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Beyond the Duke's Domain: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 4

Page 25

by Wendy Soliman

  ‘It wouldn’t have fooled anyone for long,’ Cal added, ‘but would have damaged the duke’s reputation. There are always those who are willing to believe the worst.’

  ‘And striking at Zach’s honour would have been an ideal way to settle a long-standing grudge,’ Amos added.

  ‘What about Sally?’ Lucy asked. ‘She was duped by Basingstoke too. She isn’t a bad sort. She could have warned Cutler that we intended to attack him, but she kept quiet and eventually agreed to help us when we got to the tavern. We couldn’t know that you gentlemen would be there to smooth our path in that regard.’ She beamed at them. ‘What kept you?’

  Raph could sense that now her ordeal had ended, Lucy was thoroughly enjoying her part in the adventure. He wondered if the reality had quelled her thirst for adventure. Her face glowed at present but when she’d had an opportunity to reflect, he hoped she would realise just how fortunate they had been. Ariana’s courage was laudable, but so many things could have gone wrong. He shuddered whenever he contemplated those possibilities.

  ‘I have told the village leaders that I will speak with them later this week and discuss their grievances. If there is anything I can do to help them re-establish the prosperity of their village then I shall do it, but they can’t expect something for nothing. Their survival rests in their own hands. As for Sally, she’s back working in her father’s tavern and likely won’t be in a hurry to leave it again.’

  ‘You realise,’ Adler remarked from the back of the room, ‘that she’s the young woman my informant, Stone, walked out with before her disappearance. He was devastated when he saw her in Beauworth and realised how Basingstoke had manipulated her. Now that his grace has offered Stone a position here, she realises what she gave up. Stone won’t take her back though, or so he tells me. Not after…’

  ‘Quite,’ the duke said hastily, ‘and I am sure that will be punishment enough.’

  ‘I am so very relieved at the way things have turned out,’ Petra said, still clutching Lucy’s hand. ‘You must promise me never to do anything of the sort ever again.’

  Lucy smiled. ‘I have no immediate plans to repeat the experience,’ she said with feeling.

  ‘Your bullet caught Basingstoke in the thigh,’ the duke told Ariana.

  ‘Bother! I was aiming for his heart, but I expect that was too small a target.’

  ‘He panicked when there was so much blood and had Townsend and the only other man there, Cutler’s assistant, carry him into the house. He didn’t want to lie in the mud, it seems, and was too concerned about his own welfare to think of locking you all back in.’ The duke smiled. ‘Anyway, he is now under lock and key himself and Lord Romsey and I between us will ensure that he is punished to the full extent of the law.’

  ‘What is likely to happen to him?’ Ariana asked, with detachment.

  ‘If it can be proved that he has killed anyone, he will hang.’ There wasn’t an ounce of compassion in the duke’s voice. ‘But the chances are he will be transported, which will be a worse fate for a man of his ilk. In any event, his property will be forfeited to the crown and with great good fortune it will be gifted to one of the king’s favourites. Someone who is more agreeably inclined towards the duchy.’

  ‘Good,’ several voices said in unison.

  ‘How did you know that pistol was loaded, Ariana?’ Amos asked.

  ‘It was a modern one, intended for a lady’s protection. I have fired one myself and saw that the safety was on, which implied it was ready to be fired. I assumed that Cutler must be aware of the risks involved in transporting the girls and would therefore arm himself. I dare say that his assistant had a heavier flintlock to hand, but Cutler would want to be prepared for any eventuality.’

  ‘Having a gun loaded and primed in his pocket wouldn’t be without risk, but one assumes he considered it to be a calculated one, fortunately for us,’ the duke said.

  Everyone expressed their agreement.

  It was apparent that both girls were exhausted now that the excitement had worn off, and the duchess insisted that they be packed off to bed.

  Raph was given no opportunity to exchange anything more than passing looks with Lucy, which was probably just as well, since he had absolutely no idea what he intended to say to her. He did however know that he and Ariana were overdue a heart to heart, and he decided that there should be no more prevarication on that score.

