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For the Love of the Billionaire: The Complete Story of Barrett and Scarlet

Page 17

by Alison Ryan

  Barrett looked at his father, confused, “Not mom, I hope?”

  Rhett Evers laughed his trademark deep belly laugh, “No, son. Definitely not. I told you, don’t worry about her. I’ve got this.”

  Barrett wasn’t so sure but he patted his father’s shoulder, “Okay. Well, have fun I guess.”

  “Oh, I plan on it,” Rhett smirked as his driver closed the passenger door. Barrett watched as the car drove away and out into the night.

  Chapter Seven

  Barrett stepped back into the house and was immediately greeted by a sobbing Scarlet.

  “We shouldn’t have told him,” she cried. “He’s going to fuck everything up. You both don’t understand how serious this is. Thisbe isn’t a fucking dog that got adopted to the wrong family from the pound. She’s a little girl who has never known anyone other than Paul and Melissa.”

  Barrett took her by the shoulders, “Scarlet, you’ve got to calm down. No one is taking Thisbe from anyone right now. I’m just trying to figure out what’s best…”

  “For you!” Scarlet yelled at him. “What’s best for you. You haven’t once considered how this impacts Thisbe. Or me.”

  Barrett stepped back, angry, “Now hold on. That isn’t fucking fair, Scarlet. I just found out I have a daughter and you want me to what, forget about it? Forget about her? Pretend all is okay? That’s not how this was ever going to work.”

  “I just want you to step back and think,” she said. “And to blame the one responsible for this whole fucking mess in the first place.”

  “Trust me, there’s only one person I blame for this,” he said. “And she’ll be taken care of. But in the meantime, don’t you want to be happy? We can fix what went wrong, start building the life we’d planned on years ago.”

  Scarlet looked over at him, her eyes sad, “We’re different people than we were five years ago, Barrett. And we live in a different universe compared to then.”

  “So what does that mean?” he asked, his voice heated. “You don’t want me anymore?”

  Scarlet shook her head, “Of course I want you. I’ll always want you. You’re the only man I can ever love. But it doesn’t take away the complications.”

  Barrett grabbed her around the waist and pulled her toward him, “There’s nothing too complicated that we can’t handle it. As long as we stick together. You can’t go off trying to solve things on your own. Trust me.”

  He kissed her gently on her pouty mouth. Her large eyes looked up at him.

  “I trust you. Completely,” she whispered. “But what happens now?”

  “I at least want to see her,” he said. “Where is she?”


  Barrett had his Gulfstream ready to leave for Nashville by seven the next morning. Neither of them slept much, both tossing and turning over their anxiety. Barrett’s was more about the excitement of meeting his daughter while Scarlet worried this was all a huge mistake, something that she had a very bad feeling about.

  He’d been awake by five and upon seeing Scarlet lying next to him, half naked in a t-shirt and nothing else, he’d been unable to resist waking her up with his mouth, coaxing an orgasm out of her, leaving her breathless as he slid up her body, his hands exploring her warm skin.

  “Good morning,” he whispered in her ear. “I couldn’t resist tasting you. I needed to release the tension.”

  “Please, don’t let me stop you,” she said, throwing her arms around his neck. “Keep going.”

  He pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her naked curves. He’d already been hard but now his cock ached with his desire to have her. He slid inside her slowly, making her inhale a quick breath as his thrusts began.

  They made slow love for the next hour, whispering their need to one another and he came in her, making them both relax. Today was going to be stressful and they’d needed to remind one another they weren’t going anywhere this time.

  After quick showers, Barrett had his driver and bodyguard, Mark, take their luggage to the waiting SUV he’d sent from the private airport.

  Scarlet hung back, still hesitant about the journey they were taking. She’d agreed to it with the condition that this wasn’t a play to take Thisbe away. They were going to Nashville so Barrett could have a chance to meet her and meet her parents, the good people who had taken their daughter in and provided her with everything Scarlet couldn’t at the time.

