The Cop and His Omega

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The Cop and His Omega Page 13

by Beau Brown

  “You were scared.” I ran my hand up his arm. “We both were. The blood terrified me too, but I was in so much pain, it was a distraction.”

  “I called my mom, and she came. Good thing too because it’s not like Harry could stay with me and hold my hand. He was working.” He laughed gruffly.

  The baby grimaced and gave a little unhappy squeal. Trevor immediately picked him up and cradled him. “Shhh. It’s okay kid.”

  I smiled, my chest tight at the sight of him holding our child. “We need to name him.”

  “Any ideas?”

  “You suggested some the other day that I liked. I think Liam, or Scott would be nice.”

  “I like Liam too.”

  “Really? Could naming him actually be that simple?” I laughed.

  “Something about this process should be easy.” Trevor kissed the baby’s cheek. “Right, little one?”

  I sighed, feeling tired but happy. “We did it. We actually did it, Trev.”

  “You did it.” He adjusted his hold on the baby and leaned in to kiss me gently.

  The feel of his lips comforted me, and I cupped his stubbly cheek. “I’m so happy right now I could bust.”

  He grimaced, his gentle gaze searching my face. “Do you promise this is what you want?”

  “Now you ask me?”

  A line appeared between his brows. “You’re on pain medication. I’m hoping it will work like a truth serum.”

  I smiled up at him. “There was always something about you that got to me, even as a kid. Now you’re mine and I’m the happiest omega on the planet.”

  His cheeks tinted pink. “That’s nice to hear.”

  “It’s the truth.” I gave a teasing smile. “And the best part is I now have someone in my life who can fix all my tickets for me.”

  He bit his lip, a gleam in his eye. “Oh, as soon as you’re up to it, I’ll fix your ticket alright.”

  I grinned and then yawned. “Sorry.” I was so tired I wanted to close my eyes and sleep, but I also wanted to stay awake to share this moment with Trevor.

  Trevor’s expression was gentle. “Rest. You’ve been through an ordeal.” He pulled a chair closer to my bed and sat, nestling the baby on his lap. “Liam and I will watch over you while you sleep.”

  I had a lump in my throat as I studied Trevor, staring down at our son with a tender expression.

  Life was so strange.

  “Who’d have ever predicted that one day we’d be sitting here with our newborn baby?” My voice was husky.

  He smiled. “Or that we’d reconnect simply because of a burned out brake light?”

  “This is all so surreal. I mean, it was a fluke that I was the student picked to show you around. It could have been anyone, but it was me.”

  “It was you, Brock.” His eyes glittered. “And it will always be you. Always.”



  “He’s been really hard to burp lately.” Brock hovered over my mom, who held Liam and was feeding him his bottle. “So you have to kind of lean him forward and pat his back at the same time. That seems to work the best.”

  “Brock. Honey. Can we please go? We’re going to miss our reservation.” I sighed and met my mother’s amused gaze.

  “I just feel weird leaving him.” Brock bit his lip.

  My mom smiled patiently. “I had three kids. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry. Just go out and have fun.”

  “Are you sure this isn’t too much trouble?” Brock asked, as I helped slip on his jacket. “We don’t have to go out. I mean, it’s not like it’s mandatory or anything.”

  I exhaled and leaned in to him. “I disagree. I need a night out with my omega. One where we don’t have to worry about changing diapers halfway through the meal.”

  He laughed and kissed me. “Sorry. This is the first time we’ve left him. I’m having an anxiety attack.”

  “What would you tell a patient who refused to leave their baby for a date-night with their alpha?” I arched one brow.

  Dropping his chin to his chest he said, “I’d tell her or him that it was important to still be their own person. That they’re so much more than just a parent.”

  “Exactly.” I nodded.

  He sucked in a big breath and moved to kiss our son goodbye. “You be good for Grandma Alma.”

  “He will be.” She smiled. “We’re buddies already.”

