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Loch and Key: McLaughlins, Book 3

Page 9

by Shelli Stevens

He picked up half the sandwich. “Lots of cream and sugar. Are you going to eat? Or let me guess, you had a smoothie before you came?”

  Her laugh was warm and full of amusement. “No way. I have no understanding for people who can make anything liquid a meal. My breakfast is waiting in the kitchen, I’ll grab it in a minute.”

  Breakfast in bed, he mused. When was the last time this had happened? Probably when he’d been sixteen and still living at home.

  Despite how awesome the meal looked, he wasn’t quite sure he’d be able to get much of it down. Or if he did, keep it there. He took a bite of the sandwich and gave a moan of appreciation. The combination of fat and grease exploded in his mouth in a massive orgasm of flavor.

  “You look as if you’re enjoying yourself a bit too much there.” Kenzie entered the room again, a steaming mug in one hand and her plate in the other.

  He swallowed the bite and reached for his coffee that she handed him. “Absolutely. This is amazing. Thank you.”

  “Hangover food. Works every time.”

  “I suppose so. It’s been a while since I’ve dealt with this kind of thing.”

  Shame flashed across her face as she sat down on the end of his queen-size bed, and folded her legs under her bottom. She balanced her tray on her lap and stabbed a potato with a fork.

  “So you’re not like half the guys I see coming into the pub. Not a heavy drinker?”

  “I enjoy a good brandy or beer, but honestly, that’s about it. And even then, all in moderation.”

  She nodded, chewing her food slowly. After a moment she sighed. “I’ve been drunk, but it’s not often. Brett, I’m sorry about yesterday. I had the home field advantage, so to speak. It takes a shite ton of whisky to get me drunk, and I knew you’d assume otherwise.”

  As much as he wanted to blame her, and she wanted to accept the blame, he couldn’t. Not now that his head had stopped pounding and his stomach had settled. Clarity was settling in and he knew he was just as much to blame.

  “I know my limits, Kenzie. I got stupid and pushed past them.”

  They shared a long glance, before she nodded and ducked her head, reaching for her sandwich.

  “How did you figure out where I lived?”

  She laughed softly. “Actually, it wasn’t hard. One of your sailors, who you must hang out with often, came in this morning for breakfast at the pub and I grilled him until he gave me your address.”

  “Name or description. I’ll have to punish him.”

  Her head snapped up, panic in her eyes. Then she laughed as she realized he was teasing.

  “Such a bully,” she quipped and went back to eating.

  She didn’t seem self-conscious about eating in front of him, as some women were, but was enjoying her breakfast with as much as gusto as he was.

  When they’d both finished she eased herself off his bed and grabbed his empty tray.

  “Can I get you any more coffee?”

  He gave a small shake of his head. “I’m fine. Thanks.”

  After watching her attractive bottom disappear from his bedroom, he stretched out on the bed again, folding his arms above his head. Waiting on her next move.

  Kenzie finished rinsing their plates and set them in the dishwasher.

  Her heart was pounding and she wiped her hands on the nearby dish towel. What did she do now? Did she leave? She’d made him breakfast, given him medication. Basically nurtured him out of hangover hell. Her conscience was clean, she could say good-bye and get out.

  But she didn’t want to leave. She wasn’t really sure what she wanted, but she knew when she was with Brett she enjoyed herself. She was able to relax and enjoy a man’s company.

  And that didn’t happen anymore. Not outside of family, at least. It was a pretty big thing for her to trust a man who wasn’t a blood relative. For her to be alone with him in his house just didn’t happen.

  This was rare for her. She found herself wanting things she hadn’t wanted in so long. Her body was awake and aware of a man. The possibilities. The potential for pleasure…

  Glancing down at herself she bit back a groan. And she’d shown up in sweatpants.

  Real attractive, Kenzie.

  “Kenzie? You still here?”

  His lazy drawl with that hint of a Southern accent had butterflies stirring in her belly.

