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One Night in Vegas

Page 6

by Mari Carr, Red Phoenix, Angel Payne, Sierra Cartwright, Jenna Jacob, Victoria Blue

  He pushed the dream out of his mind…for the time being. He still had too many hurdles to clear before the night was over.

  As Noah walked toward the elevators, he considered Mr. Nyte’s advice.

  Change the rules.

  An idea emerged. Noah stepped into the elevator, his excitement growing as it slid past floor after floor.

  Change the rules.

  He rushed down the hallway, pressing his thumb against the keypad for entry. He knew exactly how tomorrow was going to play out.

  Time to wake Hollie. They had a plan to make.

  When he entered the room, he didn’t have to wake Hollie. She was already up.

  And wearing the harem girl outfit.

  “Mother of God.” His mouth went dry and his cock went stiff. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever laid eyes on.

  She tilted her head. “You left.”

  “I put a note on the pillow.”

  “I saw it. Everything okay?”

  “It is now.”

  Hollie walked toward him. That was when he noticed she had something in her hands.

  The collar and leash.

  “Hollie,” he began, wondering if she knew what she was inviting. If she knew how much he wanted what she was offering.

  Once she stood in front of him, she dropped down to her knees. “I missed you,” she paused briefly before adding, “Master.”

  She lifted the collar to him.

  He took it, and then lifted her back to her feet. He had something he needed to say before they got swept away in the fantasy again. Noah had every intention of continuing the game, but before they did that, he wanted them to move forward without questions or anxiety.

  “I love you.”

  She blinked a couple times in confusion at his abrupt declaration.

  “I mean,” he clarified, “I’m in love with you. Completely. Head over heels in an insane, moving-way-too-fast sort of way.”

  Her smile grew as he rambled, which was why he kept going when he should have shut up. “I look at you and see a future, Hollie. A forever future. And maybe you’ll think it’s too soon for me to start talking about—”

  “It’s not too soon,” she interrupted. “I feel the exact same way.”

  “My feelings aren’t going to change tomorrow night, regardless of the outcome of the show.”

  She paused and he realized she’d had the same concerns as him. When she spoke, he heard the things he’d considered fall from her lips. “We’re both pretty competitive. I was afraid…”

  “That I’d be a sore loser?”

  She shrugged lightly. “Or that I would. A half a million dollars is a lot of money. I genuinely believe I can lose gracefully, but…”

  “But it will still hurt. To think you’re second best.”

  She nodded. “And as always, you get me. It’s kind of scary. You’re sure there’s no ESP at play?”

  He chuckled. “I have a plan. A way for both of us to win. The game. The money. And each other.”

  She reached out to cup his cheek affectionately. “You’ve already won my heart.”

  “Ditto,” he said, leaning down to give her a kiss.

  “So what’s the plan?”

  He raised the collar. “Lift your hair and turn around.”

  She did so without hesitation, trembling slightly as Noah fastened the collar around her neck. Once it was secured, he placed a light kiss against her nape then he turned her to face him again.

  “How does it feel?” he asked.


  It was their word. Now that he had a plan, he was determined to make all their dreams come true.

  “So about the competition?”

  “We’re going to change the rules.”

  She smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

  “But first, we’re going to move on to the second course.”


  Tom: Hello, and welcome back to the live finale of Food Fight. Our contestants have spent the last hour racing around, cooking the meal that will make or break their futures. What do you think of this final challenge, Angelica?

  Angelica: I think it’s inspired, Tom. Just inspired. It’s really going to give our contestants one last chance to show the judges exactly what they’re made of, to prove they have what it takes to open and operate their own restaurant.

  Tom: I couldn’t agree more, and I’m dying to know what each contestant considers their signature dish.

  Angelica: Well, we can see that Hollie has remained true to her roots, using a wide variety of organic vegetables in her preparation.

  Tom: While Noah isn’t holding back with the spices. But rumor has it that just prior to the show, both Noah and Hollie changed a few items in their recipes. Do you think those changes were brought on due to nervousness or a mutual desire to take their competitor by surprise?

  Angelica: Maybe a bit of both, Tom. As you can see, there are two plates on that table at center stage. They’ll each put their dishes on one of those for presentation to the judges. And in a competition like this, appearance is as important as taste.

  Tom: And the clock is just about to run out. Looks like Noah is the first to finish his meal. There he is, headed to the center table.

  Angelica: Um…what’s he doing?

  Tom: I’m not sure… He appears to have stacked the two plates. Does he understand that one is for Hollie’s dish?

  Angelica: The judges are trying to catch his attention, but either he doesn’t hear them or he’s ignoring them. He’s plating his food. I have to admit it looks lovely. I hope Hollie doesn’t mess up his presentation when she tries to grab her plate from under his.

  Tom: Here comes Hollie with her food.