  I held the door for him and he slid past me, giving one anxious glance back toward Liam. Once we were in the car, he seemed to relax a little. He shifted toward me and rested his head against the seat. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

  “You don’t have to be sorry. I understand. I feel weird leaving him too. But I need to be with you as something other than Liam’s dad.”

  He touched my arm. “Shit. I know that. I, of all people know that.”

  “You’ve spent every day for a month with him. I get that this is hard for you.”

  “God, you’re being so nice about this.”

  “That’s because I love you.”

  “I love you too,” his voice was plaintive. “I swear. I know I’m being clingy and weird about Liam, but I love you more than anything in this world.”

  My heart squeezed at the passion in his words. “I know. It’s okay. Let’s just have fun and not stress.”

  “Okay.” He sighed and faced forward.

  When we reached the restaurant, it was buzzing with activity. We were seated in a private booth in the corner and our waiter greeted us right away. We ordered wine and some appetizers, and then we talked about our day. It was nice to be out with just him. I loved my son, and I loved our night’s home as a family. But I wanted to be sure Brock was still happy with me. That he still wanted me the same way as before.

  We both ordered steaks and baked potatoes and we got another bottle of wine too. It was wonderful to see Brock laughing a lot. He was always even tempered and happy at home, but this side of Brock was more carefree. By the time we left the restaurant he was tipsy. I loved it. I loved his raspy laugh and that he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of me.

  “Shall we go to The Pink Cap for a night… cap?” he laughed, fiddling with the air conditioning vent.

  “Really? You don’t want to rush home?”

  He sighed. “I want to be alone with you some more. I’m not ready to go home.”

  I liked the change from earlier when I’d had to practically carry him out of the house for our date night. “Sure. Whatever you want.”

  “Good. I want to show you off as mine. The last time we were there was awful.”

  I grimaced. “Yeah. But that’s the past.”

  He frowned. “I still remember that stupid blond guy you danced with.”

  “Brock. Don’t do that. Why would you even be thinking about that?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “You had plenty of guys that night hitting on you.”

  “Yeah, but you were there to find someone to fuck. I was just there to have a drink with Lance,” he grumbled.

  “But I didn’t find anyone because I only wanted you. That’s the night I figured that out. That’s when I knew I didn’t want to let you go.”

  “I guess.”

  “You guess?” I frowned.

  “I’m sorry. I’m feeling irrationally jealous.”

  “You never need to be jealous of me. Never. I don’t want anyone but you. I swear.”


  As we parked near the club, I shut off the car and faced him. “I don’t want to go in there if you’re mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad.”


  He squeezed my arm. “Yes.”

  “Then let’s go.” I climbed out and we walked to the club. The place wasn’t as busy as some nights because it was a Wednesday. Harry was at the bar with some guy hanging on him. But when he saw us he waved us over.

  “Holy shit. I didn’t think you two were allowed out anymore.” He
grinned and slapped us on our shoulders.

  “It’s been a while.” Brock laughed.

  “How’s the kid?” Harry asked.

  Brock’s face softened. “Perfect.”

  I smiled. “He’s as close as it gets.”

  The guy leaning on Harry looked bored. “You two have a kid?” he asked.

  “Yep.” Brock nodded.

  The guy snorted. “I sure as fuck wouldn’t want a brat.”

  Brock narrowed his eyes. “Wow, Harry. Where’d you find this loser?”

  “Excuse me?” The guy scowled. “Where the hell do you get off calling me a loser?”

  “Only a loser would volunteer to people with a kid how much they hate kids.” Brock’s shoulders bunched.

  The guy chuffed and pointed at me. “I know this alpha. Ain’t no way he wanted a baby. He’s a player and you’re an idiot if you let him knock you up.”

  I stepped forward. “Dude. You’re out of line.”

  “Oh, am I?” He rolled his eyes. “You’re notorious for not wanting to settle down.”

  “Things change,” I growled.

  Harry laughed nervously. “Okay. Let’s not get into it. We’re here to have fun, right?”

  “Maybe tell your friend to keep his opinions to himself,” Brock grumbled.

