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Mob rules uc-1

Page 17

by Cameron Haley

  "It doesn't look like nothing much."

  That pissed me off. "I don't want to talk to you right now, Honey."

  "Yes, you do."

  That really pissed me off. I thought about yelling, but I couldn't work up the energy for it.

  "You're hurt, Domino," Honey said. She lifted into the air and hovered near my shoulder. She started to reach out, and then drew back.

  I craned my neck to look at my shoulder. I'd forgotten about it. "Thanks for reminding me. Now it hurts like hell." I got up and went to the bathroom, grabbing the bottle of aspirin from the cabinet. I returned to the couch, reached for the juice and chased down a handful of the pills.

  This time, the spell didn't come together at all. The juice and the tablets both made it halfway down. The juice burned off and faded away, but the tablets stayed there and I damn near choked on them. I finally forced them down with beer, and then slammed the empty bottle on the table, coughing.

  "Let me, Domino." Honey flew over to the French doors and wrestled with the doorknob. She pulled open the door to the balcony and went out to her garden.

  "What are you going to do, roll me a joint?"

  "Don't be sarcastic, Domino. Take off your shirt." Honey came in with an armful of green stuff and flew off to the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood to be helped, but I wasn't in the mood to hurt, either. I stripped down to my bra, wincing and cursing.

  I heard cabinets opening and closing and pots rattling in the kitchen. Then Honey started singing. It might have been chanting, but it sounded like music. I didn't recognize the language. It was either something humans didn't speak anymore or something humans had never spoken.

  After about ten minutes, Honey came back in carrying a saucer that was almost as big as she was. She set it on the couch beside me and I saw there was some kind of yellowish paste on it.

  "Looks like honey, Honey."

  "I used honey for the base." She rubbed her hands in the paste and then held them up, like a surgeon who had just finished scrubbing. Pixie dust drifted down from her hands. "Now relax," she said. "This isn't going to hurt, but it might feel a little strange."

  I grunted. Honey came to me and started rubbing the salve into my wounds. It didn't hurt, but I still flinched the first time she touched me.

  "Jesus, that's cold!"

  "Relax, Domino."

  And it did feel weird. It felt like my flesh had gone as liquid as the salve, like Honey was moving it around, smoothing it out with her hands. She went back and forth to the saucer, working on my shoulder, arm, neck and scalp. I didn't look until she was finished. When I did, my skin was liberally coated with the salve, but it was a healthy, undamaged pink underneath.

  "Jesus," I said. "That's a hell of a lot better than my aspirin spell, even when it works."

  Honey shrugged. "It's glamour. I'm pretty good at it."

  "Glamour," I said. "You mentioned that before, about the walls. What does that mean, exactly?"

  "It means the magic will come undone if sunlight touches it," Honey said.


  "No, I'm just kidding," she said and laughed. "It's just what we call fairy magic. It's as real as yours, just different." I relaxed my eyes, unfocused my vision and looked at my shoulder.

  "I can't see it," I said. "I can't see the magic." I looked at the walls Honey had painted, and I couldn't see any magic in them, either.

  "It's not the kind of magic you can see. You can't see it any more than a normal human can see yours."

  The pieces finally clicked together in my mind. "Honey, that's why I couldn't see the magic the spirit used to squeeze my guys! The killer didn't clean it up, I just couldn't see it."

  "Of course you couldn't," Honey said. "The spirit would be channeling magic from the Beyond, not from Arcadia."

  "Huh," I said. "Well, I can see what you did with it, and I can feel it, and it rocks. Thanks, Honey." I tried a smile.

  "No problem."

  A thought occurred to me, and I frowned. "Any, uh, charge for that?"

  "Yeah, you have to take a shower with me."


  She laughed. "I'm joking. That was on the house, just because we're friends."

  "Yeah, okay. Well, thanks." I looked around. "How are you doing, settling in, I mean? You got everything you need?"

  "Yeah, it's great! Did you see my place?"

  "What place?"

  "In the kitchen. You know, my nest." I hadn't even noticed it when I got my beer. I shook my head.

