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Teaching Miss Maisie Jane

Page 7

by Mariella Starr

  Maisie Jane gave him one of her peeved look again.

  Jake sat back down and leaned back against his saddle and set his cleaning kit aside. “That reminds me of something we haven’t discussed yet, gal.”

  “What would that be?” Maisie Jane asked.

  “You stealing my Colt and trying to shoot Walter Banks,” Jake said grimly.

  Maisie Jane gave a huff. “He deserved to die. You said that yourself.”

  “Yeah, he did,” Jake said. “But, that wasn’t your decision to make.”

  “I didn’t shoot him,” Maisie Jane said dismissively.

  “Not because you didn’t try, but because you didn’t know enough to aim,” Jake said.

  “That’s over and done with Jake. Why bring it up again?” Maisie Jane asked her tone condescending and haughty.

  Jake sat up straight and got to his feet. “I’m bringing it up because it’s a serious matter, Maisie Jane. You stole my gun, and you tried to shoot a man. That was a wrong thing to do. A bad thing to do, and I haven’t seen a single sign of regret out of you for doing it.”

  Maisie Jane’s chin took on that defiant tilt that Jake thought of as snippy. “Maybe you think it was wrong, Jake, but I don’t. And, I didn’t steal your gun. I… sort of, borrowed it.”

  “It’s stealing if you don’t ask permission,” Jake said his temper beginning to simmer.

  You are the one who gave it to me in the first place,” Maisie Jane said her little chin going up in the air.

  “I gave you my gun to use as self defense. There might have been more robbers around, or someone could have come along while I was out bringing the bodies back,” Jake snapped. “I handed you that gun for your protection. Once that situation was over you should have given it back to me. You deliberately stole my gun and planned to kill a man. That’s a serious offense.”

  “I didn’t want Walter Banks to hang for all the other bad things he did. I wanted him to die for killing my brother,” Maisie Jane shouted.

  “You can’t shoot a man in cold blood!” Jake yelled exasperated.

  Maisie Jane’s face crumbled. “He killed my brother!”

  Jake took a deep breath. Yelling and losing his temper wasn’t going to make Maisie Jane see the right from the wrong. He needed to get through to her how wrong her actions had been. “He was going to hang for it. The law had been enforced. Justice had been served. You can’t take the law into your own hands, gal. That’s wrongful thinking.”

  “What difference does it make?” Maisie demanded. “I didn’t shoot him, and you have your stupid gun back.”

  “The difference is that for every wrongful thing done there has to be retribution, Maisie Jane,” Jake exclaimed in frustration. “You stole my gun. You should be punished for that. You tried to shoot a man. You should be punished for that too. Now, I know I stopped the judge from his perverted ideas of punishing you, but that doesn’t mean I think you still don’t deserve to be punished. There needs to be reckoning or at least some sign of regret for what you tried to do. When a person does something wrong there are consequences for those actions. As your husband it’s my responsibility to make sure you understand right from wrong.”

  Maisie Jane stomped her bare foot in the sand. “I have had a proper upbringing, Jake. I know what’s right from wrong! And, you weren’t my husband when I did those things, so they don’t count.

  “They do count,” Jake said hotly. “You can’t just wipe the slate clean and start over like nothing happened. Taking my gun was dishonest. Trying to kill Walter Banks was an immoral, wrong thing to do.”

  “It’s over and done with, Jake! Let it go. What are you going to do? Are you going to put me in jail? Or, are you going to shoot me? Oh, or maybe you should hang me for not killing him!” Maisie Jane shouted.

  Jake shook his head and pointed a finger at her. “I’ve been giving this a whole lot of thought, Maisie Jane and up until that last bit of sass, I had two choices. One was let it go and hope you really do know right from wrong. The other one was give you a good spanking. After that sass, it’s a spanking you’re going to get.”

  Maisie Jane’s eyes were flashing with temper. Hands on hips she faced him with anger and determination, stamping her little foot. “You will not! You have laid hands on my person twice already with intent to harm and I will not stand for it.”

