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Teaching Miss Maisie Jane

Page 13

by Mariella Starr

  “No,” said Jake said pulling her back down on the bed. “It’s too warm to stick long. This will probably melt off by late day, tomorrow at the latest. What it means though, is that Cora won’t expect you this morning and I have you all too myself. I’ve been missing you.”

  Maisie Jane grinned. “I thought the whole idea of me going to Cora’s was so you’d have meals you could eat.”

  “The only thing I’m interested in eating this morning is you.” Jake promised and he started with her lips.

  Maisie gave a whimper when he left her lips and moved down to her breasts to devour and suckle.

  Jakes hand went between her legs and she arched to his touch. “Touch me, darling,” Jake whispered in her ear. “Make me feel as good as I make you feel.”

  Maisie Jane’s half-closed eyes flew open. “Am I allowed to?”

  Jake chuckled and drew her hand down to his cock. “You can touch it, stroke it, kiss it, and play with it in your mouth. You can even suckle it, like I do your breasts and your sweet little pussy. This might take a while before you get used to it,. We’ll go at your own pace, I won’t push you any farther than you want to go and if you don’t want to do it, that would fine too.”

  Maisie Jane’s fingers were tentative and skittish but she moved her fingers up and down his shaft and when he began to harden she looked surprised that she could make it do that. Jake shifted to his back and lay still. He didn’t want to frighten her; he wanted to allow her natural curiosity to overcome her timidity. Maisie Jane hadn’t been at all timid about what he did to her, but asking her to return it was hard on some women. He’d move no further than she was willing go, and then he reward her by giving her everything he had in him to satisfy her needs.

  Maisie Jane’s shifted down closer, looking at him, trailing her fingers up and down and round the head of his cock.

  Jake stiffened to a full hard-on but he watched her face. She wasn’t frightened, she wasn’t disgusted; she was still curious. She picked up his cock and looked under it at his balls and he swallowed hard to keep still and then decided he couldn’t stand it any longer. He was about to explode and that might frighten her. He took her arm and pulled her back up to his chest and rolled so he was in the dominant position and began to kiss her again and work his way down her body.

  Maisie Jane really, really liked when Jake took her in his mouth. He made her feel like every part of her was precious to him. And, she knew he really liked it when she had what he called orgasms. That was another word she wasn’t supposed to ever say out loud or talk about. She didn’t think she’d mind touching it or kissing it, or even playing with it with her tongue, but she wasn’t sure about putting it in her mouth. It was awful big.

  Jake was slow and deliberate and very thorough and Maisie Jane responded to his very touch.

  Maisie lit a fire in the stove stop to fix a breakfast for them. She was good at cooking breakfast now. They hadn’t left the bed until it was mid-morning and Jake would be back. He was doing her chores because he’d told her not to get dressed. Maisie Jane tightened the tie on the dressing gown she’d found in one of the bureau drawers and tried not to trip over the trailing long hem. Jake’s words to her before he’d left the house thrilled and scandalized her.

  “I’m going to get up, but only because I have to. Don’t bother putting anything on underneath that robe. I want to think about you being naked and waiting for me.”

  Maisie Jane’s insides were thumping. When Jake looked at her, she knew he knew it, too because he flashed her that wicked smile. It was one thing to be naked in a bed, it was entirely different to be walking around the house with no undergarments under her robe.

  It didn’t take long for Jake to get the eggs and milk the cow. Maisie Jane had biscuits and gravy waiting for him, hot on the stove and was setting the table with plates when he came through the door. He put the eggs and milk down and came straight to her pulling her into a long deep kiss. Then he pushed his hands inside the robe, and between her legs. He picked up the two plates and set them on the sideboard.

  “Jake, your breakfast,” Maisie Jane protested.

  “I’m having more breakfast,” Jake said laying her back on the table and spreading the robe open. He pushed her legs up on the table, sat down in the chair and consumed her again, and again. Finally, he stood up, dropped his pants and surged into her hard, urgent, and needy all the while suckling her breasts and rubbing that little nubbin. Maisie Jane took him in deeper and deeper and gripped her legs around his waist and then went higher at his urging and over his shoulders as he never stopped pumping. When the massive wave of pleasure came, Maisie Jane’s body sucked him in deeper even as he plunged and pounded and pounded until her body and his shook with shudder after shudder of release. Then, he fell into her, kissing, panting and pleading for more.

