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Young, Allyson - Absolute Perfection [Aspire 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Allyson Young

  “I don’t push, Evelyn. I have expectations. And William is great with clients. I’m more worried about Norma. She really doesn’t want to be my assistant.”

  “Oh, once she accepts I’m going, she’ll come around. Change is hard for lots of people.” Her boss abruptly changed the subject. “Found a place to live yet?”

  “Not yet. I could stay with my sister, but she’s just married, and I’d feel like I was intruding. But Jenny Wade is looking around for me, and you know she’ll figure it out. She’s got a line on a couple of places, just studios, but that’s all I need for now.”

  “Well maybe you’ll find your true love and settle down and have babies now I’ve cut off your wanderlust days. You deserve a more scheduled work life.”

  Iris hid a smile. She was about to embark that very evening on a very different adventure, not that she would ever share with Evelyn. “Maybe.”

  Evelyn looked at her sharply and pushed back from her desk. “Well, have a good weekend. See you bright and early Monday. Or rather, I’ll see you when I get in. That’s going to be tough to adjust to!”

  Iris walked out with her boss and helped her secure the offices. William worked tomorrow with a new hire, and Evelyn generously put herself on call so Iris could have her last taste of freedom. They parted at street level, and Iris hurried back to the Hilton to prepare for her date. Ha. Make that her first night of training. She was powerfully aroused at the thought and wondered how she’d hid her excitement these past four days. She hadn’t confided in Haley. They talked only desultorily on the phone. Her sister wasn’t particularly well at the moment because of her pregnancy, and Iris had never really been comfortable talking with her little sister about the men in her life. Maybe because there had been so few. She would want to share with Haley though, once she got a handle on things with Georgios. There were probably all sorts of things to learn from another submissive. If it turned out she herself was one.

  She had dithered for those days over her choice of clothing. In the end she picked a silk dress with a built-in shelf bra, knowing she was meeting Georgios halfway on the underwear issue. But she was wearing panties. No way was she letting her nether parts hang out in public. He’d have to accept that. The sites she’d visited educated her, although theory was a far cry from practice so she wasn’t certain all of the things that could take place were for her. She knew her hard limits, she thought, and realized that Georgios might push them and she might even change them. But ultimately being in control, being able to stop things gave her a strong sense of security, while a little voice suggested that it would be wonderful simply to be pushed and have Georgios know when to stop. Or not. Maybe they would come to that. She tried not to start second-guessing herself or overthinking things.

  She took a long shower, carefully shaving her underarms and legs. She checked her labia and ran the razor over them as well although they were still smooth and hair free. She left a little strip of hair on her mons, a landing strip she believed it was called, but all the sites she’d visited had advocated for a bare pussy. The reasons were obvious, and that little waxing event on Tuesday, while something she hoped never to repeat, would make shaving for maintenance easier. She wrapped up in a robe and called down to room service for a light dinner, soup and salad, knowing she should eat, and while she waited, dried her hair and applied very subdued makeup. She checked the peep hole when the food arrived and left the door on the chain. Georgios had wisely made her cautious. The server left the tray beside the door, and she collected it after she heard him get on the elevator. She ate sparingly and went to painstakingly brush her teeth, willing the clock to tick over and get to eight o’clock. She pulled on her panties and set her shoes by her dress then went to lie down and watch the damn clock.

  The rap on the door had her scrambling to her feet. Good grief. She’d fallen asleep! She turned in one direction and then the other, reaching up to push her hair into some semblance of order. The knock came again, and she hurried to the door, remembering to check first, and let Georgios inside. He wore dark jeans and a button-down shirt in light blue, and it contrasted amazingly with his dark complexion. He looked at her with a quizzical expression as she backed away.

  “I’m sorry. I was nearly ready, and then I lay down and I must have dozed off.”

  To her surprise, he laughed. “I’ve been counting the minutes, Iris. Such a blow to my ego.”

