Catharine & Edward

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Catharine & Edward Page 18

by Marianne Knightly

  “Of course I love you,” she said, repeating his own words a few moments ago. “But I don’t know what to do about it, or any of this.” She shook her head. “I can’t disappoint my parents.”

  He stepped closer and cupped her face, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. “Would telling them you’re in love with me disappoint them?”

  “I don’t know. If they don’t approve, and disinherit me or whatever, then Nate and Charlie have to produce an heir. Charlie won’t want that. She loves Nate, but she’d have a hard time with the situation. If they didn’t, Grace also may not be able to have children, Arianna is pregnant but her child will be the heir to Brazenbourg, and who knows about everyone else down the line?”

  He couldn’t think of any other way to shut her up, so he kissed her. He waited until she melted against him before he pulled back. “Take a breath, My Catharine.”

  “Do you see what I’m dealing with?”

  “I see you worrying over something you have no control over. Whoever produces the heir to the throne is irrelevant. Alex will still take over for your father, correct?”

  “Well, yes, but–”

  “But, nothing. The only thing you need to know is that I’ll never make you choose between your family and me. I told you I felt that marriage was a union of two families, not just two people, and I meant it. I won’t stand in your way.”


  “I’m also not giving you up without a fight.”

  A confused look crossed her face. “But you just said–”

  “I said I wouldn’t get in the way of you and your family, but you need to tell them about me. About us. If they disapprove, I’ll leave you alone and never bother you again. Hell, they’ll probably toss me out themselves.”

  “But, Eddie–”

  “You’ve spent days convincing me to give us a chance; well, now you need to do the same. For the last few days, you’ve told me your family will accept me. Now, because of Rebecca’s potential situation, you’re assuming they’ll hate my guts. They’re your family, they’re part of you. I don’t think you’re giving them enough credit. We owe them the chance to accept us, and I’ll be with you when you tell them.”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “You will?”

  “Of course I will. Didn’t I make a vow to protect you in your hour of need?”


  “Have I told you that I really like the way you say my name?”

  A shy grin lit her face. “You do?”

  “Oh, yeah. Can’t get enough of it. Or you.” He gave her a long, sweet kiss, and she softened against him even more.

  “When should we tell them?”

  “When this mess is over.” He shifted and pulled something from his pocket. “Lift your skirt.”

  “We don’t have time for funny business.”

  “Believe me,” he said with a somber face, “protecting you from an asshole is not something I consider funny.”

  It was then she noticed the garter holster he held. “Oh.”

  “Mmmhmm. Sit down and lift your skirt.”

  She did as he asked. He shifted her foot through the holster and skimmed her skin as he moved it up her leg. He could have just strapped it on, but where was the fun in that?

  “You got pepper spray in this small canister. Take it out – carefully – and give it a look.” She did and he gave her a quick tutorial on how to use it. “I’m not leaving your side, but it’s there just in case we get separated.”

  “What else is in here?”

  “Knife,” he said pulling it out and showing it to her. “Pull this out as a last resort. Pepper spray’s better, because you can spray your attacker and you’ll get a head start before they come after you. With a knife, you’ll need to aim and do it close.

  “Get yourself to safety first. Don’t worry about your brother or Rebecca; they’ve got their own security watching them. You got me?”

  “I got you,” she said quietly.

  “Good.” He nodded once and pulled a diamond necklace, bracelet, and earrings out of his pocket.

  “Eddie,” she breathed. “They’re beautiful.”

  He gave her a teasing grin. “Sorry, they’re a loan.”

  “They’re still beautiful.”

  He clasped the bracelet around her dainty wrist. “Some of the stones are actually fake, and are tracking devices.”

  He took out the earrings she was wearing and replaced them with a set of three dangling diamonds joined by thin strands of silver. “The earrings are unique. The bottom stone on each is actually an earpiece. If anything happens, break it off and put it in your ear. You’ll be automatically connected with RPS, who’ll guide you.”

  He shifted behind her, took off her necklace, and replaced it with a diamond one. Another set of three stones, hanging down, teased the edge of her cleavage.

  “There’s a camera in the top stone.” He leaned into her ear. “Try not to let the chain break; if anyone at RPS gets a look at your breasts up close, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  She giggled.

  “I think you should keep your hair back, too. Ponytail would be best.”

  “A ponytail? At an event like this? It took me ages to find shoes that might be acceptable, but another hairstyle?”

  He brushed his lips against hers. “For me, My Catharine?”

  She sighed. “Oh, all right.”

  The party was in full swing when Cat arrived, as they’d planned it. She was announced and entered, everyone bowing and curtsying as required when she walked by them. She greeted the hosts and began mingling. She found Alex and Rebecca, greeting them more warmly than the rest. She noticed Rebecca’s smile didn’t reach her eyes, but knew better than to ask how she was feeling at a public event.

  Eddie stayed no more than a foot behind her the entire time.

  By the time an hour had passed, no one had come up to her, threatened her, or even tried to embarrass her.

  “I don’t think this is working,” she whispered to Eddie.

  “It’s still early. We haven’t been here very long.”

