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Wolf in the Storm: A BBW wolf shifter romance (Shifters of the Glen Book 5)

Page 11

by Skye Jones

  “You’ve obviously gone stark raving mad,” she huffed down the phone.

  Why the attitude? She’d spent the last year telling me to get out there. I said as much.

  “Darling.” Her voice took on a chilly tone, one that heralded her going into full-on lecture mode. “When I said get out there, I meant to find yourself a decent chap. Someone near where you live. Preferably with a good income as you face losing your home. I did not mean to go off and meet some old hippie.”

  I giggled at that. Adam was as far from a hippie as you got. I curled my legs under me on his large leather sofa and pulled my cardi around me. He needed some pillows and throws to brighten up the room. It came decorated in different shades of beige, cream, and brown, what with all the wood and leather. A large fireplace dominated one wall. His bookshelf ran along the back wall, and the large window looked out over the woods beyond. Humphry snorted next to me, and I smiled at his sleeping face.

  “Has he got long hair?” Diane brought me back to our conversation.

  “No. He’s got short hair. He’s about six foot three or four and broad and muscular. He’s gorgeous, actually. Absolutely divine.”

  “Oh.” Her tone changed at my words. “He runs this village, you say? So it’s not full of smelly hippies?”

  I sighed. “No, and hippies aren’t smelly anyway.”

  When did she become such a bitch? Or had she always been one, and I’d been so grateful for her friendship I hadn’t noticed?

  “Send me a picture of him,” she demanded. “I want to see what he looks like.”

  I didn’t have one, and even if I did, no way would I send it to her. Not with how closely the wolfen guarded their secret. Adam wouldn’t want his picture bandied around.

  “Sorry, I don’t have one.”

  She harrumphed again. “Listen. I’ve got to go, darling. Do keep in touch and be careful. I hope you’ll be back soon. I have so much to tell you. I’ve got three men on the trot at the moment, and I’m up for another promotion. Take care. Mwah.”

  Then she hung up. I sighed and placed my phone on the table.

  I’d been here a week now, and I’d loved every minute of it. Once I’d gotten over my fear of the wolfen, I started to relax and enjoy myself. The way of life seemed simple but happy. Everyone owned mobile phones and laptops, but most didn’t have TV, which killed me as it meant I missed X Factor—my guilty secret. The pack grew a lot of their own food and kept animals in a small holding area. The fresh eggs we ate every morning were gorgeous.

  I spent quite a bit of time with Izzy, Cait, too, and her friend Laura, who lived with the humongous Boyd. Even Louis softened toward me and didn’t scare me anymore.

  Best of all, though, was being with Adam. I found him so easy to get on with. He possessed shelf after shelf of great books and DVDs, and each night we picked a film to watch on his laptop and snuggled up together on the sofa. Then we went to bed, and he blew my mind all over again.

  He proved inventive, and we did things I’d never tried before. Sometimes, he’d be rough and demanding, and others, slow and attentive. It seemed as if he understood what my body wanted before I did.

  I smiled as I thought of the previous evening. He’d taken me in the shower, from behind as he pushed me up against the tiles. I’d loved every moment of it. But this morning had been the best yet. We’d been making love. Adam moved slowly above me, kissing me the whole time, and the most incredible thing happened—I came. Just like that. No needing him stroking me or to focus on my favorite fantasy. Or to touch myself or any of the things I’d always needed to do. Simply having Adam inside me as he kissed me and held me had been enough to tip me over the edge into a glorious orgasm.

  I squeezed my thighs together and smiled at the tiny frisson of pleasure.

  Adam came into the room with a frown marring his gorgeous features.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve just had the strangest conversation with the Seer. I needed her advice on how to try to calm things in the pack. The most senior pack members and their mates are all upset, and it spreads through the whole pack, making everyone on edge. She’s going to try her best to talk to the females again, call them individually if necessary. Anyway…I told her not to bring the empathine here. Or at least not for me as I’m not interested, and her reply made no sense.”

