?”

  “They’re fine and so are we. Nothing on the sensors, cameras, or mics, but I wanted to confirm with you verbally. I got a feeling.”

  Since Luke’s ‘feelings’ were usually spot on, Edward didn’t argue. “We’ll be there soon.” He hung up, grabbed Catharine’s hand, and hurried towards the command center.

  “What’s happened? My family?”

  He gave her hand a squeeze. “I don’t know anything yet. I need to get you secure first, then I’ll find out what’s going on. We’ve got extra clothes in the bunker that should fit you. As soon as we get there, change into jeans or pants, and comfortable shoes, in case you need to run or move quickly.”


  He glanced back and saw her face now drowning in fear and worry. “It’ll be okay, Catharine. Whatever it is, we’ll all be okay.”

  She nodded absently, as though she didn’t really believe it.

  He wasn’t sure if he believed himself, either.

  He knew he’d been right not to believe when he heard a popping sound trailed by a metallic rattle, and a bullet splintered the bark of the tree in front of him.

  Another popping sound, another rattle.

  Another bullet that miraculously missed them.

  As adrenaline burst into his veins, he heard Catharine cry out in surprise and shock.

  Instinct to protect and shield took over.

  Edward pushed her to safety behind a tree. “Get down!”

  Edward alerted the RPS and Luke to danger via a special code he tapped into his watch.

  As he threw his body over Catharine’s, he cursed himself for not bringing his gun with him.

  He cursed it even more when the next bullet hit him, and tore his flesh apart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Earlier that morning in Valleria, Rebecca had concocted another ruse to visit the hospital. After another planning session for a charity gala to benefit mental illness programs, she’d come back to visit Dr. Safar.

  This time for her ultrasounds.

  Rebecca was lying on the exam table, her skirt carefully draped over a chair, her panties stuffed into her purse. Her stockinged feet were in stirrups while a soft white sheet was placed over her spread legs.

  She hated this exam.

  She hated it even more when she considered what was at stake.

  “I’m going to insert the transvaginal ultrasound now,” Dr. Safar said, and Rebecca nodded, then braced herself.

  The long, slim probe still hurt going inside her, due to its bulbous head. As the initial burn of pain subsided when it was finally inside, she let out a breath and cursed the man – because you just knew it was a man, who was either compensating for something or claiming his revenge on womankind – who invented the damn thing.

  As Dr. Safar gently shifted the probe around inside her with one hand, her other hand flew across the alien keyboard tapping buttons in a sequence Rebecca would never understand.

  After about ten minutes, it was over. The doctor placed green lines across a few of the images – another mystery Rebecca would likely never get answered – then spoke.

  “I’m just going to step out for a few minutes and take a look at these, as well as the external ultrasound images I took earlier. Why don’t you get dressed? I’ve got some wipes waiting for you, if you need them.” Rebecca nodded and sat up while Dr. Safar left. She cleaned up and got dressed, finishing just before Dr. Safar returned.

  “How bad is it?” Rebecca asked in a small voice.

  Dr. Safar gave her a small smile. “I can’t say anything just yet. I’m going to have a radiologist look at these scans, because that’s what they’re trained to do. I’ll be sure to keep your name out of it, but know that it’s someone I trust who is also bound by confidentiality. In any case, by the time I’ve had a chance to discuss options with him, the results of your blood test should also be back. We’ll sit down again at that point. Will it be a problem to come back to the hospital?”

  Rebecca’s forehead was creased with worry. “It shouldn’t be a problem, but how
do long do you think it will take?”

  “At least several days, perhaps up to a week. I know that’s a long time when you’re waiting for test results; each moment can feel like an hour, and each hour can sometimes feel like a week in and of itself. Try to keep yourself busy, and I promise we’ll figure this out.”

  Rebecca took a deep breath and nodded. At minimum, it was another week of pretending. If none of the tests revealed anything, then she might have to hide more from her love while they figured things out.

  She sighed just as her phone started ringing. As she went to reach for her purse to pick it up, a brusque knock came at the door.

