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The Tracker: Book 1 of the King's Hand Series

Page 11

by B. A. Monaghan

  “Oh, big spender. Well that is the best offer I’ve had since I sat down at this desk. Deal. By the way my name is Imala. I thought you came in the other day with a dog. I didn’t see a mountain wolf.”

  “Well my name is Roland. Next time you see me I’ll introduce you to Shadow. He hides out as a dog but the next time you see him he will be in his mountain wolf outfit.”

  “That I have to see. Check back later this afternoon and see if I have anything for you. The desk here closes just before sunset. Have a good day Roland.”

  Well that wasn’t too bad. He should get some rations ready and maybe check out some armor. Or maybe an armorer who could make some armor if he ever got some more wyvern hide.

  The markets were really getting busy. Shadow seemed happy to be outside the city. The wolf thought Roland was crazy being in a city with so many people so close together not part of the pack. With Shadow being content off into the woods helped Roland stay calm.

  The first stall he stopped at was for food to travel with. They had jerky, hard bread, spices, and dried fruit. He picked up some jerky, just a small amount of hard bread. It was so hard he couldn’t eat too much. He got some salt and pepper. It made any meat cooked over a fire so much better. He also picked up some dried apples. That was a bit pricy but he thought it might help break up the monotony of travel rations.

  Next he just wondered through the market. There was just an endless mount of items for sale and most of it seemed like a waste to Roland. He did pick up a healing potion. He also picked up a few empty flasks. He would mix up some herbal recipes before he left. His healing elixir didn’t work instantly but it was cheaper and worked over an 8-hour period.

  As he was passing by a cart with some dried herbs used for tea the aroma caught his attention. He had never smelled some of the herbs this cart had. He began to think if he was going to someone’s house for dinner he should bring something. Maybe he could bring some tea as a gift. He spent the next hour discussing the different types of herbs for the different types of teas. Most of the teas were grown in a land to the far south. No wonder he had never seen or smelled the herbs on this cart. He purchased a small amount and continued on his way.

  He had gone through the whole market and hadn’t found an armorer or a blacksmith. He finally asked and he was directed to the arms and armorer section of town. Would wonders never stop happening. A section of town just for blacksmiths, armorers, and weapons. Sure enough there were several places. Some specialized in specific arms, while others specialized in armor. There were shops with leather armor and some with metal armor. One store specialized in armor made from cockatrice feathers.

  He ended up at a store specializing in leather armor. They had the basics but nothing too spectacular. He showed the armorer his vambraces. “Do you have some armor of similar quality?”

  “This is truly a beautiful set of vambraces. The problem is the cost of materials, and I don’t have a way of cutting the material if I had it. I could make just about anything you want otherwise. I have as much skill or more than the person who made those vambraces. I might have something that could get you by till you find some material like wyvern.”

  He went into the back and came out with a sand colored scale hide chest piece. “Some adventurer came in a while back and sold this scale hide to me. He said it was off of some kind of lizard found in the Painted Desert. I guess this lizard almost killed him. He said the thing was very poisonous and had bitten him. His healer almost didn’t get him healed in time. The poison works so fast if you don’t have a healer close by you don’t have a chance. I made him a chest piece and some leggings with the hide. I had this left over and I figured someone would want a chest piece. Try it on.”

  Roland put the chest piece on over his buckskin shirt. It had a small amount of padding underneath the hide. The sides had adjustments to fit whoever wanted to wear the piece. The front and back were solid pieces. The wearer had to slip it over his head to get it on. It had a neck piece on it that would take some getting used to. The only thing it really didn’t cover was the under arms. This seemed to always be the weak spot for just about any armor piece made for chest and backs.

  The scale hide was very light. The scales were small and they could stop any cuts and broad head arrows. The color was not very good for the forest. Roland could fix that but he would use that as a bargaining chip to get the price lower. All in all, this was a nice piece of armor.

