What She Wants
Page 12
“The rest of the pictures?” she fumed. “This guy is insane.”
“I doubt that. More likely, he’s an enterprising young man who spotted an opportunity to make some cash. Sadly for him, I don’t reward blackmailers.” He looked Ginger in the eye. “He’s got almost nothing on us, Gin. Pictures of us together in a bar, so what? If I have to go up and tell Lucius Wilder that I’ve been having an affair with my secretary, it won’t be the worst thing that could happen. He knows you. The most I’m going to get is an ‘atta boy’. If I explain that someone is trying to blackmail us, he’ll be hot. He won’t stand for that either.”
She shook her head. “You make it sound so easy. Deep in my heart, I don’t believe this will go away that simply.”
Steve shrugged. “Six p.m. is just a few hours away. We’ll find out then.”
“I guess we will. I should try and get back to work. I haven’t gotten much done today.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “All those people coming and going, wanting you to do this, check on that… Is that normal?”
Ginger smiled. “Just another day in paradise. Everybody needs something, and they can always rely on me.”
He gave a small frown. “I thought you worked for me.”
“Sorry, boss. I work for the law firm of Wilder, Duchene, Cannon and Associates.” She took a step closer to him and her eyes sparkled. “But at night, I’m all yours. Or should I say, you’re all mine.”
Steve smiled and patted the top of his desk. “You got me, there. All right, back to work for both of us. Let’s see if we can’t get something productive done this afternoon.”
“Yes, Mr. Cannon.” Ginger left his office, closing the door behind her.
The image of her swaying hips, even in a straight, black skirt, had his cock thickening. His ass still stung like a mother-fucker, so it was too soon for more spanking play. But maybe a nice, relaxing fuck after work would take the edge off. He rubbed his dick through his slacks and tried to focus on work.
* * * *
The office had generally cleared out by six p.m. There might be an occasional late meeting, but most of the time, the building was next to empty. Whoever left the notes must have known that. Steve’s curiosity was piqued. He shuffled through paperwork until he finally couldn’t focus any more, and simply sat.
Ginger came in and sat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. “It’s almost six,” she commented.
“I see that. Hope this person is prompt. I’m ready to get out of here.”
“Me too,” she admitted. “It’s been a long day.”
The outer office door opened and they both glanced up. A young man in a suit entered and looked around cautiously. Steve checked him out. The guy was handsome, a nice face and closely cropped hair. Strangely familiar. Besides the fact they’d run into each other in the hallway at Delilah’s the previous night, that much was certain. But for some other reason, Steve thought he knew this guy.
“You!” Ginger stood and looked at the man accusingly. “I know you. You’re one of the junior associates downstairs. Percy, or something, isn’t it?”
“Pierce,” he acknowledged with a nod. “Devon Pierce. And yes, I’ve been working as a junior associate for several months.”
Steve sat back in his chair and folded his arms. “Apparently you’re not too fond of your job. The stunt you pulled today has earned you a one-way ticket out of here.”
“I hope not.” He appeared genuinely remorseful as he motioned to the chair next to Ginger. “May I sit?”
“Sure.” Steve drummed his fingers on his biceps. This ought to be good.
Devon sat with his hands in his lap and studied his fingers for a moment. He took a breath and looked up, speaking first to Steve. “I realize I used an unorthodox method to get your attention. I’ve had my eye on you for quite some time. I’ve been a member at Delilah’s for a while, too. And when I saw the two of you there—”
Steve interrupted. “Something else you’ve probably blown. Delilah has strict rules about cameras in the facility. When I tell her you snapped pictures of us without our knowledge, you might as well take your exit papers from here right over there, because she’s going to boot your ass out as quickly as we are.”
“Again, I hope not.” He glanced down like a scolded pup. “I’d like the chance to explain.”
Steve looked at his watch. “You have five minutes. As we were just discussing, this has been a very long day.”
“Thanks to you,” Ginger added.
