Catharine & Edward

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Catharine & Edward Page 19

by Marianne Knightly

  “Too late,” she whispered as she heard a key in the door and the doorknob turned. She pushed away from the wall, and braced herself.

  Philip walked in, carrying the air of a man who thought he’d won. He’d always been a bit conceited, but now the air was thick with it. “Good, you’re awake. That will make things go faster.”

  “What things? Why did you kidnap me? What’s going on?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Shut your mouth. I should have gagged you. Maybe later, when we celebrate our wedding night.”

  Hot, slimy fear slid through her. “Wedding night?”

  “Yes, we’re going to get married. Now. Tonight. With no pre-nup. Your money will be mine and so will your body.”

  She couldn’t hide the look of revulsion on her face, and he sneered in response.

  “You think you’re so much better than me? Once we’re married, I’ll show you how little you’re worth. Once my good name is restored and finally linked with the royal family, you’ll be worth even less.”

  “If you wanted to marry me, why are you trying to kill me? It was you, wasn’t it? In Chames?” She hoped her camera was still working, and recording all of this.

  Pride shone on his face and smirking lips. “Of course it was me. You fired my man on the inside, so he had to get inventive to find out where you’d been taken.”

  “Louise,” Cat whispered.

  “Gori’d worked with that agent who protects you and his team, which included her. My man had fun trying to break her, but the bitch never did.” Lou. What had they done to her?

  Philip shook his head. “He finally remembered your agent had a home nearby. What a useless excuse for a human being, wasting hours on torture. Well, at least he had fun with the girl.” Philip’s chuckles sent revulsion swimming through her. “We’ll have some fun together ourselves later.”

  Cat swallowed the bile inching up her throat. “Where is she? What did you do with her?”

  Philip shrugged. “Think Gori left her tied up in an abandoned house. She’s probably dead by now, anyhow. What do I care? He figured out where you were, which is all I wanted from him.”

  “And what did he want? What did he get for trying to kill me?”

  “Money, same as me. Besides, he wasn’t trying to kill you. Gori rigged the drone, and sent it after you. You, however, were supposed to come running back to my arms for safety and comfort. Did you do that? Of course not. Because you’re just as stupid and worthless as all the rest.”

  “I hope you don’t include me in that description,” Muffy said as she walked in and towards Philip, dressed in an evening gown that was beautiful, but that didn’t fit quite right. Based on what Marcello said, Cat guessed her dress was a loan, since she likely couldn’t afford a dress on her own.

  “Of course not, my dear Muffy.”

  Cat cringed as they went at each other, mouths open, tongues wagging. Her Eddie was definitely a better kisser than Philip.

  She couldn’t believe she ever thought she could marry Philip, even for duty.

  Now, in the face of fear, her future was crystal clear.

  She only wanted Eddie.

  Now and forever.

  She would make her parents see, make her family see. She would make them believe that her and Eddie belonged together.

  There was no other option for her anymore.

  She just had to get through this. Remind herself that Marcello was near, and so was her Eddie. They would help her. She’d never marry Philip, not now or in a hundred years.

  She was safe.

  Well, almost safe.

  When Philip and Muffy finally stopped, she tensed as their eyes focused in on her. “Muffy has been ordained online as a minister. She will perform the ceremony.”

  “You need a witness,” Cat said stalling.

  “Ah. Yes. My father will state he saw us married.”

  “He’d lie under oath?”

  “To return the Cortay name to greatness, he’d do anything.”

  “It won’t work, you know,” Cat said, stalling some more as an idea came to her.

  “What won’t work?” he asked.

  “The wedding. The marriage. I’m bound by law. The Marriage of Royal Heirs Act of 1702. I must wait a year after announcing my engagement before I’m wed. If I marry before then, the wedding is invalid.” Alex – and therefore Rebecca – were bound by the ancient law that required Alex to wait a year before marrying. Cat wasn’t bound by the law, but she hoped Philip didn’t realize that.

  “That law is only applicable to your brother.”

  “If you read it, you’d know that when twins are born, both twins are bound by the law,” she lied. “There’s no way any marriage to me tonight would be considered valid, even with a trumped up witness.”

  Fury rampant on his face, Philip strode over. She debated whether or not to use the pepper spray, but debated too long.

  Philip backhanded her. “Silence!” he yelled and she fell back on a cry.

  He picked her up by her arms, and she knew his fingers would leave a mark. “I should have killed you when I had the chance,” he spat.

  “Why did you fixate on me?” she yelled back and double-checked the position of the pepper spray in her hands. “Why didn’t you just move on to another socialite?”

  “Because I’ve fucked them all. Besides, I was getting paid to marry into your bed.”

  “What? By who?”

  “People who hate you and your family.”

  Anti-monarchists. Damn it, more people who would never leave her family alone. “So, you were what? Going to marry me to become a royal, then murder us all because you hate royalty?”

  “Of course not. I don’t sully my hands with blood. They’re the ones who do that. I do hope they killed your security, though. It was fun watching them go down.”

  Cat heard a growl in her ear, and knew it was Marcello; he wouldn’t wait too much longer to save her.