  The last thing Scarlet wanted to do was hurt them. They’d done more for her than anyone would ever realize.

  Four Years Earlier

  Scarlet was almost eight months pregnant when she knew she’d have to finally talk to someone about not only giving birth, but finding a family for her baby.

  She’d started feeling the first kicks around nineteen weeks, something that had been a huge relief after a trimester of intense nausea and illness. She hated that she was too scared to go to the doctor, for fear of Patricia finding out she was still pregnant, and she’d spent the last six months as a complete shut-in, never leaving her apartment and subsisting on Chinese takeout and pizza delivery. That’s when she even had the stomach to eat at all.

  It had started becoming obvious she was pregnant at around the six month mark and that’s when she’d shut off her family, something that had been completely torturous to do. Scarlet was incredibly close to her mother but especially tight with her brother, Ben, who didn’t understand why Scarlet was shutting him out. She tried to explain she was just busy, then she’d told him he reminded her too much of Barrett, which wasn’t a complete lie. Either way, she had to make it clear she didn’t want to see anyone although she desperately wanted to tell them what was happening.

  But all she could remember was that Patricia said she was completely willing to hurt them in order to get to Scarlet. It was something that terrified her and she had to remind herself that hurting them was the best way of saving them all.


  Scarlet’s roommate in college had been Vanessa Sanders, a sorority princess and communications major who would drop out before junior year to go to flight attendant training in Dallas. They’d never been especially close while roommates - Vanessa was a party girl while Scarlet was the serious student, but somehow they’d remained in touch and Scarlet valued Vanessa as someone she could talk to about heavier things that other friends may have judged.

  Like getting knocked up with a rich guy’s baby.

  Scarlet also knew that Vanessa came from a well-connected southern family and that her sister, Charlotte, was a doctor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. Scarlet was desperate for help from someone who had no direct connection to her family or the Evers, and who would be discreet.

  Vanessa and Charlotte Sanders were Scarlet’s last and best hope.

  She’d driven up to Tennessee while constantly on the lookout for anyone who might be following her. Flying had been too scary a thought, and besides, she was pretty sure she was too pregnant by then to be allowed on a plane.

  Vanessa had moved back to Nashville and after hearing the long and tragic tale of Scarlet and Barrett, was all too eager to help her friend.

  “Scarlet, are you sure you don’t want to tell Barrett?” Vanessa had asked the morning that Scarlet finally reached Vanessa’s apartment in Hendersonville, just outside of Nashville. “I feel like he should at least know what’s going on. He could protect you from his mother, surely?”

  Scarlet shook her head defiantly. “No. It’s too risky. Maybe one day he can know but I can’t risk this child’s life, his, or my family. This is just the way it has to be.”

  Vanessa frowned and hugged her friend, “This is the most terrible thing I’ve ever heard. I know rich people can be assholes but holy hell, Scar. Patricia sounds like she was spawned straight from hell.”

  Scarlet nodded, “It’s pretty bad. Thanks for helping me out. I really hope I’m not putting you in danger by doing this.”

  Vanessa waved off her fears, “Pssh. Girl, I’m locked and loade
d. Between my strident belief in the second amendment and my German shepherd, Toby, I don’t worry about a thing. I’ve got you, girl. Patricia won’t mess with me which means she won’t mess with you and this baby.”

  Scarlet smiled. She’d forgotten how much she missed having someone to care about her. It had been the loneliest six months of her life. Beneath her maternity dress she could feel the baby kicking.

  “She’s kicking,” Scarlet laughed. “Want to feel?”

  “You know it’s a girl?” asked Vanessa placing a slender hand on Scarlet’s tight stomach. “Bless her heart, that little thing is just kicking away!”

  “I don’t know for sure,” Scarlet admitted. “It’s just a feeling I have.”


  “It’s definitely a girl,” Dr. Charlotte Sanders confirmed a week later at Scarlet’s very first, and most likely last, ultrasound. “And she looks perfect. You’re so fortunate. It had to be difficult not getting prenatal care.”

