What She Wants
Page 5
“Oh my God!” She squealed, dropping the black pelt.
Jerrod’s eyes widened and he scrambled for the hairpiece. He slapped it back on his head, but the image of his balding palate covered with toupee tape was one she’d never forget.
He replaced the wig and shook a finger at her. “My secret better not leave this room.”
She forced down her amusement and nodded. “Nothing that happened here leaves this room. Agreed?”
“Agreed.” With one last, angry scowl, he peered out of the closet.
When the coast was clear, Denise followed without another word. Jerrod disappeared into a men’s room, and she went in search of more red punch to drown her sorrows.
The fruity brew tasted as bad as before, so she set the glass aside. The night was still young, but Denise felt exhausted. She didn’t want to make small talk with anyone new and did not want to run into Michael again and have to explain anything. She smoothed her skirt and headed for the lobby and the elevator to her room.
“Hey!” Shelly Garth approached her. “Having fun?”
“Not really,” Denise admitted. “I was thinking of calling it a night.”
Shelly nodded sadly. “Everyone has changed, haven’t they? No one seems genuine anymore. I’m a bit disappointed myself.”
Denise looked around. “Where’s your date? I wouldn’t think you’d be having a lousy time with him on your arm.”
“My date?” She blinked. “Oh, you mean Tyler? He’s not my date, Denise. He’s my brother. You remember him, don’t you? When you used to come to my house and do homework, we always had to kick him out of the basement family room because he was so annoying.”
“Your brother? Tyler?” Denise remembered visiting Shelly’s home, but her brother had been an incorrigible little kid who hung around and pestered them. “But…he was so much younger!”
Shelly smiled. “Only five years. He grew up pretty good, didn’t he? Dang kid had a crush on you from the first day you met. I found out later that’s why he hung around all the time.” She appeared to sigh at the memory. “Broke his heart when you started going steady with Michael. Not sure he ever got over it.”
“You’re joking.” Denise couldn’t believe her ears. A person she barely knew existed had a crush on her. Suddenly, the image of her and Jerrod returned to her mind and she felt like an idiot. Jerrod had barely known she existed, too. She’d flung herself at him like a cheap hooker. Thank heavens nothing had happened.
“Well…” Shelly smiled. “I guess he got over you. He lived with the same girl through college. They finally broke up about a year ago. He was excited when he heard you were going to be here tonight, though. Asked me to bring him along.”
“Really?” Denise glanced around. “Where is he?”
Shelly shrugged. “He left. We saw you dancing with Jerrod Stone and figured that was it. We live nearby so we didn’t get rooms. He’s probably home now.”
Another round of disappointment sank in Denise’s chest like a rock. “That’s too bad.”
“How’d it go with Jerrod?” Shelly’s eyes sparkled.
Denise thought about what she could say, then simply smiled. “He’s a nice man, but he lives in New York, and he’s not fond of kids. No point in starting anything that can’t go anywhere.”
“True.” Shelly nodded. “I was just about to get another drink. Join me?”
“I don’t think so. It’s been a full night. I think I’ll head back to my room. It was great seeing you, though, Shelly.”
“Let’s keep in touch. Sunshine and Blue Skies Travel Agency, okay?”
“You bet.” Denise gave her a quick hug, then headed out of the ballroom. She spotted Michael and Lucas chatting with another couple, and before she could look away, Michael noticed her. He raised a hand and gave her a small wave.
Denise plastered a smile on her face and waved back before she slipped out. She’d explain things to Michael the next time she saw him. Tonight, she just wanted to get back to her room.
The lobby of the grand hotel had an elaborate chandelier and she paused to look at it before reaching the elevators. Light reflected in different colors from the sparkling glass, and it mesmerized her.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” Someone said from behind her left shoulder.
She looked around and spotted Tyler Garth standing there. “Yes, it’s lovely.”
“Not as lovely as you are tonight,” he countered.
She smiled. “What are you doing here? Shelly said you left.”
