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Page 20

by Ray Gordon

  "You like me fucking your cunt with my candle?" I asked impishly.

  "Ah, yes, yes!"

  "I have another surprise for you in a minute." A wickedly evil surprise!

  "Ah, ah! What's... what's that?"

  "You'll see, just be patient, my angel." My victim!

  I allowed her the pleasure of the candle for several minutes, repeatedly withdrawing the wet shaft and driving into her, juicing her cunt, ripening her clitoris. Eyeing her tightly closed anal entrance, I slipped the dripping candle out of her vaginal sheath. The time had come for her surprise! Pushing the pointed end of the phallus against her anal iris, grinning wickedly, I sensed decadence swallow me up as she tensed her buttocks. Lucifer lurked, goading me to abuse my prisoner.

  "No, not there!" she cried as the tip of the wax shaft entered her, stretching her brown ring open. "No! Please, Helen!"

  "Just relax and enjoy the sensations," I replied, driving the shaft into her rectum. "There, it's going in - right up your bum."

  "No, it hurts!"

  "Relax your muscles and enjoy it."

  "No, I can't take it!"

  "You're going to take it so you might as well relax your muscles and make it easier on yourself."

  Slipping the candle deeper into her bowels, leaving only the end protruding, I grabbed the wooden spoon and began thrashing her firm buttocks. Scream and protest as she did, her pleas for mercy only served to heighten my desire to bring her pain and pleasure. Harder, I thrashed her, reddening her tensed flesh to the accompaniment of her pathetic wails. I felt no compassion, only wickedness. But this was only the beginning! I had a lot more in store for the lesbian, and it had nothing to do with loving her!

  "Please stop, Helen!" she begged as the spoon loudly slapped her naked buttocks.

  "All right, I'll allow you to rest for a while," I finally conceded, placing the spoon on the table. "While you're resting, I'll attend your beautiful cunt," I added, opening the fridge door and taking out a large cucumber. My favourite fruit!

  "What's that?" she gasped as the cold shaft entered her young vaginal canal. "Helen, I'll split open if you..."

  "Do be quite, Lydia!" I returned, pushing the green shaft fully home. "I wouldn't want to have to gag you with your own wet knickers!" There again... No, I'd take her one step at a time towards complete and utter perversion.

  Her sex holes stretched to capacity with the candle and the huge cucumber, I gazed at the wooden spoon. It wasn't the right implement for thrashing her, I needed something long and thin - a bamboo cane. Slipping out into the garden, I found just what I was looking for. The foxglove would have to support itself, I mused as I yanked the thin cane out of the ground and returned to my victim.

  "Look what I've found!" I grinned triumphantly as I entered the kitchen wielding the cane. "Just right for a good thrashing!"

  "Helen, I'll tell David that you..."

  "What? You'll tell David that we have a lesbian relationship?"

  "I'll... I'll tell him that you..."

  "Ah, the front doorbell, that'll be him. Shall I bring him in here?"

  "No! Please, you mustn't let him see me like this!"

  "What's it worth, one hundred pounds?"

  "Yes, yes all right, forget about the money you owe me!"

  "The trouble is, he'll see you through the kitchen window. I really don't know what to do. You're in quite a predicament."

  "Let me go, for God's sake!"

  "There's no time, I have to answer the door."

  "Just release my hands and I'll do the rest."

  Slipping my smock over my head, I released Lydia's hands and went to the front door to find David standing on the step in his bulging shorts. "The garden," he grinned, his deep-set eyes locked to mine.

  "Oh, right. Go round to the side gate, I have unlocked it," I said. His rippling muscles, his firm, bronzed stomach, sent a quiver through my pelvis. I wanted his cock fucking my arsehole.

  "Any chance of a cold beer?" he asked, unaware that his girlfriend was in my kitchen, her cunt shaved, her arse weal-lined.

  "I'll bring one out to you. Tony wants you to start down the end of the garden, clear the weeds and brambles."

  "Yes, I know what to do."

  Closing the front door as he walked round the side of the house, I imagined him fucking Lydia, driving his solid penis deep into her spasming cunt while I thrust the candle in and out of her bottom-hole. My wickedness had plunged me to such depths of sexual depravity, I barely knew myself anymore! But was my transformation complete? I wondered as Lydia came bounding into the hall clutching her clothes.

  "God, that was close!" she gasped, her face flushed, her blue eyes almost popping out of her head. "He nearly saw me through the window!"

  "Did you enjoy our sex session?" I asked, leaning forward and sucking her erect nipple into my hot mouth.

  "Ah, that's nice! I... I wanted love, Helen, not cold, crude sex."

  "There's no difference," I grinned, standing upright.

  "There's every difference!"

  "Love is a violent emotion. You have a lot to learn, Lydia. When will you come and see me again?"

  "I... I don't know. I didn't want you to thrash me."

