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One Night in Vegas

Page 31

by Mari Carr, Red Phoenix, Angel Payne, Sierra Cartwright, Jenna Jacob, Victoria Blue

  “But I’ve learned my lesson, Sir,” she replied with a wheedling tone.

  Ah, the little minx. Wanting to forgo pain and try to coax him into giving her nothing but pleasure had Quinn wishing he’d had the forethought to hide a nice, thick paddle under the bed. But then again, he always preferred a more hands-on approach when it came to doling out Ava’s punishments.

  As she began counting each slap, her voice carried out loud and strong. But by the time he’d landed six and seven, her voice quivered. Quinn wanted her tears. He knew he wouldn’t have to wait long. Without a proper warm-up, Ava’s tolerance for pain was virtually nil. There wasn’t any familiarity for her to cling to, and that’s exactly where he needed her. Even before he drew his hand back for number ten, Ava was crying. Her sobs stoked that primal, visceral need to mold her even more infinitely beneath his firm and loving hands.

  The sting on his palm served to sharpen his focus like a well-honed blade. His psyche shifted into a deeper level of Dom space. Nothing existed now except Ava and the beauty of her struggling to process the pain.

  Up until a few weeks ago, Quinn would have stopped the punishment and sipped her tears, and softly caressed her reddened flesh before taking her to the heavens. Of course, that’s exactly what she expected him to do, but Quinn couldn’t relent. This was new ground…new territory for both of them, and Ava held the key to their future. If he couldn’t entice her to hand over her power, all Quinn’s plans would evaporate, like smoke on the wind.

  Sucking in a hopeful breath, he landed his hand over her angry red backside five more times in rapid succession. Ava lifted onto all fours, her body taut and rigid as marble. Tossing back her head, she unleashed an ear-piercing scream. Quinn issued an inward curse…he’d lost her to the pain. Every fiber in his being wanted to wrap his arm around her waist, draw her flush against his chest, and whisper praises in her ear. Instead, he placed his wide, hot palm at the small of her back, and pressed her into position once again.

  Her pitiful sobs echoed in his ears, made his cock jerk, and forced him to clench his jaw. Quinn wanted to yank off her blindfold and sip the tears as they spilled down her cheeks…drink in the life force that fed his Dominance.

  * * *

  Unaccustomed to this new side of Quinn, Ava tried to analyze his harsh and uncompromising demeanor, but the blistering fire crawling down her legs and up her spine made focusing impossible. The searing pain of his spanking engulfed her and blocked out all rational thought.

  She felt lost. Cast out in a furious typhoon of uncertainty on a flimsy inflatable raft. Clutching her fists in the sheet, desperate to feel his rugged body draped over her while he whispered words of praise in her ear, Ava wondered if or when she’d find solid ground once again. Any hint of reassurance would be a godsend, yet Quinn seemed determined to withhold even a sliver of security, opting instead to continue his barrage of unrelenting punishment.

  Ava was consumed by the faltering feelings and an unfamiliar sense of panic swelled inside her. And for the first time ever, she contemplated using her safeword. No. Quinn was only leading her into unfamiliar territory. That wasn’t enough to warrant her calling a halt to the punishment…a punishment she’d patently earned.

  And if she were truly honest with herself, he wasn’t giving her more than she could handle, either. The fact that he hadn’t warmed her up prior to administering the punishment was what made the pain seem unbearable. In the past, he’d used paddles and, on occasion, a crop. Ava hadn’t folded and sobbed the way she did now. She’d ridden the pain, encompassed by the sublime and euphoric subspace floating in her mind.

  Waves of displeasure rolled off him and seemingly crackled in the air, but the choking sobs burning the back of her throat made it impossible for Ava to offer up an apology.

  Suddenly, Quinn smoothed his hand over her ass. She jerked in surprise and tried to will the taut muscles to turn to liquid so she could savor his benevolence. But his light, adoring touch felt as if he were scouring the raw nerve endings of her flesh with sandpaper. Inwardly screaming in protest, Ava longed to crawl away from his touch, but that would only add to the punishment she hoped was finished. Gritting her teeth, she panted through the pain and attempted to ride the blistering waves zipping through her body.