  “What did she say?” I’d learned that the Seer was a powerful female who could see the future and the past, and she gave minds a push if need be, but her gift wasn’t always reliable.

  “She said it didn’t matter. That her orders to the Warriors still stood. Then she said something odd. That sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve got more important things to do than spend my time trying to decipher her riddles. So long as she understands I’m off-bounds to any females, empathine or no.”

  He came and sat by me and took my hand in his. “I am off-bounds, aren’t I?”

  I knew what he meant. Were we going to make a go of this? He’d told me how he didn’t expect me to mate with him right now, but he wanted me to stay and hoped that in a few months I’d be ready to make the final commitment.

  “You are absolutely off-bounds. I’ve been thinking.” I paused and plucked up the courage to say what I wanted. “I’ve got nothing to go back for in particular. So, I thought we ought to go pick up some more of my stuff, as I’ve got hardly anything here, and I can come for a longer vacation. Perhaps a month or so?”

  He let out a long breath. Not a sigh, more an exhalation of relief. “I’d love for you to come and stay longer. We’ll go get your things tomorrow.”

  I sent a text to Diane, telling her I’d be back to pick some things up but then I planned to return to the village for a few more weeks.

  I looked around the room and smiled. I loved Adam’s place, but it needed a woman’s touch. The pillows I craved, for a start. And his shelves held nothing but books and DVDs. He had no ornaments or bits and pieces at all. Not even one vase for flowers.

  “When we go back to get my things, how about we stop off for a quick shopping trip?”

  He nodded as he picked up the paper. “Sure.”

  Hopefully, he’d be as accommodating when he realized I wanted to pretty his place up somewhat.

  I hardly slept at all that night as I planned what to bring back with me and got nervous about my decision all over again. When I examined it logically, it seemed momentous and quite probably foolhardy. If I lingered on it too long, I began to wonder about backing out and changing my mind. Then I’d envision myself back in the house on my own, rattling around. I’d spend my days looking in the jobs section of the paper and my nights not sleeping as I listened out for every creak and moan of the bricks and mortar.

  My heart and soul wanted to be here, with Adam. Only my mind kept getting in the way, telling me it didn’t make any sense. It seemed such a rash thing to do. But I’d taken the safe option. Played the long game, and look where it had gotten me!

  Morning came, and my head ached from only an hour or two of fitful sleep. We ate breakfast quickly and took Humphry over to Brooke and Drew’s for them to look after. Brooke took me to one side and told me to pack plenty of stuff, with a wink and a knowing smirk. I merely nodded, and then we were piling into the off-roader and setting off out of the compound. As we drove through the woods, Adam kept an eye out, sweeping the landscape often.

  “Do you see things the same as a normal human or more like a wolf?” I asked, curiosity burning in me.

  “I see things the same as a human in this form, but if I focus, I can bring my wolf senses online. However, driving like this, my human senses work much better. I’d probably make a mess of it if I let the wolf too near the surface.”

  My anxiety didn’t abate until we hit a proper road. My mind filled with images of all the scary things those woods held, and it terrified me. Vampires and witches and mages and warlocks and even fae folk—yes, fairies—existed.
All of which blew my damn mind. I so understood the high walls of the compound since my chats with the girls.

  I smiled as I thought of the women back at the pack I’d gotten to know. They’d fast become friends, and I liked them a whole lot. I focused on them and tore my mind from the possible horrors lurking in amongst the dense trees.

  Once we got to town, Adam parked the car and we clambered out, both stretching out our limbs. I grabbed his hand and headed straight for my favorite store, as I loved their amazing homeware section.

  Inside the store, I headed for the lifts and the third floor. The doors pinged, and we headed out straight into the scented candle section. Normally, I went crazy for scented candles, but I wasn’t sure if Adam’s heightened wolf senses would find the scent annoying. So I ignored the candles and made a beeline for the area full of cushions and throws.

  Adam shot me a side glance, his brow furrowed. “Thought you wanted clothes?”

  “Did I say I wanted clothes?” I teased with a grin.

  “No. But I simply assumed you did.”