  “I tried my best,” Scarlet said, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I took vitamins, ate pretty decently. Did a lot of Jillian Michaels DVDs.”

  Dr. Sanders laughed, “That’s better than most of my patients. I wish we could have at least gotten some blood work done. But Vanessa tells me you were dealing with a strange set of circumstances that kept you from getting care.”

  “You could say that,” Scarlet said slowly, not wanting to reveal too much. She marveled at the print outs of her daughter. She was already over seven pounds. Scarlet was so relieved to know she was okay, she was trying her best not to break down in Dr. Sanders’ office.

  “Well, I’m glad you can have some relief. I’d like you to come back in a couple weeks so we can have one last checkup. Did you have any idea about a birth plan?” Dr. Sanders was writing down some notes on a chart. Scarlet shifted uncomfortably in her paper gown.

  “I’d like to have as natural a birth as possible,” she said. “But there’s something else I need to discuss with you and I’m not really sure where to start.”

  Dr. Sanders put down her chart and looked at Scarlet, clearly concerned.

  “Okay,” she said. “What’s wrong?”

  “Well,” Scarlet’s voice caught. “I need to know how I would go about arranging an adoption of my daughter.”

  Dr. Sanders sat down in the chair next to where Scarlet sat on the examining table. She could see Scarlet’s hands were trembling.

  “You’d like to give the baby up?” she asked slowly. “This is something you’ve thought about.”

  Scarlet nodded, “Yes. I just wasn’t sure… I didn’t know how it works. And it’s a very hard decision for me.”

  “I can only imagine,” Dr. Sanders replied. “You’re sure you want to do this?”

  Scarlet smiled thinly, “No. I’m not. But I don’t have a choice. And I know she’s coming soon and I know it’s best if I have it set up so she can transition more easily.”

  Dr. Sanders, who was usually reserved and aloof with her patients, couldn’t help it. She took Scarlet’s hand.

  “You have more choices than you think,” she said. “Is the father not in the picture?”

  Scarlet looked up at the ceiling, the tears were definitely falling now, “Um. He’s not. He doesn’t know and I think that’s best. I know adoption can be a long and drawn out process…”

  “Only when you’re a potential parent,” Dr. Sanders said. “Scarlet, I know of hundreds of people who would die to adopt your daughter. That’s not going to be a problem. But I’m more concerned about whether this is the best choice for you.”

  Scarlet wiped the tears from her cheeks and tried to compose herself. Keep your shit together, she thought. This isn’t about you anymore.

  “Sometimes the best choice for me isn’t the best choice for the people I love,” she said. “And in this case, I need to do what’s best for Thisbe.”

  Chapter Eight

  The Gulfstream slipped into the cloudless sky above San Diego around 730 AM, and Scarlet was already on her second glass of pinot as they ascended to cruising altitude.

  “Slow down there,” Barrett laughed. “You’re either going to be piss drunk or dead asleep by the time we get there.”

  “One can hope,” she muttered. “I’m just very anxious.”

  He took her hand in his, “Me too, baby. You know I love you, right? No matter what?”

  Scarlet nodded. “I know,” she said. “But I don’t know what to expect.”

  She’d called her contact at the agency that had handled Thisbe’s adoption. When she’d chosen Thisbe’s parents one of the things she wouldn’t compromise on was having an open adoption. She wanted to see that Thisbe was okay and she wanted letters telling her about what Thisbe’s life was like. It hadn’t been hard to get them to agree to it, and she was forever grateful for that. They’d also said she was more than welcome to visit Thisbe once a year after they told Thisbe about her adoption story. All had agreed that it was up to her adoptive parents to decide when she was ready, and it was expected that by the time she reached elementary school, they would tell her. Scarlet had been more than fine with that.

