Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2)

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Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2) Page 14

by Griff Hosker

  The Jarl turned, "But it is right that you, who were in the front rank and slew so many of their warriors with spear, arrow and sword, should be rewarded."

  "Then give me the coin when we trade with the men of Dyflin. I have enough mail and weapons. There are other things I need. I need tools to help me make harnesses for horses. I need to know how to make horseshoes. I need an anvil. Do not worry Jarl. I am content."

  I saw Siggi shake his head. For him the acquisition of weapons and mail was all.

  We left for Dyflin a week after Samhain. Mary and Gilles were happy to be left alone. We had made the house secure. The crossing to Hibernia was atrocious. We had to row for most of the way and when the wind was in our favour we had to shelter beneath an old sail to keep the rain from us. It was as though we were being punished and we knew not why. It was all made worse by the low spirits of the Jarl. The last battle and the loss of three hearth-weru had disturbed Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson. It was not that he was sad but he was restless. He confided in Siggi as we sheltered from another westerly squall. I was seated near them taking shelter beneath my wolf cloak.

  "I am the last of my line. When I die who will carry on my name? All of my father's sons but me are dead. I do not even have a wife. If I had fallen in battle like Olvir or Alf who would remember me a year from now? I need a wife and I need children. The Allfather wishes us to carry on our blood into the next generation. He wants strong warriors. I have not done as was intended."

  Siggi and Ulf both shook their heads and Siggi spoke for them both. "We have had women. I dare say there are children we have fathered I know not but when we die then I hope that men will remember us for our deeds."

  "Siggi is right. I am content with my life, Jarl."

  The Jarl looked thoughtful, "And I am not. Gunnstein died and we parted on bad terms. I cannot go back and change that but what I can do is change my life now. I look at Hrolf. He is not yet a father but he has a family. You just need to look at Mary and Gille and see the esteem in which they hold him. That is not because of any title but because he is the man he is. That is what I would have."

  Neither Siggi nor the hearth-weru could cheer him up. I hoped that the lively city of Dyflin would effect a change in our young jarl. I had brought all of my coin and I had also been promised another purse when the Jarl sold that which we did not need. I was not worried. He was fair. While many of the crew wished to stay ashore I chose the drekar. It would suit me. Ulf Big Nose and Rurik did the same.

  We were all expected to go with the Jarl to speak with Gunnstein Berserk Killer. He ruled Dyflin. Had it not been for the Dragonheart he would still be the captain of a drekar hiring his sword out. He was however an honest man and I liked him. He greeted us as friends. I noticed that he was now a heavy man. The last time he had drawn his sword in anger had been when the Dragonheart had driven Hakon the Bald from Hibernia. He showed off his wife. She was overweight and over painted but she was a happy enough hostess and he brought forth his son and two daughters. His son looked to be what he was; a spoiled young lord who thought the world owed him a living. He had two daughters and they were both as pretty a pair of maidens as I had seen in a long time.

  In all the years I had followed Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson I had never seen him show an interest in any woman save the whores who frequented these places. Yet he was suddenly attentive towards the two young women who were the daughters of the ruler of Dyflin, Hallgerd and Hlif. I saw Ulf Big Nose shake his head and roll his eyes. Siggi White Hair just shrugged.

  Gunnstein Berserk Killer raised his hands and said, " We will hold a feast this night in honour of Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson!"

  It was a wild night for it was a chance for the warriors in the clan to enjoy themselves but I drank little. I had seen too many of these feasts degenerate into fights and even deaths. I sat with Ulf and Siggi. We watched an awkward Jarl as he tried to court two sisters. Ulf shook his head, "When you hunt you choose one prey and make that your target. He turns from one doe to the next. The Jarl will lose them both!"

  Siggi laughed, "So speaks a man who has never spent a whole night with a woman!"

  "Aye but I know what is right!"

  I just watched. I knew what was in the Jarl's head. He wanted children to carry on his name and to do that he needed a wife. He did not care which one. In many ways I felt sorry for the two young women. Dyflin was a lively and exciting town. Raven Wing island was a backwater where the most exciting event was when Brigid changed her brew! If one chose the Jarl she was choosing a totally different way of life.