  “Maisie Jane, I can’t get enough of you. I crave you. I need you.” Jake clung to her as she lowered her legs to his waist and he picked her up and carried her back into the bedroom. “Don’t move a muscle until I come back,” Jake panted and he left the bedroom.

  Maisie Jane curled up and hugged herself. This was the lust that Maria had spoken to her about, she’d had to look that word up in the dictionary. It was wonderful and she wanted it, and liked it, but love had to come too. It just had too.

  Jake came back bedroom, naked and shivering. “Damn it’s cold in that water closet, might as well be in the privy out back. He dived under the covers and pulled Maisie close to him.

  Maisie Jane squealed. “You’re cold!”

  “Nothing you can’t fix,” Jake promised and it was promise he kept.

  Nothing but pure starvation could separate Jake from Maisie Jane that day and finally it did, but only when he was sure he going to walk bow-legged for the next few days. Lord, but the little gal turned him on, hardened him up and just about pulverized him. He’d be glad when winter was on full on them. He didn’t want to share her, not even with Cora. He wanted her all to himself.

  They finally emerged from the bedroom, hungry for real food. Jake built up the fires again and Maisie scrapped out the congealed gravy and fried up some bacon to add to the biscuits. She separated the milk, and put eggs and milk and cream into containers and put them in the water closet brass tub and covered it with quilt. They’d discovered that the brass tub held the cold better than the cellar because it was the coldest room in the house. Maisie scrubbed down the table to the smirks of Jake and set the table again, but Jake pushed one of the plates away and set her down on his lap and fed her a piece of biscuit and then another.

  “Are you happy, Maisie Jane?”

  “Very happy,” Maisie Jane said feeling very bold. She put her arms around his neck and she started the kissing this time.

  Jake rolled over at daylight but the warm spot he automatically searched for was gone. He smelled coffee. Like a magnet drawn by an invisible force he went straight to Maisie Jane. She was dressed and had the cook top stove fired up, with a pot of coffee on, a pan of eggs frying on one burner plate and a pan of bacon frying on the other. She dropped the oven door and expertly took a pan of biscuits out and set them on the sideboard.

  “Look at you. Just a whipping out that food and it smells real good.”

  Maisie Jane laughed. “I thought you might be hungry for something besides me.”

  Jake chuckled and walked over to kiss her. “Watch what you’re talking about honey, you don’t want to talk dirty.”

  “Why is okay for you to say it, but not me?” Maisie Jane protested.

  “Because I’m a man and you’re a young lady, and ladies don’t refer to such things,” Jake said.

  Maisie Jane rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t make sense. It’s okay for me to do things, but it’s not okay for me to talk about it.”

  “Maisie Jane,” Jake snapped out his whole attitude changing from teasing to serious and stern. “I’ll not have dirty talk coming out of your mouth. Now, unless you want your mouth washed out with soap yo
u’d better heed.”

  Maisie Jane knew she’d stepped over the line. What was okay for men was not okay for proper ladies. It was same for swearing and bunch of other things. She lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “All right,” Jake agreed. “Just mind your manners. Now as much as I enjoyed yesterday, I’d like to have my breakfast because I’ve got to catch up on a lot of work today.”

  “Me, too,” Maisie Jane admitted. “Can I take the sewing machine over to Cora’s?”

  “You have a sewing machine?” Jake asked.

  Maisie Jane nodded. “It’s Mrs. Madison’s; she left it behind. Cora and I are going to figure how it works so we can sew. Well, Cora’s going to teach me how to sew, since I don’t know how yet. And I want to give Cora’s some dress goods that Mrs. Madison left behind because it would make a real pretty dress for her. It would be a real nice present to Cora because she’s been so nice to me. And I want to take some books over to Cora’s too. I picked out six. She likes to read to Levi during the winter months and Mrs. Madison was rude to her and wouldn’t let her borrow a book. Wasn’t that mean? Anyway, maybe you should look at the titles, though, in case it’s something you want to read over the winter. If it is, I’ll swap it out with another.”