  I gave Harry an irritable glance. “Yeah, Harry.”

  “What the hell did I do?” Harry looked annoyed.

  I put my arm around Brock to steer him away from the guy, but the big mouth yelled, “I know your type, alpha. You’ll cheat. Mark my words you’ll stray. It’s in your DNA to cheat.”

  Harry stood up, towering over the guy. “Hey, shut the fuck up.”

  The guy rolled his eyes and disappeared into the crowd of people dancing.

  “Sorry about him. I don’t really even know him.” Harry raked a hand through his hair.

  Brock’s shoulders were stiff under my arm. “What a dick,” he muttered.

  “I’ll say. Ignore that idiot. Let’s get a drink.”

  “Did you sleep with that guy or something? Is that why he was such an asshole?” Brock looked at me suspiciously.

  I frowned. “No way.” To be honest, it wasn’t like I remembered every omega I’d ever hooked up with. But the guy didn’t seem like my type.

  “He seemed awfully resentful toward you,” Brock mumbled.

  I kissed his cheek. “He’s a drunk. Who cares what an asshole like him thinks?”

  “Yeah.” Brock sounded hesitant.

  I ordered us a couple of beers and then we moved to the dance floor. The second Brock put his arms around me and pressed close, my cock hardened. God, it felt so nice to just touch him and have him touch me too; showing he wanted me still.

  We hadn’t slept together since the baby arrived. We’d done other stuff, but full on sex had been on the back burner while Brock healed from his surgeries. But I had high hopes that tonight we could end that dry spell. In fact I had a lot of hopes for tonight. On the inside pocket of my jacket I had a ring, and I planned on proposing to Brock tonight. I was nervous as hell, but I wanted to make our relationship official.

  We danced almost every dance and Brock drank a few more beers. I noticed several guys checking Brock out, and I felt proud that he was my omega. At one point Brock seemed tired and a little over heated. I took his hand and led him toward the back door.

  “Where are we going?” he asked.

  “To get some fresh air. I don’t want you passing out.” I couldn’t very well pop the question if he was unconscious.

  “Isn’t there an alarm on this door?” he asked as we neared the back exit.

  “Nope.” I smiled. The door closed behind us and I led him to a small grassy patch on the other side of the line of dumpsters. There was a tree that separated the area, and the cans were far enough away that the smell of trash wasn’t an issue.

  He glanced around. “You bring me to the nicest places.” He eyed the dumpsters in the distance.

  I laughed. “I wanted to get you alone.” I pushed him gently against the brick wall of the building. “Now I have you all to myself.”

  He smiled finally. “Good. I love being alone with you.” I could tell he was making an effort, but there was something reserved in his tone. I kissed him softly, and when I lifted my head, he asked, “Is this where you used to bring the other guys you fucked?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What?”

  His eyes glittered warily. “How did you know this place exists?”

  I sighed. “Harry used to smoke and I’d come out here to keep him company back then.”

  “Ahh.” He fingered my collar, his mouth turned down. “I’m sorry. That guy really got in my head.”

  “Don’t let him. He’s full of shit.”

  He glanced up, his eyes shimmering with doubt. “Is he?”

  “God, yes.” I wound my arms around him. “Honey, I love you.”

  “Don’t I turn you on anymore?”

  I scowled, looking at him like he was nuts. “What?”

  “You never try and sleep with me.”

  I chuffed. “I was waiting until you healed.”

  He swallowed, red spears painting the slant of his cheekbones. “Promise?”

  “That drunk asshole in there actually has you doubting me?”

  He licked his lips. “It’s not unusual for alphas to stray.” He looked like he felt sick just saying those words. “But I don’t think I could handle it if you did.”

  “Of course you couldn’t. Why would you?”

  “I’m supposed to be enlightened.”

  “Um, cheating on your partner is a lame ass, low class piece of shit thing to do. I don’t care how free thinking you are.”

  “You really feel that way?”

