Book Read Free


Page 32

by Jill Williamson

  Shaylinn slipped out the door and woke Naomi, but Mia’s room was empty. That girl was likely out with Rand again. Shaylinn had no idea how Mia had managed to talk Ewan into helping her. She was just thankful not to be a part of it.

  Naomi was already in Jemma’s room when Shaylinn got back. “Mia isn’t here.”

  Jemma closed her eyes and sighed. “Fine.”

  “Mason then?” Shaylinn said. Jemma nodded and spoke into the radio. “Buttercup to Eagle Eyes, come in.” She clutched the radio to her chest. The four of them remained frozen: Jemma sitting up in bed, Shaylinn standing just inside the doorway, Kendall sitting on the foot of Jemma’s bed, Naomi standing beside her, rubbing her shoulders.

  Kendall suddenly moaned and rolled forward, clutching her belly. The sound scared Shaylinn, and she hugged her own stomach, wondering if life was growing inside her.

  “What are we going to do?” Naomi whispered.

  “I don’t know,” Jemma said. “Shay, go fetch Aunt Chipeta. She’ll be able to help.”

  “Just tap them,” Kendall said.

  Shaylinn ran back to her room, happy to get away from Kendall’s pain. She found her Wyndo on the floor beside her bed and brought up Jemma’s aunt’s picture. It rang and rang and rang before a sleepy Chipeta answered.

  “Shaylinn? Is something wrong?”

  “Kendall is in labor. Jemma wants you all to come to our suite.”

  “Oh, dear. We’ll be right there.”

  Shaylinn sat for a moment to catch her breath. She set her hand against her abdomen; something told her there was life inside even though she didn’t feel any different. The peace she’d had the day of the surgery fled, and fear gripped her like the bite of an electric gun. She didn’t want to have a baby, and she didn’t want any pain. But if she was going to have a baby, she really didn’t want anyone to take her baby away.

  Her Wyndo vibrated in her hand. She tapped Chipeta’s image.


  “Come let us in!” Chipeta said.

  Shaylinn ran to the front door and opened it. The women filed inside and went to Jemma’s bedroom. Aunt Mary gave Shaylinn a hug.

  “No one is answering my calls!” Jemma said.

  “Then we need to leave on our own,” Chipeta said.

  “Where’s Mia?” Jennifer asked.

  “She snuck out again,” Shaylinn said.

  “Please,” Kendall said. “I don’t want any of you to get into trouble. Let’s call Ciddah.”

  “No.” Jemma threw back her covers and got out of bed. “We’ll just have to deal with this ourselves. There is no way I’m letting them take Kendall to the hospital, not when they’ll take her child away.” She squared her shoulders. “I know Levi had a plan, but I think we should try to leave the harem tonight. Even if it’s only to hide somewhere until Kendall’s baby is born.”

  “We’ll get caught if we try to escape with her,” Naomi said. “The cameras are everywhere.”

  “We could try and go out through the kitchen,” Shaylinn said.

  Jemma stepped into a pair of shoes. “What do you mean?”

  “The night Mia and I snuck out, we went through the kitchen,” Shaylinn said. “Stairs back there lead to a big garage in the back of the harem.”

  “Are there cameras?” Naomi asked.

  “Ewan said there weren’t.”

  “If you’re determined to do this, we’ll need to split up,” Chipeta said. “You young girls will go Shaylinn’s way. Us older women will go out the front, create a diversion just in case Ewan was wrong about the cameras.”

  Jennifer folded her arms. “I’m not leaving without Mia.”

  “We won’t actually get away, Jennifer,” Chipeta said. “They’ll catch us.”

  “But what if they don’t? What if we get away and Mia comes back and we’ve left her?” She shook her head. “I’m not leaving my daughter.”

  “I’ll stay with Jennifer,” Aunt Mary said.

  “We should leave the radio with you, in case we do get away,” Jemma said.

  “No!” Aunt Mary said. “How will you reach Levi or Mason without it? Besides, it will be my turn to visit the Surrogacy Center soon enough. We can speak with Mason there.”

  Another painful moan from Kendall silenced any further discussion. Chipeta planned to give the girls a five-minute head start, in case there was an enforcer outside the harem’s front door. Everyone exchanged hugs and kisses, then Shaylinn, Kendall, Jemma, and Naomi each filled a pillowcase with belongings and crept downstairs. Shaylinn had packed her favorite new dresses, though if she were pregnant, she doubted they would fit much longer.

