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Swinging On A Star

Page 5

by Olivia Jaymes

  He’d bet his new Jaguar that she was the smartest kid in her class.

  “So what university did you go to? What did you study?”

  Popping a piece of fried fish into her mouth, she hummed in appreciation. “I did my undergrad in business and then went on to grad school and got my MBA. Oh, and I went to Stanford. That’s in California.”

  Schools were different in the UK than the States, but an MBA was an MBA, and he’d heard of Stanford.

  “Are you telling me that you have an MBA from Stanford? What in the bloody hell are you doing being a personal assistant?”

  Her cheeks turned pink and she took her time chewing and swallowing the food in her mouth before answering. “First of all, I am not a personal assistant, not that there’s anything wrong with that. That’s just the way Paige and I describe it but my official title is Chief Operating Officer of her corporation. It’s a multimillion dollar business, by the way. I’m in charge of pretty much her whole life or anything that isn’t personal. I run her day to day business, I keep her marketing on track, I watch her sales trends, and lately I’ve begun to deal with the studio that is going to be making the Flynn movie. We employ several people that report directly to me including an accountant, an attorney, a research assistant, two virtual assistants for me, and a financial advisor. The reason I’m involved in her life is because she and I are friends, actually more like sisters. She gets buried in her writing and forgets to take care of herself. I’m organized and can help her with that.” She popped a fry into her mouth and grinned. “And she pays me a small fortune too. But after my childhood, I’ve always believed in living below your means. I could buy designer gowns but where would I wear them? It’s a little formal for the beach.”

  This he hadn’t expected at all. He’d thought Carrie was…well… Dammit, he was ashamed to even think it. He’d thought she was sort of…unsuccessful. She certainly wasn’t one to flaunt her achievements.

  “I apologize and stand corrected. I had no idea that you had all that responsibility. It must be a great deal of work.”

  She nodded. “It means that I won’t be bored while you’re working but I do have my systems down at this point so everything should run like clockwork. My assistants are also well-trained and can deal with things in my absence if need be, although if a major decision needs to be made then I have to do it. This is Paige’s career and I take it very seriously.”

  The iron-clad bond between the two women was apparent to anyone who saw them together.

  “How did you two meet anyway? You’ve known her a long time, yes?”

  “Noah’s mother was a friend of my mother. When I was nearing graduation I came home for spring break and they had cooked up a meeting between myself and Paige. She had just hit the New York Times then and Noah was sick. I could tell she needed someone to take control of the business side of things and to be frank, I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of putting on a suit and heels every day and working on Wall Street. She and I had an instant connection and I trusted my gut. I’ve never regretted it for a moment. I get to do all types of work and I get to do most of it in my pajamas. Of course, my parents were thrilled because it meant that I would be local.”

  He wasn’t sure whether it was a good subject or not but he was curious. “So your parents haven’t been gone all that long?”

  Sadness flickered across her features and her gaze skittered away, her full lips trembling. “Five years ago. They went out to see a movie and a drunk driver crossed the center line, hitting them head on at seventy miles an hour.”

  He couldn’t even imagine not having his parents in his life, didn’t want to contemplate the day they passed on. She’d had to have been amazingly strong to have gone through something that tragic.

  He wanted to reach for her hand but wasn’t sure she would invite physical contact. He wasn’t sure she even liked him as a person. “I’m so sorry. No one should have to deal with that.”

  She turned back, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “I wouldn’t have made it through without Paige. With all the shit she had going on in her own life, she dropped everything for me.”

  “Was Noah…”

  “He died a few months later. We sort of grieved together. It was good to have someone around that felt the way I did.”

  Slapping the table, Carrie shook her finger at him. “Clever, very clever, Hamlet. I try to get to know you and we end up talking about me. I’m on to you. Now, tell me something your girlfriend would know. Like…boxers or briefs?’

  He wasn’t sure why but he kind of liked it when she called him Hamlet. “Boxers.”

  “Favorite book.”

  “The Picture of Dorian Gray. What’s yours?”

  “Scruples by Judith Krantz. Never heard of it, have you?”

  “I have to admit that I have not. What’s it about?”

  “Sex, mostly. It’s about a woman who becomes a rich widow and fashion icon in the seventies. My mother used to read Judith Krantz and as soon as I was old enough to sneak them into my room, so did I. I suppose you don’t approve since it’s not great literature.”

  She said “literature” with a bad British accent.

  “I’ll tell you what. You read Dorian Gray and I’ll read Scruples. What do you think?”

  By her mischievous smile he could tell he had her. She was going to play.

  “Deal, Hamlet.” She reached for her phone. “I’ll download it right now.”

  Shaking his head, he tsk-tsk’d her choice. “I like real books. Books you can hold in your hand.”

  Her expression turned scandalized. “Are you one of those people that sniffs your books?”

  “I like the smell of old books.”

  She shuddered and continued pressing buttons on her phone. “The last time I had a musty book I got an allergic reaction and had to take a Benadryl for the itching. You should think about switching to electronic books. You can carry like five-thousand books with you all in your pocket. The way you travel all the time it would be more convenient.”