  I left when Erik Green Eye and one of Gunnstein Berserk Killer's men began to fight. This could only end in blood and anger. I slipped back aboard the drekar. Sven the Helmsman and Harold Fast Sailing had broached a barrel of beer and were seated on the quayside.

  "Come and join us, Hrolf the Horseman."

  I took the proffered horn. "Things are becoming a little lively back there!"

  "Aye well, that is why we stay here. There comes a time when waking up black and blue is not as enjoyable as it might have seemed. We grow older and I hope a little wiser."

  "The Jarl seems set on a wife."

  "That is as it should be. A Jarl with a wife is less reckless. He has something to tie him to the land. Young Gunnstein showed that recklessness is a danger."

  We chatted amiably until Rurik, Arne and Siggi returned carrying an unconscious Ulf. Sven laughed, "What happened? Did Ulf put his nose where he should not?"

  Rurik, a little drunk himself, nodded, "Aye he spoke out of turn about the Jarl and the young sisters he was chasing. Vermund felled him. If I were Vermund I would be wary. Ulf does not forgive easily."

  Only a handful of us slept on board. As we had less to drink we were up and about early and I was able to go to the market to buy what I needed for my home. In a few short months I had gone from just thinking of myself to worrying about two others. I bought a fur: it was a bearskin from a Swede. It was expensive but it would be needed in the depths of winter. I also bought six woollen blankets. They would be for both us and my horses. Gerðr would need cosseting. I did not want her to lose her foal. The young animal would be part of my herd. The other items I bought were also domestic. I bought more bowls and another cooking pot. I was laden when I returned to the drekar.

  Rurik laughed as I stepped aboard, "Are you seeking a wife too? You have enough there for the clan."

  I took the banter in my stride. "When you have two others and three horses to worry about, Rurik One Ear then you may comment. Until then give me a hand to stow these."

  After they had been placed in and on my chest I asked Sven, "Do we sail today?"

  "I know not. The Jarl did not say. I doubt it, Hrolf. If you two are staying aboard then Harold and I will go and buy some more rope. They have a good rope walk here. The women make them on the island but they are not as good as those from here. As we have the coin it would be foolish not to buy that which we need."

  Ulf came to. He walked to the side and pulled up a pail of Liffey water. He poured it over his head. "That Vermund has a fist like Bagsecg's hammer."

  Rurik said, "You were being a little critical of the Jarl. Vermund was not happy."

  "He has lost three of his brothers has he not Ulf? It was to be expected that he would take it out on someone."

  "Aye. I suppose you are right Hrolf. I will let this go but the next time he will feel the edge of my blade!"

  Siggi was the first to return not long before noon. Rurik had lit a fire on the stone quay and we were cooking some river fish we had caught. Siggi rubbed his hands, "I have timed it well. Is there enough there for an old man who has news to pay for his food?"



  "Then sit. Does this news tell us when we leave?"

  "It might Hrolf. The Jarl is speaking with Gunnstein Berserk Killer. He wishes to marry Hallgerd the Fair."

  Ulf asked, "Which is she for they were both pretty?"

  "She was the one who ha
s seen fourteen summers, Hlif is a little younger. Gunnstein and the Jarl are discussing the bride price."

  "Then we leave?"

  "Then we leave but there will be another feast first. I am guessing another two or three days here. The Jarl will have things to buy for his home and his new bride. He has already sent Erik and Vermund of his hearth-weru to the slave markets to buy slaves for his bride and his house." Siggi turned to me, "Erik suggested Mary as a suitable slave for Hallgerd as she is noble born." For some reason I did not like that thought but I said nothing and kept my face as stone. "But the Jarl said he would not split your family after the service you have done us."


  "You must know how grateful he is, how we all are for your timely warning when the Bretons came to our land. He has had little time to tell you but I know that he values you." He smiled, "I can see changes in our future."

  Ulf laughed, "So, Siggi White Hair is now a galdramenn!"

  Siggi gave an enigmatic smile and took the fish which Rurik held out for him, "We shall see, we shall see."