  “Well I would take it but the color is bad. I’ve never even been in the Painted Desert and I’m sure this would go well there for camouflage. But I’m usually in forested areas. This would stand out like an Arctic Fox in the Alondale Forest.” He started to take it off like he wasn’t going to buy the chest piece.

  The armorer thinking, he might lose a sale was in haggle mode. “I think you might be surprised how well this particular scale hide goes well in any environment. I’m sure you’ve seen deer in the forest and their coloring isn’t too much different than this hide. I tell you what, I’ve had this thing for a while now and I need to make room for more inventory. I’ll let you have this at a bargain basement price of one gold.”

  Roland almost choked. “One gold!!! Are you crazy that is just highway robbery. I’m a poor adventurer. That is just too much money for me. I might be able to give you 40 silver. Then again why would I do that when it really isn’t the right color for the forest.”

  “I understand you’re a poor adventurer but you have armor on that had to cost 3 or 4 gold on you. Surely you’re not that poor of and adventurer. I still have to feed my family and pay my apprentices. I could go for 80 silver but that is taking food out of my mouth.”

  “Why I’m even haggling with you at all is beyond me? I’m not in need of this armor. I could use some but my elk hide gear is good enough. I could go 50 silver. But that is going to empty my coin pouch. Did you cast a spell on me to get me to haggle with you? Are you a mage?”

  “Mage? You would insult a master leather worker. I specialize in leather armor. Mage!! You insult me. I can tell you know if you purchase from me everyone will know you are a man with a purpose. You will have the best leather armor made in this city. Your enemies will see how well you are outfitted and run the other way. I should get a bonus for every mission you go on because the gear I make is that good. I’ll go to 70 silver.”

  “Ok, you might make some good armor but the issue is I have 60 silver and that is all I have. I’ll have to go without eating till I get some food from the forest. My fellow adventurers will laugh at me for starving while they eat to their hearts content. That is all I have. Take it or leave it 60 silver.”

  “Oh, you drive a hard bargain young man. My family will be starving themselves unless I make another sale today. I tell you what if you get some scale hide from either a wyvern or another scale hide animal you bring it to me and let me make you some armor then I’ll let you have it for 60 silver.”

  “Deal.” Roland handed over 60 silver while trying to keep any other silver in his purse from clinking. “Thank you, sir. I’ll wear this and every monster in the forest will see me.” As he walked away he cast camouflage, turning the desert color to an olive green with spots of dark and light brown throughout the chest piece. He heard a gasp from the store as he strode away.

  He took his supplied for his next mission and put them in his house. He felt like he was as prepared for any mission with what he had. He would get armor for his legs next after the lava stone sold. The only thing else that might be nice would be some gloves. He used mittens in the winter. He had some that the ends would pull back when he needed to use his fingers. Maybe he could find some gloves that left his fingers showing. Protecting the back of his hands might come in handy.

  He started towards the guild hall in late afternoon. He hoped that Imala had found a group for him to group with. He would hate not being able to make more connections. It would limit him on what he could do for missions if he couldn’t group with others regularly.

nbsp; He found Imala sitting behind her desk. She smiled when she saw him come in. “You ready to pay me that silver piece. I have found a group for you and they are in need of a tracker for their next mission. They will be here the day after tomorrow first thing in the morning. The leader of the group is Mateo. He is a level 3 warrior. He is very active in the missions he takes. If you’re looking for a good team to go out regularly with, he might be the man to get in good with. He brings his groups back in one piece too. They are going out to look for any sign of the orcs and elves working together.”

  “Great, when you see him let him know I will be here with Shadow my mountain wolf. He is a level two member of the guild. Here is your silver piece.” He flipped Imala a silver piece and walked out.

  The next day he went out early and met up with Shadow. They ran through the forest tracking anything that moved. He practiced his archery and he continued to work on illusion. When it was midafternoon they headed back to the city. He cast illusion on Shadow and they entered the city unhindered. He cleaned up and they headed out to Eli’s house.

