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Chased (Love like Yours Series Book 4)

Page 6

by Nicole S. Goodin

  I dropped my bag to the floor with a thud and moved to sit down next to her. I tucked my feet up and got comfortable. If I knew Quinn, and I did, we’d be here until she got all of the information she wanted.

  “Nothing happened.” I told her. “Nothing bad anyway.”

  “Then why have you got a face like a smacked ass?”

  I frowned at her. “I take offence to that.”

  She waved her hand dismissively. “Doesn’t make it any less true.”

  I fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist.

  “I really like him.” I told her quietly.

  “I know.” She replied. “But I don’t see why that has you nearly in tears.”

  The mention of tears had my eyes welling up all over again.

  “It’s… it’s just…” I stammered. “Oh what’s the point, Quinn? He lives here, and I don’t. What’s the point of taking it any further? I’ll just end up getting hurt.”

  Quinn nodded slowly. “So you don’t want to see him again?”

  “Of course I want to.” I replied quickly. “I just can’t.”

  “That’s bullshit and you know it.” She snapped.

  I looked her in the eye, a little shocked at her tone.

  “What’s the worst that could happen, Lex?” She asked, more gently this time.

  I shrugged. “I dunno… we have an amazing week together, I fall in love with him, and then I have to go back home, alone.”

  “So, let me get this straight… your worst case scenario is falling in love?”

  “No, it’s falling in love and then having to walk away.” I clarified.

  Quinn gave me a small smile. “You know, when I first realized the extent of my feelings for Harrison… I was terrified. I was worried that he wouldn’t feel the same way, or that his loyalty to his brother would be too much for us to overcome, or that I’d lose myself in loving him… I was terrified.”

  “It all worked out okay for you.” I smiled.

  “It certainly hasn’t been smooth sailing, but we’re here now and I couldn’t be happier with my choices.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re telling me this for a reason?” I raised my eyebrows at her in question.

  She smirked. “Because I am… nothing that’s worth it ever comes easy.”

  “But I’m leaving in –”

  “I know you are.” She held her hands up in defense. “All I’m saying is if you really think you’re okay with never seeing him again, then fine. But if you have doubts… then you should think hard about it. I don’t want to watch you living with regret.”

  I nodded. I needed sometime to absorb Quinn’s advice.

  “I’m gonna take a shower.” I stood up and headed for the door, grabbing my bag on the way.

  “Good idea, Lex.”


  The water pounding down on my back must have done the trick to clear my head.

  What was I thinking?

  If this was meant to be – really meant to be, then it’d work out. I just had to take a chance…

  I know what I need to do.

  I jumped out of the shower and dressed in a rush. I flew down the stairs, my hastily packed bag clutched in my hands. I burst into the living room, expecting Quinn to be where I’d left her.

  “Quinn?” I called out.

  “Yeah?” She called back, her voice coming from the direction of the front door.

  “Do you think you could…” I trailed off as I saw Quinn, a massive grin on her face and her car keys in her hand.

  “What?” She asked. “Could I drive you somewhere perhaps?” She had a smart look in her eyes, daring me to admit that she had been right.

  “Yeah, yeah, you were right.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Course I was.” She smirked. “Now get your ass in that car.”

  “If you can love the wrong person that much, imagine how much you can love the right one.”

  - Author unknown

  10. Colt

  I took a swig of my beer and flicked through the channels again. I don’t know why I was bothering; I couldn’t focus on anything on the screen anyway – all I could think about was her.

  I was probably overreacting.

  I barely even know the woman.

  It felt like I knew her though. I felt like I’d known her my whole life… and the fact that it was over before it even got the chance to begin, really fucking sucked.

  I understood her decision, and I could see why she wanted to protect herself. But it was going to a long six days, knowing she was only a short drive away, but that I couldn’t see her.

  Suck it up…

  I was always the guy that could never take a hint, never give up when it was over – Quinn was a prime example of that. But I wasn’t going to do that this time. I couldn’t, not to Lexie. I respected her too much to try and make things hard for her, no matter how much I wished it could be different. I wouldn’t risk her getting hurt, not when she’d asked me not to.

  I took another long pull of my beer.

  Move on.

  Step one: get drunk.

  The buzzer sounded on the intercom.

  Pizza’s here.

  I jogged over to the panel and held down the button to let the delivery guy up.

  Pizza and beer. What more could I need?

  The answer hit me like a ton of bricks as I swung open the door and came face to face with the woman who had taken over my every thought.

  “Lexie?” I glanced up and down the hallway, looking for some explanation as to how she had appeared here, literally on my doorstep.

  “Quinn dropped me off.” She offered by way of explanation. “And then you just buzzed me up without even asking who it was – you shouldn’t do that you know… I could have been a murderer.” She scolded me.

  “I was waiting for pizza.” I explained lamely, showing her the twenty bucks I had tucked in my hand. I couldn’t think of anything else to say, the surprise of her sudden appearance had turned me mute.

  She smiled and looked right at me, waiting for me to acknowledge what was right in front of me.

  She shifted her weight nervously and I noticed the full bag she was carrying.