  Shaylinn led them across the main sitting room, hoping and praying this would work. When she reached the kitchen door, she pushed it open just a crack. It was dark inside. Jemma entered and held the door for Kendall and Naomi. The light above the stove and the green emergency exit sign gave them enough light to see. Shaylinn led them through the exit door and into the stairwell.

  When the door closed behind them, their surroundings were pitch black. Shaylinn fumbled in her pillowcase until she located the Wyndo. She tapped the glass and it lit up, illuminating the stairwell with a dull gray glow.

  Shaylinn took the stairs slowly, trying to be quiet, but the scuffing of their shoes over the concrete steps seemed terribly loud and convinced her that an enforcer would catch them any moment.

  Kendall stopped and cried out, and the sound seemed twice as loud in the confined space.

  Jemma ran to her side. “Another contraction?”

  Kendall nodded. Several strands of her tangled brown hair were sticking to her flushed cheeks. “I don’t like it.”

  Jemma sucked in a wincing breath. “Shaylinn, what time is it?”

  Shaylinn glanced at the time on her Wyndo. “Two thirty-three.”

  “Be sure and tell me when the next one happens, Kendall,” Jemma said.

  “I’m sure you’ll know.” Kendall limped a few steps, stopped, and whimpered.

  Jemma hooked Kendall’s arm with hers. “We’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  Kendall’s lips pressed into a thin line. “I’m ready.”

  They continued down the stairs very slowly. Shaylinn braced herself for another outburst from Kendall, but it didn’t happen. They reached the bottom without meeting anyone. Maybe this would be simple. Maybe there was truly no one up at this hour. Maybe the enforcers had never thought of guarding this door or putting cameras in this place.

  She peeked through the door at the bottom of the stairwell, saw no one, and led the girls into the warehouse, keeping close to the wall. Only a few lights were on, making the room appear to be lit by a full moon. The air smelled oddly of cardboard boxes. Shaylinn put the Wyndo into her pillowcase and moved along the edge of the wall while trying to keep in the shadows. The door was here somewhere.

  She walked until they came to a corner, then followed the next wall. The bright glow of an exit sign quickened her breath. She could see it clearly at the end of the row. Though she wanted to run, she forced herself to move slowly.

  The exit door let out into a narrow street between the harem and another building. It was dark to the left. To the right, Shaylinn could see the Harem Gardens, beyond them, a busy street and the huge Medical Center. Shaylinn walked to the left, hoping that staying in the shadows would be wisest.

  They reached the end of the alley. An expanse came into view on their right. The Noble Gardens. City Hall stood beyond the gardens like a watchful eye. They needed some place quiet where Jemma could try to call Levi on the two-way radio again.

  They walked along the sidewalk edging the gardens. Shaylinn’s gaze fell onto a truck idling at the curb. The driver’s door was open, and the seat was empty.

  “The truck?” she whispered to Jemma. “I think I could drive it. It looks empty.”

  “The truck, go!” Jemma ushered Kendall and Naomi toward the vehicle, but a maintenance man stepped out from around the front of the truck, d
ucked in the driver’s door, then moved back to the front hood, which Shaylinn now saw was opened. A tool box sat open on the driver’s seat.

  Jemma backed away from the vehicle, grabbing hold of Kendall and Naomi as she moved. “That’s not going to work, Shay.”

  “Evening, femmys.”

  Shaylinn whirled around. An enforcer was making his way across the grass, coming at them from behind.

  “Any fortune?” he asked the maintenance man.

  “Not yet. It just won’t hold a charge.”

  “Well, a tow is on its way.” The enforcer stopped beside the truck and turned back to the girls. “You femmes lost?”

  “No. Just taking a walk.” Shaylinn turned her back to the enforcer and mouthed the word “Go” to Jemma, Naomi, and Kendall. They turned, and Jemma helped them hobble over the wet grass.

  “Wait, are you femmes pregnant?”