  He ran her to ground the following morning in the small parlour she sometimes frequented.

  ‘How are you feeling?’ he asked, kissing her brow.

  ‘Like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I slept soundly with no horrible memories intruding upon my slumbers for the first time since my original ordeal.’ She offered Raph a radiant smile and he could see that the devastation had left her eyes. ‘Revenge is a great restorative. I will admit that I was scared half out of my wits but also felt inexplicably calm.’

  ‘I understand.’

  ‘Do you? Yes, I suppose you do.’ She frowned. ‘I can’t explain why, but I somehow knew that I would be able to find a way out of the dilemma I had so carelessly landed Lucy in. Basingstoke’s attitude gave me courage. He is so arrogant that he didn’t seriously suppose that I would get the better of him again, especially since I pretended to be scared of him. Well, not much pretence was necessary in that regard, but still…’

  She let out a long breath. ‘If he had come into the cellar with Cutler, then I wouldn’t have been able to overcome them both.’ She flashed a mischievous smile. ‘But I expect I would still have attempted it.’

  ‘I shall not scold you, even if your rash behaviour added ten years to my life.’ Raph wrapped his hand around hers. ‘I understand how the need for revenge can drive a person, but now that you have achieved it, what are your intentions for the future?’

  ‘Ah, the subject we have avoided discussing.’

  ‘Indeed. There is a reasonable sum that I have salvaged from our assets in Spain. Enough for us both to live comfortably.’

  ‘Do you intend to go back, Raph?’

  ‘That rather depends upon you.’

  Ariana shook her head. ‘There is nothing left for me in Spain beyond unhappy memories. I know my limitations and will never be able to track down the men who so brutally killed Mama and Papa, even supposing that they survived the war.’ She wiped away an errant tear. ‘The best thing I can do to live up to their expectations is to make the very best of my time on this earth, and to be happy.’

  ‘With Lord Amos?’

  Ariana looked away. ‘I am devoted to his children.’

  ‘Very well.’ Raph paused, deciding against probing. ‘Since we are being so open, I ought to tell you about a communication I recently received from Spain.’

  Ariana shook her head before he had even finished explaining. ‘Don’t do it! It’s the Spanish government’s way of luring you back into their service. Your luck will one day run out and you will be killed. I don’t think I could bear losing you.’ She clutched his arm. ‘Not for a second time. If you feel guilty for the way Martina and I were abused and ill-treated, then repay me by not obeying this call to arms.’

  ‘I shall not go back for that reason. I shall however go back to tie up our affairs. I am tired of constantly looking over my shoulder, truth to tell.’

  ‘What shall you do after that?’

  ‘I will settle somewhere in this country, remain close to my sisters and offer my talents, such as they are, to Lord Romsey.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She leaned into his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

  ‘I shall go tomorrow,’ he said, ‘but I will not be away for long. Try to behave yourself and not attack any other hapless males whilst I am gone, if you can possibly resist the urge.’

  Ariana grinned at him. ‘You ask a lot.’

  Ariana stayed where she was for a long time after Raph left her, thinking about the events of the past day. It was finally all over, and she had repaid the duke in some small way for his ma
ny kindnesses by ridding him of a neighbour who had been a thorn in his side for a very long time. She would now, if Raph was to be believed, have some money of her own.


  But did she want it? She knew very well what her heart desired and was tired of denying the truth—but all the money in the world wouldn’t make her wishes any easier to fulfil.

  ‘Am I disturbing you?’

  She knew it was Amos even before she inhaled his unique masculine aroma and turned to drink in the sight of his rugged features, still clouded with anxiety following the events of the previous day. Their friendship, brought about by their mutual interest in his children, was a close one, yet she couldn’t talk to him about her most dearly held desire. That was a conversation that he would have to instigate, and she often wondered if he ever would. Perhaps she had misinterpreted the signs.

  ‘You have caught me neglecting my duties in the nursery,’ she replied with a smile.

