Hathaway, Anne, 400
Hayes, Helen, 248, 252
Hayman, Al, 23, 30
Hayward, Leland, 5, 7
Head, Murray, 320–21, 323
Healy, Patrick, 192–93n
Hearst, William Randolph, 256
Hecht, Melvin D., 11, 14
Heilpern, John, 312, 315, 317–18
Heiskell, Marian, 383–84
Helen Hayes Theatre, 248, 249, 251, 252, 261–63, 278, 359
Hellman, Lillian, 115
Hello, Dolly!, 295
and Champion, 70, 198, 335
and Herman, 67, 76
and Merrick, 70, 189, 193, 194, 198
and Shuberts, 71, 86
success of, 71
Helwitz, Murray, 11, 14, 47, 51, 53, 121, 125
Hemingway, Ernest, 173
Hepburn, Katharine, 49, 132
Herald Square Theatre, 25
Herbert, Jocelyn, 113
Her Majesty’s Theatre, London, 346, 347
Herman, Jerry, 67, 71, 76, 77, 194, 196, 314, 334
Herz, Shirley, 84, 250, 334, 372
Hippodrome, 29
Hirsch, Foster, The Boys from Syracuse, 19–20, 21, 29, 30, 34, 43, 50, 56, 95, 104
Hirschfeld, Al, 368
Hirschhorn, Clive, 114
Hollerith, Helen, 130
Holliday, Jennifer, 236, 237, 238–39, 240, 261, 265, 274, 275
Hollywood Ticket Office, 9
Holm, Celeste, 250
Holt, Fritz, 316, 334
Honeywell Corporation, 345
Hopkins, Anthony, 116, 117
Horne, Lena, 238, 275–76, 291
Horowitz, Vladimir, 87
Hotel Raymona, 83
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, 9, 66, 70, 378
Hoyt, Charles, 23
Hudson, Rock, 334
Hughes, Bernard, 250
Hugo, Victor, Les Misérables, 336
Hummler, Richard, 367
Hwang, David Henry, 358
I Am a Camera, 69
I Can Get It for You Wholesale, 159, 160
ice (ticket corruption), 5–8, 46–48, 108–9, 121, 191, 211
booking business, 35–36, 58–59, 102
house seats, 9–10, 35, 95–96, 157, 204n
public hearings into, 7–8, 11, 12–14, 47, 53
and Sardi Building Room 504, 11, 14, 47, 48, 50
scams and kickbacks, 9, 12, 89
and stop clause, 62–63
supply and demand, 6
ICM, 255
I Do! I Do!, 68, 70, 71, 198
“If Love Were All,” 208
I Love New York, 183–87, 209, 272
Imperial Theatre:
Chess, 354, 355–56
Dreamgirls, 240, 259, 261, 272
and 46th Street Theatre, 222, 259, 261, 265
Most Happy Fella, 62
Pippin, 100, 101
and Tony Awards, 272, 274, 275–76
Imus, Don, 366
Inside U.S.A., 163
Interborough News Company, 123–24
Into the Woods, 351, 352
Irma La Douce, 12, 189
Irons, Jeremy, 398
IRS, 125, 218
Irving Trust Company, 33
Isherwood, Christopher, 69
Ishikawa, Chikae, 311
Jackman, Hugh, 362n, 397, 398, 400
Jacksina, Judy, 259–60, 263, 265–66, 268, 269, 272, 275
Jacobs, Bernard B. “Bernie”:
author’s contact with, x, xi
and Bennett, 132–33, 153, 154, 223–41, 253, 294, 307–8, 313–15, 317, 321, 324–26, 327, 333, 362
and Betty, see Jacobs, Betty
birth and early years of, 39–40
and Cats, 280, 289–90, 291–95, 301–4, 374–75
and Chess, 321, 325–26, 353, 354–55
and Chorus Line, 132–33, 153–54, 156–58, 223–26
and Christmas bonuses, 18
and Cohen, 129, 153, 278–80
and Cohn, 259, 270–71, 277–78
and contract negotiations, 59–60, 117, 129, 209–10, 212, 230–31, 253, 293–94, 391–92
and coup, 85–90, 92–97
death of, 37, 393–94
and Dreamgirls, 237, 241, 270, 271, 272, 275, 308, 313
fading powers of, 355, 363, 377–78, 392–93
and Fosse, 335–36
and foundation board, 88–90, 125–30
holding the chain together, 96–97
illness of, 327–29, 345, 348, 353, 362–63, 391, 393
income of, 45, 104, 120, 124–25
integrity of, 47–48, 59, 63, 128–29, 212, 403
and investigations, 11, 124–30
and J. J.’s illness and death, 15
and John’s death, 49–50
Larry’s complaint filed against, 103–5, 120
and Les Miz, 339, 341