“I did. I walked around outside for half an hour, but just couldn’t seem to get in my car. I thought I’d give it one more shot—see if you and Jerrod Stone were still together, or see if luck finally shined my way.”
“I don’t know about luck, Tyler. I’m not feeling like much of a catch, just now. You see, I haven’t dated anyone in two years, and I had it in my mind Jerrod was the one who could break my dry spell. I’m not proud of how I practically threw myself at him. His idea of romance and mine were vastly different. When we ended up in a storage closet, I knew I couldn’t go through with anything.”
Tyler winced. “Please don’t tell me—”
“Nothing happened.” Denise interjected quickly. “Let’s just say we both came to our senses, said farewell, and took leave of one another. I was headed up to my room, tired and a little humiliated.”
He tugged at his necktie and loosened it. “That sounds like just the place to be. What do you say we get a bottle of wine and go on up? We can talk and relax.”
When Denise held up her hands he added, “No expectations, no strings. Believe me, I’d never do that to you. I’d just like to kick these rented shoes off and talk. Maybe get to know each other a little better.”
She looked into his dark eyes and saw a familiar glimpse of the child she used to know. Denise shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re Shelly’s little brother.”
He stepped toward her, towering over her by a head. “Not so little anymore.”
“Touché.” A flicker of interest ignited in her chest, but the events of the evening left her wary. “I don’t know, Tyler. What do you say we step into the bar and have a drink?”
“Away from prying eyes at the reunion.” He nodded and smiled. “I’d like that. After you.”
Denise walked past his extended hand and headed into the dimly lit bar just off the lobby. They found a table with a padded corner bench and both scooted in from opposite sides until their knees touched.
“What would you like?” His eyes twinkled.
Loaded question. She grinned and bit back her first response. “Um, let’s see. Something to compliment that fruity red punch I drank earlier.”
Tyler leaned his head in so their faces were inches apart. “I’ve always been partial to a Long Sloe Comfortable Screw.”
Denise stared into his eyes, savoring their mutual attraction for a moment before pulling away. “Yeah, I bet you have. Personally, I prefer something light and cherry—what about a Singapore Sling?”
He nodded. “There’s something sexy about a drink with a good head of foam.” Tyler tore his eyes away from her with obvious reluctance when the waitress approached their table.
“Evening.” The pretty, buxom brunette batted her lashes at him. “What can I get you?”
“Two Singapore Slings, please,” he said politely before turning his attention back to Denise.
“Coming right up.” The waitress made a note on her pad and returned to the bar.
“Wow.” Denise smiled at him. “She was oozing something, and whatever it was, was aimed directly at you.”
“Really?” He raised his eyebrows for a second, then shrugged. “I didn’t notice. Guess I’m a bit preoccupied.”
“Oh yeah?” She allowed him to pick up her hand and shivered as he traced each of her fingers with a delicate touch. “With what?”
His smooth fingertips danced up her forearm to the elbow and back. “At the risk of sounding like a kiss-ass, I’d hav
e to say, without hesitation—you.” He placed a warm kiss on the palm of her hand.
Tingles of desire zipped straight to her core, but Denise fought to maintain composure. “You talk a good game, Mr. Garth. But I’ve seen that look before. A quick roll in the hay will have you back noticing other fillies in no time.”
The waitress reappeared, placing two red, frothy drinks in front of Tyler. “Two Slings. Can I bring you anything else, sugar?”
“No thanks, I’m good.” Denise piped up.
Tyler muffled a chuckle as the woman’s face reddened.
“I’ll be back to check on you,” she mumbled and hurried away.
“You are bad.” There was no hiding his grin as he moved one drink in front of Denise.
“You said it.” She tasted the foam on top and decided the cocktail fit her mood perfectly. Decadent.
He tasted his drink then set it aside. “You said something that I take issue with. I never professed to be after a quick roll in the hay. I believe that was your intent this evening.”
A nugget of guilt welled in Denise’s gut. “You’re right. I’ve been honest with you up to now, so I might as well continue. I’ve been lonely since Michael left, and too damned busy to do much about it. For some reason, I thought hooking up with someone here might be easier than meeting up with a stranger. Five minutes with Jerrod Stone convinced me how wrong I was.”