  “No. I was, too. Counting the minutes I mean! I’ve been busy and not sleeping and…” Iris found her protests cut off when George stalked her and dropped his mouth over hers. She melted into his hard body and clutched his shoulders, allowing his tongue entrance as he deepened the kiss and stole her breath. When he pulled back, she was shaky and bemused. He held her upper arms until she steadied and found her bearings.

  “It’s okay, sweet one. Your body needed it. I’m glad you had the opportunity because there will be no sleeping for you tonight. Nor much rest.”

  She went from being aroused by the kiss to vibrating with lust at the dark promise in his voice. She hurried to pull her dress from the hanger and noted how he politely turned his back. There was no doubt he’d be seeing everything tonight, but he kept that damn anticipation building. Iris stepped into her shoes and took a deep breath as she picked up the same little wrap.


  Georgios turned at her comment. He reached to take possession of the wrap and cover her shoulders, his hands lingering for a moment. The look he gave her made her want to leap on him and eat him up. This was so not her, but she liked it. A lot.

  She was also amazed at how comfortable she felt just being with Georgios. They didn’t really talk all the time, and she didn’t feel the need to do so. She expected there would be times where talking and discussing would be important and part of their relationship, but she enjoyed the comfortable silence. She caught herself. Relationship might be a misnomer. She’d thought about his assertion of wanting her as his sub, but if it wasn’t for her, then there would be no relationship. That made her unaccountably sad, and Georgios immediately pulled her into his side.

  “What’s wrong?” He walked her to a quieter part of the lobby.

  “Nothing,” she began, but quickly rethought her answer when he glared at her. Honesty, trust, respect. Okay then. “I just felt sad for a moment because if I’m not a sub then we’ll have nothing.”

  “Oh, sweet one. You are a sub. And there is no reason why you can’t be mine.” He dropped a kiss on her mouth, and Iris felt rewarded for her honesty and once again comfortable. He took her arm and escorted her to the car, putting her inside and fastening her seat belt. His courtesy and care warmed her heart, Women’s Lib aside.

  Once he was in the car and pulling out of the lot, he spoke again. “How’s your sister?”

  “We’re actually getting together on Sunday. We’ve talked for a few minutes every day, but she’s actually not feeling very well. Morning sickness.” She chuckled. “Gordon is apparently beside himself for inflicting it on her, and Warren rides him unmercifully.”

  “They have a solid relationship considering the road they had to travel.”

  “Do you regret your relationship with your wife?” Iris felt okay in asking. She felt close to him.

  “I do and I don’t. I regret marrying her when it wasn’t meant to be, but we had good times in the beginning. I won’t say there weren’t.”

  She loved his honesty, even as she wondered if this might be a path they, too, would follow, good times only in the beginning. “I’m sure there were, Georgios. I haven’t had many relationships, but I always try to remember the positives.”

  “I hope there won’t be any need to simply remember in this one, Iris. I hope to repeat them and improve on them.”

  God, she’d found the perfect man. Up front, honest and totally hot. Or maybe he had found her. Either way, Iris simmered in her own juices and erotic thoughts for the remainder of the drive.

  * * * *

  Iris pressed close
r to Georgios as they entered the club. Even though she’d been there for Haley’s ceremony, it felt like the first time. She could feel the change in atmosphere as soon as she crossed the threshold and Georgios slipped his arm around her. He had a duffle bag he’d retrieved from the trunk in his other hand, and she briefly wondered what he had inside but didn’t really concern herself. She felt safe, cherished, and content to leave things up to him. He spoke to several people but didn’t introduce her despite the looks they gave her. It was almost as though they recognized her, but then she had been there just a week earlier. She smiled at them politely, uncertain about how to deport herself. She saw the Dom who had kind of come onto her the night of her sister’s ceremony. Somebody Casey. He stared at her and the look on his face chilled her for a moment before he smiled and nodded. Before she could remark on it, Georgios drew her along with him and keyed in a code on a door just a few steps down the hall. Showtime. She began to tremble and wasn’t certain if it was with nervousness or arousal. Perhaps both. Iris figured she was going to leave this place a different person, and for a moment, she faltered. Georgios held her in front of him and stared at her, his face impassive, his eyes dark as night with desire. She fell into them and put her trust in him.

