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His Baby!

Page 12

by Maureen Child

  He pulled her to him, holding her face between his palms. Afraid to believe, he said softly, “Baby, if we stay married—”

  “If?” she questioned, wrapping her arms around his neck. She smiled at him and watched those shadows slowly fade. “Try and get away, Recon,” she said. “I’ll find you.”

  He gave her a half smile, then stared at her in all seriousness. “Being married to a Marine means moving. A lot. Different cities. Different countries.”

  “We’ll see the world.”

  “I won’t be able to discuss my missions with you.”

  “As long as you come back to me,” she told him, “I won’t care.”

  “In Recon, I’m gone a lot.”

  “The homecomings should be fun,” she said, running her hands up and down his chest and back up to encircle his neck.

  He took a breath and blew it out. “Military life can be lonely for spouses.”

  “I can teach anywhere. And I’m a big girl,” she reminded him. “I can take care of myself.”

  Jeff smiled again, feeling the emptiness inside begin to lift. “I’m gettin’ that.”

  “We’re apt to fight a lot,” he warned, “since I want to protect you and you want to do for yourself.”

  She grinned at him. “Making up is the best part of arguing.”

  “I can’t guarantee I won’t get bossy.”

  “And I can’t guarantee I’ll listen to you,” she said.

  Jeff’s gaze shifted slightly to where his daughter was sitting in her walker, chewing on the hem of the lace curtains. “I don’t know much about being a father.”

  Kelly followed his gaze briefly, smiled and turned back to him. “By the third or fourth baby, you’ll probably get the hang of it.”

  Jeff’s heart ached it was so damn full, and a part of him wondered if he’d go around with this twinge of pain for the rest of his life. If so, it was a small price to pay.

  “How did I get lucky enough to find you?” he whispered, his gaze moving over her features lovingly.

  “That’s easy, Marine,” she said, going up on her toes to bring her mouth closer to his, “you saved my life one summer day. And then you made my life worth saving.”

  His breath caught in his chest, and a knot of emotion closed off his throat. “I’ve never loved anyone before in my life, Kelly. It’s you. Only you. Always you.”

  “I love you, Jeff,” she whispered, staring up at him, willing her to read the truth in her tear-shrouded eyes. “For now, forever.”

  His arms came around her then, in a viselike grip. He crushed her to him, wanting to feel all of her at once. He’d come so close to losing this. So close to never knowing what love really was. Jeff buried his face in the curve of her neck and inhaled the scent of her, making it a part of him. At last, he thought, sending a grateful prayer heavenward. At last he’d found a place—and a heart—to belong.

  “I swear, Kelly,” he murmured as he lifted his head to look into her eyes, “I will love you forever. And then some.”

  She smiled at him through her tears and whispered, “Welcome home, Jeff,” just before he kissed her.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6796-5


  Copyright © 2001 by Maureen Child

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  *Bachelor Battalion

  *Bachelor Battalion

  *Bachelor Battalion




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