  “Really,” Jake said crossing the distance between them, grabbing her by the hand and hauling her back across to the small trunk. He propped his foot on the trunk and upended her across his knee.

  Maisie Jane was fighting and squealing. She screamed at him. “Damn you to hell, Jake Maddox. Let me go!”

  That was the last straw for Jake. “For that vulgarity, Miss, you’re going to get it bare-bottomed!”

  His hand went around to her front and pulled the string to loosen her bloomers and pulled them down to her knees in one jerk.

  “Noooo…” Maisie Jane screamed, bucking and kicking.

  Jakes hand came down on her bottom hard, and fast. The more she screamed and bucked the harder he spanked. He paid her back for every snip and snap of her temper, every stamp of her foot, every word of sass since he’d met her. And, he most certainly chastised her for stealing his gun and trying to shoot a man.

  When Maisie Jane quit fighting, she howled and bawled at every whack. He kept right on delivering her well-earned spanking. When she began sobbing so hard her breath was catching, he finally stopped. He backed her off his knee, inspected her backside and knew he’d done the job right. Her bottom was fire red, and a bit swollen from her pretty little rounded buttocks to the top of her thighs.

  Maisie Jane crumbled to the sand, folded her arms over the trunk, and laid her head down sobbing.

  Jake knelt down beside her, forced her chin up to face him and looked her straight in the eye. “Maisie Jane Maddox, you will behave yourself in a correct manner for a wife. I will have no more tantrums. I will have no more sass and if I ever hear vulgar words coming out of that pretty little mouth again, I’ll spank you every day for a week solid. Have I made myself clear?”

  Chastised and helpless, Maisie Jane couldn’t get the words out. She just nodded and buried herself into Jake’s chest crying.

  Chapter 6

  Jake let her cry herself dry before he got up to finish up some chores. Maisie Jane curled up in tight little knot and continued to sniff and wipe away tears. She looked so bedraggled and forlorn that he almost felt sorry for her. Maisie Jane hadn’t told him a lot about her upbringing but what little she had imparted had convinced him that she’d been spoiled rotten. With her family all gone now, she had no one but him, her lawful husband, and he would not continue with her ruination. She’d married him in desperation, but Jake was a man who took his responsibilities seriously. He was a husband, and every day that went by he had more feeling for her, more of a need for her. His little wife, though, had a lot growing up yet to do. For the last two days she’d been pure aggravation and annoyance, and he’d reached his limit. He’d take no more.

  Jake dried several of the blankets by the fire, and poked it up and fed it some more fuel to keep it burning.

  He laid a blanket down over the sand and sat down on it.

  “Maisie Jane come over here,” Jake said.

  “Why?” she answered.

  “Come over here,” Jake repeated.

  Maisie Jane walked over and he pulled her down on the blanket.

  “Oh!” Maisie Jane squealed when her bottom touched down and she jumped up again. Jake stood up and gave a tug and pulled the camisole over her head, then, he gave a tug and pulled the bloomers back down and off this time.

  Maisie Jane was naked and she knew what Jake wanted. “I can’t Jake, I hurt too bad!” she cried.

  Jake pulled her down to the blanket with him and laid her gently down on her stomach. “I know. But, I also know what is mine to have.” He gave her small round rump a rub and she winced and burst into tears again. He gave the matter some thought and got
up and laid another blanket down and put his saddle right in the middle of it. “Come here. I want you to lie across the seat.”

  Maisie Jane gave a frightened look at the saddle. “You’re not going to hit me again are you?”

  “Only, if you deserve it,” Jake said. “Since, I’ve just warmed your bottom good, that’s not the purpose of this.”

  Maisie Jane moved over and did as he requested, not having any idea what he was going to do to her and was shivered from fright.