  “Choose your safe word.”

  Iris had thought about that already. “Chocolate.”

  He didn’t raise an eyebrow, although she detected a hint of laughter in the depths of his eyes. He pushed the door open and ushered her inside.

  There was a really big bed in the middle of the room, covered with lots of pillows and sumptuous bedding, and Iris noted the restraints on the headboard and footboard. A long padded bench stood at the foot of the bed, and she observed a set of chains hanging from the ceiling. It didn’t look totally like the pictures on the Net, but she doubted most bedrooms had chains and velvet ropes.

  “Remove your clothes.”

  Okay then, comedy act over. Iris felt no hesitation, as though this was the natural way of things. She pulled the concealed zipper at her side down. The silk dress slipped off her shoulders and over her upper arms, and Georgios tracked the movement with those amazing eyes of his. It dropped across her breasts and snagged on her beaded nipples, the sensation making her shiver. As it gathered speed, the fabric passed her hips and slithered down her legs to pool at her feet. She could smell her own arousal, and it emboldened her. Without waiting for further commands from Georgios, Iris dispensed with the wisp of panties, shimmying them off and stepping out of them. She then knelt at his feet, mirroring the pictures of all those women she’d looked at on the websites. The floor was hard beneath her knees, and she felt vaguely chilled while the molten heat between her thighs polarized that sensation, but it was the feeling of rightness that engulfed her. She placed her hands palms up on her widespread thighs and lowered her gaze. Georgios rested a hand on the crown of her head.

  “Keep your place.”

  Iris waited as Georgios stepped out of her line of vision. She heard the sounds of a large zipper, of objects being placed on a solid surface, and then fabric rustling. There was a certain amount of anxiety fueling her thoughts, but for the most part she was looking forward to the experience. She didn’t believe Georgios would harm her. He walked back in front of her, and she saw his leather-clad legs. Ah, the Dom outfit. She swallowed a giggle as the anxiety bled through. His hand rested on her head again like a benediction and slipped down to her cheek. She turned her face into his palm and closed her eyes as she again settled.

  “I approve of the personal grooming, Iris. Now open your eyes and keep them on me. We haven’t discussed limits. There will be no bodily function play, nor will I entertain breaking your beautiful skin. Is there anything you believe you can’t accept?”

  She tipped her head back far enough to stare into his face, trying to keep her position. She ogled his cut chest and muscled abdomen as her gaze travelled upward, and her fingers twitched involuntarily. She wanted to touch him, explore him, but knew from her readings it wasn’t allowed unless he gave permission.

  “I’m in total agreement with what you just said, Georgios. I’m uncomfortable with the idea of anal sex, but want to try. And I’m a little worried about being displayed. And being shared.” The last comment left her in a rush. Part of her wondered about being pleasured by two men, having witnessed firsthand how well loved and treasured Haley was, but she found she couldn’t think past wanting only Georgios.

  His eyes narrowed and she thought she saw a flash of anger, but his face still told her nothing. He finally spoke. “We will ease into anal sex, Iris. It is important to me, and I want to take you, claim you in that manner, but I will never give you what you can’t handle. As for being displayed, that is the first time you’ve come close to being untruthful, and I won’t let that slide. We’ll sort out why you feel the need to say you wish to hide, even as I doubt I will share you.”

  Iris felt her pussy involuntarily clench, and she was instantly soaking wet at his assertion of punishment to come. He wouldn’t hurt her, not really, although she accepted there would be some initial discomfort. Her brain had processed the information she’d read, and she wanted to participate, have the experience. She said nothing, simply waited because she knew he had more to say.