  Only when Quinn bent and began trailing tender kisses over her enflamed orbs did Ava relax. She even sighed in relief as his firm, soft lips worked their magic, assuaging the pain and turning her bones to melted butter. Yes, the worst was over; she’d paid the penance and atoned for her disobedience. And just when she thought she’d endured all the pain Quinn wished to dispense, he sank his teeth into her throbbing flesh, like a rabid dog attacking its prey. Agony exploded, rolling up her spine; her brain begged her to flee.

  “Goddammit, Quinn,” Ava hissed as she blindly scrambled across the bed. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” The hateful question launched out of her mouth before she knew what she was saying.

  “Excuse me, princess?” Quinn asked in a tone ripe with indignation. “Do I need to shove a big, red ball gag between those pretty lips of yours? Or maybe I should fill your mouth with my hard cock to curb any more of your recalcitrant remarks. Hmmm?”

  She swallowed tightly. Though his question was rhetorical, Ava opted for his cock over the nasty, ball gag. The damn thing made her jaw ache and caused her to drool like a dog salivating over a steak. If she was to earn a sore jaw, she’d rather achieve it by worshiping his cock.

  “I’m sorry, Master. I—I didn’t mean to lash out like that.”

  “Then why did you?”

  His question came from right beside her. Ava swiveled her head toward his voice, completely unaware that Quinn had moved to this side of the bed. “It’s… You’re doing different things to me.”

  “I certainly am.”

  The humor in his voice both perplexed and ticked her off. “I don’t understand, what you’re doing. What do you want from me?”

  “Everything,” he chuckled before his tone turned stern. “Do you trust me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Hmm, I’m not totally convinced that’s true, sweetheart.”

  Quinn stroked his fingers over her cheek. Ava nuzzled into his touch. Suddenly, the questions and worries that had been pinging through her calmed and leveled out.

  “It is the truth. I swear. It’s just that I can’t seem to find my place…my center. The feeling that I’m connected to you.”

  She felt his fingers slide to the edge of the blindfold before he lifted the fabric and peeled it away. Ava blinked at the harsh light as his face came into focus. His dazzling green eyes were brimmed in pride and lust but, most of all, reflected an unconditional love. All at once, her heart swelled, and the contentment she’d sought enveloped her in a blanket of peace.

  “I told you I was going to push you farther than you’ve ever gone, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, Sir, but I didn’t think that I’d feel so…”

  “So what, my love?” he prodded.

  “Lost…struggling to find my submissive place.”

  “But that’s exactly how I want you to feel. Do you know why?”

  “No.” Ava shook her head.

  She sat quietly, waiting for him to explain. Explain why he aimed to shake the foundation out from under her in such an unusual and disquieting way. Tendrils of self-doubt began to web through her system. Was she lacking to provide him with the type of submission he craved? Had the failure to follow his task been as much of a disappointment to him as had been to her? Questions cluttered her mind. Ava’s anxiety mounted as she patiently waited for him to say…something.

  As if gathering his thoughts, Quinn pursed his lips, then flashed her a devastating smile. His eyes twinkled as he eased onto the bed beside her. Ava exhaled the boulder of tension from her lungs, and her heart sputtered. The heat of his body and masculine scent—a mixture of woodsy cologne and soap—surrounded her like a blanket of reassurance. Ava wanted to climb
into his arms, curl up against his steely chest, and stay there for all time.

  “A Master pushes limits, princess. It’s his job. I’ve been neglecting my duty to you…to us. But I intend to make that up, starting here and now.”

  “You’ve not been neglecting me. You’ve been busy… We both have. Besides, I like the things we do. I…” Did she dare say it? “I know where I stand…what my role is, and where my place is in our BDSM relationship.”

  “And therein lies the problem, princess. It’s time to move past the things you like, and push to another level to find more fulfillment than we’ve experienced thus far.”

  Ava’s heart sank. In a backhanded way, Quinn confirmed her biggest fear—she wasn’t meeting his expectations. What if she never attained the level he desired? What then? Would he kiss her good-bye and seek out another sub…one with more experience, who could make him happy?

  The thought made her want to throw up.