  He regarded her closely, perhaps for the first time, taking a close look at the woman sitting across from him. Not just her flame red hair and light brown eyes or her curvy figure and easy smile. No, he looked at her. The way her gaze darted here, there, and everywhere as if taking in every detail of her new surroundings. The way her sweater was buttoned all the way, rather prim and proper but then this was a woman who liked order and control.

  Would she be like that in the bedroom?

  Hold on just a minute. No way am I going to ever find that out.

  A sexual relationship with Carrie was out of the question. He wanted to keep this on an even keel, no complications. Sex was a huge complication. Somebody’s feelings were bound to become involved and it would probably be Carrie’s. Women seemed to fall easier than men. They couldn’t do the casual thing very well and he doubted seriously if Carrie was a friends with benefits type. No, she was the kind that fell deeply in love and planned a future. He’d had enough of love to last him a lifetime.

  “I’ll take that under advisement,” he finally said to her recommendation. “Now is there anything else you want to know?”

  She placed her phone on the table and looked him straight in the eye. “I think I should know about your marriage and breakup. A girlfriend would know these things.”

  She spoke the truth but that was one topic he wasn’t ready to discuss. Not now. Maybe not ever.

  “Not if I don’t discuss it. Next topic.”

  Sighing, she picked up a chip and dipped it in ketchup. “Fine. How about your favorite food?”

  That was a question he could handle.


  New Folder

  After that more than interesting lunch with Max, Carrie was glad to have some time to herself to go shopping. One thing she was beginning to realize, Max was an intense man, whether it was intentional or not, and the time she spent with him one on one was intense as well. She needed a breather.
  When it came to clothes Carrie wasn’t a picky woman. At home in Florida she wore shorts and t-shirts most of the year. When it turned chilly she had a pair of blue jeans and a few hoodies. June in London, however, wasn’t anything like the Sunshine State. It was wet and chilly, the kind that sunk down into her beach bum bones. Or maybe she was simply a wuss after spending a lifetime growing up where it was warm. Either way, she needed to find sensible clothes that didn’t look like she was wearing a potato sack. Where Max went, photographers were sure to follow. She needed to remember she couldn’t leave go outside wearing no makeup, a scraggly ponytail, and baggy shorts. That was no way to end up in People.

  Not being stick thin and six feet tall, shopping was always a challenge. She had hips, she had boobs, and dammit, she had a caboose too. Her belly wasn’t flat from a thousand crunches a day. It was soft and when she bent over, it folded onto itself. Her bras had three hooks on the back for support and she could never buy those delicate little lace ones that couldn’t hold up a balloon. She needed a feat of engineering with underwire and elastic.

  So it was with extreme trepidation that she walked into one of the stores Paige had recommended. Her friend and boss wouldn’t send her anywhere that didn’t have something to fit her but she’d learned that the salespeople could be downright snotty in certain circumstances. Because she didn’t dress up much, they assumed she couldn’t afford what they sold.


  Max had learned a valuable lesson as well today. Don’t assume from appearances.

  “Can I help you?”

  Excellent. An older woman with a little cushion of her own. She’d understand.

  “Thank you, yes, you can. I’m visiting from a much warmer climate and basically have nothing for this weather. I need jeans, pants, sweaters, skirts, a few dresses, probably some boots and shoes. And a raincoat too.”

  Lay out on the line. If the woman worked on commission, all the better. Carrie would get great service.

  The woman’s face lit up. “A whole wardrobe. We better get to work then. My name is Alice, by the way.”

  “Carrie, and I’ll follow you.”

  Alice led her through a maze of clothing racks, asking questions here and there about favorite colors and styles. By the time they’d traversed the labyrinth to the fitting rooms, Alice had selected a huge armload of clothing.

  “This should get you started. While you try these on I’ll go grab some more. If you don’t like something, place it on this hook. If you like something but it’s not the right size, place it here. If you like it and you think you might want it, hang it there.”

  An organized woman. No wonder Paige had sent Carrie here. It was shopping nirvana.

  “Got it and thank you.”

  Alice smiled. “Actually, I should be thanking you. This is the most fun I’ve had all week. Can I get you anything to drink?”

  Carrie shook her head. “I’m good. I just came from lunch.”

  “I’ll be back in a few then.”

  Shopping was actually enjoyable. Alice was easy to talk to and seemed to understand Carrie’s concerns about showing too much cleavage but at the same time accentuating what her momma gave her. It was a thin line and she wanted to make sure she stayed on the correct side of it. Alice totally got it and brought her tasteful, classy clothes that showed off her curves without being obvious. Her buy pile was growing at an alarming rate but she always followed the motto that when she found clothes that looked good on her, she would buy them. Season be damned. She might not be able to wear them much in Florida but Paige traveled and Carrie would get a chance then.

  Frowning, she checked the tag on a particularly lovely peach lace blouse. She needed a size up. It went perfectly with the white wool skirt she had on.

  “Alice,” she called through the door. “Do you have this in a larger size?”

  At this point, it was like doctor and patient so the saleswoman stuck her head in the door and reached for the blouse. “Hmmm…I’ll have to check in the back. It’s so new only one was unpacked for the display mannequin.”

