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Rodeo Rancher

Page 71

by Lauren Wood

  “I need you to make sure that you lose by only one touchdown. I don’t care what the score is, as long as you lose by seven points.” The line went dead and the look on Detective Graves face told him that they had found out exactly where this person was. It didn’t surprise him when they began to bring reinforcements in, as the perpetrator was right there underneath their noses.

  “This is highly unusual and for him to be right here means that he’s not very worried about getting caught. He thinks that he has the upper hand, but I can assure you that my men are up to the task of bringing him down. Don’t do this and I know that I can’t force you, but I’m asking you to think of the purity of the game.” Detective Graves could see that the young man was thinking, but he was sure that the woman meant more to him than just the game.

  Judson looked towards Samantha wearing that white dress with blue flowers. “I’m going to do what is best for everyone. I don’t really know what that is. Either way I’m taking a risk of either disappointing my team and the city, or putting you in grave danger.” He wanted to scream in frustration, but he needed to show Samantha that he was strong.

  Samantha got up and hovered over him with her two hands on his broad shoulders. She knew that in this position that her bosom was easily seen by both Judson and Detective Graves. He was sitting there with a smile on his face. “I want you to go out there and play your heart out and don’t worry about me. I mean it and you will never forgive yourself, if you play differently. Who knows, maybe you will lose by seven points and you won’t have to worry about this.” She jabbed him on the shoulder making light of the situation. “Whoever this is has already tried to kill me once. They’ll probably work the angles. I’m just going to have to be careful. I want him to say that he will throw the game by seven points, but I also want him to be true to himself.”

  “I’m not sure that you mean what you say. I don’t need this right now and I have a lot on my mind. I am glad that you are cracking jokes. That shows me that you don’t think of this, as being serious. It’s also possible that you’re trying to make me think that you don’t think of this, as being serious. I have to go and it’s almost that time.” Judson would need some time with the team to go over plays with the coach. The stadium was to full capacity with standing room only. Scalpers were making a fortune offering those unfortunate souls that had found themselves in the position of needing to acquire tickets.

  “This game will determine if you go to the Super Bowl. I know that’s a big deal and the holy grail of football. You also know that I hold no love for the sport, but that doesn’t mean that I want you to do something that’s going to haunt you for the rest of your days.” Samantha hugged him, holding him close and letting him feel the warmth and comfort of her body. “I want to tell him that he should break a leg, but I don’t think that I would want to wish that on him or anybody on the team. I feel that the right thing to do is to let the police handle this. I’m going to put myself in their capable hands and hope that I’m not making a grave error.”

  “I think that it’s best that we don’t tell you where we are keeping her, Judson. That way, you can’t be coerced in any way. The less you know the better.” Detective Graves was dressed in a suit, but he also had two undercover police officers in casual wear. He called the two men into the room. “These two men will be on her protection detail. I will be coordinating with the rest of the team from up in the players’ box where I can see practically everything.” He motioned for the two officers to take Samantha into their custody.

  “I still don’t feel good about this. I’ll be happier when this is all over and done with. I’m tired and this is the game that will finally make my mark in the sport. They are counting on me and I’m going to have to get this out of my head, so that I can do what I need to do.” He walked out and went down to the locker room to come face to face with his agent to be Sarah and her underling Jennifer.

  “I hope that you are ready for this, Judson. I have calls from many sponsors that are looking to capitalize on your fame and notoriety. They have been clamoring to get your name out there and they’re willing to back up a boatload of money into your back yard to get you on board. Hostess is one of the biggest ones, but I’ve also been fielding offers from Nivea.” She looked at Judson and could see that he didn’t exactly look alert. I need you to get your head in the game and to make the most of this opportunity. It’s not every day that you get these kinds of offers, but they can disappear in the blink of an eye. You don’t even have to win, but you need to give them something to chew on. I don’t think that a flamboyant show is out of the realm of possibility. Put a huge show on for them and that should be more than enough to get them to sign on the dotted line.”

  “Sarah, you have no idea what kind of stress I’m under. I don’t need this on top of everything else. I’ll do my best and that’s all that I can do. You can’t ask for anything more.” Judson didn’t like being ambushed and the fact that she had come here personally was a little galling. “You could’ve easily called me on the phone and told me all of this. Getting in my face is not going to make me adhere to your wishes. I don’t have time for this and this is either going to be the biggest game of my life, or it’s not.” He pushed past the both of them, going into the locker room and leaving them with their mouth hanging open in shock and confusion.

  “I don’t know what has gotten into him, but he better not disappoint me, or he will find himself looking for another agent. After contending with him, I can practically write my own ticket.” Sarah looked at Jennifer and she wanted nothing more than to throw her down right here in front of everyone and take advantage of her. She was young and impressionable and the very thought of a voyeuristic act was very appealing. Sarah had never done anything like that before and feeling Jennifer struggle in discomfort would give her a thrill like never before.