  “Absolutely. You should know that. I love you. I only want you. I don’t know how many more times I need to say that to you, Brock.” I gave him a hard look. “And you’d better not think it’s okay to stray. Because it’s not. You’re mine and I’m yours. I’ve told you that.”

  His eyes glittered. “I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Well, for fuck’s sake, Brock, neither do I.”

  He pressed closer, trembling against me. “I was so scared you weren’t attracted to me anymore.”

  “Baby, no,” I groaned. “You don’t ever have to doubt me. Ever.” My hands shook as I started stroking him through his jeans. He was hard and obviously turned on.

  “Maybe it’s hormones. I don’t know.” His voice wobbled.

  I kissed him and he sighed against my lips. I slowly undid his zipper and he moaned into my mouth when I slipped my hands into his underwear. His cock was stiff and I gently freed it from the tight cotton, allowing it to straighten.

  “You think I don’t want you?” I whispered. “I’ll show you how much I need you. I’m going to fuck you right here. Up against this wall.”

  “Oh, god,” he whimpered.

  I pushed his pants and briefs down to his ankles, feeling breathless with excitement. This hadn’t been my plan, but he needed this and so did I. As I was about to straighten, I hesitated and licked the seeping head of his cock that hovered right in front of my face. I cupped his prickly balls and swallowed his shaft, coaxing a deep groan from him.

  “Oh, Jesus.” His fingers dug into my scalp and he pumped gently into my mouth. “Oh, Trevor. Yeah, suck me. It feels so good.”

  I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, sucking and teasing until his sounds were desperate. When I was sure he was on the edge of coming, I pulled off and straightened, smiling at him. “God damn I missed your taste.”

  His lips were parted and his eyes glazed. “I love you, Trev.”

  “I love you.” My hands shook as I tugged my wallet out and found a packet of lube I had tucked away. I unzipped my jeans and pushed them below my ass cheeks. Then I opened the lube and slathered my cock. “Turn and face the wall.”

  He obeyed, pressing his palms with fingers wide against the brick.
He arched his back and spread his legs.

  “I can’t believe you don’t know how much I hunger for you.” I slathered lube around his anus and kissed his shoulder. “I’m almost coming just looking at you.”

  He began to stroke himself. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I pressed up close, pushing him against the rough wall. I pressed my cockhead to his hole and pushed in. We both groaned, and the tight squeeze of his ass was so delicious I almost came the second I entered him.

  “Yes,” he moaned, breathing hard. “Fuck me.”

  I started thrusting, shoving him against the wall. “Like that?” My voice shook as I pumped into him. “You like it rough tonight, babe?”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” He moaned with every push into his beautiful ass. The slap of flesh and ragged breaths filled the night.

  “Oh, god,” he whispered. “So good. I needed you so bad.”

  “Me too.” I thrust deep and the friction almost had my eyes rolling up in my head. “Oh, fuck, I’m close.”

  “Come in me. I miss feeling that.”

  My hips moved quicker, the need growing with every thrust into his tight heat. “I love you, Brock. God, I love you.”

  His hands fisted, and he jerked, crying out and splattering the bricks with his white cream. “Oh, fuck,” he hissed, his body quaking as another thick stream hit the wall, slipping down to the cement.

  “Yeah. Oh, yeah. Let it go.” I pumped hard, sweat rolling down my face. “I’m coming. Oh, shit,” I grunted. My cock exploded inside him, filling him with my seed. His body shook and he groaned as I rammed into him over and over.

  Once my orgasm began to fade, and he had quieted also, I stopped moving and just leaned on him. “Jesus.” I was exhausted, my glute muscles warm and aching. “I needed that so bad.”

  “Me too.”

  I pulled out and glanced around, thankful we were still alone.

  He turned and faced me, his eyes different from earlier. The wariness was gone and he looked relaxed. “You still love me.”

  I frowned. “That’s never going to change. Never.” My eyes fell to the incision along his abs, and I touched it softly, remembering my despair at almost losing him.

  He winced. “That kind of tickles.”


  He pulled up his pants, still holding my gaze. “I feel better.”


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