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Journey of Souls (The Mortality Series)

Page 27

by Melanie S. Pronia

  Justine cautiously approached Patrick, her eyes teared over with the enormous love she felt for this man.

  "You're beautiful Patrick; something so beautiful came out of something so ugly. Balance. Remember, you taught me about balance. I love you Patrick, I dare say, I'm glad it happened. It gave me you."

  She pulled him into her arms and rested her face against his chest. Patrick held her softly, quietly, rejoicing in the fact that she could still love him after hearing the awful truth of his birth rites.

  The hug felt so good, so strong and reassuring that Justine hated for it to end when Patrick stepped back. When he still held onto her hands she curiously looked up into his eyes.

  "Justine, do you know what a hand fasting is?"

  Anxious nerves suddenly shot straight into Justine's heart. She knew her cheeks must be scarlet with the heat that she felt beneath them. Her answer was awkward, hesitant.

  "Isn't that a Pagan wedding?"

  Like two sapphires, his eyes glowed

  mischievously, his sensual lips curved into the crooked grin of his that was sure to always melt Justine's heart instantly.

  "Yes, it is."

  Patrick pulled open the refrigerator and pulled out a single slice of American cheese. Justine stood there, staring at him expectantly, waiting desperately. With slow patient hands, Patrick unwrapped the cheese, tore it in half and put one half in his mouth. When his eyes finally met Justine, he stared at her innocently before plopping the other half of the slice into his mouth.

  Finally unable to contain herself, Justine said,


  Patrick glanced back up at her in surprise. It was killing him to not smile.

  "Why what?" His voice was mockingly sincere.

  What Justine did not know was that his heart was pounding rapidly. He did not know how to ask the woman he loved him to marry him. He was Pagan, she had been raised Baptist. She would want a traditional Christian wedding, he would want a Pagan hand fasting.

  "Oh, I was just curious." His words left both of them tongue tied.

  Feeling miffed Justine stomped out of the kitchen. Patrick stared at her retreating back and his emotions quickly changed from nerves to fear. He put his hand deep into his jean pocket and fumbled with the little velvet box it contained.

  Alright Pat, he thought to himself, grow some balls and do this thing.

  Justine was sitting on the couch, attempting to ignore his entrance in the living room. She was highly agitated. Had he been ready to propose and decided not to? Was he just playing head games with her and enjoying it to boot? She briefly met his glance and then turned away toying with the remote control to the television.

  "Don't turn that on, not just yet." Finally she could hear the wavering emotions in his voice. He stood in front of her and thought better of it and pushed the coffee table back with his legs so that he could make room to kneel before her. Justine sat straight up, her heart instantly starting to pound. Patrick's eyes locked deeply with her’s, sending wordless volumes of emotions that went straight to her soul.

  He cleared his throat before saying,

  "Justine you and I come from different

  backgrounds, and I'm not sure how we would work out all of the technicalities, but…" His words that had been running out in a long rapid stream faded instantly.

  Justine thought she might choke on the tension surrounding the two of them.

  "I want you to be my mate, my lover. And I know it may be a little soon to ask. Would you. ." again he stopped, his hand was nervously groping in his pocket folded into his bent over form, he was unable to pull out the box. He nearly cursed as he stood up quickly to pull the box out of his pocket and just as quickly kneeled back down. Justine didn't know if she wanted to giggle at his fumbling or cry from the thrilled emotions steaming through her body.

  Regaining some of his composure, Patrick looked into her eyes again, the room nearly echoing the echoes of silence between them. He pulled open the tiny box but the ring inside of it was still hidden from Justine's view.

  "Will you marry me, Justine?"

  Finally with the relief that it was said, seconds past seeming to turn into minutes as he anxiously awaited her answer. He knew the moment he had seen Devin step out of that fire that he had to ask her to keep her safe, to keep their love alive.

  Sweat bubbled up on Patrick's brow. What was taking her so long to answer him? It was killing him until he looked at her face, taking his eyes off the ring and saw the crystal, silent tears streaming down her face.