  “Aye. Just a moment.” She closed her eyes and willed herself not to be such an idiot, and then walked back toward his room.

  His house was nice enough, and not too far from the one she shared with Delonna. It was clean, had several bedrooms and a nice kitchen. Probably a rental home, if she had to guess. Since he was a single man who moved frequently with the Navy, it certainly would make sense.

  She stepped back into his bedroom and her breath caught. He was sprawled out on the bed, his arms folded on the pillow above his head. His chest was wide and defined, dark hairs sprinkled throughout.

  He was so potently masculine right now, for a moment she had a brief stirring of panic as he commanded softly, “Come here.”

  Her feet felt glued to the ground, and it wasn’t until he held out a hand that she forced herself to take the six or so steps to the bed.

  His fingers laced through hers. “Thank you for breakfast. For coming over this morning.”

  “You’re welcome.” She sat down on the edge of the mattress beside him, struggling with the urge to bolt.

  His fingers stroked her knuckles and a tremor raced through her.

  “Lie down beside me, Kenzie,” he said softly. “I won’t touch you. I promise.”

  They were only words, and lying down beside him opened her up for all kinds of trouble. But she trusted him. He wouldn’t touch her unless she asked him to.

  He scooted over, leaving her enough room to climb on top of the blankets beside him. It should’ve been weird. Maybe even a bit terrifying. Brett was larger than Charles, and likely stronger. Deadlier if he needed to be, but when her head fell against the pillow and they continued to hold hands, she had no fear.

  “You don’t work today?” he asked casually.

  “Not ’til tonight.”

  “But you were at the pub?”

  “Aye. I was dropping off my roommate to go to work.” She smiled. “The pub is very nearly my home. My brothers are there quite often, and I’ve worked there since I was sixteen.”

  “Brothers? How many do you have?”


  “You’re the only girl?”


  “Spoiled rotten?”

  She laughed, and some more of her nerves dissipated. “Oh, aye.”

  They fell silent again. She held quite still, breathing in the scent of him and his room. The overall masculine presence of the room.

  The heat gathering inside her swelled, spreading far and wide throughout her body. She was aware of every breath he drew in. Every little maddening stroke his thumb made over her knuckles.

  Moisture gathered low between her legs and she bit her lip. He was the first man in many years that she could remember being able to arouse her. It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought about sex or had orgasms, but generally they were fantasy induced and achieved alone in her room.

  Now there was Brett, a very solid, tangible presence lying right next to her. Awakening her body to sensations she’d thought long dead. She wanted, she realized, more than anything to take advantage of that fact.

  “What are your plans for the day? What time do you work?” he asked, his voice a bit more strained now.

  Maybe he was aware of the mounting sexual tension between them.

  “I have none. I don’t want to talk about work,” she admitted, almost on a whisper. She rolled onto her side and faced him.

  “You don’t?” He adjusted his body as well, so they lay facing each other. “What do you want…to talk about?”

  “I don’t want to talk.” Oh God, she was being awfully bold right now, and it felt a bit liberating.

  His gaze darkene
d. “What is it you want, Kenzie?”

  She wanted to answer. Tried to answer, but her heart was beating so fast and the words were thick in her mouth. Her eyes must’ve conveyed what she wanted, because he drew in a deep shuddering breath that made his beautifully defined chest expand.

  He moved slightly, so that he could cup her cheek in one hand and lower his lips to brush against hers.

  She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, parting her lips to give him access to her mouth. He took it without hesitation. His mouth slanted across hers before his tongue plunged deep inside to tease and suck.

  He tasted of coffee and bacon, and all sorts of wonderfully male goodness. His fingers on her cheek were exquisitely gentle, even as he plundered her mouth.

  Her sex clenched as the heat exploded into a roaring inferno inside her. Need spread through her and an almost pained sounding moan ripped from her.

  Brett lifted his mouth from hers and kissed the corner of her mouth.