  It was the next day when the news was confirmed. The Jarl was to be married that day. Vermund came to tell us that we were all invited to the hall of Gunnstein Berserk Killer for the feast. Sven and Harold were not happy about leaving the drekar unattended and they armed the ship's boys and gave them strict instructions to fetch us if there was danger. We then had to prepare. We had to be presentable. We combed and plaited our hair. Those like Siggi, Ulf and Rurik who had long beards, plaited them too. I was luckier than most. Mary had made me some new clothes. I had a fine kyrtle and new breeks made from doeskin. Rurik teased me, "Hlif will be casting her eye out for a husband now that her sister is to be wed. Watch out Hrolf, you would make a fine catch in your new apparel. You look like a young jarl yourself!"

  We arrived at the hall and saw that it was packed with all those of importance in Dyflin. We were relegated to a long table some way from the Jarl but we did not mind for we were closer to the ale and the food. We did not need to see the great and the good. Hallgerd did not look unhappy nor did she look joyful. Having seen Mary and her experiences I guessed why. She would be leaving Dyflin with all which that civilised place had to offer and exchanging it for a remote and exposed island which was surrounded by enemies.

  Jarl Gunnstein had entertainment laid on. It was a safer way than allowing the various warriors to provide their own. A Pict had a dancing bear which performed before us. There were some dark skinned acrobats and tumblers. After they had finished the Jarl took Hallgerd to his wedding bed. As they went we banged our daggers on the benches and chanted. Then Hlif and her mother left too. When they had gone those from the town began to drift off leaving just the warriors in the hall. Sven and Harold left too for they both fretted about the drekar. We were following when Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer waved Siggi, Ulf and me over to him.

  "Jarl Gunnar has told me of your exploits. He is lucky to have the three of you." We nodded. A warrior does not mind praise but we all knew that no one praised you if they did not want something in return. "Should anything every happen to the Jarl or you wish to leave his service then know that I can offer you not only a place in my hall but your own drekar." He waved a hand towards the river beyond the walls of his hall. "I have a newly built threttanessa on the river and thirty warriors to sail her but I need a captain who has experience and men I can trust to lead."

  That was unexpected and not to be rejected out of hand. A drekar was not cheap and gave a man power.

  Siggi White Hair spoke for all of us. "We thank you Jarl for that is a generous offer. However we are all oathsworn of the Jarl and you would not wish us to break our word."

  "No I would not. Consider my words then and as a token of my promise take these." He waved a hand and one of his oathsworn produced a box. He opened it and took out three daggers. They were pointed and double edged. The hilts had a dragon carved into the wood. They were an expensive looking gift. "These were given to me by a Moorish trader in return for trading rights here in Hibernia. I thought to give them to you so that should the Jarl fall in battle and you do not then you would return here and speak again of my offer."

  We looked at each other. There was no loss of honour in agreeing. He was right, the death of Gunnstein Thorfinnson had showed us all that death was just a mistake away. We nodded and Siggi spoke, "Aye, I shall speak for us all, Jarl. We are honoured."

  As we went back I said, "I can understand why he wants you two but I am but a youth."

  Ulf shook his head and smiled, "Siggi would be captain of the drekar and I would be scout. That is why he chose us but you have something in you which neither Siggi nor I have. The favour of the gods. That is something which you cannot buy and you cannot earn. They like you Hrolf. When we sit around our fires in the village there is often talk about how you disappear into a host of enemies and emerge not only alive but covered in gold and glory. I can scout better than you but if I had gone down the Liger to find Gunnstein Thorfinnson then my bones would lie with his. The Jarl is buying the favour of the gods."

  I had much to occupy my mind as I curled up amongst my new furs and blankets. The chests and boxes began arriving soon after dawn the next day. The Jarl and his bride followed. Hallgerd looked much happier and she clung nervously n to the Jarl's arm. He looked slightly embarrassed by the whole thing but that may because of our grins. Sven the Helmsman helped Hallgerd aboard and seated her by the steering board. The slaves were fetched from the slave pens and brought aboard along with the servants she would be bringing. The servants looked a little happier than the slaves who just had resigned looks on their faces. One master was much the same as another.

