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Highland Resurrection (Blades of Honor Book 2)

Page 20

by B. J. Scott

  “I feel like a babe and totally useless,” Lazarus grumbled through clenched teeth. “A fine way to come home for the first time in over twenty summers.”

  “I’m just glad you’re finally coming home,” Connor said. “Lean on me and Alasdair, and we’ll get you inside. There is no shame in accepting help from family when you need it. Just dinna get accustomed to being coddled. Once you’re up and about, you’re on your own.”

  As they moved toward the steps, the door opened again and two women exited the castle. One with raven hair and eyes the color of sapphires. The other was a green-eyed beauty with locks like spun gold. Unlike the lovely violet gown her companion wore, the woman with blond hair wore a tunic and trews. They raced down the steps.

  “I was busy putting the babe to bed. Tristen just told me you were here.” The dark-haired woman held her hand out in Sheena’s direction. “I’m Bryce’s wife, Fallon, and this is his sister, Arya.”

  Arya slid her hand over her swollen belly. “I was helping Fallon. The idea of being a mother is all new to me. I never pass up a chance to learn the skills necessary to be even half as good at being a mam as Cailin and Fallon.”

  Sheena bobbed a curtsy. “I have heard all about the two of you and am very pleased to meet you both. There are so many names and faces to remember. But am sure once I get to know you all, I’ll learn to keep everyone straight.”

  Garrett came up behind Arya, wrapped his arms around her waist, and nipped at her neck. “It willna be long before I canna reach my arms around your belly,” he chucked in her ear. His comment gaining him a sharp jab of Arya’s elbow in his ribs.

  Bryce clucked his tongue, then snickered. “I’d be careful what I say around a woman who is heavy with child.”

  “I was just teasing you.” Garrett lowered his hands to cover Arya’s belly. “And is my son behaving himself?”

  Arya laughed. “Our daughter is doing just fine, but does like to keep me up at night.”

  Sheena smiled. The playful banter between Arya and Garrett and the unbridled passion she saw between Connor and Cailin, were both things she hoped she and Lazarus would someday share.

  “He is getting heavy. Can we finish the introductions and pleasantries inside?” Connor shifted his weight to better support his brother.

  “Of course. Let’s get everyone inside and settled. Then we have a wedding to plan.” Cailin climbed the steps and the other followed.

  Lazarus glanced around the great hall and smiled. The room was filled to capacity with well-wishers and he was humbled and pleased to see so many of their clan members had come to witness their nuptials.

  “Are you happy, wife?” Lazarus leaned closer and nibbled on Sheena’s earlobe. “Have I told you how gorgeous you look and how happy I am?”

  “Many times, but I never get tired of hearing it,” Sheena cooed.

  Lazarus lifted the ruby pendant she wore around her neck. “This is beautiful. Where did you get it?”

  Sheena lovingly caressed the pendant. “It belonged to my mother and it is the only thing I have to remember her by. My father may have disowned me, believing I was a whore, but my mother’s love would never have faltered. She died when I was only three, but my grandmother held on to this and gave it to me on my twelfth Saints’ Day.”

  “I’m glad she did. It is important to have a link to your past, to who you are.” Lazarus covered her hand with his then kissed her cheek. “If anyone knows that, I do.”

  Sheena nodded. “I almost parted with it a few time when things were bleak and we were destitute, but somehow we always managed to find a way to make ends meet. I prayed I would never have to sell it and could someday pass it on to a daughter.”

  Lazarus wrapped his arms around her and tugged her against his chest. “Hmmm, a daughter would be very nice. Have you a mind to try for one? I am ready if you are. And I think Quinn would fancy a wee sister.” He wiggled a brow.

  “We canna just leave our wedding ceilidh after your brothers and their wives have gone to so much trouble,” she whispered.

  “My brothers will understand. And Quinn is staying the night with Tristen.”

  “I’m sure your brothers will forgive our rudeness, but am not so sure their wives will be as understanding. We had to wait over two months for you to recover enough for us to wed, and I thought Cailin and Fallon were going to drive themselves mad with the preparations. Sometimes I think they were more excited about our wedding than I was.”

  “I hope not.” Lazarus frowned. “But they have gone out of their way to make you feel welcome, and for that I am grateful. Quinn has settled in like he was born here, and I have learned more about my past and clan, than I ever hoped to know.”

  “Aye, we are truly blessed.” She snuggled against his chest. “And I’m pleased Brother Simon was able to come and perform the ceremony. I know that meant a lot to you. To both of us.”

  “Aye.” Lazarus nibbled on her earlobe. “But now the union is completed, it is time I learned more about my wife. I canna wait to explore every inch of your body and claim you as my bride.”

  “But you’re not yet fully healed. While it is difficult to resist your charms, I can wait until you are,” she whispered.

  “Well I canna wait any longer to make you mine,” Lazarus growled. “My ribs are healed and so are my other injuries. Between Simon and Fallon, I think I had the best healers in all of Scotland.”

  “But your leg has not yet mended.” Sheena caressed his thigh and blushed when her fingers traveled to his lap and rested over his arousal. “And then there is Quinn.”