  She had to keep him talking, and make him talk fast.

  “So someone else murders everyone. Then what? What other grand plans did you have?”

  “I was going to move into the palace and feed them information about you. I tried to do that by installing cameras in the palace, but you’re all dull as dirt. It wasn’t enough and I’d earn more for fucking you.”

  Her face contorted into a very un-princesslike sneer. “Are you a male prostitute then? Willing to sell your body for money? You’ve already sold any scruples or morals you may have had.”

  He squeezed her arms even more painfully, the edges of his nails marking her skin. “Silence! You’ll shut your mouth and do as I say.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I’ll fuck you right now until you do.”

  “Philip!” Muffy cried. “What are you saying?”

  “Shut it, Muffy.”

  She stomped her foot like a child. “I will not be quiet! That wasn’t part of the plan. You’re not supposed to sleep with her.”

  Cat spoke before she thought about it. “He’s not sleeping with me. He wants to rape me, you dumb bitch.”

  “Same difference.”

  “Like hell it is.”

  “You can’t talk to me like that,” Muffy said indignantly. “You think just because you’re a princess, you can do anything. Well, I was supposed to be the princess!”

  “What are you talking about? There is no way you ever would have become a princess.”

  “I would have if I’d married one of your brothers. None of them would go out with me.”

  In that moment, Cat knew she would never tease her brothers about their taste in women again.

  Or, at least not for a while.

  “You’re insane if you think any of my brothers would have married you.”

  She turned to Philip. “And you. Just because your family’s broke, you think you can kidnap me, rape me, force me into an illegal marriage, and arrange to have my family killed?”

  Philip’s eyes glittered. “You bet your big as
s, I do.”

  “My ass is not big!” She aimed the spray and fired, shifting her head away and closing her eyes as she did. “Take that!”

  He let go and she stumbled back on her heels, then aimed the spray at Muffy who was now coming towards her.

  Muffy let out a scream and covered her eyes with her hands.

  Good; the bitch deserved it.

  While they groaned, she ran out the door, looking wildly around for anyone else nearby.

  No one.

  Where was Eddie?



  She looked left and right before taking off to the left. She’d barely rounded the corner of the building when a man’s arms came around her.

  She screamed and aimed the spray again.

  “My Lady,” Edward said forcefully, shaking her a little.

  Relief, sweet and light, swept through her. She dropped the spray and sagged into his arms. “Eddie.”

  “You’re safe. I’ve got you.” As agents ran past them towards Philip and Muffy, he picked her up, his strong arms enveloping her with warmth. She curled closer to him as he carried her away, his beard scratching her cheek as she nuzzled his neck.

  “I’ve got you, My Lady.”

  Yes, he sure did.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rebecca was in the hospital once again, this time in her evening gown, while doctors examined Cat. She knew Cat was fine, at least physically. That’s why Rebecca had snuck away for a few minutes.

  She’d used the time to call Dr. Safar, who’d come to see her in the secluded section of the hospital reserved for the royals.

  It was risky, but it had to be done. She had to know.

  Dr. Safar had told her that the tests revealed nothing was wrong.


  Not one thing.

  What the hell did she do with that? The pain was still there, each sharp twinge a reminder of her failure.

  They’d do more tests, Dr. Safar had said. Run the blood tests again, just to be sure, and arrange for Rebecca to speak to a fertility specialist and perhaps a gastroenterologist.

  As though Rebecca couldn’t tell the difference between period pain and an issue with her gastrointestinal tract.

  What bullshit.

  Yet, Dr. Safar was the doctor. She was supposed to know more about Rebecca’s body than her, wasn’t she?

  Was Rebecca making too much of this?

  Imagining something was wrong, when there was nothing there?

  She didn’t want there to be anything wrong with her.

  Yet, she couldn’t stop that niggle inside her, telling her that something might be.

  Rebecca took a deep breath, trying her hardest not to cry. She was in an empty hospital room, sitting on an empty bed, her arms wrapped around herself to ward off a chill, and she felt more alone than she ever thought possible.

  More tests meant more lying, more hiding things from Alex.

  She wasn’t sure she was strong enough to keep things from him anymore.


  She froze at the sound of Alex’s voice behind the closed door. She took a shuddering breath, then another. “In here, Alex.”

  She pasted a small smile on her face, then turned to watch him enter. His dark eyes were concerned and assessing.

  His eyes always stripped her bare.

  Alex shrugged off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders. The scent of his cologne wrapped around her, more comforting that the coat. As she slipped her arms through the sleeves, he took a seat beside her.

  “Why are you hiding in here?”

  “I wasn’t,” she started quickly, “I just wanted a few minutes alone. That’s all.”

  He brushed her hair back over her shoulder. “I know you, darling. Something’s not right. Talk to me.”

  She turned her face away, but he took hold of her chin and brought it back. “Talk to me. Please.”

  She stared into his gorgeous face, now etched in worry. He always worried about everything. Rebecca had thought she was saving him worry by keeping it to herself, but perhaps she’d been wrong. Perhaps she’d been selfish by keeping it to herself for so long.