  “I don’t know what to tell you, but maybe he just needs to get his game face on. I’m sure that once he talks to the team and gets into the right mindset, he’ll be able to do what he needs to do.” Jennifer was not completely immune to the way that Sarah was looking at her. That fire was still burning and she had to hug her blazer, just to make herself feel like she wasn’t exposed in a dirty way.

  “I hope that you’re right. He will rue the day that he ever tried to talk to me like that. He might think that he has upper hand, but I can crush him at a moment’s notice. I can get him blacklisted and turn him into a pariah to any other sponsor that might want to consider taking him on. He’s mine and he’s always going to be mine. He’s just going to have to get that through his thick skull. Call those sponsors and tell them that we will have a meeting with them after the game.” Sarah had creditors to answer to.

  Chapter 4

  “This is where we separate the men from the boys. All of you have a lot riding on this, but what I need you to do is to forget about that. Treat this like any other game and put your team work to good use. Once you go out through those doors, the crowd will be overwhelming, but this is your time to block that out and do what needs to be done.” The coach needed this more than he could ever tell his players. He was drowning and this was the only way that he could survive. Gambling was an addiction and one that he felt like he could conquer, but every time it was like taking one step forward and one step back.

  “You heard the coach. As your captain, I’m telling you that we can do this. We’ve done the impossible before and I may be new to the team, but I think that I’ve proven my worth. Today is going to be different. Each one of you needs to pull your weight. I know what I can do, but I can’t do what I normally do. It was selfish of me to think that I could carry this team, when all of you contribute. Let’s do this together. I’m sure that victory is at hand.” Judson was saying the words, but he didn’t feel the full effect of them. It was basically a boilerplate special that he had come up with any time that there was something on the line.

  They ran out into the field with the crowd screaming for blood. There
were those waving their banner and calling attention to themselves. There also those that had painted themselves to become a spectacle. Everybody was chomping at the bit and then the game began.

  Samantha sat on the black leather couch with the two officers outside the door guarding her person. She saw the love of her life Judson with number 22 on his back. He did look good in uniform, but she knew that he looked a whole lot better out of it. “I think that I might want to convince him to wear the uniform after the game. I know that it’s going to be sweaty, but it’s his manly musk that is more important to me than some over the counter bottle of aftershave. I think it’s the heat of the animal that does it for me. I’m sure that if we could bottle that, we would make a fortune with women begging to have their man where what I have in my possession 24 hours a day seven days a week.”

  Samantha was squirming in her seat, eating a bowl of chips madly. She really didn’t concern herself on her waistline and that was something for the New Year’s resolution. The one thing that she knew about herself was that she could be comfortable in her own skin. Judson loved the way that she was and she had no interest in changing for him or anyone. If she wanted to lose weight, she would do it herself, but her doctors had said that she was healthy and that was all that mattered.

  “I don’t care what you say. I’m going in there, whether you like it or not. Take your hands off of me, unless of course you want a lawsuit that will cost you millions.” Samantha could hear some kind of commotion going on outside the door and decided to investigate for her own curiosity. “I’m Judson’s agent and this is my assistant and we’ve come personally to watch the game with her.” Sarah had found out that Judson was seeing someone and was not going to let some police officer stand in her way of greasing the new girlfriend.

  “I’m sorry, but this room is off limits. I don’t even know how you found out that she was here.” The officer was holding back a typhoon in the making. She was a force on to herself. He was thinking that he might have to use bodily force to detain her.

  “I think that I can take it from here.” She opened the door and she thought she saw the coach at the end of the hall. She didn’t get a good look to know for sure, but he did seem familiar. “I wouldn’t mind the company. I’m sure that if Judson trusts her, then we can do. I’m personally vouching for them to come in here with me.” “I’m kinda glad to have the company. I was going a little stir crazy on my own. Judson talked about his agent to be and maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to get in on her good graces” Samantha escorted them through. The officers weren’t exactly happy with this latest development.

  “We’ll be out here if you need us.” He went back with his partner to stand nonchalantly and make it look like they were not there to protect anyone. He was a little curious to know how the agent had found out, but it was obvious that Judson had a big mouth.” That didn’t know at the time that Judson didn’t even know himself and that information was only for their ears.

  “I do believe that Judson has been hiding you from me. I’m wondering why that is. You don’t look like a gold digger and you certainly don’t look like a bimbo that’s looking to get them some. You actually look normal and that in itself worries me. Why would somebody like you be caught dead with a guy like that? I think that we both know that he’s not exactly a one woman kind of guy.” Sarah thought that she could scare her into leaving him. He was better off alone and she was worried that this woman was going to have some kinda say in his career.

  “We don’t know each other, but I would like to remedy that.” They talked for some time and she used her considerable charm to make Sarah think that she was the best thing that happened to Judson in a long time. “I like Judson and I won’t let anybody hurt him in any way. I think that we understand each other.” “I’m not one to judge, but this girl is only out for herself. She trying to make me think that she has Judson’s best interests at heart, but I see right through her ruse. She wants to line her pockets. The other one is quiet and doesn’t say much. I think Sarah called her Jennifer, but I’m really not 100% sure on that.”