  “I dinna need two good legs to make love to you, leannan. I only wish I could scoop you up and whisk you away to our chamber like a whole man should. I couldna even dance with my bride.”

  “I dinna care about any of that.” She nipped at his lower lip, playfully drawing it between her teeth. “I’m just so grateful that you are alive and we are together. Your injuries will heal in time and before you know it, you will be as good as new.”

  He reached for the walking stick he had carved for Sheena. “I mayna be able to carry you to our wedding bed, but I can make it there on my own with a little help from this and you. Bryce said Quinn could stay with him and Fallon for a few days, so there is nothing in our way.”

  Sheena stood and held out her hand. “I would be happy to escort you to our chamber, husband.”

  “It is about time the two of you left and were alone,” Alasdair called out, triggering an array of bawdy comments from their guests.

  “Ignore them,” he whispered into her ear. “It is their way of showing their approval for our joining.”

  The trek to their chamber seemed like miles and Lazarus was relieved when they finally reached the door. He nudged it open with his elbow, then escorted his wife inside.

  Their chamber was lit with candles, rose petals were strewn across the bed, and a fire was roaring on the hearth. There was also a table containing two pewter goblets, a jug of wine, and a trencher filled with meat, cheese, fruit, and bread.

  Lazarus hobbled to the bed then sat. He patted the spot beside him. “Join me, leannan.”

  She moved toward him, but stopped a few feet away and nibbled on her lower lip, her eyes downcast. “I know this might sound strange, given I have a son, but I’m not sure what to do or how to please you.”

  Lazarus stood, then closed the gap between them. “Like you, this is all new to me as well. But that is part of the wonder of this night. We will learn how to please each other together.” He dipped his head and captured her lips, while he slid her gown up over her thighs. “I think a good place to start would be here. What say you?” He waited for her to reply.

  Sheena offered a hesitant nod, but did not look him in the eye. “I suppose it is a good a place as any to start.”

azarus helped his wife disrobe, his entire body reacting to her nakedness in ways he never dreamed were possible. “You’re stunning and you take my breath away.” He tossed the last of her apparel into a pile on the floor.

  While he wanted to toss her on the bed and claim his bride, he took a step back. He couldn’t wait to caress her flawless skin and to taste her heated flesh, but he didn’t want to frighten her either. He vowed to go slow, to allow her time and if necessary the space she needed to feel totally comfortable with their union. “Come to me, wife.” He opened his arms to her.

  Sheena slowly approached, her eyes locked with his. She slid her hands over his chest and shoulders, kneading them gently. “Now what?” she asked on a strangled breath.

  Lazarus smiled. “I’m not sure what is proper, but maybe you could help me out of my clothes as I did you.”

  “Raise your arms,” she said, and when he complied, she rid him of his tunic. His boots were next and then his trews.

  Being undressed by his bride and the anticipation of what was going to happen next between them caused his heart to race, his breaths coming in short, sharp pants. Every nerve in his body was alive with sensations he’d never felt before, or thought he was even capable of experiencing. “I promise to be gentle.”

  She swallowed a huge gulp of air, then smiled back at him. “I know you will.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, then held his hand out in her direction. “Sit beside me, and together, we will learn what pleasures await us.” When she did as he requested, he gently lay her down, and climbed into bed beside her. “You’re so lovely,” he rasped, his gaze locked on her naked body laying before him.

  Her face flushed red and she glanced away. “I’m far from lovely,” she whispered, then grabbed the pelt and covered herself. “Perhaps this is a bad idea and it is too soon after all.”

  Lazarus gently took the pelt from her hands, then peeled it back slowly, committing to memory every gorgeous inch of her ivory skin. “You’re wrong. You’re stunning, Sheena. I must confess, I have thought about this moment since the day we met, and prayed that someday I could feel your body pressed against mine and we could be joined as one.” He trailed his finger across her lips, down her neck, and along the length of her slender figure.

  When she showed no resistance or signs of uneasiness, he kissed the tip of her nose, then slid his tongue across her soft, pink lips, willing her to open them. When he cupped one of her pert, round breasts, marveling at the way it fit so perfectly in his hand, she gasped. “Are you all right?” He prayed she would not ask him to stop.

  “Aye. I’m fine.”

  When next he kissed Sheena, her lips parted, granting him entry. He plundered her mouth, thrilled when she responded with equal enthusiasm, the whole time wondering if this was a dream from which he’d awaken and would find himself alone.

  While he’d never been intimate with a woman before tonight, knowing how to touch Sheena in a way that brought them both pleasure seemed to come so naturally. And with each stroke of his fingers, and caress of his lips, she seemed to relax even more.

  He knew that in order for Sheena to get the maximum pleasure from their joining, she had to feel as if she had some say in what was happening between them and when. As much as he wanted to haul her beneath him and plunge into her with wild abandon, he refrained from acting on the randy impulse. Trust was a huge issue for his bride and he wanted to be certain he did everything in his power to earn hers. He rolled to his back, taking her with him.

  Her brow furrowed. “Is something amiss?”

  “Nay. But with my injured leg, I thought it might be easier if you took control and were on top,” he murmured in her ear. “What happens now, and when, is entirely up to you.”