  “What do you want, Kenzie?” he asked again softly.

  She hesitated. As much as she wanted to step outside her comfort zone and beg for the whole deal, she wasn’t sure she could.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for sex, but I want to…” She trailed off, not sure how to say it. Her face burned with humiliation and she bit back a groan.

  She felt like a bloody teenager leading on a boy. What the hell was she doing? Brett was a grown man, not some young bloke who’d be happy with only a hot make-out session.

  “I mean, I could try,” she said awkwardly. “If you—”

  “Relax, sugar.” He brushed a kiss across her mouth. “I understand, and I’m absolutely fine with taking things at your speed.”

  He sat up slightly and pressed his palm against her shoulder, a gesture that encouraged her to lie on her back with her head on the pillow.

  “You can tell me to stop at any point, okay?”

  She gave a small nod, her heart beating double time now. His mouth found hers again, his tongue dipping lightly, as he slid his hand to the area between the waistband of her sweats and her T-shirt.

  Each little light caress of his fingers on her naked skin sent hot desire coursing throughout her. He made no move to go further, just kept the kiss endless and his touch light and teasing. Only when her hips lifted instinctively and she groaned in frustration did he lift his mouth from hers.

  She felt the fabric of her shirt being dragged up her stomach. The cool air caressed her bare skin before he shifted on the bed into a position that allowed his lips to brush over her belly.

  Her breath caught and a tremble raced through her. Still he dragged her shirt up farther, until the fabric pulled up and over her breasts.

  She heard his softly indrawn breath, before he kissed his way up her stomach. His large hand moved to cup a breast through the fabric and she bit her lip, wanting so much more. He answered her silent plea, pulling back the cup and baring her to him.

  “God, you’re beautiful, sugar.”

  Her nipple was already puckered and ready for him, and he wasted no time drawing it into his mouth.

  Mindless pleasure took over and she moaned, sliding her fingers through his shaved hair as he suckled her. She knew then that if he wanted her—all of her—she wouldn’t stop him. Couldn’t stop him. Right now, the need inside her was the puppet and he the puppeteer.

  Chapter Nine

  Brett groaned against the softness of her breast.

  Christ, it was like being in ninth grade again, and it was the hottest sexual experience he’d had in probably his whole life.

  He sucked her nipple deeper into his mouth while cupping her other full breast in his hand. Her hips were rising and falling against the mattress and her whimpers were growing more urgent.

  He had only planned to take it this far. To have some fun and keep it at the breast play level. But seeing the drugged glaze of need in her eyes, he suspected she wouldn’t be satisfied with only that.

  He moved his hand from her breast and down the softness of her belly. Teasing his fingers in and around the waistband of her sweats, waiting to see if she’d stop him.

  Her hand grabbed his wrist, and wordlessly, she urged him to slide his hand beneath.

  His dick went rock hard as he brushed his fingers over the slight dampness of her cotton panties.


  He lifted his head to glance down at her. Her head was thrown back, those long red braids falling on his pillow. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted, and she looked damned innocent and young right now. Riding the throes of passion—and about ready to ride his hand.

  Damn, he wanted her so fucking bad.

  He turned his attention to her lower body, watched the erotic sight of his hand beneath her sweats as he rubbed her mound through her underwear.

  Her hips rose and fell against him, her thighs clenching and unclenching against his hand. He needed more. Knew she needed more. Easing his fingers back up, he slid them beneath the cotton to find her bare, smooth flesh.

  Unable to hold out any longer, he delved between the swollen folds of her sex and found her slick and hot.

  “Oh God.”

  She gasped when he pushed a finger deep into her sheath. Damn, but she was tight.

  He added a second finger, penetrating her in smooth strokes that sent them both so damn close to the edge. He knew what would push her to find that release she craved, and eased his thumb around the top of her sex to find the swollen kernel. He found it, stroking her clit with easy, confident strokes as he penetrated her with his fingers. Her body began to tremble and she moaned, riding his hand.