  "Come on, I'll show you!" Honey flitted into the kitchen and I followed.

  The nest looked like Barbie's Fantasy Island, if there'd been such a thing. The entire kitchen table was covered with what looked like a miniature forest. There was a sparkling pool in the middle, and a rocky hillside climbed away from it and into the kitchen wall. A shimmering waterfall tumbled down from it and splashed into the pool.

  "Jesus Christ, Honey. This is amazing." The trees and foliage looked like they were alive. Everything was perfect, right down to the moss and lichen growing on the rocks.

  "Thanks, I really like it. I wanted to make a cave behind the waterfall, but I'd have to cut a hole in your wall."

  "Screw it," I said. "Go ahead. This is incredible." I didn't ask where the waterfall was coming from, or why the pool didn't fill up and overflow its banks.

  "Okay, thanks. And I'm sorry about your table. It kind of got out of hand."

  I shrugged. "I never use it anyway. Mrs. Dawson is probably freaking out, though."

  "She probably can't even see it. I think maybe she sees this place like it was when she lived here."

  "She tries to, anyway. She doesn't like the condos much."

  I went back out to the living room and Honey followed. She sat on the arm of the couch, her legs tucked under her, and watched me brood for a while.

  "So tell me," she said finally. "Maybe I can help."

  "I tracked down the vampire. He's being protected by another outfit. It got ugly."

  "How ugly?"

  "I have a lot more guys to search on FriendTrace, and I don't even know their names."


  "Yeah, what I use to contact the dead."

  "Oh. Well, I'm just glad you weren't hurt worse."

  "The thing is, I think I screwed up. I'm not sure where exactly. When this thing came down, I had good reasons not to disclose all the details to my boss. I thought I did, anyway. But I think I should have, sometime between then and now. Probably when I caught on to the possession thing. At the time, it seemed like it had an easy solution. Go to the Between, deal with the spirit, problem solved."

  "But now?"

  I sighed. "Now, it's getting out of control-like your nest." I smiled weakly. "I feel like a degenerate gambler who's dug herself a hole and just keeps laying bets to try to get flush."

  "So get out of the hole. Go to your boss."

  "Now I don't think I can go to my boss. I withheld crucial information from him-namely that his own son is involved. I've been…socializing with him, and what's worse, I've been lying to him. I broke into his house and scared him half to death. I've been doing all this while the outfit is more or less at war."

  "It's gotten pretty complicated," Honey said.

  I laughed. "Yeah, but that's not the bad part. The bad part is that I'm no closer to solving the problem than I was when I started."

  "And that's why you don't want to go to your boss."

  I nodded. "At this point, I can't undo anything. I think I just have to try to make it right. He's still not going to be happy when he finds out what I've been up to, but if I can solve the problem…at least that's something. Like I said, I have to keep laying bets to try to get flush."

  "So what are you going to do?"

  "I have no idea," I said, and laughed. "The vampire's protection isn't going to last forever. The problem is, I don't have that kind of time. I'm still convinced I'm not going to be able to get at the spirit in the Between without first ge
tting through Fred."

  "So you'll have to deal with him in the Between. He won't have protection there."

  "Yeah. But I already know he can kick my ass in the Between. The spirit probably can, too. Which means I need you to train me, pronto."

  "So let's get started."

  I nodded. "I'm worried about what's going to happen in the meantime. I'm worried that by the time I'm ready to deal with the vampire and the spirit, it's going to be too late. When I broke into Adan's apartment, the spirit possessed him again. I put a guy on him yesterday, for a while, but Anton would be fucking useless if it came to that."

  "You need to buy some time," Honey said.

  "Yeah. I need a way to slow the spirit down, make it harder to possess Adan. I'll talk to Mr. Clean about it, but he seemed to think the only way I could protect Adan was by destroying the spirit. That's why I went into the Between in the first place."

  "He's right. You don't have any magic that can stop the spirit from possessing Adan."