and Little Shop, 303–4
and Mackintosh, 285–86, 291–94, 346
media stories about, 211, 353
and Merrick, 195–96, 203–6, 207, 373
and Nathan, 295, 364–66, 373, 375
and others’ love lives, 319–20n
partnership with Jerry, 45
and Phantom, 342, 345, 346–48, 350
and power, 211–14, 216, 219, 253, 271, 308, 364–66, 393
pressures on, 126–27
as public figure, 211
rise to the top, 48, 94, 97, 209
and Shubert business, 16–17, 59–60, 86, 89–90, 91, 93, 100–103, 119, 124–25, 158, 208–19, 270, 280, 358
and Smith, 63
and succession, 353
and Times Square, 175, 252, 270, 383, 393
and Tony Awards, 270, 271, 272, 273–76, 277
Jacobs, Betty, 39, 49–50, 52, 104, 203
author’s contact with, xi
and Bennett, 154, 223–24, 227–28, 234, 315, 321
and Bernie’s illness, 327
and booking, 100, 102
and Cats, 289–90
and Chorus Line, 153–54
and Dreamgirls, 237
and Little Shop, 303–4
and Mackintosh, 285, 286, 292
marriage of Bernie and, 40, 45
and Tony Awards, 275–76
vacations of, 278, 280, 393
Jacobs, Louis, 123
Jacobson, Max, 66
Jaffe, Norman, 223
Japan, musicals in, 305, 311
Jazz Singer, The, 30, 248
Jerome Robbins Broadway, 376–77
Jessel, George, 248
Jesus Christ Superstar, 75, 280, 281, 282, 336, 400
Jinks, Dan, 372
J. M. Kaplan Fund, 251
Joel, Billy, 231–32
Joesler, Josias Thomas, 333
Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, 358
Johnson, Geoffrey, 298
Johnson, Philip, 246
Johnson, Van, 135
Jola Candy Company, 89, 123
Jolson, Al, 30, 161
Jones, James Earl, 250
Jones, Tom, 67–68
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 272–73, 274, 276, 281, 282, 400
Joyce, James, Ulysses, 4
Joyce Theater, 383
Joyful Noise, A, 136, 137
Jujamcyn Theaters, 206, 219, 345, 346, 350n, 353, 372, 377, 390
Julia, Raul, 257, 258, 262, 269, 274
Julius (elevator operator), 165
Julius Caesar, 25
J. W. Marriott Corporation, 261
Kaiser, Walter, 58
Kander, John, 68–69, 75, 378
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 316, 324, 326
Karmen, Steve, 184, 187
Karpov, Anatoly, 319
Kass, Jerome, 228, 229
Katz, Irving “Hickey,” 58, 85
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 386, 387, 388
Kauffmann, Stanley, 191–92
Kaufman, George S., 10n, 58, 273
Kaye, Danny, 61, 16
Kazan, Elia, 239
Kazan, Lainie, 142–43
Keeler, Ruby, 135
Kefauver, Estes, 35
Kelling, George L., 381
Kelly, Kevin, 240, 301, 309
One Singluar Sensation, 134, 224
Kennedy, John F., 66
Kennedy, Robert F., 76
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., 5, 171, 198–99, 340
Kern, Jerome, 30
Kerr, Walter, 114–15, 119, 169, 215, 241, 269
Kert, Larry, 334
Kidd, Michael, 76
Kidman, Nicole, 398
King, Carole, 75
King, Martin Luther Jr., 76
King and I, The, 7, 34, 64, 185
King David, 390
Kipness, Joseph “Kippy,” 83–84, 141–42, 144, 145
Kirkwood, James, 149
Kissel, Howard, 78, 190
Kissinger, Henry A., 107–8, 398
Kiss Me, Kate, 34, 64, 66
Kiss of the Spider Woman, 378
Klaw, Marc, 23, 25, 30–31, 81
Kleban, Ed, 312
Kleban, Edward, 132–33, 149–50
Klein, William, 18, 26–27, 41, 44
Kline, Kevin, 157–58, 277
Kluge, John, 129, 130, 157
Knickerbocker Holiday, 147
Knickerbocker Hotel, 19
Knighton, Nan, 203, 266
Koch, Ed:
and elections, 79, 182, 186
and “I Love New York,” 186, 187
and Midtown Enforcement Project, 182
and Papp, 250
Times quotes of, 340, 351
and Times Square, 80, 242, 245–46, 247, 249, 250, 262, 380, 383
Kopit, Arthur, 255, 266