  The house ended up being in the nicer part of the city. Eli’s house was a two story stone house. It had several glass windows both downstairs and upstairs. The stone was a grey cut stone. The layers of the cut stone were very precise. It had a small porch that lead up to a double door entryway. As they stopped at the door Roland canceled the illusions on him and Shadow. He reached up and knocked on the door. Oh, the jitters were in full force in his stomach. His family had rarely eaten at anyone else’s house. In fact, he could only remember twice ever doing it back in Halfway. He was very uncomfortable.

  Master Eli opened the door. “Roland right on time. Thank you for being so prompted. Come on in.”

  The entry way had a rug with an elaborate design in it. The ceiling had a large chandelier hanging down. A set of stairs with a runner on it with the same design as the rug he was standing in the entry way. To the right was a large family room. To the left was a dining room with a large round table with china plates, real silverware and a center piece with a mixture of flowers in them. Was he out of place.

  Eli was wearing matching black with white trim linen shirt and pants. He had a pair of comfortable looking black shoes that matched his clothes. The most surprising thing was a small dragon sitting on his shoulder. The animal was black with golden eyes. His tail wrapped around Eli’s neck.

  “Welcome our home Roland and Shadow. This guy on my shoulder is Rogue. He is a Hellion Dragon. Some people call this dragon a miniature dragon. I will let you know now that is a bad idea. There is a reason they call themselves Hellion Dragons. Rogue, this is Roland and his partner Shadow. Please come in and sit down in the living room. My wife is still working on the meal and my daughter is still upstairs getting ready.”

  They walked into the living room and Eli motioned for Roland to sit on a couch. The couch was covered in a black velvet with wood armrests and wooden legs. The center of the room had a large square carpet again with the same pattern as the other rugs. There was a short table in the center of the room with two chairs opposite the couch. There was a door to the rear of the room and the biggest window looked out onto the front of the house. Around the window were curtains hanging from a decretive iron rod. Shadow was more calm than Roland was. He just flopped down at the feet of Roland. Not knowing what to say or do he just winged it. “Master Eli, here is some tea for you and your family. I thought you might like it. I do appreciate your invitation to eat with you and your family.”

  Eli took the bag of tea from Roland. “Thank you Roland. The family usually has tea after our evening meal maybe we can have some after dinner tonight.” He left the room and headed through the dining room through a door Roland figured was the kitchen area. He returned shortly.

  “Roland while you’re at the house please call me Eli. I will introduce you to my wife and daughter when they come out. In the meantime, Rogue would you take Shadow out back and you two can eat and get to know each other.”

  Shadow looked up at Roland and let Roland know Rogue and he could communicate. Shadow got up and followed the flight of the dragon to the back yard. Shadow seemed to be comfortable with the whole situation.

  Eli was all smiles. “Another thing you should know Roland those with the Animal Bond get along with each other remarkable well. The animals always get along. Even if your bound animal is a predator and another bound animal is prey they will still get along. Again the bond changes not only the person but the animal too. Rogue will make sure Shadow is comfortable and he will make sure he is fed.”

  As they were speaking a young lady walked down the stairs and came into the living room. She had hair that was almost a mix of white and blond hair. It depended on the way the light reflected off the hair if he could see either blond hair or white hair. Pointed ears came out of the hair. Not quite as pointed as Eli’s but more than Roland’s. Her skin was almost alabaster. Her lips were a beautiful pink color and were full lips. She had a green linen dress on that came down past here knees. She looked fit and moved with a gracefulness a gazelle would be jealous of.

  “Roland let me introduce to you my daughter Amelia. Amelia meet my newest apprentice Roland. He had bonded with a mountain wolf named Shadow. He is out back with Rogue.”

  Roland stood really quick. It was too quick and his breath was too quick. He was trying to pull it together but the harder he tried the more nervous he was getting. His hands were sweating badly. He tried to wipe them off on his pants but it didn’t help they were almost wet immediately after wiping them off. He reached out to shake Amelia’s hand. “It is nice to meet you Amelia.” He took her hand and shook it way to hard.

