Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2)

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Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2) Page 13

by Griff Hosker

  They were now less than half a mile from shore and there was no doubt that they were landing. Had our men been closer we could have disputed the beach. There was little I could do. I was but one man. I wondered if the Jarl would choose to do as he had the last time danger had threatened and stay behind the walls. I doubted it this time for our enemy would punish us by destroying the crops in the fields. There was more than one way to defeat an enemy; starvation was an effective weapon. I sensed movement and turned as Ulf Big Nose and Arne Four Toes ran up. I just pointed. I saw that Ulf had his new bow with him.

  Arne was out of breath but not so Ulf. "Franks?"

  I shook my head, "They look to be from Vannes. They must have objected to our hunting and logging."

  Ulf just nodded, "The Jarl is bringing the clan. We will fight them here. If we are defeated then we fall back to the walls. Come we will go closer and use our bows. There are only three of us but we can slow them up a little eh?"

  I dismounted and slapped Dream Strider's rump. He would return to my home and graze. I rammed the spear into the ground and then followed Ulf and Arne. I had left my helmet hanging on the saddle. We would not be fighting here. We stood on the shelf of rock which was thirty paces above the beach. The shingle and stones below us would slow down any who rushed at us.

  I pointed to the wooden jetty. "They will land there."

  Ulf nodded. He had a good mind when it came to strategy. "Then when men leap ashore to tie them up we aim at them. However, Hrolf, you and I can try to cause a little confusion as they close. Let us make them wary of these bows from the gods!"

  Arne had an ordinary bow and ours had a better range. Our elevation meant we could release an arrow further and a packed boat was a big target. Ulf was keen to use his bow in anger and he loosed first. The arrow sailed high into the air and then plunged into the middle of the first boat. I chose the second boat. The sound of the sea stopped us hearing any cries they might have made but the outstretched arms told us that we had both hit something. It spurred us on and we released five more arrows each. The jetty was well within Arne's range and he join in as the boats bumped next to the wooden quay. They had to tie up and it cost them four men wounded before they managed to tie up the first one. They were then able to make a shield wall and we shifted our aim to the two which had yet to tie up.

  Behind us I heard the sound of feet as our men approached. Rurik One Ear ran up. We did not turn as he spoke. "The Jarl and the clan are just half a mile behind me." He unslung his bow and stood next to Arne Four Toes. As he pulled he said, "Your young horseman is watching Dream Strider for you. He said he would protect his new land and he was a warrior. He has spirit that one!"

  Despite our best efforts and emptying more than half of our arrows the three ships managed to tie up and we had no targets for they raised their shields. It would be a waste of arrows. However our presence meant that they had to wait until all of their men were ashore before they could risk dislodging us. It gave us the chance to assess the opposition.

  Their shields were smaller than ours. Most had a helmet but not all. They favoured spears for they normally rode to war as I did. As we peered down we saw that almost a third had mail. They had three banners which meant that they had three of their nobles leading them. They would be encased in mail. They did not favour the bow but I saw evidence that they had crossbows. That was confirmed when Ulf Big Nose shouted, "Down!" as a bolt was sent in our direction. It flew over our heads. We rose and Ulf fitted an arrow and sent it towards the crossbowman who was reloading. It was a well aimed arrow for it struck the crossbow splintering it. The crossbowman and two others held their hands to their faces as shards of wood from the damaged weapon tore into their flesh.

  I heard a horn and a wall of shields began to advance up the slope. Ulf said to Arne and Rurik, "You two start to throw stones at the slope. It is a hard surface on which to walk at the best of times. Let us see if we can make it more slippery and unstable for them. Hrolf and I will chose our targets."

  The two of them began to throw large rocks high into the air. They tumbled and rolled down the shingle slope. They dislodged other stones which rolled and tumbled too. As their aim improved Rurik and Arne were able to throw them closer to the feet of the marching warriors. They were going slowly for they were trying to stay together. Ulf's arrow struck the thigh of the man who threw his shield arm up to keep his balance. I sent another into another's leg. As the two men fell from the formation there was confusion and Ulf and I hit two more. We were not killing but a wounded man was only half a threat.

  The shields stopped and then I heard someone below us shout, "Crossbows!" They were less than a hundred and fifty paces from the top now.

  "We had better fall back. They will use their crossbows."

  Ulf turned, "Aye, we have done enough. The Jarl is here." We turned and dropped into the dead ground below the headland. The bolts sailed over our heads. Had they used arrows they might have hit us but the bolts flew harmlessly above us.

  The clan had formed a shield wall. It was fifteen men wide and three men deep. I saw Gille standing to the side with Dream Strider and my spear. Ulf ran to the Jarl to report and I went to Gille. I donned my helmet. I took the spear and said, "Now take Dream Strider to safety."I laid my bow and quiver down.

  "I shall fight at your side."

  "No Gille. If we lose then we will fight from the walls. I want my horse and you safe. Now go!"

  He nodded and, jumping on, Dream Strider galloped off. I swung my shield around and went to the shield wall. Siggi White Hair and Beorn Beornsson made a space for me. We were on the left of the Jarl and his hearthweru. Ulf Big Nose would be on the right. The Jarl shouted his orders as we shuffled into place. "We will drive these attackers back to the sea. March!"