  Quinn cupped her chin, forcing her gaze. Studying her with his moss-colored eyes, he sliced her open like a scalpel. Quinn had always possessed an almost freakish ability to read her thoughts. The slash of his brow told her he’d picked up on the guilt and shortcomings that wheedled their way into her brain.

  With a frown settled over his mouth, he stood and extended his hand. She stared at his wide palm and capable fingers before accepting his invitation as he helped her from the bed. His skin was hot, setting off a familiar current of electricity that tingled up her arm and sent a low vibration humming through her system.

  He moved his hand to the small of her back. A ripple of delight rolled up her spine as Quinn led her across the room to a nondescript wooden door. Funny, she hadn’t even noticed the portal when she’d unpacked. Of course, her mind had been focused on other things.

  She watched as he lifted a small key from his pocket. With a tiny snick, the lock disengaged and the door swung open. Peering inside, Ava sucked in a gasp.

  Chapter Three

  A hidden dungeon unfolded before her. The scent of leather permeated her senses as she skimmed a gaze over the numerous paddles, crops, and whips suspended by individual hooks along the wall. Every type of BDSM implement, from innocuous to frightening, was at Quinn’s disposal. There were several pieces of dungeon furniture, as well. A thickly padded table, spanking bench, and sturdy-looking suspension frame, but Ava’s eyes stilled on the massive St. Andrews cross, situated in the middle of the room.

  Her mouth went dry. While she’d experienced some of the implements in private play with Quinn, like the flogger, nipple clamps, and crop, she’d only seen some of the other toys, like whips and quirts, used on other subs at Club Genesis.

  A palpable wave of Dominance rolled from Quinn’s body, lending an air of formality to the atmosphere. Ava knew he’d purposefully acquired this special room for more than a relaxing session with a thuddy, heavy flogger followed by hours of lovemaking. He aimed to make their time together in the private dungeon serious and memorable.

  A tiny shudder passed through her. Did she have the mettle to buck up and venture into the unknown without leaving claw marks on the drywall? She wasn’t sure, but she knew she had to try to meet his Dominant needs.

  “Before we begin,” Quinn stated, placing his strong hands on her shoulders and turning her to face him. “I am pleased with you, princess. You bring me much joy and happiness, and the power you give me…well, I couldn’t be a prouder Master.”

  She leveled him with a wide-eyed stare. Yes, he’d read every one of her insecurities as if she were an open book.

  “This isn’t a test of your submission, my love. It’s simply an exploration of fantasies…yours and mine.”

  His words were laced in wicked promise. A flutter of confidence began to bubble inside her. “I’d love nothing more than to make all your fantasies come true, Master.”

  “Let’s see if we can do just that then, my precious princess.”

  Quinn’s wide, satisfied smile sent her heart racing and a sense of triumph warming in her veins. He pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead, then led her across the room to the big, polished cross. Without a word, he wrapped her wrists in fleece-lined leather cuffs. Ava’s body trembled in anticipation. While he bound her ankles to the cross in another set of cuffs, she slightly mourned the loss of being bound by his soft rope. The ability to move her torso freely felt strange, and would take a bit of getting used to, but Ava sucked in a deep breath and focused on her cuffed limbs.

  Peeking over her shoulder, she expected to see Quinn stripping out of his dress clothes, but instead she watched as he plucked several toys from their hooks. Stealing glances beneath her long lashes, she watched him place several items on the table beside her before he arched a brow in her direction.

  “Eyes toward the front, princess. You don’t need to fret over the toys I’ve chosen. Your job is to relax and savor the pleasure I give you.” An eager smile kicked up the corners of his mouth. Moving in close, he cupped a hand to her nape, then softly massaged her tense muscles. “What is your safeword, my love?” he asked in a low, buttery voice.

  “Bats.” Ava had chosen that specific word based on her phobia of the nasty, winged rats.

  “Very good,” he praised in a loving tone. “I want you to close your eyes and relax while you open your mind. Focus on the sound of my voice and hand over your control to me, princess. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  Ava issued a resolute nod, wondering when he was going to get naked. But Quinn simply remained behind her, kneading the knots from her neck and shoulders. She quickly realized he had no intention of following the patterns of the past… the systematic progression she’d grown accustomed to. She suddenly felt overexposed and uncomfortably vulnerable in a prickly way.

