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The Primal Connection

Page 9

by Alexander Dregon

  This was not the case now though. The mouth teasing her was experienced and skilled far and away more than her standard fare. More so even than any she could remember, although truthfully, at that point, her memory was failing her badly as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her.

  Trembling, she suddenly arched her back as she drew in a deep breath and moaned loudly, “Oh my God! You’re making me cum already. How the….uhhh!”

  Her voice trailed off to a whimper as she let the explosion of her orgasm take her. Then, as the spasm hit again, she cried out again. “Damn, you made…oh shit! Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!”

  Spurred on by her entreaties, Terry redoubled his efforts, all the while stroking his member patiently, enjoying her performance. He knew that she was giving a genuine one, although he was unsure how much of it would be happening without the help of Charlie or his counterpart, but given the fact that he was enjoying it as much as she was and was falling more and more into the same trap, he didn’t really care. He could feel himself losing control.

  Almost as if she felt his tension build, she suddenly grabbed his head, snatching him out from between her thighs and pulling him upward, throwing her legs apart. Reaching down, she grabbed his throbbing member and growled into his ear, “God damn it, do me, you son of a bitch!”

  Happy to oblige, Terry reared up like a stallion trying to mount a prize mare from the back, only he was facing his target and enjoying the sight. He slammed into her without missing a beat and began thrusting into her savagely.

  Caught off guard by the suddenness of his penetration, Traci cried out again then settled into the rhythm he chose, grinding her hips against his to increase the friction.

  The lushness of her body struck Terry as he slid in and out unrestricted yet felt every motion of that body as he did. The muscles in the walls clenched him in turn as he drove into her harder and harder. Her moans became as rhythmic as his thrusts, and his own guttural sounds suddenly added to the din as he began to strike her cervix.

  Overcome by the moment, Traci latched onto his neck and scraped at the skin with her teeth, all the while sucking hard enough to bruise. She had no idea if this night would ever get a repeat, but she decided, like an animal, to leave a mark that would remind him of her at least for a time.

  Terry felt himself losing the last of his control, thrusting into her so far, he was afraid he would hurt her, yet all the while, it was as if he was watching from somewhere else. He cheered himself on as he drove harder and harder, feeling the pressure build in his balls with each thrust.

  Releasing her bite on his neck, she had returned to moaning with each stroke, keeping up a steady, unintelligible wail.

  Terry couldn’t hold out much longer when her back arched again as her legs flew upward.

  Reaching up, she grabbed each one behind the knee to hold herself in position as he slammed into her again and again. She held her breath to force the orgasm out even harder, almost as if she was giving birth to it.

  Suddenly, she dropped her legs and threw her head back, growling deeply in her throat, “Oh God, baby, that’s it! Hit it harder! Make it cum harder! Please!”

  Aiming to please, Terry forced his own climax to the back of his mind and concentrated on trying to drive her crazy.

  For several strokes, she bucked and moaned under him, until finally, almost mercifully, the sound dwindled down to almost a whimper. With moist eyes wide with surprise, she looked up at him, trying to gauge how close he was.

  Satisfied she had his rhythm now, she let herself enjoy his machinations for a few more seconds, as each stroke now provided a pleasant aftershock. She realized she was still moaning to each one although the volume had decreased significantly.

  Terry, meanwhile, had done all he could to hold back and been teetering on the brink. Now, satisfied that she had managed all she would for the moment, decided to reward himself for a job well done. As he groaned with the beginnings of his own release, he was stunned as Traci now pushed him aside.

  Landing on his back on the bed, he was confused. Only for a second, though, as Traci dove between his legs now, a determined look in her eyes, as she grasped his pulsing manhood just in time to see the first drop of cum collect in the slit. Without a word on either of their parts, she slipped it into her mouth in time to catch the first explosion. Her eyes closed as she felt the warm, salty fluid splash against the roof of her mouth to fall on her eager tongue. She had been right. She had assumed he would taste delicious, and he had not let her down. She had also assumed he would be voluminous, and again, he did not disappoint, shooting spurt after long, luxurious spurt into her waiting mouth as she sucked harder and harder, trying to draw out any drop too stubborn to make the journey on its own.

  She needn’t have worried; Terry had been months without a woman and masturbation was a no-no with Charlie watching. So he had been building up this for all that time. Now, he was lightheaded, though whether it was from the release or the intense sucking on his now-ultrasensitive member, he couldn’t say. In either case, it didn’t matter. In the case of one, it was done, and if he could, he wouldn’t stop the other.

  * * * *

  Charlie, meanwhile, had still not found the Chrliti and assumed that thanks to the sudden influx of neural stimulation, he had become immersed in the moment and was not available for conversation. With nothing else to do, Charlie had decided to indulge himself a little as well, only to find he was swept up in the tactile torrent as well. The result had been a front-row seat to a sensual orgy that he was nowhere near ready for.

  Now that the festivities were over, Charlie hovered in a limbo brought on by the overload. With their bio-fields enmeshed, he had been subject to both of their neural agitations, and as a result, things were a bit out of focus at the moment.