  “Oh, Alex.” She burst into tears and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. Alex pulled her onto his lap and held her tightly in his arms, rocking them gently until she calmed.

  “Talk to me,” he urged gently. “Please, darling.”

  “I’m sorry, Alex.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “I should have come to you sooner. Told you sooner.” He waited patiently for her, as he always did.

  God, what had she ever done to deserve someone like him? Someone so strong, and kind, and generous, even with a thousand demands on him and his time every hour of every day. She didn’t deserve him.

  Her voice was barely above a whisper. “I think there’s something wrong with me.”

  His face flashed with fear, and his hands stiffened around her. “Explain that.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’ve been having pains.” She explained what she’d been going through since weaning her body off birth control, and what the doctor had just told her. “She said there was nothing wrong with me, but they’re going to do more tests to be sure.”

  “This is what you’ve really been upset about lately, hasn’t it? Not the dress, or Cat, or your duties, or any of it?”

  “I was upset about those other things. I loved my wedding dress before it was destroyed, but I love my new one more. And of course I was upset about Cat; she’s like a sister to me.” Rebecca frowned. “I told her, you know.”


  She nodded. “And Grace. I told them I might not be able to have children. I wanted to warn Cat, just in case, and I knew Grace would understand what I was going through.”

  “Rebecca,” he admonished.

  “I know I should have spoken to you about it before anyone else. I know. I just didn’t know how.”

  “Have I done something to make you afraid to talk to me? Have I said something?”

  “No, of course not. I just didn’t want you to worry about something that might be nothing.”

  “Total honesty, remember?” he said, reminding her about the vow they’d made to each other, a vow she’d now broken.

  “I’m sorry.” Tears flowed freely down her face again. “I broke our promise. I’m so sorry.”

  “This is why we haven’t made love as often recently as well, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. It’s…painful…sometimes.”

  His face twisted in anguish. “Darling, why didn’t you say something? I never want to cause you pain. Have I been too demanding on you?”

  “No! No, not at all. I’ve wanted to make love as much as you do. I feel so close to you when we’re together like that.”

  “There are other ways to feel close besides penetrative sex. Even out of bed, I feel close to you just with my arms around you, or even when you give me one of your soft smiles.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?”

  “God, Rebecca. Of course I can forgive you. However, you have to promise me that you won’t keep things from me. I don’t want you dealing with things alone. Not this, not anything. Especially if you’re in pain.”

  He gave her a hard, swift kiss against her tear-softened lips. “Were you worried about what I’d say if you told me?”

  She nodded. “What if I can’t have children, Alex? What if–”

  He kissed her again. “You’ll shut your fucking mouth and keep it shut.”

  Her eyes widened. “Alex–”

  Another kiss. “Shut it. I don’t give a damn if you can’t conceive. I’ll still be king when the time comes. I also have other siblings who can produce an heir, who I’ll train and teach just as my father taught me.

  “Do you think for one fucking second I would give you up? Never.” His mouth brutally took hers, and her body lit with heat. “You’re mine, darling. All mine. I’m never gi
ving you up.”

  Her voice was breathless, her body too warm now for Alex’s jacket. “Alex.”

  “We can adopt children. We’ll still be parents. You’ll still be the mother of my children.”

  “But the monarchy–”

  “My siblings will understand, especially Cat. Even if they weren’t born first, they are the children of a king. They understand duty and they’ll understand this. Not one – not a single fucking one of them – will ever say a word against you over this. I’ll make sure of that.”

  Could her heart feel any fuller? She felt as though it would burst from her chest at any moment. Why had she waited so long to tell him?

  “You’ll get the other tests done, and this time I’ll be beside you through each one, and through each doctor’s visit. If there’s something to tell the family, we will. If not, they needn’t know, if you’d prefer not to tell them. I do think, however, you should tell Cat and Grace what the doctor said.”

  “I will. I’ll tell her when the doctor’s finished examining her.”

  “Holy hell. I forgot to mention it. He’s finished. That’s why I came looking for you, to see if you wanted to visit with her for a while.”

  “I’ll go to her now.” Rebecca moved to slide off his lap, but he held on tighter. “Alex?”

  “In a minute,” he murmured, and pulled a velvet pouch from his pocket. “I have something for you.”

  Rebecca took the soft pouch from his hand and tugged it open. She gasped as two pins or brooches fell into her hand.

  One pin was the Vallerian crest, set in gold and jewels; a replacement for the one Bocci had damaged.

  The second was a smaller pin. A set of gold laurel leaves – which symbolized triumph, peace, or success – surrounding a jeweled version of a well-known Santoro family crown; Rebecca had seen Genevieve wear it once or twice.

  “Alex, thank you.”

  “I know you missed your pin, darling.”

  “I really did. That Vallerian crest was the first real piece of jewelry I bought for myself. I didn’t know how much it would come to mean to me when I had it made.”

  “I love when you wear it, but it was a large piece. I thought you might like something a little smaller and simpler, so I had this one made as well.” He leaned his forehead against hers, fingering the smaller pin with her. “You needn’t wear it if you don’t want to.”


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