“Look,” Devon gestured with his hands. “It’s not easy for a gay guy to meet people socially. Decent people, I mean. And when you have a thing for your boss…” he gazed at Steve.
Steve inhaled. The guy has a thing for me? What the fuck?
Devon went on, “Or one of your bosses, that is, it’s even tougher. It’s not a subject you can just bring up.”
“No kidding,” Steve gazed at him drolly. “Considering I’m not gay.”
Devon shrugged. “Truthfully, I didn’t know. I’ve seen you and Ginger at Delilah’s a few times, so I figured you were together. But the two of you always look so…”
“So what?” Ginger’s eyebrow arched as if she were ready to pounce on the next words he said.
“So…happy. Content. Faces flushed, like you’ve just had one hell of a good time. I was envious.”
She didn’t seem to know how to respond, so Steve jumped in. “You’re way out of line, here, Pierce. Delilah’s is a nice social club that lots of people frequent. Regardless, where I go and what I do is none of your concern. Same goes for my administrative assistant. The pictures you have are bullshit, not worth any more than the paper they’re printed on. So unless you have something more interesting, I believe this conversation is over.”
“More incriminating, you mean,” Devon challenged.
Steve pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. “Your five minutes are up.”
“Wait!” the man shook his head, his tone pleading. “I don’t have any other pictures. I know the ones I took aren’t indicative of anything. I wasn’t trying to hurt either of you. I just wanted to get your attention.”
Hands on hips, Steve grew more irritated as the younger man spoke. “You got our attention, all right. That, and a whole peck of trouble. More than you bargained for, I’m sure.”
“I know.” Devon hung his head again. “I deserve to be punished. Maybe even spanked.” He glanced up slowly, a small smile splitting his face. “Either one of you interested?”
Chapter Three
Steve’s mouth sagged open and his heart beat so wildly, he thought it might pound out of his chest. “Are you fucking insane? Get out of here! I expect you to give two weeks’ notice and resign tomorrow. If you don’t, I’ll see that you’re fired with no benefit package. Now, go.” He grabbed Devon by the arm and jerked him to his feet.
“Wait!” Devon placed a hand on Steve’s chest. “I have one more thing to show you. If you don’t like it, I’ll leave, I promise.”
The spot where the man’s hand rested on Steve’s chest burned. The man was sexy, no doubt about that. But what he suggested was something only undertaken by people with the utmost trust in each other. Steve didn’t trust this guy any farther than he could throw him. He lowered his hands and tried to calm his voice. “What?”
His eyes firmly on Steve, Devon reached into his breast pocket and removed a handful of pictures. “I understand you have no reason to trust me. You barely know me. But I’m a member in good standing at Delilah’s which says something—”
“For now,” Ginger snorted with disgust.
Devon glanced at her and nodded. “I understand. I can give you clean blood tests, and these.” He thrust the pictures out to Steve.
Steve took them and shuffled through the stack, forcing his jaw to remain closed. They were various pictures of Devon, naked and bound, with a masked male accomplice doing things to him. Fucking his mouth, fucking his ass, the masked man seeme
d to do it all with Devon his willing submissive.
One picture showed Devon’s cherry red ass in full glory. He’d apparently just received one hell of a spanking. Steve had to admit, that one looked fucking hot. He leafed through the photos again, surprised to realize an erection now tented his slacks.
He handed the pictures to Ginger and asked the obvious question. “Why are you showing us these?”
“I’m not showing them to you. I’m giving them to you. Any one of these shots would be enough to get me fired, if I read my other straight-laced bosses correctly.”
That’s no shit. Steve couldn’t disagree. Wilder and Duchene were older, and definitely more vanilla than he was.
“We started on shaky ground,” Devon admitted. “Totally my fault. I thought the pictures would have a different effect than they did. I see now I was very, very wrong. If we could, I’d like to start over. I want you both to know you can trust me. No more pictures, I promise. Just raunchy, down and dirty fun. I’ll fit into your relationship however you’ll allow me.” He glanced at Steve. “If you’re not into guys, you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, of course.” He turned around and gripped the back of his chair. “I…need…certain things I can’t get from just anybody. I need to be disciplined.”