  "That's what I was afraid of. If the spirit was powerful enough to defeat all the wards his father has on him, there's nothing I can do about it-short of abducting Adan and locking him up inside a protective circle somewhere. That seems like it might be digging the hole a little deeper than I want to."

  "You don't have the magic to do it, but I do," Honey said.

  "You do?"

  "Yeah, and frankly, Mr. Clean might have mentioned it to you in the first place. How well do you know him, Domino?"

  I shrugged. "He's a jinn. He's my familiar. He can be an asshole sometimes. That's about it, I guess."

  "He's dangerous, Domino. He's not evil, exactly, not like your spirit from the Beyond. But there's nothing human in him, either-nothing at all. He's been here since the world was made and he'll be here still when the stars wink out and the skies go dark. He's your familiar, yes, but he hates it."

  "Well, I knew he wasn't very happy about it."

  Honey shook her head. "You've made him a slave, Domino. It's not the same as making a person your slave-he doesn't suffer from it. He can't suffer. But he hates it all the same. It's ego. Really, that's all he is-an ego so strong, and powerful, and willful that it will endure until the end of time."

  "So you're saying he doesn't necessarily have my best interests at heart."

  "He wants you to die, Domino. More than that-he wants to be the one who tricks you into getting yourself killed. That's the game, to him, and it's the only thing that makes his servitude bearable."

  I frowned. "I don't know about that. I owe him a lot of favors. I'm pretty sure he intends to cash in someday."

  Honey laughed, but there was no humor in it. "Of course he does! He intends that you die, and when you do, you'll serve him until your debt is paid off."

  "After I'm dead? He never said anything about that."

  "That's because-"

  "I didn't ask," I finished. "Well, this is good to know."

  "You don't seem all that mad about it."

  "I guess I'm not surprised. I can't really call myself his master and then pretend I didn't know what it meant." Mostly I was thinking about Rashan. He hadn't told me any of this, and he must have known. I could only think of one motivation for that. He'd wanted me to figure it out on my own, and if I didn't, I'd have been an acceptable casualty. I wasn't really surprised by that, either. I'd always known I didn't work for a saint.

  "Well, I'd be pissed," Honey said. "Mr. Clean sent you into the Between knowing you wouldn't be able to handle what you found there. The only reason he even told you about me is that it indebted you to him further."

  "Yeah, nice play. So tell me what you can do for Adan. You have magic that can protect him?"

  Honey nodded. "I'm basically a spirit, too, you know. Not like the one that's possessing Adan, but still a spirit. Predators like that are common where I come from, and we have ways to protect ourselves from them. If we didn't, there wouldn't be any of us left."

  "So what can you do?"

  "I can make you a potion. It won't be much, like a thimbleful. You can put it in Adan's food or drink. He won't even have to know about it."

  "Will it drive the spirit out or whatever?"

  "No, it will only make it harder for the spirit to possess him. Ordinarily it would make it hard enough that the spirit would be better off looking for a different host. But this spirit has a lot invested in Adan already, so I'm not sure it will want to start all over."

  "But it will buy me some time."

  "Yes. It should make the possessions less frequent, and if we're lucky it will prevent the spirit from possessing Adan for a long enough period of time to complete another ritual. At least for a few days."

  "That's good enough. It should give me enough time for you to train me in the kung-fu magic so I can destroy the spirit in the Between."

  "I think so," Honey agreed.

  "What's it going to cost me, Honey?" I looked at her, hard.

  "I'll do it as a favor, no strings attached," she said.


  "Because I like you. Because I want to be here, in Arcadia. I belong here, Domino. My people weren't born of this world, but we long for it. We made ourselves its first children, spirits of tree and stone and brook."

  "You must hate what we've done to the place."

  "Cities are good, too," she said, laughing. "It's the magic of this world that we crave, and there's magic in the streets as well as in the groves and the hills. I want to dwell in this world again, and if I'm going to do that, I need your friendship more than I need to nickel and dime you for favors."

  I laughed. "If friendship is all you want, you've got it, Honey. I'm not in a good spot, but I don't even want to think about where I'd be if it weren't for your help."