  “I find the idea of sharing you distasteful, sub. But I also will ensure you get what you need. But for now you will please me.”

  His hands dropped to the front of his leathers where his cock bulged and strained. For her. He freed it and Iris’s eyes fell to it, drawn by the long, hard shaft and bulbous head. It sprang out and up to curve to the right side of his ridged belly, nearly brushing her lips as it did so. It wept for her. Iris wasn’t fond of oral sex and rarely gave blow jobs, but she wanted to give one to Georgios. She wanted to taste him. She didn’t know if she’d do it right but had no doubt he would teach her.

  “Eyes on me!” The comment had her snapping to attention. She jerked her gaze up.

  “Open.” Again with the little commands. It was amazing how her body responded. Iris opened her mouth, and Georgios guided the head of his cock between her lips and rested it there. She felt him kind of flex and realized he was straining for control.

  “Wider, sweet one.” She obeyed and felt him push in slowly, filling her up, pressing past her teeth and deeper yet to settle on her tongue. She focused on his taste and size and willed her gag reflex back. She flicked her tongue experimentally and saw Georgios’s eyes flare and his mouth set hard.

  “Close your lips tightly around me. Mind your teeth and breathe through your nose. You are to do nothing more.”

  Iris blinked at his harsh tone, and Georgios began to slide his iron shaft in and out of her mouth in smooth movements. She kept her lips as snugly together as she could, but after a few thrusts, something instinctual came over her and she sucked him hard. He slipped to the back of her throat, and she frantically took a deeper breath through her nose and swallowed to alleviate the choking sensation. Georgios groaned above her, and then she was swallowing in earnest as he erupted down her throat. He looked thoroughly pleasured, to her definite satisfaction, and she managed not to smile. This, then, was the power a submissive held.

  * * * *

  What in hell had just happened? He’d been tentatively teaching Iris how he liked his blow jobs, asking little of her to begin with, as she obviously had limited experience. Her immediate assumption of the sub/slave position at his feet touched him to the core. She had studied all the sites he’d referred her to and taken them to heart. The sight of her dress sliding down her slender frame to reveal her high, tight breasts was rivaled only by those little panties quivering down her long thighs to reveal a manicured, sweet little pussy. George wanted nothing more in that moment than to snatch her up and put her on the big bed and forge up into her, into what he just knew would be heaven. But he’d been saved when she dropped to her knees and offered herself. It helped him regain a semblance of control and get organized. There was no way he would be able to
last through to the grand finale without release, so he’d decided to teach her how to blow him. Now it was the issue of who taught who. She needed to be punished for her effrontery. George knew that. He was in control here, and his little sub had just sucked him off in a heartbeat. The trouble was, it was hard to complain, although punish her he must. He took a deep breath and tucked himself back into his leathers.

  “On your feet and over the bench, sub!” George knew he was barking orders to cover his need to simply hold her and offered his hand to help her rise and mitigate his harsh tone. But the look on her face informed him there was no need to be gentle, at least not now. Iris’s big blue eyes were dark with arousal and feminine power, her nipples in tight little nubs, moisture glinting between her legs. George wanted to taste her but denied himself.

  He let her lie over the bench before adjusting her position to allow him to secure her wrists with the soft leather ties, followed by her ankles, leaving her bottom and pussy open and accessible to him. He stroked his hand down her back over the long curve of her spine, over the silken length of her before palming each full buttock. He traced a finger along the cleft and paused suggestively at her anus. She flinched a little and wiggled beneath his touch. He wouldn’t take her there tonight. She wasn’t ready for that kind of penetration, but he would tease her and watch to determine how she truly responded. George claimed few women in that manner and respected it as a significant connection. And it was one of his favorite forms of sex, too. He hoped Iris took to it.

  “Tell me why I am about to spank you.”

  Iris’s breath quite obviously hitched, and her buttocks clenched. Her voice was pitched a little high when she answered him. “Because I didn’t do as you said when I was, well, when I had my mouth on you.”


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