  We began the chant which kept us in step.

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  Our shields were locked together and our spears held underhand below our shields. The enemy were a solid line of metal before us. Those in the second and third ranks held their spears over hand. Their shields were held over their heads. I did not know how the enemy fought for we had never gone to war with them. Our way worked. As we reached the top of the rise which the four of us had so recently vacated I saw that the enemy were just twenty paces from the top. They had a column of men ten wide and, like us their spears were held before them. Their shields afforded some protection but they were only half the size of ours.

  "Raven Wing! Charge!"

  We did not run as we descended towards them. We had no need. We each pulled our shield tighter and stepped forward with our right legs. The men behind us pressed their bodies into ours. The enemy tried to run at us. It was a mistake for although there was some turf there was also sand and shingle. Some men slipped. Beorn thrust his spear into the throat of a warrior who had slipped to his knees. They were not as tight as we were and I saw a gap. I punched my spear head at the mail links as we all stepped forward again. I heard the clatter of bolts on the shields above us as my spear cracked some links in the mail. I pushed harder, aided by the weight of those behind. The warrior was so busy trying to keep his feet that he failed to stop the spear. As the sharp head prised open the mail links it entered his under garment and tore through that. I looked at his face as the head entered his guts. I twisted and as he gave his death scream he spat blood. I pushed harder and felt the head grate off bone. As I pulled it out he slipped beneath my feet. A warrior had to be careful not to trip on the dead. I shouted, "'Ware body!"

  Karl Swift Foot and Gunnstein Gunnarson behind me would know what I meant.

  The best warri
ors of the enemy, those in the front rank, were falling for their shields were not stopping our spears. I had seen the banners of the leaders at the rear of each column. That was how they fought and so their nobles would be able to give orders. Our Jarl fought at the front. If he fell then we would all die defending his body. That was our way.

  Now the danger was that we had to keep our footing. Siggi's voice, not the Jarl, gave us the command. "Hold and steady your feet."

  It was the sensible order for we had the slope. The enemy did not know our language and they took our halting as a weakness. I heard an order shouted from the rear of their lines, "We have them! Charge!

  I shouted, "They are charging!"


  We all put our right legs behind us and leaned into our shields. With Karl's shield above me I was in a dark world but, through the gap I saw red and yellow painted shields punched towards us. I watched a spear heading for me and I easily moved my head out of the way. It slid along the side of my helmet. I would have repairs to make! Karl and Gunnstein pulled their shields tighter and the spear was held between them. As the warrior tried to pull it out for a second strike I punched blindly up with my spear. He was not mailed. I looked into his face. He had a scrubby beard; he was young. He suddenly looked surprised as my spear tore into him and the light left his eyes. We pushed against our shields. Others had slipped as they ran to attack. They had been slain and there was a wall of bodies before us.

  Before us the sky became lighter as the enemy withdrew.


  We knew our land and from the body littered ground beneath our feet we knew where we were. The wooden quay was less than a hundred and fifty paces away. The ground we moved over was flatter although still treacherous. Perhaps it was even more treacherous for wounded men had dripped blood upon it. Others had trailed guts upon it as they crawled away to die. We stepped carefully as we headed down to those who had come to attack us.

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The chant helped us and we moved towards the wooden quay. I would have been tempted to lower the shields but I saw the wisdom in their use when a bolt thudded into my shield. I risked a glance in the gap between Karl and Gunnstein's shield. The enemy were boarding their ships.

  "They are fleeing!"

  The Jarl shouted, "Break wall!" He led his hearth-weru to attack one of the nobles and his bodyguards. They hit each other in a clash of metal and wood.

  I held my shield before me as the ones above were removed and then I ran towards the wooden jetty. Two bolts hit my shield. I saw a crossbowman kneel to reload his weapon and I hurled my spear at him. He was thirty paces from me and he took the spear in his chest. He pitched between the ship and the dock. I drew Heart of Ice. The jarl had hurt their leader although I saw two hearth-weru lay with the enemy dead. The oathsworn of the enemy leader were trying to protect the men carrying his wounded body aboard. Siggi White Hair and I ran together towards them. We were reckless but the joy of battle was in us. We wanted to hurt as many of the enemy as we could. If we did that they might think twice about returning.

  I had space now and I brought my sword high over my head as I punched at the mailed warrior with my shield. His eyes were drawn to my shield as the boss came towards his face. He did not see the sword which angled down across his neck. His mail was good but the blow was so powerful that he dropped his shield. I rammed the hilt of my sword towards his eye. He screamed as the hilt took his eye. I punched again with my shield and his nose erupted in blood, bone and cartilage. I ended his suffering by ramming my sword into his screaming, open mouth. He fell backwards into the sea for the ship was already drifting out. As more bolts thudded into my shield I held it tightly to me. We had won. Now was not the time to die!