  But now that Barrett knew, it made things potentially complicated for the amazing couple that had taken their child in as their own. And Scarlet didn’t want that. It had never been her intention for any of this to happen and it sickened her to possibly make any of them feel uncomfortable or betrayed.

  But Barrett had rights too. She understood that.

  Fuck Patricia Evers, she thought as she downed the last of her second glass of wine. I hope somehow she can pay for everything she’s done to all of us.


  Barrett had been texting with his lawyers all morning. He didn’t want to speak to them over the phone since Scarlet was right next to him, but he wanted to know what his options were in this situation. He understood why Scarlet was nervous, but he was determined to have his chance to see Thisbe and, hopefully, one day be with her. And Thisbe was still young enough that all of this could happen without any lasting psychological damage done. He was sure of it.

  All he cared about was Scarlet and his daughter. Nothing else mattered.

  His lawyers were also heading to Nashville from Atlanta and Barrett planned on meeting up with them as soon as they got off the plane. He didn’t see the point in sharing this with Scarlet yet, it would just compound her anxiety. She’d practically jumped out of her skin when the flight attendant had offered her a fruit tray.

  He glanced over at her now. It was hard to believe all that had transpired in the last week. What had originally started as him wanting to have one last dinner with her had turned into something that was bigger than anything he could have ever expected. Not only was he getting Scarlet back, but he was gaining so much more.

  And the hell if he was going to allow anyone to stand in the way of what he wanted.

  Four Years Earlier…

  Scarlet’s contractions had begun on a late Saturday afternoon. She was taking a nap on Vanessa’s couch while the E! Network hummed in the background.

  It hadn’t been like in the movies. At first they just felt like intense menstrual cramps. She thought maybe they were Braxton Hicks contractions and she drank some water and lay down on her left side, thinking they would pass. She wasn’t technically due for another week, though she was officially full term.

  But by 800 PM it was clear this was different. They were spaced apart by five minutes and the pain was unfathomably intense. Vanessa had just come back from the store and found Scarlet kneeling in front of the couch, wincing and clutching a throw pillow.

  “Holy shit, is it time?” Vanessa exclaimed. “Are you okay? Let me grab your bag. Did your water break? Are you giving birth now? Should I call 911?”

  Once the contraction had passed, Scarlet was able to chuckle, “It’s okay, V. It was a contraction, but we should probably start heading to the hospital. And no water has broken as of yet. But if this is just the beginning? It’s going
to be a long night.”


  Dr. Sanders met them in Labor and Delivery an hour later. The contractions were still the same amount of time apart and Scarlet was barely dilated.

  “We might have to send you back home,” Dr. Sanders said. “I know that’s not what you want to hear.”

  Scarlet was already exhausted and the thought of going back home and coming back later made her nauseated. She nodded, “Okay, I guess we…”

  All of a sudden, a sound like a champagne cork popping. And suddenly Scarlet was drenched.

  “I think my water just broke,” Scarlet said, looking at Dr. Sanders.

  “Your water definitely just broke,” Dr. Sanders smiled. “So that means you’re not going anywhere. Let’s get you into a room.”

  Scarlet smiled, relieved. She touched her belly and whispered, “We’re almost there, Thisbe. I told you, I wouldn’t give up. So don’t you give up on me either, sweet baby.”

  One of the RNs wheeled Scarlet to a room, Vanessa closely following behind with Scarlet’s bag. A contraction hit and Scarlet cried out.

  “I’m right here, Scar,” Vanessa said. “It’s going to be okay.”

  Scarlet nodded through her tears, the pain tearing through her abdomen like nothing she’d ever felt.

  God, I need Barrett, she thought. I need him so bad. How am I going to do this without him?


  The night was long and the pain was unrelenting.

  Scarlet was trying her best to resist getting an epidural, but by midnight she was so spent, she didn’t know how much longer she could hold on. She was dilated to a 4 and getting to a 10 seemed way too far away. She wept as yet another contraction hit, her face sweaty and her blonde hair matted to her forehead.


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