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Journey of Souls (The Mortality Series)

Page 22

by Melanie S. Pronia

  "I love you Patrick."

  "I love you too babe, just be careful."

  "I will."

  He watched her enter the quiet room and headed towards the opposite waiting room to try and catch a quick snooze. Every part of his body was tired, but he wouldn't dare let Justine know it.

  The room was identical to her mothers, and like Alice's it was dark and quiet. Justine knocked on the open door gaining the young woman's attention who had been staring at the television in what appeared to be boredom. Her youth itself broke Justine's heart. She was approximately the same age as Justine herself.

  Lisa Shultz stared at her with curious, suspicious eyes. Justine gave her a hesitant smile which she hoped appeared more warm than nervous. Part of her wanted to quickly retreat from the room, the wiser voice in her told her that this was something that must be faced.

  "Hi Lisa, my name is Justine Ramsey, I just wanted to check on your condition."

  "Ramsey?" Lisa seemed to mull the name over in her mind. "Oh, are you related to Alice Ramsey?" The look in her eyes seemed to shift back and forth between stern severity and sheer curiosity.

  "Yes I am, I'm her daughter, Justine," she replied, fighting to keep her voice steady and casual.

  "I see," it was said in a quipped, quick tone.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "As well as can be expected under the

  circumstances I suppose."

  Justine couldn't put the thought out of her mind that this young woman was the single mother of two children. Where were the children? How badly would this impact them?

  She swallowed back her nerves and sorrow, before asking,

  "You have two children, I understand?"

  Lisa sat up straighter, wincing from the slight twist and movement.

  "Yes I do, two beautiful little boys." An undeniable mothers pride shone in her eyes as she mentioned her little boys. She shifted again in her bed, still a bit confused as to why Justine was in her room. However, she couldn't help but realize that Justine's concern at least seemed sincere, when she offered,

  "My mother is watching my boys for me. They are fine, a bit worried but they're coming to see me tomorrow."

  This bit of information helped to relief a major nagging guilt in Justine's heart.

  "Well that's good, I was worried about well…" She wasn't a mother; she didn't know exactly how to word it.

  "They're fine," Lisa paused to take a sip out of her water bottle. "Why are you here?"

  The question wasn't accusing, as Justine feared it might be, and knew that it had every right to be, but more curious and intrigued.

  "I guess I just wanted to make sure you would be okay, and I wanted to offer my apologies."

  Lisa's face folded into a warm smiled filled with mirth.

  "Justine, I'm the twenty eight year old single mother of two. I've made my share of mistakes; one of them included a D.U.I. where I miscarried a five month old fetus. I killed my own child; I was drunk, driving and pregnant. I'm not saying that I'm happy to be here, but I do think that karma has a way of working itself around. I'm pissed at your mother, and yes a bit at you for coming into my room uninvited, but I can understand your pain, guilt whatever it is."

  Lisa's words left Justine speechless. She didn't know whether or not she should apologize again, or simply leave the room. Lisa stared at her, her smile finally coming back to her face.

  "Hey, I'll live, I'll be okay, and well my car or my rather piece of shit on wheels has been declared totaled, that means I get a new car. Don't sweat me; it's the law you have to sweat." She laughed brightly as she said the words.

  Justine smiled warmly, surprised to realize that she liked Lisa, she couldn't help but respect her bluntness and open mind. Justine stood to go and smiled warmly,

  "Lisa if you need anything please let me know."

  "Justine, thank you for checking in on me, I'm okay, and from what I hear your mom will be okay, too."


  When Justine entered the waiting room, she spotted Patrick stretched out and sleeping like a baby. His arms were crossed at the chest and his long legs were crossed at the ankles. He was so beautiful, so considerate, and just as worn out and tired as she was. She left the room without waking him and quickly went to her mother's room. Alice's condition had finally been lowered to stable. She seemed to sleep peacefully, yet still apparently unaware that her daughter was standing there looking over her.