  Jake removed his trousers and hung them on a stick by the fire to dry. As he moved closer to his wife, his cock shot up like a divining rod. He repositioned Maisie Jane’s little rump up higher on the seat and dipped his finger into her. She quivered and he began to stroke between her legs, paying particular attention to the little nubbin at top of her womanhood. Pretty soon, she was bucking, and he slid into her about halfway and then back out and back in, pushing in further each time but never letting go of that little nubbin, that spot that drove even loose women wild. He started pumping harder and faster, his full length going all the way in, and almost all the way out, his balls banging up against her backside. Every time his balls whacked her sore bottom she squealed or yelped but she was also bucking from the pleasure he was giving her with his fingers. He pumped and banged her for a good twenty minutes. The sweat was pouring off him, and suddenly Maisie Jane went rigid and began to shudder. He slammed his cock into her full up and as she came, her womanhood gripped his cock and seemed to pull and squeeze and suck him dry. But, he wasn’t through yet, so he started pumping to get his cock up again and playing with her little nubbin. He was rewarded with another spasm that sucked him in and wouldn’t let go. Spent, Jake leaned forward and Maisie Jane cried out because he was leaning on her poor tender bottom. Jake backed off on his knees and pulled Maisie Jane up and off the saddle and laid her gently across his lap face down.

  Maisie Jane didn’t know what she was feeling. Her bottom was still on fire, but now her insides seemed to be on fire too. She felt all quivery inside but at the same time she felt womanly and fulfilled. Jake was rubbing her back, and she turned her head to look up at him.

  He was grinning widely.

  She got up to her knees gingerly, intending to move away, but Jake turned his attention to her lips and her breasts. She didn’t stop him, because it felt so good and it made her squiggle inside and thump a bit too.

  After a while she felt Jake manhood begin to grow again, pushing up against her.

  Jake looked over at the saddle. “We did that so well the first time, let’s try it again.”

  * * * * *

  Maisie Jane slept beside her husband. Well, she had slept a little, now she was awake but Jake was still sleeping. Jake pulled her closer to him in his sleep and she winced. Her bottom still hurt something awful from the spanking. She’d never been spanked before. Her Daddy had threatened her a few times, but Grandma Louise had always talked him out of it. The few smacks Jake had given her before, she knew were more because she’d scared him than because he wanted to hurt her. This time though, he had meant to hurt her and he had.

  Maisie Jane knew some men beat their wives. Back home, Mrs. Thomas from the church was always trying to cover up black eyes and bruises. She always said it was because she was clumsy and she had fallen, but everyone knew it wasn’t true. And, there was nothing anyone could do about it. It was considered a man’s right to treat his wife anyway he chose to treat her.

  “Are you alright, little darling?” Jake whispered into her hair.

  Maisie Jane rolled over to face Jake forgetting for a second, and she yelped as her bottom scraped the blanket. A fat tear rolled down her cheek.

  “What is it? Was I too rough?” Jake asked his eyes looking over at the saddle.

  “I don’t want to be a beaten woman, Jake,” Maisie Jane whispered.

  “Now, Maisie Jane,” Jake said kissing her on the mouth and then giving another on her forehead. “I didn’t beat you. I gave you a spanking and it was a well-deserved one. Sometimes you act like a woman, but a lot of the time you’re spoiled and willful. If you behave like a child, I’m going to treat you like a child. If you do something that deserves a spanking, you will get one. It may hurt, but that hurt is to remind you to take heed and stop behaving badly. A man has a right to expect certain things from his wife, and if she’s willful, it’s his duty to correct her.”

  “But, Jake…”

  “No,” Jake said firmly. “A spanking is not a beating. Any man that takes his fist to his woman is no man. He’s a coward that has to beat on someone smaller than he is to prove himself. That ain’t much of a man in my opinion. You have my word of honor; I will never slap, hit or abuse you anywhere except on your bottom with the flat of my hand, or back of hairbrush. That’s how a spanking supposed to be delivered.”

  Maisie Jane put her head on his shoulder and gave a sign and a pout. “Who made up that rule?”

  Jake laughed. “I think it was my Momma and my Pa. Cause I sure got my rear end blistered when I deserved it.”

  Chapter 7

  Jake woke up and scooted out from behind Maisie Jane to get up. He pulled on his trousers, and headed outside to do his business. The sun was just about break over the horizon and there wasn’t a rain cloud in the sky. Good, they’d be able to dry out their belongings today and pack up to move on.