“Not easier?” Tyler touched her hand again.
Denise shook her head. “Not for me. I’m not that kind of a person. I’m afraid I came here tonight pretending to be someone I wasn’t.”
He chuckled. “If my sister’s ranting was correct, you weren’t the only one. Maybe class reunions bring out a different side in people—a side they wish they had.”
“Maybe.” She took one more sip of her drink then pushed it away. “This isn’t really me, either. I’ll drink a glass of white wine on occasion, or a cold beer at a ballgame.”
Tyler shoved his glass away. “Thank God. Wine and beer I can handle.”
Denise smiled. “So what do you say—shall we order that bottle of wine and take it up to my room? We can talk and get to know each other a bit.” She reached under the table and rubbed her aching foot. “Kick out of these horrible shoes.”
“I say absolutely. Let’s go.” He pulled her by the hand from the booth and they approached the waitress at the bar. Tyler requested a bottle of wine and paid their tab. Shifting the bottle under his arm, he glanced at the nametag attached to her blouse. “Ready, Denise Crawford née Lipton? Good God, who says née anymore? That totally blows me away.”
She laughed and caught his fingers in hers. “Who knows? Come on, Tyler née Garth, let’s get out of here.” She led him to the elevators in the lobby and pushed the up button.
“Totally improper use of the term.” He slipped one hand around her waist and as the door closed, pulled her close to him.
“Which is okay, because I’m being totally improper tonight.” She kissed him, and their bodies pressed together. Denise felt his muscular chest and abs, but she didn’t feel an erection until they’d kissed all the way to her floor. She believed he’d been prepared to go there just to talk and wasn’t a horndog who’d jump on her at the first opportunity.
Tonight, the role of horndog is being played by Denise Crawford. The elevator door opened, and she dragged Tyler to her door, fumbled for the card key, and unlocked the door.
He rushed her in and shoved her against the door as he locked it, and set the wine bottle down. Through frantic kisses, he said, “I thought we agreed this wasn’t why we came up here.”
“We did.” With her lips still pressed against his, the words came out muffled. “Ah, hell, what do we know? I want you, Tyler. No, this isn’t normally how I act, and yes, I’m completely sober. Make love to me. Let me make love to you. I don’t care which.”
His smile was seductive as he backed away. “That would be fun, wouldn’t it? But I think we should take things a little slower. You know what they say about anticipation; it’s half the fun.”
Denise frowned. “And it can drive you freaking crazy. So do you really want to talk?”
An expression of confusion crossed his face. “Um, I don’t know. I honestly hadn’t thought that far ahead.” He grinned again. “And I really didn’t think you’d give up so easily.”
“Who says I gave up?” With a flick of her ankle, she tossed off one then the other black stiletto. She propped her foot on a nearby chair and slowly rolled a stocking down over her thigh, past her knee, until it was completely off.
“Oh, Jesus.” Tyler folded his arms across his chest, watching with interest.
“Should I stop?” She batted her lashes.
“For heaven’s sake, no, don’t stop.” He motioned with his hand for her to continue. “I’ll just be over here, pinching myself to make sure this is real. My only concern is you’ll regret it in the morning.”
Denise shook her head. “No regrets. Look, Tyler. I’m not here to find a husband, or a life partner, or anything so serious. I thought we could have some fun, and whatever happens after that, well, it happens.”
He moved closer to her. “You’re right, let’s don’t talk just now.” His fingers moved nimbly to unbutton her blouse and the small hooks on the back of her bra. “Let’s make love to each other—on the bed, surrounded by fluffy pillows. Later, we can open that wine and maybe share a hot bubble bath.”
Denise’s pussy gushed. “God, yes. Bed, now. Please.”
A chuckle rumbled through his chest as he finished undressing her and tossed back the covers. He laid her gently across the bed and stood over her as he tore his clothes off.