  Justine knelt to give her mother a goodnight kiss. Alice seemed to purr, scaring Justine until she realized that somewhere inside of Alice's mind, she had recognized Justine. She parted by telling her mother that she loved her and would be back tomorrow.

  Justine informed the nurse to call her at home if there were any changes in her mother's condition, no matter how mild or severe, no matter the time.

  When she returned back to the nearly empty waiting room, she softly caressed Patrick's still sleeping face and woke him up as gently as possible. He quickly stood up, like a soldier jumping to attention.

  Justine laughed and said,

  "Come on big boy, let's go home, get a shower and get some sleep."

  Patrick smiled shyly grabbing her hand, trying to take the lead, as the two of them left the hospital to go home for some much needed rest.

  Once they had arrived home, Patrick fixed the two of them a simple meal of cheese scrambled egg sandwiches. They ate the meal quietly, enjoying the simple hominess of it. In the shower, Patrick massaged Justine's tense muscles under the hot water, and it surprised her, although she realized that it really shouldn't have, she had enough energy to make love and fall soundly asleep in his comforting arms.

  The phone awoke Justine at a quarter till three A.M. She was almost afraid to answer it, but quickly turned on the light and received an encouraging look from Patrick when she answered.

  "Justine? This is Nurse Dawson, you told us to call if there were any changes."

  "Yes?" Justine held her breath, waiting for the news.

  "Justine, I'm happy to tell you that your mother has gained consciousness, she's groggy and a bit grumpy, but she's wide awake and doing much better."

  Justine's heart lit out towards the sky like a brilliant butterfly flitting towards the sun. Her voice was breathless with delight when she replied,

  "Should I come over?"

  Nurse Dawson laughed warmly, "Not unless you want to sit in an uncomfortable chair and watch her sleep, we're sedating her as soon as we can get a light meal into her."

  Justine thanked the Nurse and rolled over to curl up with Patrick who eagerly took her into his arms and lightly kissed the top of her head. Patrick thanked the stars that his mother knew a thing or two about healing magick. He was also wise enough to thank Mother Nature, for Justine's welfare, at least.

  Ethan hovered invisibly on the ceiling watching Justine and her man, feeling both happy and sad. Happy that she had a wonderful man who genuinely cared for her, and sad to know that his little girl had grown up and no longer needed him. He watched the two lovers holding one another until their breathing became even with sleep before leaving. He had no plans to return to the living plain unless it was absolutely required of him, he felt that his work on earth was done and any guidance he could give to Justine had already been given to her, or would be by either Patrick or Lila. The name Lila struck a cord with him that he had thought he had long ago buried, but at least now he understood the reason that their love for one another had never worked out. Two high Witches had formed two children, who would then birth the highest archetype Witch possible. His work was done.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  The next morning brought a flourish of activity. Justine wasn't sure if she should take a personal emergency day and go visit her mother in the hospital, or just visit her before and after work. She felt guilty for wanting to choose the ladder of the two. Patrick told her that the choice was hers and added if she felt like her mother needed her more, then Spectrum could and would wait.
  Still feeling undecided Justine picked up the phone and called the nurse on duty in the I.C.U. The nurse let Justine know that while Alice still had a slight fever, it was no longer of any concern, and she was gaining consciousness more and more often. Dr. Kirkland wanted to keep her sedated most of the time because she would heal faster that way. The nurse also informed her that they would be moving her out of the I.C.U. in a few hours to a general healing floor.

  Justine felt relieved after hanging up with the nurse and decided to go ahead and go to work with Patrick. The weekend had been so long and stressful that she thought work would be a wonderful distraction.