  "Good. Then come take a shower with me."

  "I, uh…I'm not sure we-"

  "I'm still kidding," she said, giggling. "I know humans have strange ideas about such things. I can wait." She winked at me and I blushed. "Go boil some water in a large pot-one of the copper ones I used for the healing salve. I'll get some things from the garden."

  I boiled water and watched Honey brew the potion. It wasn't like any magic I did, and by the time she was finished I was nodding off in my chair. I'd been awake for a long stretch, and even without the events at Adan's loft and the junkyard, I'd have been exhausted. As it was, I barely managed to stumble into my room and collapse on the bed before I was out. Ten I woke up at about five in the afternoon. I had a hangover from my overindulgence at the salvage yard, and I used a spell to nuke a burrito and get the juice flowing. The hair of the dog smoothed out the throbbing in my temples and steadied my hands, but the burrito didn't do much for my stomach.

  I spent some time with my head in the toilet and took a shower. By the time I was dressed, I felt just about good enough to go back to bed.

  Instead, I called Adan. I had a small glass vial loaded with the potion, and I needed to hook up with him long enough to deliver the goods. I was thinking dinner, since I didn't have much to show for the burrito and it would give me the best chance to dose him.

  "Not dinner," Adan said when I made my suggestion. "I don't want us to get predictable."

  I rolled my eyes. This thing was complicated enough without having to worry about rules of dating etiquette. I mentally ran through other options that would involve the ingestion of food or drink. "We could go to a club, do some dancing, have a few drinks."

  "I've had enough of nightclubs for a while. How about the Commerce?"


  "Yeah, they have decent no-limit games."

  "You play poker?"

  "Sure. Everybody with too much money and no job plays poker these days…people like me and Ben Affleck."

  "Okay, that sounds fun. Do we have an angle?" All the big poker rooms in town have spotters with a little talent whose only job is to make sure people like me aren't juicing the games. We could still cheat the old-fashioned way, though, playing partners and working th
e rest of the table as a team.

  Adan laughed. "I'm dating a thug. We're just playing for fun, Domino." Cheating is fun, but I was secretly relieved. I'd be better off playing it straight. I'd be able to sit next to Adan, and it would make it a hell of a lot easier to slip him the potion.

  "All right, sounds good. Pick me up at eight."

  "You pick me up. I tend to drink a little when I play cards. And bring plenty of money-I'm pretty good."

  "You shouldn't have told me that. You might have been able to hustle me."

  "Now I've got you thinking about it. You're doomed."

  "True. See you at eight."


  The Commerce Casino opened in 1983, about ten miles from downtown L.A. just off the Santa Ana Freeway. It had expanded a couple times, and now it was the largest card room in California. I've heard it's the largest in the world.

  It's also one of the largest juice boxes in town. With over two hundred tables and all the cards and chips and probabilities dancing twenty-four hours a day, it's like a numerological ritual the size of an amusement park. Rashan didn't have a piece of it, though. If anyone was tapping it, they were much bigger fish than the L.A. outfits.

  The City of Commerce itself isn't much to look at, and the casino sticks out like the proverbial twenty-dollar necklace on a two-dollar whore. It's supposed to be Vegas glitzy, I guess, but doesn't get all the way there. There are cheap red lights running up to the entrance to let you know you're on the right track. A garish statue in the lobby that might be a female sphinx is about the only thing suggestive of a theme.

  I surrendered my car to the valet and looked at him long enough to make sure he'd be nice to it. We went in, and the floor manager I knew got us adjoining seats at a no-limit table with a four-hundred-dollar buy-in. I had an idea to show off a little, but he seemed to know Adan better than he knew me. He seemed to like him better, too.

  I'm a decent player, even when I can't cheat. I'd been playing since I was a kid, so I'd seen enough hands to feel comfortable with most of the situations that come up. In most of those games I was using enough juice to know what the other players were holding, but even without the juice, I can usually tell if a guy is strong or weak, and I can usually figure out what he thinks I'm playing.


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