  “I was right about you and I think that you might be best for him. He’s been flitting from girl to girl and there’s no telling when he’s going to get somebody pregnant. He thinks that he’s immune and that using a condom is always effective.” This made them both laugh and even Jennifer found this to be amusing. “I have two children that weren’t exactly planned. Things happen in the heat of the moment and I hope that you will think on that the next time that you get together with my client.” Sarah was wearing a very expensive blue and black pantsuit that made her look more important than she really was. Judson was her only client and having him discuss making her his agent was a life altering decision for the both of them.

  “I don’t want an instant family and when I decide to have children, it will be a decision that we make together. His well being is the most important thing to me. He does need to stop show boating, I think that you can see from the game that he has toned that down considerably. He actually threw the ball to one of his teammates, instead of carrying it down the field on his own.” I don’t want to change him, but I think just knowing me has done that. I’m sure that it has a lot more to do with having his life flash before his eyes, but I don’t see any reason why I can’t take credit for that. I want to believe that these girls will abide by his wishes, but I’m not sure that I can fully trust them.”

  “It’s interesting that you say that and as long as you make it legal, the sponsors will be eating it up out of my hand. A family man is something that they can sink their teeth into. I’m not suggesting that you run down the aisle, but getting that ring on your finger won’t be the worst thing that has happened to him.” The game was tied and soon was in the last quarter. One touchdown either way was going to make or break the game.

  “We’ve been sitting here for the last 3 hours and I believe that the next play will be history making.” Jennifer hadn’t said much, but her eyes were glued to the game. She loved the little uniforms and how they hugged the bodies of those very athletic men.

  They were on the edge of their seat and when the ball landed in Judson’s hand the whole stadium went, so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop.

  Judson had a decision to make, as he avoided contact with the other team and was this close to winning the game by one touchdown. He saw the goal line. He took a deep breath and decided that he was never going to be told what to do by anyone.

  He could hear his coach screaming on the sidelines. Judson felt like he was moving in slow motion. He avoided a tackle by leaping over top of the man and continuing on his journey to a moment that would have everybody talking for years to come. He held the ball firmly and saw out of his peripheral vision that a huge hulking form was coming for him. He danced to his own tune, turning slightly and once again preventing the inevitable impact to bring him to the ground.

  Blocking everything out of his mind, he barreled forward and came to a stop with the crowd on its feet. The buzzer went off, as he spiked the ball and gave into his need to dance to the amusement of the crowd.

  Chapter 5

  At that very moment Samantha was now struggling to save herself from certain harm. She was rolling around on the floor with a knife poised to strike against her. She heard the pounding of the police officers on the other side of the door. This woman was hell bent on killing her and it was only by sheer luck alone that Sarah had gotten in the way. Jennifer tried to stab her, but it was Sarah who got up to leave to use the facilities that found herself on the receiving end of the blade.

  “He said that he was going to do it. Do you know how much money I lost?” Jennifer had never been happy with her job, but she had used Sarah to find out certain details that had her swimming in cash. “I put everything on a 7 point win by the other team. Millions…I’m talking millions of dollars have disappeared and there’s no way to get it back. If I can’t have the money, then I can have my pound of flesh.”

>   The door broke free and the police officers came in with their guns drawn, but there was no way that they could act without the possibility of Samantha getting her throat slashed.

  Samantha knew that it was up to her. Instead of panicking, she calmed her nerves and looked for something to use. She grabbed onto the bowl of chips and smashed it over Jennifer’s head. The knife wavered and then fell from her grip. That was when the police stepped forward and kicked it to the side. They pulled her off of Samantha and handcuffed her with her half unconscious and barely able to utter another word.

  The paramedics were working on Sarah when Judson arrived and saw the prone form of a woman. He was terrified and ran in to find that Samantha was standing over in the corner with her hand up to her mouth. “I can’t believe that it was the assistant all this time. I’m glad that you’re OK. You do know that you invited the wolf into the henhouse?” He held her close and then they walked out of there together. They used a side exit. Judson found the coach standing there to give him a high five that echoed with the slap of their skin coming in contact.

  “My boy, I hope that you’re ready for what comes next. You’re going to have to have your bags packed and ready to step up to the big leagues. We’ve never been in the Super Bowl, but we are going to make the most of it.” Jennifer may have lost big time, but the coach had dollar signs in his eyes. He had enough to retire to a cushy community in the Cayman Islands. He would never have to pay taxes again. He had one more year and then he was going to turn in his whistle for tropical drinks on a beach with bevy young nubile women. They found out that Sarah was going to make a full recovery

  The limousine had tinted windows and when they closed the door, Samantha and Judson were all over each other. Samantha could taste the heat coming off of him in waves. She was pulling his uniform off. She devoured the man, sucking back with a vacuum like force and giving into her need to show him how he made her feel.


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