  She smiled at him so softly, his bruised face, bandaged ribs, she knew how much pain he was in and yet he kneeled down before her so nobly. Justine pulled him into her arms.

  "Yes," she said quietly, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

  The damn of nerves and fear finally broke in Patrick, he clung to her, kissed her, didn't want to ever remove himself from her. He rocked her body gently, enjoying her scent, her warmth, her touch.


  "Yes?" He asked softly into her ear his voice flushed with relief.

  "Can I see the ring now?"

  Patrick immediately began to laugh and sat next to her on the couch.

  "Yeah, sorry." His smile was that of a young boy with his first crush.

  Patrick pulled the ring out of the box and handed it to her.

  It was Justine's turn to laugh now.

  "Baby, you're supposed to put it on my finger."

  "Oh yeah," With strong, yet trembling hands, Patrick lifted up Justine's petite hand and slowly slid the ring on, silently thanking the gods that he remembered which hand and which finger it was supposed to go on.

  Justine stared at the ring, drawing in a deep, amazed breath. It wasn't the typical diamond ring that so many women coveted. It was so completely her and Patrick, the two of them and the love they represented. There was a shining green emerald stone sitting next to a bright but deep sapphire stone, the two stones were held together by three tiny diamonds on each side of them which shined gloriously in harmony with the platinum band.

  "I know it's not a diamond, but I didn't think a diamond fitted you, fitted us, I wanted to get something with a message, for you and me. I hope its okay."

  Justine lifted his chin with her finger, her emerald eyes shining into his sapphire eyes.

  "It's perfect Patrick, it's so beautiful. Thank you." The delighted tears that shined in her eyes told Patrick that she meant every word. He had been just as nervous about the ring as he had been about the proposal itself and welcomed the flood of relief her words gave him.

  "Justine, I don't care where we get married or how we do it. I just want it to be in the Spring, this coming up Spring actually." Again the nervous little boy had crept back into Patrick's voice and face.

  "Spring is good for me, I'd like to it outside though."

  Patrick was surprised by her words,

  "You mean that? You don't want a church wedding?"

  "No way, our love is bigger than some stuffy old church, I want it to be surrounded by nature, that's us, that's me and you. Not some building made of glass and bricks."

  Chapter Thirty

  Justine sat next to Alice who was eagerly waiting for her release papers fully knowing that she would be arrested the moment she did. She was still nervous about it, but ready to face her demons and had already made monetary arrangements for Justine to put up her bail. Like an awful omen of what was to be, Deputy Robert's stood respectfully just outside of her hospital room door.

  Alice's face was no longer bruised or swollen, and to Justine's surprise it actually looked better than it had before the accident. Her time in the hospital had either been a wake up call, or she just hadn't been able to get any alcohol, Justine hoped it was the former of the two, but was happy regardless for the returned health of her mother.

  "Justine?" Alice broke the silence and looked up at her daughter. "Do you have something you want to tell me." It was hard for Justine to get used to Alice's questions being pleasant an
d warm instead of their usual accusations and hurtful sarcasm. Justine followed her mother's eyes to the beautiful ring she now wore on her left hand. She had been too nervous to tell her mother, not having the heart to see or hear Alice's disappointment.

  "Patrick asked me to marry him and I accepted." Her voice was steady allowing in no trace of emotion.

  Alice grabbed Justine's hand and stared at the ring, her breath drew in sharply.

  "Oh my god Justine, it's beautiful!

  Congratulations!" Alice drew Justine tightly into her arms and held her warmly for a moment before backing up and staring at her only child.

  "Well Justine I have something of my own to admit," she paused before taking a deep breath and smiling, "I met a wonderful man here who lives at a retirement home that he loves, I've arranged to live there after I am done with rehab and all of my legal proceedings." Alice smiled brilliantly, her cheeks nearly scarlet with pleasure.

  "Momma? You met a man? That's wonderful! Who is he? Better yet, when do I get to meet him?" Alice grabbed Justine's hands and clung tightly to them.