  She lay at his side, staring down at him. “I dinna understand. I was always under the impression the man took control and the woman did his bidding without question.”

  He caressed her cheek. “Our marriage is different, Sheena. We are equal partners in every way. And we will only ever do what you feel comfortable with. I leave it in your hands.”

  “Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me,” she whispered, then trailed her fingers over his chest and shoulders, lingering when she reached his belly.

  He groaned, the urge to join with her so strong he could hardly stand it. However, he would for Sheena’s sake. But when she wrapped her fingers around his arousal, he could stand no more.

  He slid his hands around her slender waist and lifted her, positioning her in such a way that she straddled his hips, his shaft resting against the soft flesh of her buttocks. “I’m sorry,” he muttered softly. “I dinna mean to take over. Are you—”

  She leaned forward, silencing him with a kiss. “Dinna fash, I’m verra comfortable with this.” She offered him a shy glance. “But now that I’m here, I’m not sure what to do next.”

  “I can show you if you’d like.”

  “I would, very much,” she replied on a breathy sigh.

  He sat up, with her sitting on his lap. He cupped her breasts, fondling and rolling the nipples between his fingers, until they stood erect. “I have been tortured many times in my life and never yielded, but this is enough to make a man weep and sell his soul to the devil for just one taste.” He took a nipple into his mouth and began to suckle.

  She tossed her head back, a whimper of pleasure escaping her lips. Then she looped her arms around his neck and rested her forehead on his shoulder. “I love you, Lazarus. Make me your wife.”

  “Are you certain,” he asked, relieved when she nodded. He grasped her hips and raised them until she hoovered over his shaft. But instead of entering her, he gave her the opportunity to make the first move.

  He caressed the nest of soft curls at the apex of her thighs, the scent of her arousal mixing with that of his own. He cupped her sex, searching for her bud of pleasure and when he found it, stroked until she cried out with need and her body wept for him. She was slick and wet and ready for love.

  “I canna take any more. Please, Lazarus . . .” Her words trailed off and were replaced with a moan of delight when he entered her in one swift thrust.

  “Your wish is my command,” he whispered in her ear, then rotated his hips, ground into her core and set a rhythm that she quickly mimicked, carrying them both to the height of ecstasy and beyond.


  One year later

  Sheena pressed a hand to her back and moaned as she struggled to get off the chair. She glanced around her chamber and smiled, never dreaming she could ever be this happy. She loved Lazarus with all her heart and carrying his babe brought her great joy. However, she was more than ready to give birth and to hold the wee one in her arms.

  “I swear I’m as big as a croft. If I dinna know better, I would say I’m carrying twins,” she said, not realizing Quinn was listening.

  Quinn raced to her side. “Is the babe coming? I heard you groaning.”

  “Nay, there is still a ways to go before the wean arrives.”

  “Do you really think there could be two in there?” He stroked Sheena’s belly. “That would be great. Then I would be well on the way to catching up with Keenan and Tristen when it comes to being a big brother.” He hesitated, then puffed out his chest and smiled. “But I guess I would actually be an uncle.”

  Sheena lovingly stroked her fingers along Quinn’s cheek. “You will make a fine uncle, but I think one babe at a time is plenty. However, I know if Lazarus has his way—”

  “Did I hear my name mentioned?” Lazarus entered the room, interrupting the conversation. He strode toward Sheena, then pulled her into his embrace. “Enlighten me as to what I’m missing, leannan.”

  “Quinn is hoping for twins, and I was about to say that if you have your way, we will surpass your brothers when it comes to babes in half
the time it took them to establish their broods.”

  “An entertaining thought. I’m willing to do my best if you are.” Lazarus wiggled a brow then captured her lip, kissing her soundly.

  She thumped her hand on his chest. “You’re incorrigible. As I explained to Quinn, one babe at a time is plenty.”

  “I’m getting a much later start than my brothers so will have to work twice as hard to catch up.” He nipped at her earlobe, then kissed her cheek. “What will people think if the eldest brother is outdone by the younger ones?”

  “Let them talk,” Sheena said, then squirmed out of his embrace. “We’ll start with one babe and decide from there.”

  A rap at the door interrupted their banter.

  “I’ll get it.” Quinn raced across the room. “I’m expecting Tristen and Keenan. We are going to practice our swordplay.”

  Sheena gasped. “You’re not using real blades, I hope.” She glared at Lazarus. “He’s far too young.”

  “Nonsense. A lad can never learn to handle a weapon too early. Alasdair said our father had us training by the time we were seven and Quinn is going on nine.”

  Quinn threw open the door. “Tristen! Where is Keenan?”

  “His da had an errand for him to run. He will join us by the lists when he is finished.” Bryce’s son stepped into the chamber and offered a polite nod to Lazarus and Sheena. “Good day. Has Quinn your permission to go outside and play?”

  “Good day to you too, Tristen.” Sheena bobbed a curtsy, then faced Quinn. “Did you finish your chores?”

  “Aye. Can I go?” He anxiously shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he awaited an answer.

  Sheena nodded. “Aye, but mind you dinna wander far from the castle. And please be careful playing with swords.”


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