  ‘Not a bit of it. You are not to set foot up there and withstand the rigours of the children’s demands until you are completely recovered from your ordeal.’

  ‘They will come in search of me if I do not show my face. Charlotte is still very fragile.’

  ‘What are your plans now that you have put the past behind you?’ Amos asked. His tone sounded almost fearful.

  ‘Is that your polite way of saying that you have no further need of my services?’

  ‘Quite the opposite, I do assure you, but Raph is back in your life, Cutler and Basingstoke are out of business and your priorities must have changed.’

  ‘I have informed my brother that I do not intend to return to Spain.’

  The breath escaped Amos’s body is a loud whoosh. ‘I am so very glad,’ he replied softly. ‘The children cannot do without you.’ He paused. ‘Damn it, I cannot do without you.’

  She waited for him to say more. To speak the words she longed to hear, even though she hadn’t previously admitted it, not even to herself. Surely, this time…

  But it soon became clear that he didn’t intend to press the point and the silence was in danger of becoming embarrassing.

  ‘Raph’s spymasters are trying to lure him back, but he has promised not to allow it to happen. He’s returning to Spain tomorrow to tie up our family’s affairs, and then he intends to settle in this country.’

  He took her hand, raised it to his lips and gently kissed the back of it. ‘Clarence will find him work, if that’s what he desires.’

  Ariana screwed up her nose. ‘At least I will have a better idea where he is if he works from this country, which is the most that I can ask of a man with his reckless nature.’

  ‘Shall you keep house for him?’

  ‘Nothing’s been decided.’ She sent him an accusatory glare. ‘I knew it. You do want rid of me!’

  ‘Stop putting words into my mouth.’ He touched her face with gentle fingers. ‘I want you to stay here, more than you could possibly know, but I am not selfish. You must do what is right for you.’ He sighed and looked away from her. ‘And you must give me time.’

  Time for what?

  ‘What would feel right for me at this moment is a long gallop across the estate.’

  Amos laughed, the confusion left his eyes and he athletically rose to his feet. ‘We will ride together, as we always have,’ he said.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A month had passed since the excitement in Beauworth. Lucy was now confident with Fizz and rode alone to the ruins that she had last visited with Raph. She dismounted and sat in the same spot they had occupied, feeling discontent vibrating through her. Raph hadn’t made any attempt to speak privately to her before his departure for Spain. Clearly, she had misinterpreted the nature of his feelings for her. When he shared the particulars of the communication he had received from Spain regarding his undercover activities, she had thought that he admired her and respected her views.

  Lucy laughed aloud and blew air through her lips. She had got it entirely wrong, but at least she had not embarrassed herself by saying or doing anything to encourage his questionable attentions. He had been the one doing all the chasing, and her pride remained intact, even if her heart felt bruised and she considered herself to have been misled.

  Her self-pity was interrupted by the sound of galloping hooves. She glanced up, wondering who it could be. Not many people rode in this direction, and she had assumed she’d have it to herself. In no mood for company, she got up and strode towards Fizz, her eyes downcast, only to collide with a solid male chest. She glanced up and gasped, wondering for a ridiculous moment if her eyes were playing tricks on her, and that by thinking so hard about Raph she had somehow summoned up an image of him.

  But there was nothing imaginary about the hardness of his body, or the softness in his dark eyes as his gaze rested upon her face. The spicy and wholesome aroma she associated with him was definitely not a figment of her overactive mind either.

  ‘Careful,’ he said, placing his hands on her shoulders to steady her.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked at the same time, sounding petulant.

  ‘I came looking for you. I was told that you were out riding and thought I might find you here.’

  ‘Why here?’ She felt disadvantaged and wanted to fight with him to hide her confusion. ‘Because I once brought you here?’

  ‘Because you told me it’s a favourite place of yours,’ he said, remaining implacably calm.

  Botheration, she had said that, she recalled. ‘Well, you have found me.’ She moved her shoulders and dislodged his hands from them. The searing heat from his palms permeated her clothing, causing embers of nervous warmth to work their way through her bloodstream, and she couldn’t think straight. ‘Why were you looking for me?’