  "You enjoyed it, didn't you?" I asked as she dressed, covering her crimson buttocks, her hairless pussy lips, her milk-white sex mound.

  "No, no I didn't. I must be going, I'll... I'll be in touch."

  When she'd gone, I grabbed a beer from the fridge and wandered out into the garden to find David. My wickedness excited me beyond belief. I'd had Tony screwing my bum in Gary's sex room, I'd thrashed and abused Lydia, and now I had her boyfriend in my garden. What to do? I wondered. Seduce him, have him fuck me on the lawn?

  He'd treated me despicably, wanking and splattering his spunk all over the carpet when he'd known how desperate I'd been for a fix. I'd confided in him, told him everything - and he'd tried to use me in return. But I had power now, power over male and female. I wouldn't allow him to treat me as his plaything. He was nothing more than my gardener, and I'd make his life hell.

  "Your beer," I smiled as I approached him.

  "Oh, thanks."

  "I've not seen you for some time, how are things with Lydia?"

  "I've caught her looking at the girls in women's magazines, underwear adverts and the like, but I think we're OK."

  "She's bisexual, David, you have to understand that."

  "Yes, I do understand."

  "How would you feel if you caught her with another girl, making love?"

  "I don't know. I've given it a lot of thought, but I don't know."

  "She has a lovely body, David."

  "Yes, yes she has. She goes back to university soon, I'll miss her."

  "Would you rather she didn't go back?"

  "Well, she's doing the right thing but... I don't know. Are you craving for...?"

  "No, I'm fixed up as far as that's concerned. I quite fancy Lydia myself."

  "Do you?" he gasped, surprised.

  "Oh, yes. I wouldn't mind seducing her."

  "Helen, you're talking about my girlfriend!"

  "Do you own her, her body?"

  "Well, no but..."

  "There we are, then. May the best man, or woman, win."

  "Christ, you are joking, aren't you?"

  "I might be, there again I might not. God, it's getting hotter by the minute! You'll be on fire by the time you've cleared that lot," I smiled, pointing to the weeds and brambles. "I'd better leave you to get on. You won't mind if I take my smock off, will you?" I asked, slipping the garment over my head and displaying my gold nipple rings, my hairless cunt slit.

  "God!" he breathed, focusing on my nipples. "I didn't know..."

  "There are a lot of things you don't know, David - particularly where Lydia is concerned. I'll see you later, I have work to do."

  He frowned as he watched me turn and walk back to the house. I sensed his eyes on my naked buttocks and wondered what he was thinking. Male thoughts
of sex, crude perverted sex, were no doubt filling his dirty mind. Flinging my smock on the kitchen table, I went upstairs to my bedroom. Again, the tables were turning, I mused.

  Hanging my gold chain around my neck, I fixed the ends to the nipple rings. My milk teats stretched, the chain pulling my breasts up, I grinned as I looked at my abused body in the full-length mirror. Very alluring, I decided, turning this way and that, eyeing my pouting cunny lips, my feminine curves. Very tarty. Should I have my inner lips pierced?

  As I bounded downstairs to my studio, the phone rang. It wouldn't be Tony, I knew. Gary, perhaps? Flouncing into the studio, my painfully stretched nipples sending wonderful sensations through my naked body, I grabbed the receiver.

  "Hallo," I replied.

  "Helen, it's Alan."

  "Oh, Alan. Er... where are the photographs, I thought you were going to bring them round?"

  "I've been busy, working away. Look, I'm in your area tomorrow, I was wondering whether..."

  "Only if you bring the photographs with you."

  "No problem. Er... I have a friend... I was wondering..."

  "What do you think I am, a tart?"

  "No, no. Not to worry, it was only a thought."

  "Bring him with you and we'll see."

  "Great, I'll see you tomorrow."

  Replacing the receiver, I pondered on my new way of life. Alan bringing a stranger round for sex? I was sinking deeper and deeper into the bottomless pool of depravity! But I couldn't allow sex to rule my life, I had to concentrate on my work, finish the painting and get on with the next one. Sheena would be able to test the market with one pornographic painting, but she'd need a comprehensive range to entice the potential customers.

  After an hour in the studio, the girl was coming on very well. Putting the finishing touches to her pretty face, the sperm dribbling down her chin, the veined penile shaft embedded within her pretty mouth, I'd just decided to see how David was fairing in the garden when the doorbell rang. "Now what!" I breathed agitatedly, leaving the studio and grabbing my smock from the kitchen before answering the door. "One bloody interruption after another!"

  Lydia was standing on the step, her face anguished, pained. She'd had her lesbian sex, her orgasm, so what had she come back for? Not more sex, surely? Another caning, perhaps? I imagined pushing my clenched fist up her cunt, although I didn't know why.

  "Is David still here?" she asked.

  "Yes he is. What's the problem, are you all right?"

  "I don't know what to do, Helen. I don't want to leave David, but I want to be with you as often as I can. I need to talk to you, talk about us."