“Why in the hell would you think we’d want any part of what you’re suggesting?” Ginger sneered at him, tossing his photos on the desk. “You’re an insolent worm for even considering such a thing.”
Steve saw her dominant persona come to the forefront and wondered if she was considering it. They’d never talked about adding a third person to their play. It would certainly have to be the right person. His cock twitched, and he wondered what that meant. Maybe the handsome hunk in front of him was the right person.
“I’m bad.” Devon lowered his eyes. “Very naughty. I’m a card, and I need to be dealt with.”
Ginger bit back a smile but maintained her scowl. “You need to get the fuck out of here and never come back.”
Without raising his head, Devon peeked up at Steve. He was obviously interested if the boss in the room felt the same way. Steve hated to break it to him, but when they were at Delilah’s he was the insolent worm. Everything that took place was because Ginger said so.
He cleared his throat. “Devon, why don’t you leave us for now? Ginger and I need to talk.”
The younger man nodded. “What about—”
Steve stared at him with steely intensity. “Understand that we’re going to investigate you. If there’s so much as a dirty pair of boxers under your bed, we’ll find them.”
Devon nodded. “I welcome your scrutiny. And your cock, if you’re so inclined to share it. I guess that’ll be up to you.”
Steve whirled around and faced the wall, mainly so no one could see the hard-on about to burst through his pants. He glanced back over his shoulder and glared, mustering as much viciousness as he could in his voice. “Report to work tomorrow, as usual. If one word of this gets out to anybody, you’ll get something booted up your ass, but it won’t be my cock.”
Devon grinned. “I won’t say a word. I want sex, but I’d really like to keep my job, too.”
“We’ll see about that.” Steve motioned toward the door.
“Thank you. And again, I’m sorry for upsetting you today.” Devon aimed the last remark at Ginger before he left.
“Sorry, my ass,” Ginger muttered.
Steve waited until he heard the door to the hallway close. He turned to face her, raising his eyebrows with surprise. “Oh, my God.”
“That’s putting it mildly.” A big grin spread across her face. “He’s a bit of a moron, but he’s cute, isn’t he?” She took a step closer and added quietly, “I’ll bet he’s got a nice package. I could get off seeing him use that on you.”
Steve laughed, relief washing over him. “Fuck, me too. My dick’s hard as a rock. I was trying not to let him see it.”
She cupped his crotch. “Oh, yeah! We need to take care of this, pronto.”
Steve looked around. They had a standing rule about no hanky-panky in the office. He didn’t think his suite of offices was monitored in any way, but he couldn’t be sure. He also couldn’t walk with the monster between his legs weighing him down. “This way.”
He dragged Ginger to his private bathroom and locked them in. No one in the firm would be kinky enough to ever bug the bathrooms. But if they did, hey, they were about to witness one hell of a blowjob. Ginger was already on her knees.
He shoved his trousers and briefs down. His cock sprang up, a drop of pre-cum already anointing the tip.
She licked it off, sucking the head into her mouth hungrily.
“Oh, yeah.” Steve rocked his hips as she devoured him. “Did the idea of making it with Devon turn you on as much as it did me?”
She groaned in response, her mouth full of his bulky cock.
“I thought it would. We’ll check him out tomorrow; make sure everything he says is on the up and up.”
Ginger nodded as she sucked.
Steve grinned and loosened her hair from its restrictive bun. He wove his fingers through the thick mass and pulled two handfuls toward him. “That’s it. Take it all.”
She swallowed as the first blast of warm cum hit the back of her throat. Steve gasped with pleasure as her mouth continued sucking him through successive waves of bliss. He shuddered and emptied, fingers still wrapped in her hair.
“Damn, that was perfect,” he sighed.