  The question sent fire through Shaylinn’s veins. “I’ll catch up with you.” She turned back to the enforcer. He was walking toward her, his brows furrowed. She smiled and tried to sound calm and confident while holding her pillowcase behind her back. “I’m sure you’ve seen ColorCasts of Kendall Collin and Naomi Jordan, the two women about to deliver babies to the Safe Lands. They get stressed being caged in the harem all the time. It’s bad for their pregnancies, so I bring them out for a walk each night when it’s not so crowded and people won’t mob them.”

  The enforcer’s brow furrowed. “But that’s not allowed.”

  “Not officially, no. But you know how the harem is. Anything for our queens. As long as we’re back before sunrise, Matron looks the other way.”

  His face relaxed into a smile. “Oh, well … I guess I will too, then.”

  Shaylinn offered her biggest smile, trying to bat her eyes the way Mia did. “I appreciate that.”

  “Sure thing. Hey, is Matron Dlorah your task director?”

  “Yeah.” She’d have to be if Shaylinn were out walking the surrogates.

  “I’ve heard she’s tough,” the enforcer said.

  “Oh, she’s not so bad once you get to know her.”

  “What are your off days?”

  “Um … they’re different every week. You know, surrogates and their medical appointments and such. This task doesn’t really allow consistent free time.”

  The enforcer pushed up his sleeve, revealing a Wyndo watch. “Well, maybe next time you’re free you could tap me? It seems every woman I’ve met this year is a two. But you’re a four. Maybe we could pair up sometime.”

  Shaylinn’s cheeks burned, but she forced a smile. “Oh, thanks.” She touched the screen of his Wyndo watch and read his name. “Reglan Brown.”

  “That’s me.”

  “Well, I should catch up to them. Don’t want them getting lost.”

  “You didn’t tap.”

  She swallowed. “Oh. Sorry.” She set her fist against the screen of his watch. It clicked, and Shaylinn’s picture filled the glass. All it said was her name, ID number, and Highland Harem. Maybe he wouldn’t —

  The radio clipped to Reglan’s shoulder crackled and a female voice said, “Calling all units. We’ve got a 10–98 at the harem. Be advised, suspects are four women in their late teens, all dark-haired, two pregnant.”

  Shaylinn turned and ran.

  “Hey!” Reglan called after her. “Stop!”

  Shaylinn quickly caught up to Jemma, Kendall, and Naomi.

  “They’re coming. We’ve got to hurry.”

  “I can’t go faster,” Kendall cried.

  Jemma slowed some. They reached the other side of the Noble Gardens and jogged across the street. It was mostly deserted, though one car was forced to slow because of Jemma and Kendall in the road. The driver honked and yelled as he cruised past.

  “Here!” Jemma handed Shaylinn the two-way radio. “Call Levi. See if he answers.”

  Shaylinn took the radio and started for the Snowcrest apartments, but an enforcer’s car pulled into the parking lot. Shaylinn reversed their direction, but before they reached the next building, another enforcer’s car pulled off the road right in front of them, emergency lights flashing. The officer climbed out and started toward them.

  Shaylinn fumbled to press the button on the radio. “Levi? Are you there?” She turned back to the Snowcrest and yelped at the nearness of two enforcers coming their way. She tugged Jemma and Kendall off the sidewalk and through a circular flower bed. Before they reached the other side, one of the officers cut them off. The three officers were closing in. Shaylinn didn’t know what to do.

  “Levi,” she said into the radio. “Levi, we need help.”

  “Get away from us, you creeps!” Naomi yelled.

  “Don’t be upset, girls,” Kendall said. “I love that you tried to help.”

  Shaylinn shoved the radio into her pillowcase and hugged Kendall. “I’m so sorry we failed.”

  Jemma hugged Kendall next. “I love you, sweet girl. I’ll be praying for you.”

  “I love you too, femmy,” Kendall said.

  An enforcer pointed his gun at Shaylinn. “Don’t move! Put your hands behind your neck.”

  Shaylinn obeyed. And with that, the enforcers arrested them all.



  Kendall’s in labor!” Ciddah’s yell carried all the way to exam room three, where Mason was cleaning the Wyndo screen. It was very early in the morning, and the place was dead. “I’ll contact Luella at her private number and let her know to meet me over there.”

  Mason ran to Rimola’s desk in time to see Ciddah call the elevator. “Can I come?”

  Ciddah turned and frowned. “I’m sorry, Mason. Outsiders are prohibited from the procedure.”