  Relax and open your mind, he’d instructed. With an inward nod, she exhaled a calming breath. But when he stepped away, a palpable hum sang though her as she restlessly lingered…waiting for him to begin. Not knowing what he planned to do was driving her out of her mind.

  * * *

  Quinn trailed a long, slow gaze up and down Ava’s naked body. She was a vision of absolute beauty. He could have stared at her luscious body cuffed to the cross for the rest of his life. But then they’d both miss out on the pleasures he planned. Still, he found he couldn’t look away from the view of her stretched out…all that inviting pale flesh was a tempting canvas. She even still bore a hint of pink upon her supple ass cheeks. He found it impossible to keep from touching her again. Drawing his wide palms up and down the length of her back, Quinn began reinforcing the Dom/sub connection. Soothing and centering his girl, he branded her trust, absorbed her love, and treasured the power she relinquished all the way to his soul.

  The musky scent emanating from her pussy filled his senses, making him edgy with need. Quinn continued to massage Ava’s shoulders and spine, feeling her tension melt beneath his fingers until she slumped against the wooden frame.

  A tiny smile tugged at his lips. He was already losing her to the lure of subspace. He was often amazed how she tumbled off so quickly, but then most everything about Ava blew his mind. No other woman understood him the way Ava did. Quinn had been around the block enough to know this gorgeous creature splayed out before him held his future in her soft, slender hands.

  Leaning in, he pressed a light kiss at the base of her neck. Closing his eyes, he savored the steady pulse of her heart upon his lips. Ava exhaled a soft and blissful sigh as she seemed to further float away. It was time to bring her back to the surface, at least for a little bit, before he allowed subspace to pull her away once more.

  Plucking up the paddle lined with rabbit fur, Quinn weighed it in his palm. The wide, polished wood was heavy…heavy enough to snag her attention but not vicious enough to make her climb the cross. Drawing the paddle back, he landed a quick slap to her pink cheeks. With a gasp, Ava jerked before snapping her head his direction and pinning him with a wicked glare.

  He bit back a grin and gave her a
nother swat. “Is there a problem, princess?” he asked in a taunting, lyrical tone as he petted the fur side of the paddle over her orbs.

  “No. You, uh, surprised me is all,” she replied nervously.

  “And I thoroughly intend to keep surprising you, my love.”

  “So you’ve said,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Oh, my sassy little minx,” Quinn chuckled. “That attitude will cost you.”

  Ava groaned and turned her head back to the cross. While he loved her feisty, cheeky personality, he knew he’d been far too lenient with her in the past. Quinn didn’t bother trying to hide a grin as he watched her tighten her butt cheeks in anticipation of another swat. No doubt Ava was trying to gain a foothold, but she had no idea he intended to make that an impossible feat.

  With the flick of his wrist, Quinn landed the paddle against her flesh once again before assuaging the burn with the soft, silky fur. In the past, he would have slowly warmed her up before setting her free to languish in subspace. He would have untied her from the stunning Shibari knots and made passionate love until they both drifted off to sleep…sweaty and sated. But not today. Quinn planned to ride the razor’s edge and push past her comfortable plateau.

  Unbeknownst to Ava, the many meetings he’d attended outside the office over the past four weeks had instead been training sessions. He’d arranged for Mika LaBrache, owner of Club Genesis—the private BDSM club where Quinn had first laid eyes on Ava—to teach him how to throw a single tail. Mika had offered up his beautiful slave, Emerald, to bottom for Quinn once he’d learned to control the whip. That he’d put that much faith in Quinn’s abilities made him respect the dungeon owner even more.

  Quinn continued caressing her backside with the fur. Reaching over, he lifted the thick, heavy flogger to remove the single tail hidden beneath it. Gripping the cool, plaited leather, he quickly inspected the new threaded popper at the end. Rolling his wrist, he swished the long leather tongue through the air, gaining a feel of its nature. Mika had taught Quinn on several different whips, explaining that each one had its own unique and individual demeanor. Once confident with the reach and temperament of the whip, Quinn raised his shoulder and flicked his wrist, causing a deliciously wicked crack to fill the air.


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