Ginger squirmed to her feet, kissing his flesh as she rose. “Devon won’t have long hair for you to grab, boss. He’ll need to watch out for his ears.”
Steve laughed and drew her close for a kiss. His heart thudded loudly, and he could tell hers did as well. Hugging her, he smiled. They’d already made their decision. Provided the man checked out, he’d be joining them the next time they went to Delilah’s.
* * * *
Steve greeted the doorman at the club and wandered into the lounge, looking around for his partners. He spotted Devon and Ginger near the bar, her black leather bag nestled at her feet. Approaching them, he tried to tamp down his excitement. “Good evening.”
“Hi.” Ginger smiled at him.
“Hello.” Devon offered a small nod. “I was starting to wonder if you’d had second thoughts.”
“You bet I have.” Steve leaned down and picked up the bag. He held up the key he’d been presented with and nodded toward the back. “Second thoughts, third thoughts, the whole gamut.” He walked and they followed him.
When he arrived at their usual room he unlocked the door and waved them in.
“But, you’re here.” Devon looked at him hopefully.
Steve locked the door. “Like I told you the other day, you check out okay, kid. Your methods are a little rough, but we think you’ve got potential.” He eyed the bulge in Devon’s jeans.
“Be right back.” Ginger took her bag and disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. “Don’t start without me,” she called, closing the door.
“Fuck that.” Steve backed Devon up against the wall, cupping his crotch. “I want a look at this. A taste. And I’ve got something for you to taste.”
Devon’s eyes glazed over with lust. “She, uh, told us not to start.”
Steve reached for the buttons on Devon’s shirt. “Always do everything you’re told?”
“Usually.” He gasped when Steve ran a hand inside his shirt and plucked one nipple.
“I don’t.” Steve shoved the shirt off Devon’s back and left it around his elbows, temporarily binding him. “I do naughty stuff.” He flicked one flat nipple with his tongue. “I get punished a lot.”
“Aw, fuck,” Devon murmured, thrusting his chest out. “I might start being bad, too.”
Steve looked him straight in the eye. He’d never kissed another man but the time felt right, the urge strong. He pressed his mouth against Devon’s.
The younger man showed no hesitation. His lips parted s
o their tongues could meet, batting back and forth for dominance. The thought amused Steve. Once Ginger returned, neither of them would have a shred of dominance.
“Mmm,” Devon pulled back to speak. “I wasn’t sure you’d want to be with another man. You kind of made it sound like—”
Steve shrugged. “That was before I knew you. There are a few things I’ve wanted to try. Ginger and I decided your cock might fill the bill.”
“Thank you,” Devon murmured. “Thanks for taking a chance on me. I’ve wanted this from the first time I saw you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” Steve grinned wickedly. “You do realize Ginger’s the boss in this room, don’t you?”
“Oh yeah.” His eyes filled with lust again.
Steve tugged Devon’s shirt all the way off. “Get out of those clothes. I want to see you naked.”
“Same goes,” Devon replied.
Steve watched him as they each undressed. Devon’s cock was semi-erect but under Steve’s hungry gaze, it sprang to life.
“Very nice.” Steve pressed him against the wall again, reaching for Devon’s cock. He kissed the man and stroked his smooth, warm length.
Devon returned the kiss and cupped Steve’s balls, then wrapped his fingers around the long shaft.
“Fuck, yeah,” Steve mumbled. The feeling of another man’s strong hand on him was amazing. He’d be happy to come right there.
“What the devil is going on?” Ginger growled from behind them. “I told you not to start without me.”
Both men paused. Steve looked at her guiltily.
Devon gasped. “Wow, Ginger!”
Steve clucked his tongue and shook his head, knowing his compadre was in trouble.
She snapped a whip in the air in between them.
Devon gulped, and Steve fought back a smile. It was her favourite of several whips, sporting a dark leather handle and a braided tail at least as long as he was tall.
She stood in front of Devon, giving him the evil eye. “That’s Mistress, or Ma’am to you, worm. Any further slips will be punishable by my whip.”