  Jake gave his head a shake, and stood for a moment trying work his way through Maisie Jane’s rapid-fire, excited female babble.

  “Well?” Maisie Jane asked expectantly.

  “Yes, you can take the sewing machine to Cora’s. Yes, you can give her the dress goods; that was nice of you to think of it. Yes, you can take the books. I’m not much of a reader so whatever you picked out is fine. I don’t know if Mrs. Madison was rude and I don’t want you making judgments on someone you never met. And if Cora’s going to teach you to mend, take my shirt with you today.”

  “I forgot your shirt,” Maisie Jane exclaimed and turned to run for it, but Jake captured her swung her off her feet and kissed her.

  “And, good morning to you, too!”

  Chapter 15

  It took three days before Cora figured out the Singer sewing machine. Maisie Jane finally convinced Cora to accept the dress goods and they thought they’d use Cora’s new dress as a test project.

  Maisie Jane was still getting her cooking lessons but there wasn’t any danger of her setting the house on fire anymore, so Cora didn’t have to stand watch over her so much. Cora set the Singer sewing machine up on a table in the kitchen and only advised as Maisie Jane cooked. Maisie Jane, in turn watched Cora as she worked the machine.

  “Honey, can you go get me a newspaper from the other room,” Cora asked. “They’re in the big basket by my sewing chair.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Maisie Jane said, giving her stew a quick stir with a wooden spoon and going into the sitting room. She knelt down to pick up the newspaper and picked up a Baltimore Herald from a month earlier. She read a headline on the first page and gasped. Looking behind her she quickly folded the front page and hid it under her petticoat. Then she picked up a Daily Nation Republican newspaper from Washington, DC and looked over the pages quickly.”

  “Honey, did you find it,” Cora called.

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m coming,” Maisie Jane answered and she carried the newspaper back into the kitchen.

  Cora took it from her and immediately started cutting a dress pattern from it. Cora had used the same dress pattern for years and she told Maisie to copy her patterns onto newspaper and they would last a long time.

  Maisie nodded and went back to the stove, deliberately turning her back to the woman. “Cora, where did you get newspapers from the east coast?”

  “Levi picks them up for me over at the bank when he goes to Elco. Mr. Findley has them sent in by the stage, and he saves them for Levi. I have papers from the east coast and the west coast. Levi knows I like to read when I have time, and he don’t mind as long as his supper’s on the table when he gets in from work. It’s interesting to read about other parts of the country. Course, most of my reading goes on in the winter months. I’ll have lots to read this winter because you brought me all those books, but when the snow starts I’m sure going to miss having you around, child.”

  “I’m going to miss you lot too,” Maisie admitted. “Everyone talks about the snow coming. It really that bad?”

  “Oh, honey, some winters when the blizzards are real bad, we’re in for months at a time. Other years, not so bad. We prepare for the worst, and pray for the best. Now, don’t you worry about what might or might not happen this winter; we’ve got to get to work on with this dress and you got to mend those socks of Jakes.”

  As soon as Maisie Jane got home that evening she hid the page of newspaper and then she spent the next several days worrying about it and trying to think what to do.

  Maisie Jane decided that Jake was most definitely in lust with her. And she liked it - a lot. He couldn’t seem to get at her enough. Never a night or a morning went by when they weren’t having pleasure with each other, over and over again. The only time they didn’t do it was when her woman time came, but that only lasted four days.

  When it was over, Jake was so glad that they hardly got any sleep at all that night and she was late going to Cora’s the next morning.

  One morning they did it twice before they got out of bed and when she was milking the cow, Jake came in the barn, put her milk bucket aside and had her up against the wall. According to the dime novels she’d read, she’d been ravished! And, she was being just as naughty, because sometimes she told him she had the squigglies when she didn’t. She knew even if she didn’t, she would have them as soon as he started kissing her.

  They were getting along so well, that Maisie Jane just knew everything was going to work out and then she spoiled it.