  “And yet, I’m completely exhausted.”

  “Some fresh air might do you well, My Lady.”

  Her body shivered; she loved it when he called her ‘My Lady’. “A lovely idea.”

  They made their way through the throng towards the rear doors, which led to a full, wraparound deck. As she stepped outside, she hugged her arms against the cool, evening breeze from the river below. The Royal Yacht Club – which, incidentally, had not actually been founded by a royal – was set on the banks of the Rhone River, downstream from the palace. If the building didn’t house such a stuffy, nonsense club, it’d be a really lovely place to visit.

  Eddie stood just off to her side, his eyes alert. She wished he would wrap his arms around her and keep her chill at bay, but it wasn’t the time for it. Perhaps she could convince him of it later.

  In her bedroom.

  “I think Philip’s headed our way,” Eddie murmured and she stiffened. She was finding she didn’t like thoughts of Edward interrupted by anyone, much less Philip.

  “You don’t like him, do you, Eddie?”

  “Keep away from him as best you can.”

  “What do you have against him?”

  “He wants you. That should be enough under normal circumstances.”

  “What’s normal anyway? There’s something else.”

  “Yes, but now’s not the time for it.”

  “Catharine,” a voice called.

  She painted an even smile on her face and turned. “Philip. How are you this evening?”

  Philip, also clad in a tuxedo, looked well, but not nearly as handsome as her Eddie. Philip stood a few inches shorter than Eddie; in her heels she nearly overtook Philip’s height. Philip’s blond hair was clipped short and, though his lips smiled, his blue eyes held something else entirely.

  Something she didn’t like one bit.

  Philip leaned in to kis
s her and she deftly deflected him to each cheek before pulling back.

  He gripped her arms and pulled her close. “You tease. Give me a proper kiss.”

  “Step back,” Eddie said, his body now at her side, ready to remove Philip forcibly if needed.

  “I think I can take care of her,” Philip said condescendingly. “Why don’t you just run along?”

  “Step. Back.”

  “Really, Philip. Let go. What’s gotten into you?”

  “You want me to step back? Are you crazy? What is this? A brush off?”

  Cat pushed him away, but he still wouldn’t let go. Eddie stepped in and removed Philip’s hand, then stood between her and Philip.

  Always the protector.

  Always her protector.

  “How dare you?” Philip cried. “You have no right to manhandle me! I’ll have your job for this, just you wait.”

  Eddie merely crossed his arms over his chest, and she heard the sound of running footsteps behind her. She turned to see more RPS agents joining the fray.

  “Everything all right, My Lady?” one of them asked.

  “Sir Philip Cortay grabbed Her Highness without her consent,” Eddie said, and suddenly the air was thick with teeming anger. “I think he should be escorted from the premises.”

  As one of the agents moved towards Philip, Cat intervened. “Wait. Just one moment.” The agents paused, but stuck close to her.

  “I don’t know what’s come over you, Philip, but consider this the end. Don’t contact me, don’t badger me, don’t call me multiple times a day and even more at night.” She felt Eddie stiffen in front of her. “This is harassment and I won’t stand for it.”

  “You won’t stand for what? A man who loves and cares for you? Who tries to show that affection by calling you? You’re sadly mistaken if you think you can do better than me. You’re already in your thirties. No man wants an old, saggy lump for the rest of their lives, even if she is a princess.”

  She gasped as an agent took hold of his arm and essentially dragged him away.

  Eddie had a word with the other agents while she composed herself again.

  Old, saggy lump.

  Anyone, even a glittering princess, would feel the slash those words left behind.

  Even by a dick like Philip.

  When they were alone again, Edward spoke quietly. “Are you all right, My Lady?”

  She took a deep breath. “No, but I will be.”

  “I wish I could hold you right now.”

  “I wish you could, too.”


  “Soon,” she agreed.

  “You know he was wrong, don’t you?”

  “I know. That still doesn’t mean I haven’t thought it, or something similar, at some point.”

  “You’re gorgeous.” He leaned as close as he dared. “Really fucking gorgeous.”

  She turned and caught his eyes. “So are you.”

  “Does that mean you’ll still love me when I’m an old, saggy lump?”

  She huffed a laugh. “Yes, of course I will.”

  “Then we’re good.”

  They were. “We are.”

  After two more hours of mingling, Cat was done, and so was the operation. She said her farewells – even to Alex and Rebecca, who were staying a little longer – and they made their way to the door.

  Eddie led her to the limo. “We’ll regroup and try another strategy.”

  Cat sighed. Would this ever be over? “All right.”

  An agent whipped open the limo door and she ducked inside. It took her a moment to realize she wasn’t alone.

  “Hello, princess,” a voice dripping in sarcasm said.

  Cat gasped. “Philip? What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

  “Drive,” he bit out and the limo started moving.

  The passenger door was still open and she lunged for it. “Eddie!”

  Philip grabbed the fabric of her skirt, keeping her inside.

  She saw Eddie lunge for the car, his face twisted in fury.

  But it was too late.

