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Loch and Key: McLaughlins, Book 3

Page 12

by Shelli Stevens

  “Stay away from me,” she ground out. “Don’t talk to me. Don’t look at me. Don’t even think about me. Or I swear that you will live to regret it.”

  “Your brother—the cop?—makes similar threats,” Charles murmured, seeming completely unfazed. He leaned forward. “Haven’t you guys figured it out? I’m untouchable. I can do whatever the hell I want, to whomever I want. So if I were you…” He paused, as if realizing a threat might go too far, but still his gaze shimmered with lust and rage. “It’s a big scary world out there, McLaughlin. I’d be careful if I were you.”

  Having had enough, she raised her heel and ground it down on the top of his foot.

  When he hissed in pain and stumbled back, she rushed past, leaving him and the paprika behind.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Hey, you’re back. Was starting to get worried.”

  Hearing Brett’s slow drawl from the kitchen had a strangled sob of relief ripping from her throat. She strode through the house and into the kitchen, dropping the small plastic bag of paprika—which she’d driven to another store for—on the table.

  Brett glanced up from what looked like corn bread he was making in a cast iron skillet. His smile fell and concern flashed in his eyes.

  “What happened?” He pushed the pan aside and moved toward her, grasping her upper arms gently. “Kenzie, you look—”

  “I need you to make love to me.”

  “Right now?” He stared at her, as if her head might explode. “As in this very minute?”

  “If you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind in the least,” he said slowly. “If that’s really what you want to do, but first, you need to tell me what happened. What’s going on?”

  “What’s going on is I’m tired of being afraid. I’m tired of being ashamed,” she blurted, tears filling her eyes.

  “Why the hell would you be ashamed?”

  He gently stroked her arms with his thumbs, but they couldn’t calm her.

  “For years I told myself that if I hadn’t been such a well-known flirt, if I hadn’t slept with a couple different guys in high school, but mostly, if I hadn’t flirted with Charles that night, well then just maybe he wouldn’t have tried to rape me. Maybe I would’ve been more believable and trustworthy on the stand as victim.”

  “Kenzie, where the hell is this bullshit reasoning coming from?” he rasped, disbelief lacing his tone. Understanding flashed in his eyes “You saw him at the store.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Aye,” she whispered.

  Brett pulled her into his arms, stroking a gentle hand down her back. “You were his victim, Kenzie. Never doubt that and never let anyone else make you doubt that. He tried to rape you. You can’t blame yourself.”

  “I know. I tell myself this all the time. But it’s still there. A tiny voice in the back of my head.” She clenched her teeth and tried to hold back the tears.

  “So kick it out of your head. This was never your fault.” He cursed under his breath. “I should’ve been there with you. Did he say something? Threaten you?”

  “He’s much too clever to make a threat outright, but it’s implied. Him making contact with me in any form feels like an attack.” Despite her efforts to hold it back, a tear rolled down her cheek.

  His arms tightened around her. “You have no idea how much I want to beat this man within an inch of his life.”

  “My brother Ian already did that.” She gave a watery, humorless laugh. “He was the one who found Charles attacking me, and now Ian’s a felon because of it.”

  Brett eased her away to stare down at her with incredulity. “Your brother was found guilty?”

  “Aye, and there’s another bit that torments me. I’m essentially the reason Ian went to jail and will always carry the label of a convicted felon.”

  “No. You’re not responsible. Charles Richland is. And any blame you’ve put on yourself over the years, you need to let it go.” He cupped her face. “Sugar, I would’ve had the same response as your brother. I might’ve even killed the bastard, to be honest.”

  “I think Ian would’ve if he hadn’t been interrupted.”

  Brett stared down at her, and the genuine frustration and concern there put a lump right back in her throat.

  “I’m sorry, Kenzie. Sorry for what you’ve had to go through, and your brother. But please, sugar, stop blaming yourself.”

  “I will,” she agreed quietly. Resolutely. “I’m done blaming myself, and thinking I could’ve done something different. For years I simply didn’t get involved with men because it was easier. Safer.”


  “But I like you quite a bit, Brett, and I want to sleep with you, more than I’ve wanted to sleep with anyone. I refuse to let myself be afraid of that or ashamed by it.”

  The mix of emotions in his gaze ranged from admiration to desire.

  “I’d be pretty damn sad if you did, sugar.” He tilted her head up and pressed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips.

  Warmth bubbled through her, pushing aside the tension as she welcomed his comfort completely. It was almost weird how she felt protected when with him.

  He lifted his head and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.

  “We don’t have to have sex now,” she murmured, “I was a little emotional. Ranting. You can finish making your jambalaya. But before this night is over, it’s going to happen.”

  He smoothed a hand low on her back and then up again. His lips brushed her ear. “What are you more hungry for right now?”

  A shiver raced up her spine where his fingertips teased, and she swallowed hard.

  Finally, she confessed softly, “You.”

  He tightened his hand on her back, pulling her harder against him. His lips closed around her earlobe, sucking lightly until she gave a soft cry of surprise and pleasure.

  Lifting his head a moment later, he murmured, “We can eat jambalaya jambalater. Give me five minutes and I’ll meet you in my room.”