Körberg, Tommy, 320–21, 323
Korchnoi, Viktor, 319
Kowsky, Fred, 179
Kramer, Larry, 158, 332, 334
Krauss, Marvin, 239, 307–8, 313, 360
Kretzmer, Herbert, 337–41
Krieger, Henry, 235–37, 238, 239, 307, 317
Kroll, Jack, 171
Kuhn, Judy, 354
Kurtz, Swoosie, 312
Kushner, Tony, 158, 378
La Cage aux Folles, 76, 314, 316, 334
La Guardia, Fiorello, 38, 76, 82, 177
Landesman, Rocco, 219, 350n, 377–78, 379, 395, 397
Lane, Burton, 66
Lane, Nathan, 378, 402, 403
Langella, Frank, 185–86, 187, 347
Lankevich, George J., New York City: A Short History, 77, 173–74
Lansbury, Angela, 67, 77
Lantz, Robert, 118
Lapine, James, 255, 299, 352, 389
Larner, Lionel, 233–34
Laski, Harold, 44
Last of the Red Hot Lovers, The, 71
Laurents, Arthur, 316
Lawrence, Lawrence Shubert Jr.:
complaint filed by, 103–5, 120–21
and coup, 88–90, 92–95
death of, 104–5
and drinking, 51, 52–53, 58, 72, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 95, 105, 164, 393
and Goldman, 56–57, 104
as head of Shubert Organization, 51, 53, 57–60, 84, 88
and ice, 12, 47, 53, 121
and Lefkowitz investigation, 125
and Shubert vs. producers, 59
and Smith, 53, 59, 62, 87–88, 104
and unions, 60
war with lawyers, 85–90
work habits of, 59, 85, 92
Lawrence, Lawrence Shubert Sr., 51, 52
Lawrence, Mary Wells, 184
Layton, Joe, 335
Leach, Wilford, 334
League of New York Theatres and Producers, 77, 83, 91, 176, 181, 183, 185, 247, 251, 277, 278–79, 358, 363–64, 392, 402
Le Carré, John, 323
Lee, Baayork, 135
Lee, Michele, 142
Lee, Susan, 363–64
Lefkowitz, Louis J.:
and Broadway investigation, 1, 3–4, 12
departure from office, 131
and Foundation board, 125–30
further investigation of Shubert Foundation by, 105, 120–25, 153, 278
and Larry Shubert complaint, 103–5
and patronage, 126
unsavory past of, 125–26
LeFrak, Francine, 259, 266, 267–68, 270, 271, 310
Legrand, Michel, 397
Legs Diamond, 360–62
Lehrfeld, William, 219
Leichtling, Jerry, 58, 87, 88, 89, 96–97, 109
Leigh, Carolyn, 70
Lena Horne: “The Lady and Her Music,” 238, 275, 291
Lend an Ear, 70
Lennon, John, 75
Lenny, Jack, 135, 152
Leon, Ruth, 337
Lerner, Alan Jay, 65, 66, 132
Leroux, Gaston, The Phantom of the Opera, 341, 343
Les Misérables:
“Bring Him Home,” 338–39
cast of, 339, 344
and Mackintosh, 294, 336–41, 343, 344–49, 350, 351, 363, 400
and Nunn, 337, 343
success of, 340, 351, 353, 358, 364, 379, 388
le Sourd, Jacques, 373
Leveaux, David, 326
Levin, Ira, 209
Levinson, Anne, 130
Lewis, Jerry, 61
Liberman, Bill, 105, 106, 107n
Lichtenstein, Harvey, 109
Liebling, A. J., 32
Life with Father, 249
Light, Norman, 58–59, 85
Lillie, Beatrice, 163
Lind, Jenny, 6
Linden, Hal, 76
Lindsay, John V., 78–79, 83, 89, 125, 177–78, 247
Lion King, The, 391, 399, 401
Little Me, 70
Little Mermaid, The, 306, 386–87, 388, 401
Little Night Music, A, 342
Little Shop of Horrors, 302–4, 306, 384–85
Livent, 378–79, 391
Liza, 106–8
Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 340, 360, 362, 363, 398, 400–401
and Aspects of Love, 343, 350, 379
and Cats, 280–82, 286–94, 299, 301, 305, 319–20n, 350, 400
and Evita, 281, 282, 291, 400
fading influence of, 379
and Jesus Christ Superstar, 75, 280, 281, 282, 400
and Joseph, 272–73, 281, 282, 400
as life peer, 400–401
and Mackintosh, 280, 282–83, 286–87, 291, 305, 400
and Phantom, 341–43, 344–45, 348–52, 379, 400
and Really Useful Group, 282, 348, 400
and Rice, 75, 273, 281, 282, 320, 351