  She came back…

  “Is that… are you…?” I stuttered hopefully.

  She smiled again and bit down on her lip. “If you’ll have me?”

  I’ll have you alright…

  I grabbed her and roughly pulled her against me, our lips meeting in a crash of passion and heat.

  Her tiny body pressed against mine and I hoisted her up so I didn’t have to bend down to meet her.

  She let out a giggle

  “I thought I’d never see you again.” I growled against her lips.

  “Me too.” She sighed. “We’ve only got six nights together; so we better make them count.”

  That I could do.

  I turned us around and Lexie clamped her legs around my waist. I walked us into my apartment, kicking the door shut as I went. My hands were cupping her ass, and I let go with one to snag her bag and toss it onto the couch.

  “Your place is nice.” She murmured even through her eyes had been locked on mine the entire time.

  “You want the tour?” I ground out, hoping like hell that she didn’t.

  She shook her head slowly and bit down on her full bottom lip. “No.” She whispered. “I want you to take me to bed.”

  “Thank fuck for that.” I growled.

  Her light laugh filled my ears as I carried her through the living room, down the hall and straight into my master suite.

  I didn’t stop until my shins hit the side of my king sized bed. I lowered her down so she was on her back beneath me.

  “Lexie.” I choked out, my voice strangled and course.

  “I’m here.” She cooed.

  “I missed you.” I replied. It was a bizarre thought, but it was one hundred percent true. I felt like I’d been missing a part of me.

  She smiled at me, looming over her and reached
for the hem of my shirt.

  I am totally and utterly screwed.

  “I missed you too.” She replied softly as she lifted it up over my head and tossed it aside.

  She made a purr deep in the back of her throat and I knew I was a total goner.

  11. Lexie

  Colt without a shirt on was truly a sight to behold. His body was tight and toned… the groves of his abdomen pronounced and firm.

  I’d never seen anything so tempting.

  My eyes on his bare flesh spurred him into action. He tugged my Nike’s off my feet and tossed them behind him without a second thought. My yoga pants came off next and were disregarded in the same manner.

  I sat up and pulled my top up over my head.

  “I’m in heaven.” He mumbled to himself

  I reached for his sweat pants and tugged them roughly down his legs.

  Holy hell.

  Colt had gone commando.

  I reached forward to take him in my hand but he jerked his hips back.

  “Oh no, little bird, you touch me like that and I’ll lose it.” His hazel eyes looked lighter – the gold more pronounced, and they were burning bright with desire.

  I pouted, but leaned slowly back against his bed, resting on my elbows, just drinking in the spectacular sight in front of me.

  He kicked his pants off fully and stood in front of me, naked as the day he was born. He was hard and ready, his dick standing proudly at attention in front of him.

  I licked my lips.

  “Jesus.” He muttered. “You are gonna kill me.”

  I giggled softly as he reached slowly for my underwear and slid them down my legs and over my feet.

  He held them tightly in his hand as he stood before me, taking his fill of my body.

  Eyes on my skin had never felt so intimate, so erotic.

  “Damn, Lex.” He groaned. “I can’t promise I’ll be able to take this slow.”

  I didn’t want it slow. I sat up again and slowly unhooked the clasps on the back of my bra, letting it fall forward revealing my breasts.

  “Screw it.” He mumbled as he lunged for me, lightly knocking me back onto the bed.

  His mouth found mine with an urgency that had me trying to catch my breath. His tongue slipped into my mouth, one firm brush after another against mine.

  He was supporting his weight on his elbows, leaving just enough so I could feel his body against mine.

  He was hot and hard against my leg and I couldn’t wait to feel him inside me.

  “I need you.” He groaned.

  I needed him too. There was no need for foreplay; just his hot stare on my bare skin alone had me ready to go.

  I reached between us and gripped his erection. He was hard as a rock.

  He let out a deep shudder and I knew he was as close to the edge as I was.

  I guided him towards me and felt the tip of him press gently where I needed him most.

  “Colt.” I groaned, begging him to take the lead.

  That was all the coaxing he needed. He thrust up into me in one movement and I let out a moan of pleasure.

  God it feels so good.

  He stilled inside me momentarily and a hiss escaped his lips. “Damn, Lex.” He groaned before tilting his hips back and thrusting into me again.

  I moaned in satisfaction.

  “More.” I demanded.

  He gave me more.

  He picked up his pace, finding a rhythm that was both punishing and pleasing.

  I lifted my hips to meet him, stroke for stroke and he grunted out his appreciation.

  I was so worked up I could barely breath, his eyes were boring holes into mine, like with every thrust he was edging closer and closer to my soul.

  I couldn’t look away.

  My hands gripped his back, the firm muscles flexing under my fingers.

  “I want you to come for me.” He panted. “Now, Lexie, I want you to come now.” He demanded, still looking into my eyes.

  I was so close.

  He broke our eye contact and dipped his head to suck on my neck. He devoured the skin there like a staving man would a juicy steak.

  He moved further down to my breasts, taking one of my nipples into his mouth and sucking hard.