  She had a soft smile on her face. “You are a rugged looking young man. It is good to make your acquaintance. Father said you were from the Alondale Forest. That seems like a long way away. How do you like being in the capitol?”

  He was starting to get his breathing under control. “Yes I’m from the Alondale Forest near Halfway. They say it is halfway to nowhere. I am getting used to the big city. I’m a bit overwhelmed. I am hoping to get used to it. The main guild hall is here and I of course my master in the mage guild is here.”

  A middle aged woman entered the room at that moment. She had auburn colored hair. She shared the light colored skin of her daughter and the facial features were almost completely the same as her daughter. You would almost think they were sister but the older lady had a touch of grey near here temples and the corner of the eyes were showing a bit of crow’s feet. She had a smile to match her daughter. She spoke up before Eli could introduce his wife. “You must be Roland. It is so good of you to join us for dinner tonight. Thank you for the tea we can have that with our dessert. I am Evelyn. Sorry I didn’t meet you at the door with my husband but the dishes were almost done and they needed my attention or they would have been burned and that would have left a bad impression. Please everyone come on in and we can begin dinner.”

  Everyone went into the dining room and they sat down. The food was served family style. The plates were so beautiful that Roland was worried about breaking them. Wooden bowls and plates were the only thing Roland had used. He wasn’t sure he could make it out of there without causing a disaster.

  They served a beef roast with vegetables and rice. The dessert was a berry pie. It was almost as good as his mom’s but not quite. The tea was served with the meal and it was a wonderful cup of tea. He felt fortunate the tea was as good as it smelled. The only thing that smelled better that night was the smell of Amelia.

  During the meal Evelyn began asking questions of Roland. “So Roland, have you heard any rumors in the Adventures Guild about the incursion of the orcs north of the capitol?”

  “I haven’t found too many people to talk with. I’m new to the guild and to the city, so I really haven’t heard of any rumors. I did take a mission with a group who is going to the northwest of town to look for orc activity tomorrow.”

  “Are you prepared for s
uch a mission? You are young and the orcs aren’t known for their graciousness.”

  “Shadow and I have dispatched a few orcs in our time. I’m not too concerned.”

  “Are you in need of supplies? My secondary magic is runecaft. If you are in need of a rune for anything, please let me know I would love to assist you. Especially if you’re working against the orcs in anyway. My parents were killed by the orcs on their way to meet with the elves just to the east of the orcs. My father was an ambassador to the elves.”

  “I think I’m good at the moment. If I ever an in need of anything I will be happy to ask for some assistance.”

  Amelia took up the next set of questions. “So what exactly do you do with the adventurers?”

  “Well, I’m a tracker. Between Shadow and I we can track just about anything.”

  This brought a smile to her face. “Oh, so what is your primary weapon you use? I see you carry an elven knife with you. Surely that isn’t your only weapon you use.”

  “Well I’m an archer. I use a long bow. I’m not much of a knife fighter. I use it more for skinning animals and preparing food to eat, and other common uses for someone adventuring.”

  “Do the adventurers bother you because your half elf?”

  “Well I doubt anyone knows I’m half elf. I keep a spell of illusion on myself most of the time and I use the same spell to camouflage myself. I don’t think the guild cares if I’m half elf. I noticed a few other members of the guild who weren’t human. I saw a few elves, a gnome and even a few dwarves.”

  Evelyn has a look of surprise. “Well that is a nice surprise. The Mage’s Guild is filled with prejudiced individuals. Not all are that way but there is enough to make things difficult. We have trained Amelia here at home. She has taken classes from both Eli and myself.”

  This intrigued Roland. “Oh, do you have the Animal Bond gift?”

  This made her chuckle. “No, I didn’t get that from my father but I’m gifted with other magic’s.”


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