  "Justine, I hope you're not upset, I did love your father, and I always will, but I'm dying sitting alone in that house and he makes me feel, so well, so special."

  "Mom! I'm not upset at all! I think it's great, and I'm sure daddy would understand."

  Alice looked Justine deeply in the eyes,

  "You really mean that?"

  "Of course I do!"

  Alice pulled Justine back into her arms, fighting off the tears that threatened to fill her eyes,

  "Thank you baby. What I need to know is if I should sell the house or if you would like to live in it. With Patrick of course, if you'd like, considering you two are to be married."

  Her childhood home was being offered to her. It was something so unexpected and something that she had never before considered. Memories, so many of them rushed into her head, most of them good, but a few from the last couple of years tainted the joy.

  "Actually Mom, thank you for the offer, but I think you should just sell the house and live off the money. I think it would be better for Patrick and I to find a home of our own, you know something that we pick out together."

  "I understand that, I just wanted to make sure before I put it on the market."

  The nurse entered the room interrupting the two of them, she smiled cautiously but warmly.

  "Alice, we have your paper work all set, all we need is your signature." Alice took the clip board and glanced at Roberts who was standing half in and half out of the door. With shaking hands she signed the papers and carefully handed them back to the nurse.

  "Thank you, it's been a pleasure Alice. Stay off that alcohol and you'll do just fine."

  Awkwardly Alice stood up on her crutches and nodded at Roberts who looked at the crutches, tapped his hand cuffs uncertainty and just lightly gripped her elbow while helping her out of the room.

  Justine watched the deputy, gently, carefully help Alice into the back of the police cruiser. She walked over to her car and waited until Roberts was driving in front of her to follow him to the police station. She tried to follow her mother's example of strength and wouldn't allow herself to cry. She would have to go post bail and Alice would be released to the care of a rehabilitation center later in the evening.

  Once they had arrived at the police station, Roberts was kind enough to allow Justine and Alice to hug one another while he stepped back and waited patiently.

  "I love you Momma, you'll be okay, I'll come to visit you as soon as I can."

  "I love you too baby, thank you for - thank you for everything."

  Justine released a single tear as she watched her mother slowly hobble off with the Deputy. She quietly drove out of the gates which solidly closed behind her to the bail bonds with which she had already arranged an appointment with.


  Spectrum Headquarters was buzzing with the new information. Liz was leaving, taking a job with a Parapsychology company up north. There would be a party of course, a final farewell. Justine wasn't about to act like she was sorry to see Liz go, but she had decided to at least be civil about it. Justine really didn't want to attend the party, but knew that it would look bad in her favor if she didn’t.

  Patrick was already dressed and ready to go sitting on the couch with a cold beer in his hand waiting patiently for Justine. Justine was excited about one aspect of attending, now that her ring had been resized to fit her small finger, she could wear it to the party and let Team Spectrum know of their engagement.

  Justine had selected a form fitting black dress. It clung to her curves and stopped just short of her knees she added black, three inch heals and laughed at herself in the mirror,

  ‘ Yes this is definitely a bitchy dress’, Justine thought as she smiled at her own reflection smugly.

  When she seemed to float down the stairs, Patrick thought his heart might stop.

  "Wow, baby, maybe you should wear a black dress for our wedding! You look great!" He pulled her into his arms, too tightly, suggestively rubbing his body against hers.

  "Do we really have to go?"

  Justine laughed and pushed him away,

  "Of course we have to go."

  Patrick playfully whined for a second, took a sip of his nearly untouched beer, and said,

  "Okay, let's do it."

  The farewell party was being held at a popular local night club downtown. Patrick and Justine carefully made their way into the club looking for Team Spectrum. Justine finally spotted Liz, standing up gracefully, like a regal young queen speaking down to her court. Justine stopped short in her thoughts and wondered why she was feeling so vicious tonight. Liz and she hadn't spoken, had a real conversation since the mishap in Virginia. She was so unaccustomed to it that Justine didn't realize that she was feeling the rush of victory.