  ‘Do I have to have a reason?’

  ‘There you go again, answering questions with questions.’

  ‘I enjoy your company. You are refreshingly outspoken, which is a rarity in an unmarried woman.’

  She tossed her head. ‘I am glad you approve.’

  They stood close, and Lucy became increasingly aware of her elevated heart rate. Her cheeks were probably flushed as she waited for him to speak. He could only just have returned, she reasoned, and his first priority had been to come in search of her. Dare she hope?

  ‘How is your ankle?’

  ‘My ankle?’ Was that really all he wanted to know? Disappointment roiled through her. ‘It’s better,’ she said abruptly.

  ‘And you? Any repercussions following your ordeal?’

  ‘Ariana took all the risks. I merely backed her up.’

  ‘No, Lucy, you did much more than that, and I expect it felt good.’

  ‘It felt good,’ she agreed.

  ‘You wanted adventure.’ He smiled at her, that meltingly gentle smile that softened the rich burn in his eyes and made her wilt with desire. ‘And I hope that it was enough for you. When I saw you with that bloodied man, I…well, I don’t know what I thought.’

  ‘You were naturally worried for Ariana.’

  ‘Yes, but also for you, you impetuous fool. If I had lost you…’ He appeared overcome, stopped speaking and shook his head, sending black hair cascading over his forehead. Lucy impulsively reached up and pushed it back into place. He grasped her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. ‘I want you for my wife, Lucy.’

  Lucy gaped at him. ‘Your wife?’

  ‘Is the idea so very repugnant to you? I thought we had a connection, something special. I have been to Spain to tidy up my affairs and formally resign from service with my government.’

  ‘Did they try to make you stay?’

  ‘They were not happy about it, but they could see that my mind was made up. And now I shall purchase a house here in England, somewhere close to Winchester. You won’t want to be too far away from your sister.’

  ‘I suppose not,’ Lucy wanted to pinch herself. She had been involved in this conversation a million times a day in her imagination. Raph h
ad gone down on one knee and professed his undying love for her, and she had blushed becomingly and accepted his proposal. It was all so straightforward in theory. She had never supposed that it would become a reality. Perhaps this was one of her more vivid dreams and she would wake up from it, disappointed and dissatisfied.

  ‘Are you still averse to children, thirsting instead for more adventure?’ He pulled her into his arms. ‘There is every possibility that we will have a dozen children, I give you due warning on that score, since I very much doubt whether I will be able to stop expressing my very great desire and love for you.’

  Lucy tilted her head, the better to absorb his handsome features. ‘I think I actually said that I was averse to the idea unless I fell as deeply in love as those who surround me on a daily basis.’ She linked her hands behind his neck, suddenly supremely sure of the hold she had over this complex individual. ‘You might have said goodbye to me before you left for Spain.’

  ‘A man who felt less might well have done so. I was anxious to put my affairs in order and I knew you needed time to recover.’ His helpless smile melted her vulnerable heart. ‘Are you implying that you could grow to love me even half as much as I love you?’

  She shook her head emphatically. ‘No,’ she said without hesitation. ‘I think I am already ahead of you in that respect, and it is you who has the catching up to do.’


  He bent his head to kiss her soundly, clearly intent upon having the last word. That, as far as Lucy was concerned, suited her perfectly well. She had absolutely no complaints to make about the way Raph Sanchez-Gomez asserted his authority.

  ‘Well,’ Zach said as he and Frankie climbed into bed that evening. ‘Raphael and Lucy seem very happy, and you have another wedding to help plan.’

  ‘I am still cross with you for not telling me what was happening before you ran off to Beauworth. I was at my wit’s end.’

  ‘I make no apology for keeping it from you, and I would do the same thing again if the need arose. The doctor gave strict instructions that you were not to become overwrought.’ Zach wrapped his beloved wife in his arms. ‘Don’t berate me for being your protector, my love. You are my life and I will not take the slightest risk when it comes to your wellbeing.’


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