  Usually, Charlie still thought in his own language and the innuendos thereof, but he was amazed to find himself saying in English, “Shit! Maybe there is a God!”

  As the sensations abated and his sensory inputs returned to normal, he added. “A few more like that and I might get to see him!”

  * * * *

  For several minutes, the two spent lovers lay on the bed, trying to recover. They were both exhausted and amazed. For a few seconds, they had been almost afraid to look at each other. When they did, they both just stared at each other. Without a word, Terry reached over and tried to pull Traci to him. She pulled away, saying, “I need to use the bathroom.”

  Without another word, she leaped up and ran into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Terry was stunned for a moment, but sitting quietly, he heard her brushing her teeth. Where she got a toothbrush, he had no idea.

  He didn’t want to argue with her about it. To tell the truth, he was glad she had. She had caught him by surprise with that lip lock, not that he hadn’t enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, he more than enjoyed it. He loved it. He knew that Charlie had had a hand in his enjoyment, just as her Chrliti had more than likely intensified her pleasure. What he wondered was if her Chrliti had had a hand in her lack of inhibition or if she was a natural freak. Either way, he wasn’t complaining, but he did want to know.

  The water stopped running, and she came out, looking almost embarrassed. Terry was almost in shock. What the hell kind of hooker is this chick? He motioned her to the bed, and she came willingly again, curling up under his arm like a schoolgirl on a blanket in a park. For several seconds though, she refused to look at him until finally he pulled her by her chin to face him. She still said nothing, even when Terry gently brushed her lips with his. She tensed slightly before returning the kiss.

  Terry finally decided the worst he could do was keep guessing, so he simply asked, “Okay, what’s up? You act like I bit you.” As he said it, he playfully rubbed his neck.

  She looked at him sheepishly and bit her lower lip. For a moment, she looked as if she would cry.

  Terry couldn’t believe it.

  Silently, he asked Charlie. “Charlie, have you got
any idea what the hell is going on? Charlie?”

  No answer. For a moment, Terry began to really worry.

  But before he could get fully into worry mode, Charlie answered finally. Although that really didn’t help.

  A voice he nearly didn’t recognize said, “I’m here, Terry.”

  Pulling her head down to his chest, Terry made a face he didn’t want her to see as he replied mentally, “Charlie, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  Sounding almost like a child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Charlie all but stuttered, “I seem to have tuned in a bit too much.”

  Confused, Terry asked, “What do you mean too much?”

  Again, in the strained voice, Charlie replied, “Let me put it this way. Another one like that and I’ll need a cigarette.”

  Terry fought down the urge to laugh until he realized Charlie seldom made jokes, so this was something new.

  Tentatively, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  Noting Terry’s concern, Charlie felt a twinge of appreciation. “I’ll be fine. I simply allowed too much of your neural energy to filter through. In my defense, there was plenty. I still have not made contact with her occupant. He seems to be buried deep within her nervous system. I didn’t realize it, but when I boosted your sensitivity, apparently, he was not increasing hers. Somehow, I overrode him and boosted you both. Given the intensity of your experience and her response to it, it would seem he keeps her somewhat subdued as far as her end. It would seem, her Chrliti doesn’t usually give her the extra sensitivity such as I give you. He does, however, seem to boost her endurance, as would be expected in her line of work.”

  Terry thought for a moment then said, “You mean she responded to what you did to me. How the hell did that happen?”

  Slowly coming back to himself, Charlie said, “I believe that was my fault. Her bio-fields are strong enough for her to be affected by my manipulations of yours once your two fields merged. I think he was taken by surprise by the intensity as well. That could explain his depth in her neural systems. He would have had to go so deep to try to neutralize my influence.”

  Despite his years with Charlie, Terry deferred to his occupant with regard to others of his kind. And given Charlie’s expertise with them, he had yet to be disappointed with the results.

  His curiosity was peaked now though. Why would the Chrliti not want her to enjoy what she did, especially if he got to enjoy it as well? And if he weren’t interested, why would he increase her ability to perform? It struck him almost as a punishment. Being able to work more but enjoy it less. He was about to pose another question when Charlie threw another wrench into the works.

  “One more thing. Owed to the strength of her fields and her reaction to you, her bio-fields have somehow become sympathetic to yours. Given that, you have no need to have sex again for me to contact her Chrliti. If you simply maintain body contact, such as holding or cuddling with her, I can still communicate with her occupant.”

  Terry was not pleased. “But you could get a better view if we were having sex though, right?”

  Charlie gave a mental frown, “Yes, but I advise against it.”


  “Because if you put me through another one like that, I am not going to be worth a fuck!”

  Terry was so shocked, he had to catch himself from shouting out loud. As it was, Traci could feel him tense as he asked, “Charlie, when did you start talking like that?”

  Charlie seemed to contemplate the question for a moment before answering quietly, “I don’t know.” Then, after a few seconds more, Terry could sense his emanations of glee as he added in a voice he had apparently stolen from a late, late show, “But I like it.”

  Terry’s mind instantly filled with an image of a cartoon character from his childhood with a handlebar mustache wringing his hand and laughing maniacally. Whatever was happening, this was a new twist. And Terry was not sure how he was going to deal with it and this new Charlie.