  Work did prove to be a welcome distraction when Conroy happily announced that team Spectrum would be taking a retreat to the Kingsley Plantation. The plantation had been noted previously as a positive haunting. Team Spectrum as well as many of the same ghost hunting teams they had met in Virginia would be there to brush up on some of their investigation skills as well as receiving work shops from a large variety of guests varying from famous Parapsychologists, to a few psychics. The members themselves would be tested and then have one on one time with their superiors to help and improve their weaknesses. The trip itself would be primitive, they would be staying in tents of one or two, but there were bathing and restroom facilities. Food would be provided from several local caterers. The event was scheduled to start at noon on Friday and end in the afternoon of Sunday. While many members of team Spectrum grumbled in protest about the primitive lodging, Justine thought it sounded appealing. She hadn't camped out for years.

  Because they were expected to work through the weekend, Conroy was giving them Wednesday and Thursday off. This worked out even better for Justine, allowing her time to see to her mother when she needed her the most.

  After work, they hopped into Patrick's car. Justine was surprised when they didn't take the familiar turn off the highway to their apartment and she looked at Patrick curiously.

  "Well I figured we'd go see my mom, we both could use a little down time, and a home cooked meal, you know."

  "Patrick I need to go see my mom." When he remained silent, Justine felt an angry rush spreading over her cheeks.

  "And as far as a home cooked meal goes, I can cook one myself just fine."

  Continuing to drive, Patrick replied,

  "Oh and when were you planning to do that? Before or after you went and spent the entire night with your mom?"

  Justine felt as if he had reached over and slapped her.

  "Take me home, so I can get my car and you can go see your mother without me."

  "Fine." There was a steely edge to both of their voices as Patrick took the next exit off the highway and headed for Justine's apartments.

  "You know Justine, your mom is the one who crashed into another woman's car causing both of the serious injuries. It was her reckless negligence. She is the one who messed up. So why are you being punished by it? By having to live at the hospital. Why am I having to spend all my time with you at the hospital?"

  And there it was. The truth behind the anger that finally reached home. Justine simply exploded at him.

  "How do you think I feel? You think I'm proud of my mom? Proud to be her daughter? Do you think I like being harassed by the Jacksonville's Sheriff's Office for something I didn't even do? How do you think I feel, Patrick?"

  "Damn it, Justine! She's a grown woman, maybe she needs to start acting that way!"

  Patrick pulled into the parking lot, taking the turn just a bit too fast which squealed his tires. Justine jumped out of the car the second it was completely stopped, she started to walk off and then whipped back around and poked her head in at Patrick through the window.

  "She's my mother Patrick, I thought you would understand that."

  Justine drove to the hospital, the anger inside her blooming and exploding until she was so full of it she was shaking. How could he be so insensitive? He wouldn’t be if it was his mother in the hospital. Damn it! How could her mother have been so stupid? How could she have lied right to Justine's face?

  The tears wanted to come, nearly demanded to come, but Justine was not going to allow them. She was not going to feel an ounce of sorrow for Patrick or her mother. For a while she just drove, too fast, but at least she felt free. She passed the hospital and continued on to the beaches. The ocean was like a mother, always soothing her, its waves caressing the tears in her soul.

  Justine sat on the beach staring out at the vast, endless ocean. The sand at her feet was so warm that it was almost hot, but the mild pain of it was better than the emotional pain she was dealing with.

  When she woke up, the stars were just starting to surround the moon and she felt totally disoriented. She didn't jump up quickly as she should have, just simply stared at the beautiful crescent moon that seemed to be staring back at her. The air was heavy and humid, but the breeze from the ocean washed over her soothingly.

  She finally stood up, slowly dusting the sand off of herself. It surprised her to realize that she wasn't as angry or upset as she had been, she was just hungry, really hungry. She got back into her car and was delighted to see the lit up sign of a Dairy Queen. Ice cream sounded so good, that she couldn't pass it up. She ordered a banana split with the works and ate it slowly, contentedly in her car. The ice cream was so cold and as soothing as the ocean and the moon had been. Feeling like she had been re-energized, she slowly drove to the hospital. She didn't go in to see her mother, she stopped at the nurses' station and asked of her condition. Alice was in complete recovery and doing just fine.