  So close.

  I let out a long moan as I felt my orgasm building, almost to the point of release.

  He dragged his teeth over the hard peek and I lost it, pleasure exploded through my body, coming in fast, hot bursts that had me thrashing and moaning.

  “Colt…” I moaned.

  He mumbled something incoherent in my ear before picking up his pace to an even more grueling speed.

  His whole body tensed I knew he was close. He had to be, my body couldn’t take much more of this pleasure.

  He let out a guttural moan and thrust deep and hard, one last time before stilling inside me.

  “That was… wow.” I murmured after a few moments of heavy breathing.

  He huffed out a breath. “Wow doesn’t even come close.”

  I stroked my finger softly down his face and smiled up at him.

  He pressed a sweet kiss to the tip of my nose. “Let me just take care of the condom.”

  He slid out of me and I realized our mistake at the same moment he did.

  There is no condom.

  The look of horror on his face filled me with dread.

  “Lexie, babe, please tell me your on the pill.”

  My heart hammered in my chest as I shook my head slowly at him. “I’m not.”

  “Shit, god, I’m so sorry, I’ve never been that careless, I swear.” His voice was strained and full of remorse. The look on his face was pure terror.

  “It’s okay.” I reassured him, even though I felt anything but calm myself. “We’ll take care of it… and I’m clean, I promise.” I told him quickly.

  His eyes softened. “I didn’t mean… I know you are, Lex, you’re not that kind of girl.”

  He was right – I wasn’t.

  Until right now.

  “I’ve never had sex without a condom.” He promised me in return. “And I had a check not too long ago anyway.”

  “Okay… good… this is good.” I said aloud – for his benefit or mine, I wasn’t sure.

  “But what do we do now?” He asked, still slightly panicked, and rightly so.

  “I’ll get a morning after pill tomorrow?” I suggested. “I’ve just had a period a week or so ago, so I think it should be fine… I didn’t really listen in sex education…” I rambled. “Maybe we won’t take the risk?” I offered finally.

  He looked almost torn for a moment.

  “Yeah, okay.” He agreed, seemingly more relaxed now. “I’ll take you to get it tomorrow, alright?”

  I nodded in agreement and he grabbed a towel from the chair next to his bed and handed it to me to clean up.

  “What went through your head just now?” I asked him gently, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  He smiled sheepishly. “You caught that huh?”

  “You’re too easy to read.” I told him with a smile.

  He lay down next to me and tucked me close against him.

  “I don’t want to send you running…” He shrugged. “And I’m not crazy enough to be wanting a baby right now… but I was just imagining how beautiful a little mini you would be.”

  My heart thumped in my chest. “But your face was horrified?”

  “Because I was careless with you.” He explained. “I should never have put you in a position where you needed to take a pill because I forgot a glove.”

  “It’s not like I was exactly worrying about consequences either… it’s not all on you.” I insisted.

  “It’s my dick – it’s my job to wrap it.” He argued.

  We locked eyes in a silent standoff.

  He won when I lost it laughing.

  “Alright, you wrap your dick from now on.” I agreed with a grin.

  “Will do.” He saluted me like a soldier.

sp; “Thanks for not totally freaking out.” I placed a kiss on his collarbone. “Most guys would have been spewing.”

  “Well I’m not most guys.” He assured me.

  He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.

  “No, you most certainly are not.” I murmured as he moved on, kissing the skin below my ear.

  He rolled me slightly so he was above me again, his mouth trailing a path down my neck and finding its way to my breast. He teased and sucked and nibbled until I was squirming.

  “This time I’ll use a condom.” He promised.

  12. Colt

  “I need to feed you.” I groaned as I rolled over and reached for Lex.

  We still hadn’t left the bedroom. We’d alternated between sex and sleep for the past three hours. I didn’t know about her, but I was exhausted and half starved. The pizza had eventually arrived, but still sat disregarded on the bench, stone cold by now.

  “Mmmmm… I… mmmm…” Lexie hummed incoherently into the pillow.

  I chuckled. “You’re delirious.”

  She rolled over to face me. “It’s all the sex.” She groaned dramatically. “My body isn’t made to withstand all this pleasure.”

  “What else have you got for me? My ego isn’t quite big enough.” I grabbed her and pulled her tight into my arms.

  “Well I’ll tell you something that is big enough.” She quipped as she snuggled in.

  I barked out a laugh. “Now I know you’re lying.”

  “Well I can’t comment on the average of the population, but I can tell you, Colton Hunt, that yours more than meets the minimum requirements.”

  “Your vagina has minimum requirements?” I enquired.

  “Of course she does, what kind of ship would she be running without a set of standards to adhere to?”

  This girl is a total loon.

  I chuckled loudly. “You refer to it as a girl?”

  She perched up on her elbow, eyebrow already raised as she looked at me. “Would you refer to your junk as anything other than a guy?”

  “I can safely say I’ve ever thought about it.” I replied with amusement.

  “Well you should.” She insisted as she snuggled back down.

  “You’re funny.” I told her as I stroked her bare arm. “I like talking to you.”


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