and Song and Dance, 350
and Starlight Express, 342, 350, 352
and Sydmonton Festival, 281, 342, 343, 399
Lloyd Webber, William, 283
Local One, 59–60
Loesser, Frank, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68
Loewe, Frederick, 9, 65, 66, 283
London Symphony Orchestra, 320
Long, William Ivey, 255, 257–58, 260, 261, 263–66, 272
Longacre Square, see Times Square
Longacre Theatre, 208, 381
Long Day’s Journey Into Night, 248
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 58
Look Back in Anger, 12, 191
Lopez, Priscilla, 148
Loudon, Dorothy, 170, 229, 233–34
Loveman, Lenore, 249
Lucchese crime family, 124
Ludlam, Charles, 91, 331–32
Lugosi, Bela, 248
Lumet, Sidney, 226
Lund, Adolph, 41, 42–43, 44
Lundwall, Sandy, 249
Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, 385
LuPone, Patti, 297
Luxor Baths, 181
Lyceum Theatre, 106
Lynne, Gillian, 286, 294
Lyric Theatre, 25, 383
Ma Bell’s restaurant, 157
Mack & Mabel, 76, 194–95, 197, 198
Mackintosh, Cameron, 282–87, 360, 362
nd Cats, 280, 282, 286–87, 291–94, 305, 340, 344
and “flow,” 293–94
and Les Miz, 294, 336–41, 343, 344–49, 350, 351, 363, 400
and Little Shop, 302, 303
and Lloyd Webber, 280, 282–83, 286–87, 291, 305, 400
and Miss Saigon, 294, 379, 400
and Nathan, 374
and Phantom, 294, 341, 344–45, 346–49, 351–52
and Shuberts, 285–86, 291–94, 345–47, 379
MacLaine, Shirley, 153
MacNair, Susan, 229
Madame Tussauds, 390
Madison Square Garden, 81, 82, 87, 312, 317
Mafia, 82, 123–24, 134, 141, 179, 234, 261
Magaddino crime family “The Arm,” 134
Maidman, Irving, 244
Majestic Theatre, 18, 50, 125
Ballroom, 233, 235
42nd Street, 205, 292, 345
and ice, 35
Phantom, 345, 346–50, 352
Male Animal, The, 191
Maltby, Richard Jr., 208
Mame, 67, 76, 86
Mamet, David, 252, 358
Mamma Mia!, 401–2, 403
Mandel, Harry, 165
Mandelbaum, Ken, 76
A Chorus Line and the Musicals of Michael Bennett, 139, 148
Manes, Donald, 175–76
Manhattan Plaza, 380
Manhattan Theatre Club (MTC), 208, 359
Manilow, Barry, 320, 385
Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 366
Mann, Barry, 385
Mann, Pamela, 218
Manners, Jane, 57
Mansfield, Richard, 25, 26
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, 358
Margulies, Abe, 98
Mark Hellinger Theatre, 10, 132, 137, 219, 313, 333, 360, 362
Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 217
Marriott, J. Willard, 261
Marriott Marquis Hotel, 270, 314–15, 379
Martin, Ernie, 46, 196
Martin, Mary, 68, 365
Martin Beck Theatre, 346–47, 348, 349–50
Marx, Groucho, 5
Masteroff, Joe, 69
Matera, Barbara, 227
Mayer, Louis B., 394
Mayor’s Midtown Citizens Committee, 176–77, 180, 182, 243
MCA, 378
McAnuff, Des, 377
McArdle, Andrea, 170
McCann, Elizabeth I., ix, x, 32n
and Bennett, 146
and Schoenfeld, 37–38, 47, 210
and Shubert-Nederlander rift, 219, 220–21
and Shuberts, 44, 47, 48, 128–29, 278
and unions, 210
McCarthy, Barry, 177
McClellan, George B., 81
McCormack, Alfred, 43
McCowen, Alec, 112–13, 115–16
McDonald, Robert, 59–60, 155, 195–96, 210
McGinniss, Joe, 86
McKechnie, Donna, 77, 135–36, 138–39, 148, 151, 224, 225, 227, 311
McQueen, Armelia, 208
Me and My Girl, 315
Meat Loaf, 146
Medea, 6
Meehan, Thomas, 167–71
Melody Fair, North Tonawanda, New York, 135
“Memory,” 289, 290, 297, 299–300
Menken, Alan, 306, 386, 387, 388, 390
Mercury Theatre, 58
Merman, Ethel, 8, 64, 74
Razzle Dazzle Page 52