  When Justine arrived home she noticed that Patrick's car was sitting in the dark parking lot. She didn't know whether to be relieved or angry.

  Before she could even insert her key into the door it swung open. Patrick stood there staring at her, his eyes full of worry and concern. The two of them looked at each other for a moment, not saying a word, before she passed right by him and started up the stairs to take a shower and wash the sand and stress from her body.

  He didn't bother her in the shower. She enjoyed it quietly and stood under the warm water until it started to run cold. After drying herself off, she slid under the sheets of her comfortable bed and turned off the small table lamp. Just as she was starting to close her eyes, there he stood in the doorway, one hand on his hip the other on the door frame.

  "Justine?" His voice was almost timid.

  "Yes?" Her voice was full of tired steal.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Oh yeah, I'm okay, life is peachy babe."

  He turned to go, but Justine could see his shadow pause outside the bedroom door. She stared at his back watching as he finally started down the stairs leaving her alone.

  Patrick lay on the large couch, his couch that he had brought over from his apartment and stared at the ceiling. Justine lay directly above him, he knew. He also knew how furious she was with him, and while he could understand her anger, he didn't like it or think he deserved it. He had called her cell phone several times worried about her, had even driven to the hospital after a short visit with his mother, and had been surprised and frightened that she was wasn't there. His mother had sided with Justine explaining that even if Alice had done something so awful, she was still Justine's mother and Justine loved her. Patrick thought the whole situation was so unfair to everyone involved, and even grudgingly admitted, to himself at least, that he should have handled the situation better. He just didn't know how to.

  On top of it all, he had no idea where Justine had been all night, and knew that if he asked, which he thought he had a right to do, she would just become even angrier with him. It felt as if there was no winning situation for either of them.

  Patrick fell asleep staring at the ceiling which seemed to be more than just rafters and flooring, it seemed to be worlds away from the woman he loved and he hated wondering if he had ruined it forever.

  Patrick woke up the next morning to Justine practically tip toeing around him. The smell of rich coffee
coming from the kitchen was the only welcoming thing. He opened his eyes and stared at her, she stopped short when she realized his beautiful blue eyes were gazing at her intently.

  "I made some coffee, I was just getting ready to wake you up. I have to go now, I'm going to check on my mother before I go to work." She didn't smile, didn't come give him loving hugs and kisses, just stood at the door, her purse on her shoulder, keys in hand. His heart was breaking but he simply rolled up into a sitting position.

  "Okay, I guess I'll see you there." The door shut and she was gone.


  Patrick had been at work for ten minutes already when Justine arrived, looking neither more upset or any happier than she had been before leaving that morning. She gave him a forced small half smile and sat across from him at the briefing table.

  The cold exchange between the two of them didn't go unnoticed by their co-workers. Conroy stared at the two of them, and wondered how he was going to get through a day of profiling the Kingsley Plantation while two of his best parapsychologists were having a spat with one another.

  "Justine, Patrick, come with me please." Conroy said his voice carrying the weight of authority and walked out of the room. Liz barely contained a victorious smile shot directly at Justine, as the two of them quietly left the room and followed Conroy to his office.

  Once both of them were in the room, Conroy quietly closed the door behind the three of them. In their faces he saw a vague rebellion. He propped his hip on the edge of his desk and stared at the two of them until it became unnerving. Justine and Patrick looked everywhere, around the room, at Conroy, everywhere but at each other.

  "You know here at Spectrum we do have a policy against associates dating one another." He finally got a response out of them as they first snapped their eyes at him and then at one another. Conroy had gotten the exact response he wanted.

  "Frankly, your relationship, up to this point, because you've kept it professional while on the clock hasn't bothered me. However, if you two are going to act like lovers having a spat you can go home for the rest of the day without pay."


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