  Maisie Jane needed a day of rest. Her poor little sore bottom wouldn’t be able to stand sitting on a wooden wagon bench all day. It would probably be sore tomorrow too, but they couldn’t afford to waste too many days lying about, and besides sitting on sore behind would be a lesson for her to behave herself.

  Jake stretched, and gave his cock a little hitch. He wouldn’t mind a little rest himself, his cock was about rubbed raw and his balls were a little on the tender side. He grinned at the thought of what he and Maisie Jane had done the previous night. He’d never sit in that saddle again without remembering her sweet little ass, tilted up in the air and her sweet, tight womanhood, draining him dry. He’d just about worn himself out taking up his new husbandly duties, not that he minded at all. Teaching Maisie Jane how to please him was a task he was taking to enthusiastically. He was up to the task too, but after pleasuring himself and Maisie Jane seven times the previous night, he was just plum tuckered out. He decided that if they did it today he have to be more on gentle side for both their sakes.

  Maisie Jane and Jake dragged out every single item out of trunks, and crates and set them out in the hot desert sun to dry. As the clothing items dried, Maisie Jane shook out the sand and folded them up carefully. There wasn’t a whole lot to do but wait for their stuff to dry out. She spent a lot of time standing back against the tall rocks looking out over the desert. She thought it desolate looking but at the same time it held its own kind of beauty.

  Maisie Jane spent a lot of time looking at Jake too. He hadn’t said another word about the spanking. But, if she winced or made a sound of distress she could feel his eyes on her. Maisie Jane’s bottom was real sore but she was more worried about her womanly parts. She could feel her inside and outside parts. She seemed more aware of them. When Jake took his shirt off to fix something on the wagon, something inside her started getting all quivery and thumping. It was like when she could feel her heartbeat, except it was down below. Something was wrong with her, and it frightened her.

  Jake fixed them a lunch out of what was left from the basket that Maria had sent with them. There wasn’t much left a few dried out biscuits and some jelly. He split what was left and carried out a plate to her.

  “Little darling, maybe you should lie down and rest a bit.” Jake suggested. “You look a little peaked.”

  Maisie smiled. “I’m all right. How much further do we have to go?”

  “About two hundred miles to Elco. I want to stop by and see a friend of mine since we’re going near his place. Then we’ll go on to Virginia City and I’ll file for some land. We’ll have to get enough supplies to get us through t
he winter, because we have a lot work to do before winter sets in and not much time.”

  “What’s in Elco?” Maisie Jane asked.

  Jake shrugged. It’s smaller than Bisbee, but there’s a bank, a Mercantile, a livery and feed store, and a church. It’s not big enough for a hotel, but the Mercantile rents out rooms upstairs. It’s a dry town, so there’s no saloons. That makes for a pretty peaceful place. A lot of Mormons have settled out that way. They’re good people.”

  “Is there a doctor in Elco?” Maisie Jane asked.

  Jake frowned. “Are you feeling bad again? Is your head hurting?”

  Maisie Jane shook her head. “It’s not my head, it’s something else.”

  “What?” Jake demanded.

  Maisie Jane shook her head again. “It’s something else, something is just not the same as it was before.”

  “You have to tell me what it is,” Jake said seriously.

  Maisie Jane turned away. “It’s not proper. I can’t tell you.”

  Jake pulled her to him, gave her hug and the a little shake. “There is nothing that you can’t tell me. I’m your husband, Maisie Jane and you’re going to have to start trusting me. Now sit down here… oh, well, maybe you shouldn’t be sitting down.” He pulled her into his chest and rocked her trembling body. “What is it?”

  Maisie Jane was quiet for a long time, and Jake kissed her on top of the head.


  “Jake, something is different inside me. I feel all squiggly inside and I never felt that before. I can understand being sore because you been doing… well, you know… to me, but this is different.”

  Jake took a deep breath. “Maybe, I’ve been too rough on your delicate parts.”


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