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The Hill - Ben’s Story (Book One).: A Paranormal Murder Mystery Thriller. (Book One).

Page 29

by Andrew M Stafford

  Maria lay on the bed in her room. Although she had closed the door, it had swung open allowing her to hear Christopher. She pulled the pillow over her head in an attempt to block out the sound from the other room. And as she listened to her son’s mantra she made up her own.

  “Make it go away, make it go away, make it go away.”

  Chapter seventy four

  The Awareness

  Ben was awake and was furiously repeating the same five words.

  “Free – me – from – this – hell”…. “Free – me – from – this – hell”…. “Free – me – from – this – hell”…. “Free – me – from – this – hell”…. “Free – me – from – this – hell”…. “Free – me – from – this – hell”…. “Free – me – from – this – hell”…. “Free – me – from – this – hell”

  He could sense the same echo and knew someone was listening to him.

  But why was he not getting a reply?

  The anger and bitterness which was fuelling him was spiraling out of control. The harder he tried to be heard didn’t seem to make any difference.

  He paused for reflection. The rancor, bitterness and hate bubbled and stewed until he snapped.

  He cleared his thoughts and concentrated on something new and different to say. He wanted to get the attention of whoever it was that was listening to him. But he just couldn’t think of what to say. He needed something well-crafted that would be remembered and hopefully be the key to set him free.

  The more he focused, the less he could come up with the right words, like a song writer facing a mental block.

  As his mind worked overtime his frustration grew and the bitterness and anger increased. And then he took himself by surprise as he spurted out four clear, concise and angry words…………….


  Chapter seventy five

  The Portland Hospital


  Christopher stopped head banging and chanting. Phelps and the technicians looked at each other then walked towards the cot and watched as he peacefully slept.

  “What happened?” asked Phelps.

  “He just stopped,” replied Hudson.

  From her room Maria could hear that Christopher had stopped chanting. She stood up and walked to the partially opened door. She opened it further and looked into the other room where she saw Phelps, Hudson and Prince standing over the cot. Phelps was rubbing his chin and the technicians looked concerned. They whispered and they were too quiet for her to hear what they were saying.

  She quietly entered the room and stood alongside the other three and looked at her son sleeping soundly in the cot.

  “Is everything OK?” she whispered.

  “I think so, he just stopped,” replied Phelps.

  “He doesn’t normally just stop like that, he tends to get quieter and then he just peters out.”

  Christopher wriggled in the cot and kicked his feet. His eyes twitched and he began to screw his face into a distorted grimace like a gargoyle peering down from a church wall. The expression on his face became more intense and he rolled his head from side to side as if he was enduring a terrible pain.

  He rolled onto his back and with his eyes wide open he surveyed the room and the four faces looking over him. He turned his gaze to Maria and looked her directly in her eyes. His mouth began to quiver as if he was about to cry. But instead of crying his lips pursed tightly and his head began to shake. He looked away from his mother, rolled his eyes around his head and then refocused his stare directly at her. He drew in a breath, raised his arms above his head and shouted………..

  “Somebody fucking answer me!”

  Maria held on to the side of the cot, feeling hot and dizzy as a wave of nausea came over her. Her legs gave way and she hit the floor like a sack of coal.


  Thank you for downloading and reading part one of The Hill. I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

  Will Ben Walker ever get a message to the police about the circumstances of his death?

  Will Markland Garraway continue to be affected by the supernatural influence of ‘The Hill’?

  What will happen to Carla Price? Has she escaped far away enough, to get away from what happened that night in September 2009?

  Will Daniel Boyd’s past eventually catch up with him?

  To find out the answers to the above and much more, please click here to purchase Book Two from Amazon UK

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  The Hill - Carla's Story (Book Two): A Paranormal Murder Mystery Thriller. (Book Two)

  A personal note from Andrew M Stafford


  Thank you for reading part one of The Hill. I’m grateful that you’ve chosen it and have taken the time to read it.

  I am a new author and The Hill is my debut novel. If you would like to contact me with your thoughts on this story, you can contact me at .

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  My very best wishes

  Andy Stafford




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