  “I want to get a few things for your place.” I stopped and held my hands up, expecting an argument. After all, most guys ran a mile the moment a woman starting buying throw cushions. “Only a few tiny bits, I promise. Something to brighten the place up a little.”

  Adam didn’t look pissed or scared. Instead, he grinned huge and picked me up, making me squeak in surprise. “You’re nesting!”

  “I am not!”

  He put me down and laughed. “You’re so nesting. You’re buying things for my place because you see it as our place. As yours.” He beamed and looked so self-satisfied at the idea I wanted to hug him.

  I also didn’t want to mislead him, so I took in a deep breath and explained. “I’m getting a few things, for now. Just to make it a bit brighter while I stay. It doesn’t mean anything more.”

  I expected him to look crestfallen, but he simply grinned wider. “Females don’t buy cushions for a few weeks. You’re nesting. You’re making a home.”

  He planted a swift, hard kiss on my lips and took my breath away.


  I spun around, and glorious red hair filled my vision. Diane!

  I should be glad to see my best friend, but my heart sank at the sight of her. She looked amazing, and instead of all glowy and happy, I at once felt frumpy and second-best.

  She looked beyond me to Adam, and her green eyes sparkled. “Who is this?”

  “Oh, Diane, this is Adam. Adam, my good friend, Diane.”

  She smiled up at him, using her patented killer smile. The one she only gave men she liked. Men she wanted. A small part of me curled up and died because despite all the talk from Izzy and co. about how wolf shifters bonded for life, Adam and I hadn’t taken that step. One look at Diane and he’d regret settling for me.

  “Hello, Diane. Nice to meet you.” He held his hand out, and she took it in hers and gave it a shake, all the while still smiling and batting her eyelashes.

  She finally remembered me and turned back to me. “So, what are you doing in here?”

  “We’re buying cushions.” Adam took hold of my hand and pulled me into his side.

  Diane flinched. I swear to God, she flinched.

  “Buying cushions? How…cozy.”

  I nodded, not sure of what to say. Was she being nasty? Surely not. Diane might like to be the center of attention, but she wasn’t cruel.

  “We’re heading back to my house for the night. Going to pack some stuff for a month or so. I sent you a text.”

  “Oh, I know. I got it, but I didn’t have time to reply. I meant to text you back later. Perhaps I can pop over tonight?”

  I racked my brain for a reason to say no, when she went on. “After all, I’m not going to see you for ages now, am I?”

  Feeling guilty, I nodded. “Sure. We have to pack so we’ll be busy, but pop round for an hour and we can have a break for a cuppa.”

  “Lovely.” She gave me a quick hug, shot Adam another scorching glance, and then walked away, waggling her fingers over the top of her head as she went.

  “She’s a force of nature.” Adam shook his head and laughed, but I’d seen the way he watched her. And I’d gone and invited her back to my house this evening.

  I hated being this way. Jealous and insecure and untrusting of my best friend. She’d never given me any reason to doubt her before. Never flirted with Roger and always taken my side in any arguments. But she’d never looked at Roger the way she’d looked at Adam just now.

  We headed back to the car after I bought a couple of cushions and a vase, my bubble well and truly burst by our encounter. Once back at mine, I ran a bath and had a long soak, and then I did a quick tidy around while Adam took a shower.

  Standing by the fridge, I pondered what to make for dinner when the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock, nearly six in the evening. Who’d be calling now? I went to go answer it and sighed at Diane’s familiar red hair shining through the stained glass of my front door. I’d told her to pop over about eight for an hour or so as we’d have eaten by then and not started on the main packing. So why come around now?

  I opened the door and she swept in, a bottle of wine held aloft. “Darling. I know you said to come later for a cuppa, but I thought we really should celebrate you being back for a night, so I came earlier and brought a bottle with me.”

  Cheeky cow. I didn’t say anything, though. I merely stood back and let her in.

  “Where’s Adam?”

  At that moment, heavy footsteps came down the stairs, and we both turned to see Adam in nothing but a short towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Oh.” He stopped short and glanced from me to Diane. “I didn’t realize we had company. I left my bag down here when I went for a shower. I’ll grab it and get dressed.”