  When Patrick and Justine arrived at the table, the male portion of Team Spectrum stood up and shook Patrick's hand, and gave Justine an admiring nod. Claudia was full of her usual warm hugs and was ushering Patrick and Justine to sit down.

  When she grabbed Justine's left hand, she paused in her step and lifted up the hand to look at it. She gasped and then looked into Justine's eyes,

  "Is this.. Does this mean?" She was so excited that her words were not coming out right.

  Justine turned to whisper in her ear,

  "Yes it is, and yes it dose."

  "Oh my god!" Claudia threw her arms around Justine tightly, "Congratulations!"

  Claudia's out burst had caught the attention of Team Spectrum. Conroy got up from his seat and walked over to Justine, Claudia and Patrick who had joined them.

  "Why the party, "he asked, "what's up?"

  Claudia turned to him excitedly and then stopped herself short having to bite her tongue when she realized that the good news wasn't hers to tell.

  "Justine and are I are getting married." Patrick said rocking back on his heals happily.

  Conroy simply looked back and forth between Justine and Patrick for a moment and finally he rolled his hand out and gripped Patrick's tightly before pulling him into a hug and whispering into his hair,

  "She's a fine woman, do right by her, I wish you two the best of luck."

  He then grabbed up Justine lifting her off her feet, which surprised everyone standing in their small circle.

  With all the commotion and excitement, Liz was left alone for a moment, momentarily ignored. This is my party, she thought scathingly to herself.

  Finally, and with the blessings of their coworkers, Justine and Patrick took their seats. Conroy glanced at Liz and wondered if it would actually be good for Liz to move on, he hated to lose a member of his team, but he didn't like personal conflicts in his team and since Justine had arrived, Liz had become a shell of herself.

  Justine was too involved discussing with Claudia the tentative wedding plans to notice Liz's change of mood. Both woman stopped talking and glanced up when Liz approached the two of them. Her eyes nar
rowed as she looked down at Claudia.

  "You're supposed to my friend!" Liz stared at Claudia tapping her long, red finger nails impatiently on the table.

  Justine had never seen Claudia angry, so when it happened she didn’t know how to react. Claudia stood up, her face a few inches from Liz's own.

  "Liz, you really need to grow up. If you were my friend, you wouldn't expect me to exclude anyone you don't like." Claudia words were quiet but carried the weight of a thousand warnings.

  Justine didn't know what to say, and didn't get a chance to before Liz stomped off pitifully. Patrick who had been shooting a game of Pool with Rich came over to the table and quickly whisked Justine out of her seat. He was giggling as he swept her onto the dance floor. Justine's eyes searched out Claudia who nodded and smiled at her, indicating to Justine that all was well.

  When Justine opened her mouth to tell Patrick what had just happened, he silenced her with his warm lips and a strong kiss.

  "I love you Princess Justine." He kissed her again. The music quickly changed from a slow song to an up beat hit. Justine decided to let the moment go and danced with Patrick surprised to realize he was such a good dancer. The two of them danced together through song after song, enjoying the music and the company of one another.

  When another song began to play Justine smacked Patrick on the ass and whispered in his ear,

  "I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom."

  Patrick walked back to the table and sat near Claudia and Conroy who were having an animated conversation. Patrick almost laughed when he realized that Conroy had a small buzz started.

  "Hey Conroy, how are you getting home?" Patrick asked sounding playful but worried about Conroy none the less.

  Conroy's face lit up as he put his arm around Claudia.

  "This beautiful lady here is my ride."

  "Yeah, well don't go breaking her heart, " Patrick laughed and patted Conroy on the shoulder. He gave Claudia a thinly veiled look questioning her. She simply smiled at him and blew him a kiss. Patrick had to laugh, it was about damn time!

  Justine was in the bathroom washing her hands when Liz slithered into the room.

  "Be careful, Justine, I hear water melts sugar and Witches, and I'm pretty sure you're not sugar."


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