  “Miss Campo,” one of her Royal Protection agents said through the door, “you need to come with us immediately.”

  Her body went solid as stone while her eyes widened. “What’s happened?” she asked, her voice cracking. She didn’t notice her phone stop ringing, only to immediately start again.

  “Miss Campo, if you’re not dressed in thirty seconds, we’re coming in and taking you as you are.”

  Rebecca’s eyes shot to the doctor’s startled ones. “Is Dr. Safar safe here?”

  “She’s fine, Miss Campo. Twenty seconds.”

  Her phone stopped, then started ringing again.

  “Go,” Dr. Safar said as she helped Rebecca with her light jacket and purse. “I’ll be fine. You keep yourself safe.”

  “My results,” Rebecca whispered. If she were taken to a secure bunker, she wouldn’t have access to her phone, even though it was secure.

  “There’s still some time before we know anything. Maybe whatever this is will be over by then.”

  “Ten seconds.”

  Rebecca’s heart was beating so hard, she thought it might burst from her chest. She nodded to Dr. Safar, then swung open the door.

  Her two assigned agents went into swift action as they began running down the hall – one behind her, one in front of her – and Rebecca struggled to keep up. When she stumbled, the agent at her back took hold of her elbow, practically dragging her away.

  She still hadn’t been able to answer her phone, which kept ringing on and off.

  As they finally made their way through the winding halls, skirting medical personnel and other patients with wide-eyed expressions, they exited through a side emergency door.

  As the automatic doors whished shut behind them, their car screeched to a stop in front of the them. She jumped inside, one agent following her into the backseat while the other jumped in front with the driver.

  With another screech of tires, they rushed away.

  Rebecca panted as the adrenaline waned and she tried to calm down. She put a hand to her head as clarity ensued.

  There had been no alarms going off at the hospital. That meant this wasn’t a public threat.

  It was a personal threat, or a royal one.

  “What’s happened?” she said, and jerked at the sound of her phone again. She began digging through her purse while an agent answered.

  “We’re to secure you in the bunker.”

  Alex’s name flashed across the screen and she swiped her screen to answer with trembling hands. “Alex?”

  “Thank God! Oh, thank God. Where are you, darling?”

  “I’m in the car; the agents rushed me in here, but they’re not telling me anything. What’s going on? Are you safe? Cat? The family?” Alex knew she wasn’t just referring to her own parents, but the royal family as well.

  “Someone tried to kill Cat,” Alex said, his voice low and full of darkness.

  “What?” she gasped.

  “Her agent protected her. He got hurt, but he’s okay. We’re calling everyone back to the palace for lockdown.”

  “Why would someone do this?”

  “We don’t know yet, but you can bet Marcello is on it.” She heard Alex let out a shuddering breath. “Jesus Christ, Rebecca.”

  “Cat’s okay,” she whispered softly. “You just said so.”

  “I know. I was worried about you. I kept calling and you wouldn’t answer. I thought…I thought…never mind.”

  “I’m okay, Alex. You know how the agents are. I was running so fast down the halls, I could barely keep from falling, much less answer the phone. I’m okay.”


  At the yearning in his voice, the crushing weight of all she could lose and all she was hiding from him consumed her. Tears escaped and slid down her cheeks. “Oh, Alex.”

  “I’m on my way to the bunker; I’ll see you here soon.”

  “My parents.”

  “They’re protected. Don’t worry about anything but keeping yourself safe.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Damn right you will. I love you, darling.”

  “I love you, too.”

  When they hung up, she settled back against the seat, and watched as Valentia raced by in a blur through tinted windows.

  Her best friend and future sister-in-law – and maid of honor, too, come to that – was almost killed today. Was it a threat against her? Or them? Could Alex be next?

  She couldn’t think like that, she reminded herself. When she and Alex had become engaged, she’d decided she would stay calm when situations like this arose. If she was going to be the queen one day, then she would have to lead if something happened to Alex. Valleria didn’t need her anguish or sorrow or worry; it needed her strength.

  Only, she didn’t feel very strong right now.