  Angelica: Wait. What’s going on? Is she putting her dish on the same serving platter as Noah!? Can she do that?

  Tom: The judges appear to be looking off stage for the producer. It’s clear they’re as confused by this unusual turn of events as the rest of us.

  Angelica: Tom, look—Noah and Hollie are now combining their food, putting it together on the plate to create one dish.

  Tom: And there’s the buzzer to end the competition! I have to admit, I’ve never seen anything like this in ten years with the show. Like the rest of America, I can’t wait to see how this turns out. The judges are approaching the table.

  Angelica: It appears the producer has given them the green light to proceed with the judging. They’re sampling the food. Which I have to say looks absolutely amazing.

  Tom: If the look on Billy Oxford’s face is any indication, Angelica, I’d say you’re correct. I think that expression is called bliss.

  Angelica (laughing lightly): It is indeed, Tom. And given their expressions, I think it’s obvious Noah and Hollie have created something very special together. But I’m not sure how they can award a winner.

  Tom: I agree. I’m concerned their actions may disqualify them.

  Angelica: It appears, after conferring with the producer, the judges have reached a decision.

  Tom: And the winner is—it’s a tie. A tie! How about that? Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we’re witnessing Food Fight history as Noah Lewis and Hollie Mills are both crowned champion. It looks like they’ll have to split the prize money!

  Angelica: Or maybe not, Tom.

  Tom: Is he…? Are they…? Can they—?

  Angelica: Kissing. They’re kissing, Tom. And yes, they can do that on live TV.

  The End

  About the Author

  Writing a book was number one on Mari Carr’s bucket list. A New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller, Mari’s computer is now jammed full of stories—novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends.

  Mari writes contemporary erotic romance novels. To learn more about her spicy stories, click here.

  Join her newsletter so you don’t miss new releases and for exclusive subscriber-only content.

  Find Mari on the web at | Facebook | Twitter |

  Other Titles by Mari Carr

  Trinity Masters:

  Elemental Pleasure

  Primal Passion

  Scorching Desire

  Forbidden Legacy

  Hidden Devotion

  Elegant Seduction

  Sparks in Texas:

  Sparks Fly

  Waiting for You

  Something Sparked

  Off Limits

  Big Easy:

  Blank Canvas

  Crash Point

  Full Position

  Rough Draft

  Triple Beat

  Winner Takes All

  Second Chances:

  Fix You

  Full Moon

  Status Update

  The Back-Up Plan

  Never Been Kissed

  Say Something

  Compass Brothers:

  Northern Exposure

  Southern Comfort

  Eastern Ambitions

  Western Ties

  Compass Girls:

  Winter’s Thaw

  Hope Springs

  Summer Fling

  Falling Softly

  Individual Titles:

  Erotic Research

  Assume the Positions

  Do Over

  Tequila Truth

  Rough Cut

  Happy Hour

  Power Play

  Slam Dunk

  Just Because:

  Because of You

  Because You Love Me

  Because It’s True





  Lowell High:

  Mad about Meg

  Bound by the Past

  Covert Affairs

  Wild Irish:

  Come Monday

  Ruby Tuesday

  Waiting for Wednesday

  Sweet Thursday

  Friday I’m in Love

  Saturday Night Special

  Any Given Sunday

  Wild Irish Christmas

  Wild Irish Boxed Set

  June Girls:

  No Recourse

  No Regrets

  Madison Girls:

  Kiss Me, Kate

  Three Reasons Why

  Boys of Fall:

  Free Agent

  Red Zone

  Wild Card


  Black Jack

  White Knight

  Scoundrels Boxed Set

  Foreign Affairs:





  Stud Poker


  Red Phoenix

  Stud Poker

  Copyright © 2015 by Red Phoenix

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Edited by Sadye Scott-Hainchek, Proofread by Becki Wyer & Marilyn Cooper

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Adult Reading Material 18+

  Brad Anderson—newly appointed headmaster of the Submissive Training Center and cowboy at heart—is about to experience the mystery and magic of Vegas. He heads to the opulent Nyte Hotel with his feisty companion, a furball named Cayenne, not knowing that a request for a simple massage will lead him into a private game of stud poker.

  In honoring his bet to scene with the shy redhead, Shey Allen, the handsome Dom will be risking far more than a sleepless night. Her big blue eyes have captured his heart—is it possible love is not far behind?