  Almost in awe, he kept thinking how fucking sexy she looked.

  It had clearly been a while since she’d been touched this way by a man, and she’d chosen him. A stab of pure male triumph and possessiveness surged through him. He lowered his head and claimed her mouth. Wanted to taste her cries of pleasure as she came.

  It happened the moment he sucked her tongue into his mouth. Her body bucked against his hand and she cried out, shuddering beneath him as her body orgasmed.

  He deepened the kiss, keeping that connection until she was limp and breathing raggedly. Only then did he lift his head and stare down at her.

  She watched him through narrowed eyes, her green gaze bright with pleasure and amazement. With her breasts still rising and falling with each ragged breath, he pulled the cups of her bra back up and her T-shirt back down.

  As much as it nearly killed him, he dragged his hand up and out of her sweats.

  Not moving his gaze from hers, he sucked his fingers into his mouth to taste her. Shock flared in her eyes, but was quickly replaced with heat.

  “Brett,” she whispered. “You don’t have to stop.”

  God, but he was tempted. Especially with the sensual feminine taste of her on his tongue now. But as much as her words said otherwise, he knew it was just the moment talking. Next time. This time had been about her. Small steps.

  “But I will.” He leaned down, pressing a small kiss to her mouth. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Before he could change his mind, he climbed over her and off the bed, damn near tripping over himself to get the cold water turned on.

  He’d stripped and was about to climb into the shower when Kenzie came into the bathroom.

  His jaw clenched at the sight of her. Her eyes were still bright, her cheeks still maintaining that orgasm blush.

  She didn’t say anything, just pulled her shirt over her head.

  “Kenzie,” he choked out. “You’re not helping my situation here, sugar.”

  She smiled and continued to strip until her curvy luscious body was naked. He couldn’t help but let his gaze slide over her. The large, round breasts he’d been sucking on minutes ago, her belly that wasn’t quite flat but soft and amazing to kiss. And then the smooth mound of her sex that clearly she must wax or shave—which shocked the hell out of him, seeing how gun-shy she was with sex.

Though right now she was anything but hesitant. She walked past him, completely unconcerned by her state of undress, and reached into the shower to adjust the temperature.

  “That’s better,” she murmured.

  What the hell was she up to? Surely she didn’t want to shower with him? He didn’t argue as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shower with her.

  The water sluiced down on them as she reached to cup his face, pulling his head down so she could kiss him.

  He let her take control, sensing she needed this aggressive moment for her own benefit more than he did. Not that he minded. Damn. Having her wet, naked body flush against his.

  Not breaking the kiss, she drew one hand from his face to his shoulders. She explored the hard muscles and he flexed instinctively beneath her touch.

  But she didn’t stay there for long, instead her hand traveled farther down his abdomen, before finally reaching her target destination. When her soft fingers curled around his dick he about came on the spot.


  “Let me.” She buried her face against his neck, while she slowly stroked him.

  With his hands braced behind her on the walls in the shower, he let her stroke him into an amazing, complete and mind-numbing orgasm.

  With his blood thundering and his brain starting to function again, he became aware of her laughing softly.

  He couldn’t help but let out a choked laugh of his own. Who knew if they were even amused by the same thing?

  “I feel like I just tripped and fell into my teen years,” she confessed breathlessly.

  He grinned. Yeah, they were definitely laughing about the same thing.

  “Me too. That was amazing.” He removed his hands from the wall to cradle her face, lowering his mouth to hers in a slow, tender kiss.

  She held onto his shoulders, kissing him back, her soft curves flush against his body.

  He lifted his head a moment later and stared down at her. Her braids were wet and heavy, plastered to her breasts, her entire body slick and pink from the hot water.

  Feeling surprisingly gentle, he reached for the soap and began a slow, thorough journey over her body. Discovering her every hill and valley without the blinding heat of desire.


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