  She couldn’t even laugh at his cheesy jambalaya joke, just gave a small nod.

  Slipping from his arms, she turned and made her way to his room. Her body trembled with a potent mix of need and nerves.

  Once in his room she folded her arms in front of her waist and glanced around. What did she do now? Did she undress and lie down on the bed? Did he want to be here when she did?

  Speaking of the bed. Her gaze flitted over to it and she swallowed hard. Already her head filled with images of the two of them and what would be happening in a matter of minutes. Her nerves should’ve gotten worse, because it had been so long since she’d done this, but they didn’t.

  “You’re overthinking it.”

  She turned at his soft words and gave a wry smile.

  “Aye, of course I am.” She lifted her eyes and let the need that had been building so steadily inside her shine out from her gaze. “So why don’t you stop me from thinking already?”

  “That’s what I’m here to do, sugar.” His stare, equally as heated, swept over her, before he closed the distance between them.

  He slid one arm confidently around her waist, and the other into her hair, tugging her head back. His head dipped and his mouth sought hers.

  She was ready. Needy. Opening her mouth and drinking deep of his kiss. Sucking his tongue into her mouth and pressing her body flush against his.

  His hands roved her body. Pressing lightly in the small of her back, letting her feel his swelling erection against her belly. Nervous and excited flutters filled her stomach and she moaned softly. The flesh between her legs warmed. Grew wetter.

  “Touch me,” she whispered against his mouth, tracing her fingers over his chest. “Please, Brett.”

  The groan he made in response thrilled her. His hand at the small of her back tightened on her dress, before he gathered the fabric in both hands and began to tug it up her body.

  She stepped back, giving him room to work. The cool air in the room caressed each inch of flesh
he exposed. A moment later she stood only in her matching bra and panty set that she’d spent so much time picking out.

  Watching the flash of appreciation and hunger in his eyes made it all worth it.

  “You’re gorgeous, Kenzie.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He reached out to cup her breasts, teasing the tip through her bra. “And if this isn’t the prettiest damn underwear set I’ve ever seen… Damn shame it’s going to come off so fast.”

  “That must mean it’s effective.”

  “Definitely.” With a quick movement, he slipped a hand back to unfasten her bra, then pulled it deftly from her body.

  Her breasts spilled free, heavy and aching. She resisted the urge to reach up and hold them. Cover them. They were on the larger side, and it was always more comfortable to keep them in a bra than let them be free. But they weren’t unsupported for long. Brett moved to cup them both, lifting them and kneading them in his hands.

  “Beautiful.” His head dipped and he closed his lips around one waiting nipple.

  Pure pleasure zinged through her blood and she cried out, gripping his shoulders as she lost herself in the sensation of him sucking on her.

  Each pull of his mouth sent darts of pleasure straight to her sex, and she squirmed against him. Needing the ache to ease. Needing his touch down there.

  While drawing on one breast, he rolled the nipple on the other between his fingers.

  He lifted his head, releasing her nipple to the cool air and causing it to tighten further.

  “God, you’re already wet. Ready. Aren’t you?”

  “I’m still in my knickers, how can you tell?” she asked breathlessly, but couldn’t deny it.

  “Because you’re riding my leg and I can feel how hot you are.”

  She blinked, realizing she’d nearly wrapped herself around him, and had indeed managed to maneuver herself so that his thigh was wedged between hers. But she could feel no shame. No embarrassment.

  “And these knickers—damn fancy term for panties, by the way—are about to be on my floor.”

  Her breath caught as he tugged the sides of the tiny satin and lace off her body, and then she was wonderfully and unapologetically naked.

  “Seems you’re at an unfair advantage,” she murmured, running a glance over him. “You have all your clothes on.”

  She watched his chest rise as he drew in an unsteady breath. His gaze was focused on her body. His hand already sliding over her hip and lower to the juncture of her thighs.

  “First things first,” he muttered, tracing her folds. “I want to touch you. Taste you. And I don’t think I can wait a second longer.”

  In the big picture, did it really matter if his clothes were on? She couldn’t be bothered to care, not when he slid a finger inside her and she damn near came on the spot.

  Oh God but she needed this.

  She closed her eyes and gasped. “Whatever you want, Brett. However you want. Just, please, don’t stop.”

  Whatever you want.

  However you want.

  The eroticism and her innocent trust in those words was so damn sexy. Empowering.

  With her hot, tight body gripping his finger, he could only imagine turning her around and having her lean over the bed. Or lifting her up and taking her against the wall.

  But first things first. He hadn’t been waxing poetic. The desire to touch her and taste her was foremost in his mind.

  He eased another finger into her slick channel, moving them in and out, until the sound of her moans mixed with the sounds of her arousal. Their mouths fused together again, their tongues sparred in a thrusting motion similar to what was happening down south.

  But it wasn’t enough. With a groan, he caught her ass in his hands, lifting her off the ground. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he stumbled them to the bed, never breaking the kiss.

  Only when he reached the edge and his shins bumped, did he lower her onto it. Not quite as gently as he hoped, because she bounced on the mattress and gave a small giggle.