  They were running behind schedule, which was more the normal lately mostly because Jake had been lustful three times that morning. Maisie Jane knew that word would get her mouth washed out with soap, but she could think it. Nobody could know what she was thinking.

  She and Jake had got into it again, because he refused to let her ride the horse over to Cora’s by herself. He complained because he had to take her over, but he wouldn’t let her go by herself. It didn’t make sense, but Jake was being firm, and he gave her that warning look so she shut up.

  So, she was hurrying, trying to get ready and so was Jake. He told her he’d do the chickens and the cow while she fixed breakfast.

  To make up for sassing him about the horse, Maisie Jane fried up some sausages that Cora had given them because she knew they were a favorite of his.

  Jake came back with the milk and the eggs, but he was muddy because he’d slipped and fallen. He’d saved the eggs and milk but his clothes would have to be put into soak before she left for Cora’s. Jake went to wash up while she tended to the eggs and milk. Jake went into the bedroom and hollered back out. “Maisie Jane where’d you put that shirt you mended?”

  “Bottom drawer of the bureau,” Maisie Jane shouted back from the water closet.

  “MAISIE JANE!” Jake roared and Maisie Jane shut her eyes. There were two bureaus, and two bottom drawers. Even though she’d shown Jake where she’d put his shirts, she just knew he’d opened the wrong bottom drawer.

  “MAISIE JANE!” Jake roared again.

  Maisie Jane could feel her stomach drop. She hurried to the bedroom, saying a whole bunch of bad words in her head and then apologized to God and then prayed, please, please, please don’t let it be the bottom drawer. It was.

  Jake was standing by the bed, and he’d emptied the bottom drawer of dime novels onto the bed.

  Jake’s eyes drilled into her. “Would you like to explain this?”

  “There’re not mine, Jake,” Maisie exclaimed. “They belonged to Mr. or Mrs. Madison.”

  Jake snatched up one of the books. “Did you or did you not go through all the things in this house?”

  Maisie Jane nodded. “Mostly, I haven’t moved much of their things, because you said they might chang
e their minds and come back.”

  Jake tried to dampen down his temper. “Maisie Jane Maddox. You knew these… indecent books were here didn’t you?”

  Maisie Jane nodded again.

  “Did you read any of this filth?” Jake demanded.

  Maisie Jane dropped her eyes.

  “Look at me Maisie Jane and don’t you dare lie to me.” Jake said ominously.

  Maisie Jane dropped her eyes again but she could feel her face turning red. Her lower lip started quivering and she barely nodded.

  “How many?” Jake demanded. “And, look at me!”

  Maisie Jane looked up and met his furious eyes. “Six. That’s all Jake, just six. There’s lots of them in that drawer and another box under the bed that I never touched. Honest. Only six, Jake.”

  “One was too many!” Jake yelled. “One paragraph was too much. I can’t believe you’d read this smut!”

  “I don’t know what that means,” Maisie Jane whispered.

  “Filth,” Jake snapped once again trying to bring his temper down. “Filth, indecent, dirty. Don’t tell me you read these books and didn’t know that it was wrong to read them. What have you got to say for yourself?”

  “I’m sorry,” Maisie Jane whispered.

  Jake just stood looking at her. Then, he picked up the pile of books and marched out into the middle of the field and dumped them. Then, he went back inside searched under the bed found the box and carried it outside and the box joined the pile. He stood heaving his breath with anger. He wanted to set fire to it and he would but he couldn’t put flame to that filth until he could stand watch over it to make sure the fire didn’t get out of control. And, he had his woman to deal with, and deal with her he would.

  He marched back into the house. Maisie Jane was in the kitchen, putting pans into dishwater.

  “Come here,” he demanded.

  Maisie Jane gave up all pretense of bravery and started crying, but she walked over to him.

  Jake grabbed her by the arms and gave her a shake and then gave her another. “A husband has a right to teach his wife in the manner of which they will be intimate, Maisie Jane. A husband! A wife should be learning about those pleasures from her husband! Not from filth written by perverted men writing about what should be private between a man and a woman. Do you understand that? I love you Maisie Jane. What is between us is pure and sacred. You can’t defile that by reading that filth.”


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