She licked her lips when his full, thick erection sprang from his shorts. He paused long enough to retrieve a condom from his wallet.
She smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”
Tyler pushed her thighs apart and knelt on the bed between them, rolling the condom along his shaft. “Don’t thank me yet. Let’s see if I’m any good first.” He kissed his way up her thigh, and, when his mouth reached her apex, he spread her sopping pussy lips with gentle fingers.
His warm breath on her most sensitive area made her shudder, and when his tongue flicked across her labia, she groaned. “You’re good. No worries there.”
After another low chuckle, he increased his speed, alternating fast licks with slow, succulent kisses to her clit and folds.
“Oh, God, Tyler. You’re going to make me come.”
“That’s the idea, beautiful lady. Come in my mouth, so I can taste the full flavor of you.”
His words sent her tumbling over the edge. A fast, sharp climax raced through her, all nerve endings tingling with an aliveness she hadn’t felt in ages. “Yes!” she cried, shuddering through the glorious waves.
“Mmm.” Tyler buried his face between her legs, shaking his head, licking and sucking as if to prolong her pleasure.
When Denise stopped quivering, she tugged first at his head then at his shoulders, urging him to bring his body higher. “I want you,” she pleaded wantonly, ready for his thick cock to fill her.
He climbed over her and nudged the tip of his crown to her slit. “We’ll do it fast, this first time, because we both want it. But next time, sweetheart, I get to take my time. I’m going to explore every inch of you with my hands and mouth.”
“I’ll let you.” She grasped his ass cheeks and pulled him closer. “And I’ll do the same to you, with pleasure. But right now, Jesus, Tyler. Fuck me.”
He sank his shaft into her with one smooth stroke. He paused, seeming to savor the sensations as much as she did. “God, yes. Hot and tight.”
“More, please.” She barely got the words out on a whisper.
He needed no further encouragement. His thrusts slammed full and deep, and when he planted a knee into the mattress for better purchase, Denise came again.
She couldn’t have quieted her moans had she wanted to. The feelings he elicited in her were the mos
t amazing sensations she’d ever experienced. Waves of heat, wetness, pressure and delight filled her senses. Her climax lingered, and when it crested again, Tyler groaned.
Denise clutched his sweat-slicked back and rode the heights with him this time. His shudders thrilled her, and the warmth of him spilling into the latex in her pussy gave her a third jolt, the best orgasm yet.
When his limbs must have been as exhausted as hers, he rolled their bodies to the side, gently disengaging. He tossed the condom toward the bedside trash bin and drew her back to him. Tyler kissed her eyelids, her nose, and everywhere he could reach lying so close.
“My God.” Her voice sounded raspy, even to her. “That was incredible.”
“Oh, yeah.” He sighed. “Incredible is putting it mildly. When my brain comes on again, I’ll think of a better word.”
Denise laughed. “You did all that amazing work without the use of your brain? What a guy you are!”
Tyler grinned. “I hoped you’d figure that out. Never thought it would happen this quickly, but I’m not complaining. Believe me; I’m happy as a clam.”
She tilted her forehead to his chest. “I’m sorry, Tyler. I can’t imagine what you must think of me. I acted like such a slut.”
He kissed the top of her head. “Certainly not that you’re a slut. More like a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it.” He raised her face; their gazes locked. “Am I ever glad you did. Damn, the sex was fantastic. I loved every minute. The only thing that could make me unhappy now is if you continue the ‘not looking for a partner’ talk. I want to be with you, Denise. Long after the night has ended.”
She smiled. “We have this room until noon tomorrow.”
“We could move the party to my place after that. I live close by.”
For the first time in an hour, the nugget of discomfort returned to Denise’s chest. “So do I, but I have to pick up my kids from my parent’s house. I’ve got two teenagers, Tyler.”
His face brightened. “I love kids! Do they like baseball? I have season tickets to the Cubbies.”
Relief took her breath for a long, thoughtful moment, then she smiled. “Yeah, they love baseball. Conner’s a Cubbie fan but Renee likes to be different so she roots for the White Sox.”