  “Don’t go anywhere, sugar.” He jerked his T-shirt off, and then unfastened his jeans, shucking them off.

  Left only in his briefs, he watched her wide-eyed reaction as she stared at his dick, straining against the fabric.

  “You’d best let that guy out,” she murmured huskily. “He looks a bit in pain.”

  “Not necessarily pain, but he’s definitely seeking to relocate to a warmer, wetter environment.”

  Propped up on her elbows, her body laid out like a present for him, Kenzie gave him a slow smile.

  “Well now, I may have some property he’ll be interested in.”

  Undoubtedly. Brett removed his briefs and joined her on the bed.

  “That’s better,” she murmured, drawing a hand down his body to curl around his erection.

  He groaned in surprise, but she was already moving to kiss his nipples. To treat him to a similar torment like he’d given to her moments ago.

  “Kenzie, sugar, this wasn’t the plan.”

  “No plan needed. Just going with what feels good.”

  Her delicate fingers moved up and down the length of him, and he thrust against her hand, unable to hold back a groan.

  “That feels…pretty damn good.”

  He let her continue a moment longer, but knew if he didn’t stop her, he’d end up embarrassing himself before they even got started with the real fun.

  Sliding out of her reach, away from her amazing touch, he moved down her body and maneuvered himself between her legs.

  She didn’t say anything clever now, or protest his move. Her thighs parted, her lashes fluttered down, and she reached to slide her fingers over his scalp.


  It was a whisper of a plea. Almost a moan.

  He answered by opening the damp folds of her sex with unsteady hands, and pressing a kiss to her already swollen clit.

  Kenzie’s thighs clenched and she drew in a sharp breath.

  The taste of her—honey and sunshine—on his tongue, and the need to bring her to the edge had him going back for more. He teased his tongue into her again, licking and teasing the little nub until her hips began to rise and fall under his ministrations.

  She clutched his head, not hiding her pleasure as she moaned and rocked against him.

  His dick felt hard enough to pound nails into concrete, but his own need was on the back burner as he could only focus on bringing her the building release. Sliding a finger into her channel again, he penetrated steadily as he sucked her clit hard.

  She went flying. Her hips rose and stayed lifted, while she gasped and trembled through her orgasm. Moments later she fell back onto the mattress, looking boneless and spent.

  He lifted his head and smiled down at her.

  “You okay?”

  “Okay is not the word I’d use,” she murmured, watching him through hooded eyes shining with pleasure. “Amazing. Fantastic. Fuckin’ fantastic. Those seem a little stronger.”

  He laughed softly, and smoothed his hand up over her trembling belly.

  “I want you inside me.”

  His breath caught at her soft statement, and he grabbed the condom he’d set out earlier off the bedside table.

  It only took a moment to put it on, and then he was kneeling between her soft thighs once more. He glanced up, locking his gaze with hers, as he positioned himself to slide into her.

  She caught his hand, lacing their fingers, and parted her legs wider.

  “Now,” she whispered. “Please, Brett.”

  He didn’t hesitate, but slid steadily and deeply into her warm, gripping heat.

  The air hissed from between his teeth and he tightened his fingers around hers.

  Kenzie’s head fell back, her eyes were closed, and her lips now parted in a mix of what looked like discomfort and pleasure.

  The idea that he was hurting her sent a moment’s unease through him. He paused.

/>   “Don’t stop.” She gasped and lifted her hips. “It’s just been a while, but please, don’t stop.”

  Hearing the desperation and need in her tone, he gave himself over to the pleasure and to the shocking intensity of the moment.

  With a groan, he plunged to the hilt, immersing himself in her body. And then only after appreciating how fucking amazing and right it felt, did he start to thrust.

  They found their rhythm quickly, their moans mingling with the sound of their flesh connecting.

  He watched her. Watched the pleasure on her face, the movement of her breasts, and then the sensual image of them joining together.

  It was perfect. She was perfect.

  A year. A whole fucking year he’d wanted this. Waited for this. It had been worth it. The realization was alarming.

  But he couldn’t think about that realization right now. Couldn’t reflect on how this was better than any sex he’d ever experienced. How damn amazing it all was.


  His mind shut down and instinct took over. He moved inside her, faster and deeper, covering her body with his now as he thrust into her. Her cries rose and she pulled her hand free from his to grasp his shoulders. Her nails bit into his flesh, adding a hint of pain that made him plunge harder.

  So close. He was going to come.

  He reached between them to make sure she came with him. The moment his thumb grazed her clit she flew apart. It sent him tumbling into his climax.

  Not just amazing, he thought numbly. When he could think again. But mind-blowing.

  Shit. He was in trouble.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kenzie couldn’t breathe. It wasn’t because of the weight of the solid, muscled sailor on top of her pressing her into the mattress.

  It was because her heart couldn’t seem to slow, and her body was still in shock from the absolute tsunami of pleasure it had experienced.

  She dragged in a shuddering breath and opened her eyes. Tanned, sweat slick muscle was the first thing she saw. She couldn’t resist lifting her head enough to press a kiss against the salty skin of his shoulder.

  He made a murmur of approval and eased his body off her, so they lay side by side.


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