  As the ships pulled away we began to cheer and to bang our shields. We had defeated a superior number of men. They were not better warriors! Those in the third rank turned and began to walk back up the slope despatching the enemy wounded. We too had suffered. But three of the hearth-weru lived. The Jarl had a wound too. His cheek was cut to the bone. Harold Haroldsson and Gunnar Stone Face would fight with us no more. Others would have wounds which would bear testament to their courage. The three ships rode higher in the water as they sailed north to their homes. They would lick their wounds and consider the rashness of their action. If they had thought to quash us with a sudden attack then they had failed.

  I took off my helmet. Bagsecg would earn more coins for the spear had gouged a line in the metal. Rurik said, "You were lucky, Hrolf. You could have lost an eye. That helmet was a good investment. It has saved you again."

  The Jarl shouted, "Strip the bodies and pile them on Hrolf's beach. Let us make a pyre that can be seen from the land. I want our enemies to see the folly of attacking the Raven Wing Clan. They will know what happens if they venture here again."

  We took off our own mail for it was a hard task stripping bodies and taking the treasure to the farmhouse. It took some time. Using some of my precious kindling we lit the fire and watched as the smoke drifted east on the breeze. We piled the enemy dead on the fire and there was a smell of burning hair and flesh. The smoke rose higher. The sails had long disappeared but they would see the thick smoke nonetheless and they would know what it meant.

  The Jarl went back with the other wounded to the village. Siggi White Hair put his arms around Ulf Big Nose and me. "The Saami bows proved to be vital! I know the Jarl will thank you when he has got over the loss of his hearth-weru. Had the four of you not slowed down their landing we would have had a harder time." He pointed to the stones. "The land helped us again."

  Ulf said, "If we had more boys trained to use the bow we could have done more damage to the enemy. We have perilously few warriors as it is and now we have lost more. It is good that the winter storms will be here soon."

  We were the last to leave the beach. The others had headed to the village already. As we made our way back up to my home Rurik One Ear said, "If any complain about your living alone, Hrolf, I shall beat them myself!"

  I stopped, "Do people complain?"

  Siggi and Ulf hesitated and then Siggi nodded, "It is those with wives and the younger warriors. It has become more vociferous since you took the Frankish slave. To them it looks as though you think you are better than they are."

  I knew who it would be. "Ketil and Knut." The Eriksson brothers had always been more than a little envious of my success.

  Siggi White Hair nodded, "They are amongst those who complain."

  "I can live with their complaints but if I am causing a problem then I will leave the island altogether and take my horses to the mainland."

  Siggi shook his head vehemently, "Do not even contemplate such an action!" He glared at Rurik, "If this had not been mentioned..."

  "Do not hide anything from me. I am aware that I am an outsider to some. It is in my nature."

  "We meant for the best."

  We reached my home and I took my mail inside. Ulf said, "We will leave the treasure here until the Jarl decides what to do with it."

  "I will come with you to the village. I sent Mary there for her protection but I will fetch her and my horses home." Knowing the attitude in the village I did not want her to spend a moment longer than necessary there.

  As we walked on, Ulf and I striding ahead, I heard Siggi White Hair and Arne berating Rurik. "I would that you had lost your tongue and not your ear! Can you not control your mouth!"

  "I did not think. I was praising Hrolf for what he did. Had he not given warning then we would have been destroyed. We need him to live where he does."

  Arne Four Toes said, "Aye you are right and I think it is time we had words with the Erikssons. Since they married they have become too full of their own self importance!"

  I shouted, "Do not. They have their views and it d
oes not bother me. I now have my own family and my life is good." I knew now that my decision to live where I did was meant to be.

  Gille was standing protectively with Mary and the horses when we reached the village. Nipper was on guard. As soon as she saw me I saw relief fill Mary's face. I said, "I will take my horses home now."

  Siggi said, "Stay and feast with us. We have much to celebrate."

  Shaking my head I said, "No."

  Siggi saw the looks on the faces of Gille and Mary and nodded. "Aye you are right. You do have a family now and like any father you put them first. We will come on the morrow and sort out the treasure."

  "I will make sure it is protected in case we have rain." I turned to Mary, "Do you wish to ride Freyja or walk?"

  "I will walk."

  Nipper waited until we had left the gates and then raced off. I turned to Gille, "You are brave Gille but until you can use weapons stay safe. I will teach you how to use a bow and a sword but you would not last a heartbeat on the battlefield."

  "I want to be as you, Hrolf. Everyone says you are fearless."

  "That is not true. I am as afraid as the next man but I will fight for what I hold dear."

  We had long left the village and Mary said, "And you hold us dear do you not?"

  I nodded, "I do."

  "You could have stayed and been celebrated as a hero by the whole village but because you thought we were unhappy you left."

  "I enjoy the peace of my home. That is all." I hated lying to them both but I did not wish to give them false hope.

  However that night, as we sat in my home with a fine fire burning I did feel content. Gille carved adornments for Freyja's bridle and Mary worked on a sheepskin. With Nipper gnawing on a bone I felt truly happy. Perhaps this was all that I needed.

  Chapter 10

  When the Jarl and the others arrived the next day we sorted all of the weapons and mail out. Siggi wished to give me the mail from the warrior I had killed but I shook my head. "I have a fine byrnie. I can wear it while I ride. There must be warriors who do not have one. Let them have it. I need little."


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