  Stud Poker

  The Nyte

  Playing cards is like sex: if you don’t have a good partner,

  you’d better have a good hand…

  **Keep up to date with the newest release of involving Master Anderson by signing up for Red Phoenix’s newsletter:**

  Read more about the sexy Dom, Master Anderson, in the Brie Series:

  Brie Learns the Art of Submission

  * Available in eBook, paperback, and audio book

  Brie Embraces the Heart of Submission

  * Available in eBook, paperback, and audio book

  Brie Masters Love in Submission

  * Available in eBook, paperback, and soon audio book

  Also recommended: The Erotic Adventures of Amy and Troy – in this novel you will meet Master Brad Anderson BEFORE he became part of the Submissive Training Center…

  The Erotic Adventures of Amy and Troy

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  The Nyte

  As Brad Anderson pulled up to the Nyte Hotel in his black Chevy truck, he let out a long, exhausted sigh.

  Damn, I need this…

  An energetic young man hustled up to the massive vehicle with a friendly grin and opened his door. “Nice truck, sir. We don’t get many of those here.”

  Brad glanced around, noting the abundance of sleek sport cars and convertibles. He shrugged as he picked up a mewing orange tabby from the seat, cradling the kitten in his muscular arms as he petted it under the chin. “Yeah, well, I’m not from around here…”

  “So where do you call home?”

  Brad leaned over and grabbed his black Stetson, placing it on his head. Now that it looked like he’d be leaving Colorado for good, he’d decided to fully embrace his cowboy heritage. Although the young man was being overly social, Brad answered the question. “Denver, but I’m headed to LA to stake my claim.”

  The kid laughed good-naturedly, glancing at his cowboy hat. “Mister, I hate to break it to you, but you’re going to stick out like a sore thumb there, too.” He quickly added, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

  Brad pulled out a small leather bag and gently eased the kitten into it, zipping the tiny animal inside. He put a finger to his lips, knowing pets were not allowed at the posh hotel. He handed the valet a twenty and explained, “After all the upheaval of packing, the only thing I’m interested in tonight is a relaxing evening before I head off to LA tomorrow.”

  “You’re only here for a night, sir?”

  Brad mirrored the boy’s engaging smile. “That’s all the time I could spare. You see, I’m the new headmaster of the Training Center, and the next session starts in a week.”

  “What kind of training—if you don’t mind me asking?”

  Brad chuckled, as he shook his finger at the valet. “It’s the kind of training that would get a young man like you in trouble.” Picking up a small suitcase from the back seat, Brad handed over the keys.

  As he started towards the hotel entrance, the valet called out, “Sir.”

  Brad turned around and raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

  With a wicked grin, the kid waved the keys in the air. “Is it true what they say about men and big trucks?”

  Brad smiled, amused by his cheekiness. “What? You mean ‘Big truck, big…heart’?”

  The valet nodded, laughing to himself as he jumped into the beast of a machine. The deep rumble of the engine reverberated in the courtyard as he drove off.

  Brad lifted the leather bag level with his face and whispered, “Keep silent, Cayenne. They welcome pussies here, but not ones of the feline persuasion.”

  He entered the revolving door of the hotel, and looked over the foyer with satisfaction. The huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling was impressive, along with the marble pillars that surrounded it. The entire lobby was adorned with lavish amounts of silver and gold.

  Mr. Nyte certainly had a flair for the dramatic.

  The hotel was known worldwide as an elite establishment, famous for its high-stakes poker and del
uxe fantasy suites. It was funny that Brad was only interested in a comfortable bed and a relaxing evening to himself.

  A sexy brunette sauntered past, looking him over favorably. She glanced down at his crotch and let out a little purr of approval. “Howdy, cowboy.”

  Master Anderson smirked as he tipped his hat to her. “Ma’am.”

  When she proceeded to bite her lip in an inviting manner, Brad abruptly broke eye contact and headed towards the front desk.

  Rest and relaxation, he cautioned himself.

  The perky young woman at the front desk typed in his information and smiled sweetly as she confirmed, “I see you have a reservation for the Serenity Suite for one night. Is that correct, Mr. Anderson?”

  “It is, but I want to confirm that I won’t be disturbed by the chaos of your casino.” As if on cue, there was a loud outburst of bells just beyond the foyer; the sound of cheering soon followed.

  She grinned, announcing proudly, “Must be another big winner!”

  “My point, exactly.”

  “Rest assured, Mr. Anderson. The Serenity Suite is especially designed to meet your nee—” The girl made a cute little sneeze sound and blushed, looking quite embarrassed. “Pardon me.” She discreetly wiped her nose with a tissue before continuing. “The walls are insulated with special material so they are completely soundproof. The only sounds you’ll hear are the ones you make yourself.”

  “That’s good to know,” he replied, winking at her as the crowd in the casino broke out in a fresh set of cheers.

  “If you’ll just…” The young woman sneezed again, looking mortified. “I’m so sorry. If you could just put your thumb there for me, you’ll be all set.” She pointed to a small scanner and smiled.

  Brad quickly placed his thumb on the device to let it scan his fingerprint, hoping Cayenne would remain quiet a little longer.

  “Will there be anything else, sir?”

  “Nope…wait. Can I schedule a massage?”


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