  “You stripped a mannequin for me? That’s dedication, Alice.”

  The woman laughed as she bustled away. “I took the skirt too so she’s naked as the day she was made in the factory. Shocking, just shocking.”

  “You’re a wild woman, Alice,” Carrie called after her, slipping her feet into a gorgeous pair of black stiletto Mary Janes that made her average legs look inches longer and much leaner. It did wonders for her ass and Carrie took a moment to admire what expensive, well-cut clothes could do for a regular woman such as herself when she heard a crash on the other side of the fitting room door. Alice was quick. And apparently a little clumsy. She’d probably grabbed another armload of clothes to try on in addition to the blouse.

  I should give her a hand.

  Without even thinking about her state of undress, she opened it and froze, her entire body stiffening even as she felt a blush rise from her toes all the way up her chest and ending at the roots of her hair.

  It wasn’t Alice. It was a man. A very handsome, dark-haired man who was currently wearing a wide but familiar smile.

  Tyler fucking Gaylord. One of Nate’s – and Max’s – costars in the Thunder movies along with several other roles that had brought him fame, fortune, and women.

  He was standing there. Right in front of Carrie. London must be filled with movie stars.

  Glancing down at herself, she could only feel relief that at least she was wearing a bra and a skirt. All the bits and bobbles were covered up at least and for that she would be forever grateful. At some point she didn’t remember, her hands had flown up to her boobs, covering them just above where the satin edge ended. It was a futile effort but the only option appeared to be to try and brazen this out.

  “Um, hello?”

  That wide smile turned to a predatory grin that would have had most women’s panties on the floor. He didn’t immediately turn away, his gaze traveling leisurely from her head to where her feet were encased in fuck-me black heels. From the warm look in his amazingly blue eyes, he was enjoying the view.

  Blushing all the way to her breasts, she reached back with one hand and grabbed a sweater hanging from the fitting room door and held it in front of her.

  The handsome actor took a step closer. “I’m Tyler Gaylord. And you are?”

  “Mortified, mostly,” she said curtly. His charm wasn’t going to work on her. “What are you doing in the ladies’ fitting area, Tyler? Is this how you spend your down time between movies? Does TMZ know about this?”

  This was why she didn’t shop.

  He shrugged those wide shoulders. “Some people knit…”

  “Others creep around half-naked women. Got it.”

  Laughing, he shook his head. “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. Seriously, I’m not a pervert. I think I got turned around. The salesperson out there told me to go have a seat for a moment and then she could help me.” He held up in his hands in surrender. “I swear I’m only here to buy my girlfriend a gift.”

  “Monica Batfort,” Carrie replied knowingly. She’d seen a picture of the two of them while in line at the grocery store. “You really did take a wrong turn.”

  He leaned over and picked up the naked mannequin he’d knocked over. “I guess I got a little flustered and next thing I knew this little lady was hitting the floor. I hope she forgives me.”

  “I heard you were backstage at a lingerie fashion show so I’m having a hard time picturing you flustered by an undressed mannequin.”

  He leaned forward and gave her a wink. “Don’t believe a fraction of what you read.”

  Carrie of all people should know how bogus it all was.

  “A fraction is more than enough. I don’t think you’ll find anything for Monica back here. She and I don’t wear the same size.”

  Monica was tall and thin with no boobs.

  His gaze caressed her curves. “Clearly you don’t. But it’s not Monica I�
��m buying for. It’s Angie.”

  “Angie,” Carrie echoed, trying to place the name with a face. “I doubt she’s my size either.”

  He stuck his hands in the pockets of his tight jeans. “The fact is I don’t know what to get her. This place was recommended by the wife of one of my costars. She said it had everything and the service was top-notch.”

  That was exactly what Paige had told Carrie. It couldn’t be?

  “Did Paige tell you that?”

  His brows shot up and then he threw his head back and laughed. “You know Paige? How do you know Paige?”

  Of course.

  “She’s my boss.”

  Something in Tyler Gaylord’s demeanor changed. Just like that, he’d gone from arrogant womanizer to regular guy-next-door. These actors really did turn it on and off.

  “You’re Carrie,” he said warmly. “We would have met at the wedding but I couldn’t get away. Paige and Nate talk about you all the time. They say you’re a miracle.”

  It was always nice to hear good things about oneself.

  Except when one was half-naked.

  “I am a miracle. I am also a little chilly.”

  At first, he looked at her blankly but then he got what she was saying.

  “Clearly, I need to find out where I’m actually supposed to be waiting. I want you to know that I don’t normally do this.”

  Maybe. She’d believe that half-naked women dragged him into the dressing rooms. Then had their wicked way with his fine self.

  “That would be more believable if you weren’t still standing here. Off you go, Mr. Gaylord. I’m sure you’re a busy man.”

  Whirling around, he presented his back to her, but she could tell he was laughing by the way his shoulders shook. He looked as good from this angle as he did the front.

  “Do pardon me, Carrie. I’ll just be on my way. It was lovely meeting you. We should do this again sometime.”

  Of course he got in the last word as Alice bustled back in, an alarmed expression on her face.


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