  Chapter Twelve

  Returning to the moment and the woman he was still holding in his arms, he was amazed to find her wiping her eyes. Bad enough Charlie was beginning to lose it, the universe wasn’t ready for that and a hooker with an epiphany. Terry was searching for an answer of some kind when she spoke suddenly.

  Without looking at him, she said, “I just want you to know something. This is not a con and I don’t do this kind of shit all the time. I just…” she fumbled for words. Apparently, Charlie wasn’t the only one to hit overload.

  “I just haven’t really…enjoyed anything that much in a while! It…I mean, I…aw shit, I’m not sure what I mean. But what I know is that I haven’t had that much of a workout in a long time! And I know when you leave, I more than likely won’t ever see you again.”

  She bit her lip, which quivered under the onslaught, and went on, determined to finish. “And I think I will miss you. I don’t know shit about you, but you look like you’d be a lot of fun. And until the new wears off of you, we’d have a whole lot of fun like tonight.”

  She suddenly looked at him with those big green eyes burning with a resignation that angered her. “Then, it’ll all go away, just like everything else, and I get left with nothing. But that’s all right. Hell, I got used to that years ago. It was just that for a minute, I wondered what it might be like, that’s all. Just what it might be like to actually get something worth having and keep it.”

  A few tears rolled down her cheeks, a tribute to both the depth of her feelings and the strength of her commitment not to let it all out.

  “When I went to the john, I just wanted to get away from you for a minute. Like I was gonna get too far from there. Stupid, huh? But it gave me a little time to think. And that’s always been dangerous.”

  All the while she had been talking, Terry had been looking at her as if for the first time. She was still beautiful, as he had seen before. Now, he realized there was more to that beauty than he had seen. Whatever her reasons for becoming what she was, they weren’t good enough. Not to keep her there anyway. She wanted more. This was no whore. This was a woman that sold herself to find herself. And dammit, she found him as well.

  She had one habit he would have to break though. She seemed to like the sound of her own voice a little too much. So to shut her up, Terry picked what was usually the most successful tact. He pulled her up and kissed her.

  For a second, she stared at him over the kiss. Then, as if in resignation to a fate she really didn’t mind, she melted into his arms, tonguing his mouth with a passion he found hard to equal. After several seconds, Terry laid back, pulling her up onto his chest. This was for two reasons. One, to keep contact with her so Charlie could locate her elusive occupant, and two, because he enjoyed the feeling of her warm body lying on top of his.

  In his mind, he told Charlie, “You find her Chrliti and see what the hell his deal is while I keep her,” he snickered at the choice of words, “occupied.”

  He could feel Charlie’s mind inside his own, already reaching out to find his counterpart, blanching at the pun. “Yes, well, her occupant has a few questions to answer for me. And I intend to have those answers.”

  Charlie was definitely altered, though how or how much was a mystery. For now though, Terry decided that the best thing he could do at this point was to let him do his thing, and maybe, when this was over, he might just go back to normal. Whatever that was.

  Traci, meanwhile, was busy nuzzling Terry’s neck. She had no inkling as to what was going on, as far as the Chrliti were concerned. She was in the dark for the most part as to what was actually going on with Terry, but at the moment, she did not give a damn. Her body still tingled with the afterglow of the most intense orgasms she could remember. If this was the only night she was going to get with this guy, so be it, but she was going to enjoy as much of him as she could. And when he was gone, she could go back to…no, no she couldn’t do that. She knew she couldn’t go back to the life she had been living up to this point. It m
ade no sense to even try.

  So she slid down Terry’s body, mouthing him every so often on the way.

  Terry tensed as she did, mentally shouting, “You better hurry up, Charlie!”

  Concentrating mightily, Charlie didn’t even answer as he began to search again. He could hold out Terry’s and Traci’s neurological intensity, but while he did, it would be more than he could handle to perform any kind of meaningful search.

  As Traci neared her target, Terry’s phone suddenly erupted with a ring tone he had set to alert him when his answering service called. Feigning a degree of importance he didn’t feel, he motioned her quiet as he answered.

  The voice on the other end of the line said in crisp, efficient fashion. “Mr. Bridger, you have a call from an Agent Smyth, out of the Indiana office of the FBI. He says you will remember him from—”

  Terry cut her off viciously. “I know where I remember him from! I don’t need a reminder!”

  The woman on the other end didn’t push the issue. She was well aware of what Terry did for a living. He had used that to impress upon them the importance of getting his calls. It had always worked, but in the case Smyth had referred to, Terry’s memories were too fresh to be ignored.

  “I’m sorry,” Terry apologized. She was just doing her job. And quite well.

  The woman maintained her demeanor. “I understand, sir. I apologize for bringing it up, but I don’t know the particulars.”

  That was good enough for Terry. “So what does Mr. Smyth want?” he asked hurriedly. Traci was still lying on his stomach and raring to go. He had to keep a hand on her to physically restrain her from continuing. Inside his head, he queried Charlie for an update. “How’s it going in there?”


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