  A pungent-smelling cloth was placed over her mouth and nose, and she disappeared into oblivion.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When Cat came to, she was cold and damp. She heard the quiet rush of the river nearby, and hoped they hadn’t gone far. With eyes closed, she listened for sounds, for Philip’s voice or the driver’s, for the sounds of movement in the room.

  None came.

  She took stock of her body next.

  Was she still dressed? Yes.

  Did she still have her jewelry on? Yes!

  Hopefully, her high-tech jewelry meant Eddie was nearby.

  Did she still have her garter holster? Yes!

  She slowly lifted one eyelid, just in case someone was near, and took in the space around her.

  She was tossed in the corner of a storage room, the cement floor beneath her bone-chillingly cold and hard. Boat ropes of different sizes, with different types of knots, hung around the room, along with discarded tarps, rolled up banners and signs, and other miscellaneous items.

  There was one door on the opposite side of the room, and one small window above it. The moonlight streamed through, so the room must open directly to the outside.

  At least, if she got free, she wouldn’t have to run confused through corridors.

  When she got free, she reminded herself. Not if. When.

  Finally confirming she was alone, Cat sat up. Her hands had been bound, but not well, as she could wiggle them gently. If she wiggled enough, she might get free. Her feet were bound more loosely, and she managed to break those bindings easily. She stood, then leaned against the wall for support.

  Her body ached; she had no idea how long she’d been unconscious, or how hard she’d been thrown on the floor.

  Brushing aside the pain, she reached for her earrings first, breaking off the bottom diamonds – which was far easier than she’d expected it to be – and put them in her ears.

  “Hello?” she whispered.

  “Thank God! Cat, it’s me.”

  Cat sagged in relief at the sound of Marcello’s voice, but really wanted to hear Edward’s. “Do you know where I am? Philip took me.”

  “You’re still near the club. Bash has a team nearby. We’re just making sure there aren’t any surprises waiting for us before we come get you. Can you reach your holster?”

  She started wiggling her body to get into a better position to try for it. “I think I can. My hands are bound, but I think I can reach it.”

  “Get your pepper spray and keep it in your hands. If they’re bound, Philip and his accomplice won’t notice if you’re holding something small like that.”

  As she shifted up her skirt as quickly as she could, she couldn’t help but ask, “Is Eddie okay?”

  There was a pause before Marcello answered. “He’s pissed as hell, and ready to kill someone, but he’s not hurt.”

  Realizing she wasn’t going to die immediately, she wanted to know how she’d been kidnapped in the first place. “How did they get the car? What about our agents?”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  “Talk now.”

  “Later,” he gritted out.

  “Now,” she whispered back.

  “Jesus, you’re a pain in my ass.”

  “No, I’m not. You love me.”


  “You adore me.”

  “That’s debatable.”

  “I’m your favorite sister.”

  He scoffed. “That’s really debatable.”

  “Got it.” She pulled out the pepper spray, and pushed her skirt down again. She arranged the spray bottle in her hand with the nozzle facing out, so she wouldn’t accidentally spray herself, then settled in again. “Now, tell me what’s really going on. Why did he take me? Because I broke things off with him?”

  “Partially.” He sighed, and she could just picture him running an impatient hand through his dark blond hair, a shad
e similar to their mother’s. “All right, look. I’m going to give it to you straight. I need you to brace yourself.”

  Her spine stiffened. “Okay.”

  “Philip is in serious trouble financially. When you started to cool things off with him, he felt like his chance for redemption was also cooling, and didn’t care too much for that.”

  “How much financial difficulty?”

  “He’s pretty much bankrupt.”

  “What?” Philip’s was one of the oldest and richest Vallerian families, stretching back hundreds of years. It would have taken something huge for them to lose all their money. “I don’t understand how that happened. The Cortay family holdings are extensive; houses and estates all over Valleria and other parts of Europe. The yearly membership in the yacht club alone is seven figures.”

  “None of which they have anymore. They’ve sold off everything except their main home in Valentia at this point. Even his club membership’s been withdrawn, effective next month.”

  “So this was his last chance,” she murmured. “How did you find this out so quickly?”

  “Bash. He started researching Philip and already knew most of this.”

  Suddenly Eddie’s comment that Philip was ‘no good’ seemed to make sense.

  “So Philip has been behind all this? Everything?”

  “With the help of his mistress, Muffy.”

  “Ugh.” Mistress. How classless. “So, they’ve been working together all this time?”

  “Apparently, Muffy’s family is in the same boat as the Cortays. Her father’s been trying to marry her off to fill the family coffers. We believe she was the driver tonight.”

  “What happened to our driver?” No answer. “Marcello?”

  His somber voice came through crystal clear. “They shot him and another agent; both are critically injured.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “I want you to arrange yourself like you’re still passed out. Philip isn’t playing games and, if he comes back, I don’t want to give him a chance to hurt you. If you’re passed out, he won’t see you as a threat, and you’ll have a chance to use the spray.

  “More than that, even though we’ve got evidence, I want a fucking air-tight case. I need him to talk. So, pretend you’re sleeping and let’s see if his tongue wags while you’re out.”


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