  The elevator dinged and slid open. Ciddah stepped inside and set her palm against the door. “Since an outsider tried to kidnap our babies tonight.”

  Outsider? Levi? Jemma? Mason ran around the desk. “Tell me what happened? Was anyone hurt?”

  “Jemma, Naomi, Shaylinn, and Kendall tried to run,” Ciddah said. “Don’t worry. They’re all fine. They took Kendall to the Medical Center and the others to the RC.”

  “Rehabilitation Center?” Mason stopped in front of the elevator.

  Ciddah lowered her hand, and the door slid closed.

  Mason mumbled to the closed elevator, “Kendall and Naomi’s babies are not yours.”

  He ran to the stairwell and pulled open the door, completely abandoning the SC. He took the stairs down the five levels and hailed a taxi to his apartment in the Westwall. By the time he held the two-way radio, he had to catch his breath before he could speak.

  “This is Eagle Eyes calling Jackrabbit, come in.” There was no answer, so he repeated his call. He glanced at the clock. It was 5:49 a.m. Levi had to be home. “Jackrabbit, you copy?”

  The radio crackled, and a weak voice spoke. “Jackrabbit here. What’s your tidings?”

  “Uh …” Mason scrambled to come up with some kind of code. “Buttercup and her little sister and Stampede’s other half and uh … Buttercup’s friend, uh, Springing Heifer. They made a run for it because Springing Heifer was about to … uh … spring. Now Buttercup is in the fishtrap. Over.” Mason rubbed his eyes and hoped Levi could translate that ridiculous message.

  “Did you say Buttercup is in the fishtrap? My Buttercup?”

  “That’s a 10–4, Jackrabbit. Buttercup, her little sister, and Stampede’s other half are all in the fishtrap. Over.”

  A stretch of silence passed. Mason pictured Levi either destroying his apartment or sitting up in his bed with his forehead wrinkled as he tried to figure out what Mason was talking about in the middle of the night.

  “That’s a 10–4.” Levi said finally. “We stick with the plan and hope they get out. Cut some Zs, Eagle Eyes. But let me know if you hear anything else. Copy?”

  “Copy. Over and out.”

  Mason made his way back to the SC and finished his shift, then went home.

  He slept until his doorbell buzzed at almost eleven thirty in the morning. Who would ever visit his place? Levi?

  He rolled out of bed and opened the front door, eyes half closed.

  Ciddah stood outside his doorway holding two bags. The smell of eggs mingled with Ciddah’s everyday scent of vanilla and cinnamon knocked him back a step.

  She took advantage of his surprise and swept past him into his kitchen. She looked tired, but he’d never seen her smiling so wide. He liked it.

  “Good morning,” she said as she reached into her bag. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  He awoke quickly then. “I … well …” He surveyed his apartment. Not too bad, actually. The shirt he’d worn last night lay on the floor in the doorway to his bedroom. He swiped it up, then realized he was wearing only his scrubs bottoms. He clutched the dirty shirt over his bare chest. “Uh … be right back.”

  He darted into his bedroom, tossed the shirt into his laundry pile, and pulled a fresh one over his head. Green shirt, navy blue pants. It would have to do.

  When he returned to the living room, Ciddah was setting out omelets and toast.

  “You brought me breakfast,” he said.

  “You’re welcome. I felt bad about the way I left you alone in the SC.”

  “How’s Kendall?”

  “Good. Very good. I’m sorry you weren’t able to witness the birth. It was incredible. The surgeons said she was too far along to stop labor, so they let her deliver naturally. They were as nervous as I was. There hasn’t been a natural birth in the Safe Lands in ten years.”

  “The baby’s okay?”

  She squealed and clapped her hands. “He’s absolutely precious! He’s in the nursery already getting comfortable.”

  Mason closed his eyes. He wanted to yell, but this wasn’t Ciddah’s fault. It was so much bigger. How can I possibly do any good in this place? Were his people and other outsiders like Kendall doomed to a life here, slowly killing themselves and being bred like cattle?

  A sniffle caused him to open his eyes. Ciddah stood in his kitchen, one hand on the counter, the other covering her mouth. She was crying.

  Without thinking, Mason was at her side. “Hey, what’s wrong?”


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