  Her own problems seemed so small, though she knew they weren’t. The potential for losing the heart of what she’d desired for so long – to become Alex’s wife and mother to their children – could be slipping from her grasp. She already felt as though she were less of a woman, just at the prospect of infertility.

  However, she knew, and Alex would absolutely say this as well, that infertility never made you less of a woman. He wouldn’t love her any less for it, though it would be something they suffered through together. There were men out there, she knew, that couldn’t handle an infertile woman and would leave her as quick as could be.

  Alex would never do that. After thinking about it for several days and weeks, she now knew that, and she knew that, if he did leave her, it would never be his choice.

  But it could be the choice that Valleria forced him to make.

  As they pulled through the various security gates at the palace, she shook her head free of negative thoughts again. She couldn’t be selfish right now. She had to stay focused on what Alex and the family needed from her.

  She had to stay selfless.

  The car had barely stopped when the door opened and she was pulled from it. She was whisked inside and they kept a steady pace down the marbled floors and stone halls.

  They passed through a series of high security doors, deeper and deeper into the bowels of the palace, until they finally reached the last set of thick, steel doors. It was sad to say, but Rebecca had seen that door too many times in the last several months.

  After a final, silent x-ray and security pass, the agents opened the doors to the bunker.

  She swept inside while the agents closed the door behind her, remaining outside the inner sanctum.

  She walked down the short hall to the a large, cavernous conference room. The royal family who was currently in Valentia – Alex, his parents, Grace, Nate, and Charlie – were all there. Gabriel and Alex paced the small space, while the others were seated around the large mahogany table. Marcello stood, pouring through data on one of the screens, while other agents did the same nearby.

  “Alex.” She rushed into his spread arms.

  “Darling.” He wrapped his arms around her in a tight hold. He kissed the top of her head, then her temple, cheek, and a firm, but chaste kiss on her lips. “Are you all right?”

  “Frightened, but fine.” His arms gave her a squeeze before letting go, and they both took a seat next to each other at the table. “What news?”

  “Cat’s on her way back,” Alex said, a grim look on his fa
ce. “She wanted to stay with the agent, but his team sent her along first. She should be here shortly.”

  “Where was she? Are we allowed to know?”

  Marcello turned to face her. “She was about an hour or so outside Valentia, in the village of Chames, at Bash’s family home. It’s a secure site; no one should have found her there.”

  “How did they?” Gabriel asked as he paused mid-pace, his voice laced with fury.

  “Someone took shots at them while they were outside.”

  “And your agent never thought of that?”

  Tension spiked in the room; for Gabriel and his son to get in an argument right now, in front of non-royals, was unheard of. Rebecca could feel Alex’s own blood start to simmer and she took his hand in a feeble effort to calm him down.

  Marcello’s eyes narrowed. “The site’s grounds are extremely well monitored, as well as the airspace, but someone, or something, slipped through.”

  “They tried to kill my daughter.”

  “They tried to kill my sister,” Marcello shot back. “Arguing about this isn’t going to get us anywhere. Cat’s safe, due to the actions of my agent who, by the way, threw himself in the line of fire to save her. We need to focus on finding out who’s behind this, not sniping at each other.”

  “Gabriel,” Genevieve said from her seat, and reached out a hand to him. “Come, my love.” He waited not one second to take her hand, and lift it to his lips for a kiss. “Our child’s safe,” she continued. “Let’s rejoice in that for now. The time for vengeance will be later.”

  They could see the fight retreating within Gabriel as he took a seat next to his wife. It wasn’t gone, but reduced to same simmer Rebecca felt in Alex.

  When the door flew open a moment later, both Gabriel and Alex stood, then moved towards it.

  “Catharine,” Gabriel said as he engulfed his daughter in his arms. “Oh, my child.” Genevieve joined their hug a moment later. “Are you truly fine?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  ‘Fine’ was not the word Cat would have used. “I’m rattled, Papa, but otherwise fine.” He felt her father’s lips touch the crown of her head before he let go. Her mother gave her a kiss, too.


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