  He bent down to pick his bag up from where it rested at the bottom of the stairs and hauled it over his shoulder. His biceps bulged and I swallowed hard. Beautiful. Far too beautiful for the likes of me. He headed on back up the stairs, and I glanced at Diane to see her watching his backside and legs as he climbed, a rapt expression on her face.

  “Does this need chilling?” I grabbed the wine from her, wanting to stop her pervfest.

  “What? Oh, no. It’s already chilled. Let’s open it and have a glass while that man of yours gets himself sorted.”

  We sat in the lounge, both of us with our legs up on the sofa curled under us and sipped at our wine.

  “So, how the hell did you meet a man like Adam? I thought you’d gone to the middle of nowhere?”

  “I did.” I laughed. “There were a few houses. A post office. A tiny shop and a pub.”

  “Is he from there, then?”

  I took another sip and let the cool, crisp Pinot Grigio dance on my tongue. “Oh, no. As I said, he’s from an eco-commune.”

  “And erm, do they have many women there?”

  I shrugged. “Yes. Quite a few.”

  Her question struck me as odd. “Why?”

  She smiled and fluffed up her hair. “No reason.”

  She then proceeded to tell me all about her latest date with some guy called Rob who owned a high-end car dealership.

  Adam came back into the room, and somehow we opened another bottle of wine, and Diane suggested we order takeaway.

  Not wanting to seem like either a killjoy or some insecure, needy frump, I agreed. Adam didn’t seem to mind the idea, and why should he? Diane flirted gently with him. Not making it too obvious, but I knew her well. And Adam, he might not respond, but he didn’t exactly give her the cold shoulder, either.

  As the evening wore on, I became more paranoid. And the more paranoid I got, the more determined to squash it I became. I needed to call my daughter, so I excused myself and went upstairs for privacy, leaving Diane alone to flirt with Adam. Making myself stop being a neurotic idiot.

  I told myself off. The woman was my best friend, and yet I let myself dwell on bad thoughts about her
purely because of my own self-esteem issues.

  My baby girl seemed happy to hear from me and reacted with delight to hear I’d be visiting with Adam. After our long chat, I nipped to the loo and sighed at my reflection in the mirror. Dull and boring compared to Diane. I wished I hadn’t looked.

  As I reached the top of the stairs, Adam’s voice from the lounge stopped me in my tracks. He sounded annoyed, and I paused to listen.

  “You should go now.”

  “Oh, have I upset you? Pointing out that you’re just a player? I can tell. And Pam’s not in your league. But then, you already know it, don’t you? You’re going to use her up and spit her out. I have experience with men like you. You pick someone sweet and innocent, like Pam, and destroy her.”

  Nausea washed over me, and I went hot and clammy. What the hell? But it wasn’t as if Diane was trying it on with Adam. No, she was, in her own way, defending me. Why? What had he said while I’d been on the phone?

  “You’re crazy.” Adam ground the words out. “She isn’t in my league, you’re right. She’s a million times better, and you need to leave.”

  “However gorgeous she looks, however good a person she is, the plain fact remains that she’s not in your league when it comes to affairs of the heart, and you and I know it. Why don’t you ditch her now, for her sake, and then come back to visit? Only this time, you can come knock on my door. Play with someone on your level. We’d have some fun, you and I. I bet you’re a kinky fucker, too. Big bastard like you. I bet you’d love to spank me right now for being so insolent.”

  “I’d like to spank you.” I put my hand over my mouth, about to vomit all over my stairs at Adam’s reply. So he wanted her. Wanted to do with her the things he’d done with me. Things I’d let no other man do. His voice reached me through my shallow breathing. “But not in the way I think you mean. I’d like to slap you across your stupid face for being such a bitch. But I don’t hit females, so you’re in luck.”

  I sagged against the wall, my heart going a hundred miles an hour. I needed to move, now, before war broke out in my lounge, but my legs were like jelly.


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