  Finally, when we were loaded the Jarl stood on the quayside waiting. We wondered why until Jarl Gunnstein Berserk Killer arrived with ten warriors and his own hearth-weru. "I come to say farewell to my daughter and my new son." He clasped the forearm of the Jarl and Hallgerd went ashore to hug her father. "And I come with ten warriors. These would crew my new drekar but as it still wants a captain they are anxious for adventure. They would all serve you, Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson, if you will have them. I have released them from their oath to me and I swear that they are all honourable men. These are not like Harald Black Teeth or Hermund the Bent. When these swear an oath they will keep it."

  The Jarl looked at them. Only one had a mail byrnie but they all had swords, shields and helmets. More importantly they were all young. Young warriors were always keen to fight to get better weapons and mail. The Jarl spoke. "You would all serve me and live on Raven Wing Island?"

  They all chanted, as one, "Aye Jarl."

  "Then come to the raven prow and swear!"

  They all marched to the bow and laying their hands on the carved black raven, swore to be the Jarl's oathsworn until death. As we headed out to sea Siggi and Beorn Beornsson had the task of allocating oars. We were crowded with the servants, slaves and cargo. The new men meant we would not be rowing smoothly but the voyage south would show them both the worth of these new members of our clan. As I sat on my chest and took my oar I was happy for a full crew meant we could raid once more. I had spent all of my coin in Dyflin. I needed more to make my new family comfortable.

  The rough early winter weather was a good test for our new men. It took us until we had turned east for Siggi and Sven to be happy with the balance of the drekar. Of course when we went to war it would be different. We would not have the slaves and the chest but it was important that the crew pulled together. The extra men proved their value when we were able to row through quite stormy seas. We had more men on the oars than we had had in some time and the drekar seemed to enjoy the extra power which their arms provided.

  We had all done so much rowing that we were exhausted by the time we hove to in Raven Wing Bay. The Jarl himself carried his young bride ashore. It was a terrifying experience for her. When she had boarded it had been from a stone quay. What she thought as we ascended the path to her new home I know not.
The island did not look its best. It was bleak with waves crashing on to the shore. It took me two trips to take my goods up to the village and I watched Hallgerd as she saw the crude huts and her new hall for the first time. It was not Dyflin. She was young and did not disguise her shock. Perhaps she thought that the home of such a famous jarl would be more imposing.

  I left my supplies with Erik One Arm where they would be kept sheltered from the weather. I strode through the rain and mud to my home. I would return with my horses and Gille later. As much as Hallgerd might not like the island and preferred Dyflin was how much I loved the island and disliked towns. Nipper must have smelled or sensed me for he came bounding over when I was still a mile or two from home. His barks brought Mary and Gilles out.

  Their beaming smiles made me forget the weather. "Gille, saddle the two horses. We have goods to fetch."

  He ran off eagerly. Mary said, "Did you buy all that you sought, master?"

  "I did. We will be warm this winter and tomorrow I will build you your own hut."

  "I do not mind sharing yours with you and Gille. I am happy."

  "You were not born to that. I cannot change your state but I can change your surroundings besides it will still be within my home." I pointed to the western end. "I will take that end out and build your room. It will be safer for Gille and I will guard the entrance. It will be warmer too for it will abut the stables. The horses keep that as warm as a fire does."

  "You are too kind, lord."

  "I told you that I am not a lord."

  "You have no title but you have the bearing."

  Gille's voice came from the outside. "Ready!"

  I hurried to Dream Strider. I was anxious to get my goods back to my home and then I would be dry again. The weather was a sign that winter would be upon us before we knew it. No one even noticed our return. Hallgerd was the centre of attention and most were gathered in the hall. Vermund was trying to organise quarters for the new servants and slaves. The old slave quarters were no good for they were too far away from the hall. Like me the Jarl would have to do some building. Erik and Brigid helped us pack our goods on the horses. We laid the blankets and furs across the neck of Freyja and Erik loaned us a seal skin cloak to cover them. I hung the pots and bowls from the saddle of Dream Strider. It mattered not if they became wet. We slipped away and headed for my home.


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