  "You'd better come through to the kitchen," I invited her. "You must remember that I'm married, Lydia. Tony must never find out that..."

  "Yes, I know," she said softly, following me through the hall. "You see, initially, my idea was to use you for sex, and make some money in the process. But now..."

  "Now you've fallen in love with me and you're torn between male and female and you want David as your partner and yet you want me..."

  "Yes, that just about sums it up," she broke in, sitting at the kitchen table.

  "Lydia, I was talking to David earlier and he said... No, I shouldn't tell you. God knows, you're confused enough as it is!"

  "Please tell me, Helen."

  "All right, but you might not like it. He wants a threesome, you, me and him."

  "A threesome? But..."

  "I told him there was no way I'd do such a thing, but he seemed to think that you'd be game. I believe he was thinking of you rather than himself, your pleasure."

  "I didn't realize that he... it just goes to show how little I know him!"

  "It's a difficult situation, what with our lesbian relationship and David being your boyfriend. Don't tell him that I told you about it, whatever you do."

  "No, of course I won't."

  "Would you want to... would you be game, Lydia?"

  "Well, I... I don't know. I want you both so it might be..."

  "I wouldn't be interested; I'm not into that sort of thing. Look, you stay there while I take him a cold beer."

  David was doing well; he'd already cleared half the ground of weeds and brambles and was in dire need of a beer. What else was he in dire need of? I wondered, eyeing his bulging crotch. I told him that Lydia was in the kitchen but made him promise not to go and talk. I didn't want him spoiling my plan!

  "David, Lydia's just put something to me, a proposition," I smiled. "She doesn't know I'm telling you but I thought I'd... no, it's probably best that I don't say anything."

  "What did she propose?" he asked, sipping his beer. "You can't begin to say something mysterious and then decide not to."

  "Well, she... she suggested a threesome, you, me and her. I said that I wasn't interested but... I just thought I'd better mention it to you."

  "A threesome? God, I didn't realize that she was like that!"

  "No, neither did I. I've never had a lesbian relationship so... it's not something I'd do, I can tell you that!"

  "It might be fun," he replied, gazing into my eyes as he brushed his dark hair away from his suntanned face. He was falling, hook, line and sinker.

  "You might enjoy it, David, but I'm not a lesbian!" I returned. "I was joking when I said that I fancied Lydia."

  "Were you? Look, I'll do your garden for nothing if you..."

  "Is that all I'd get in return, a few weeds pulled up?"

  "I'll... I'll landscape the back garden. A professional job, rockery, shrubs..."

  "A fish pond with a waterfall."

  "Christ, that would cost..."

  "I'll pay for the materials if you do the job for nothing."

  "OK, you're on."

  "Right, the best way to handle this is for you to chat to Lydia. I'll send her out here and you can put it to her. Don't, whatever you do, tell her that I told you what she'd said about a threesome. Arrange it for this evening; we'll have a night of sexy fun."

  "OK, I'll say that it was my idea. Are you sure that she's keen?"

  "She's more than keen, I can tell you! I'll send her out here."

  Returning to the kitchen, I smiled at Lydia, imagining David fucking her sex sheath while I fingered her tight arsehole. I'd squat over her face, bring myself off in her mouth while I sucked David's knob and drank his spunk. Christ, ever lewder in my lewdness!

  "Lydia, David's really keen on this threesome thing. I don't really want to..."

  "I'd like to give it a go," she replied eagerly. "Please, Helen, I love you both, I want to do it."

  "Well, don't tell him that I said anything. Go and see him, see what he has to say. Don't you suggest it, let him do the talking. If you're both really keen then I might consider it. It's not something I'd want to get into regularly, you understand, but I might try it once."

  I watched her bound down the garden, her short skirt revealing her thighs. What David would say when he discovered her shaved pussy, I didn't know, or care. All I wanted was to enjoy their naked bodies, have them both attend my nipples, my cunt, my bottom-hole. Shuddering as I imagined two tongues lapping between my vaginal lips, I prayed for my plan to work. If I pulled this off, I'd discover my sexual heaven, I was sure.

  Gazing through the window, my stomach somersaulted as I watched Lydia approach the house. "Well, what did he say?" I asked hopefully as she stepped into the kitchen.

  "This evening, Helen, we'll come round and..."

  "Good, we'll have a night of sexy fun. Do remember that I'm only doing this for you, Lydia. I don't want it to become a regular thing."

  "Do you want us, you and me, to become a regular thing?"

  "Yes, if that's what you want."

  "Oh, I do!"

  "OK, you go home and let me get on with my work, and I'll see you this evening."

  "All right. You know, I've really changed, Helen. When I first thought that you and David had been... well, I was upset and confused. Now I seem to have found what I was looking for all
along, although I didn't realize what it was that I wanted."

  "And what is it you want?"

  "Sex with a man and a woman. I feel that this is right, that our relationship is going to blossom."

  "I'm sure it will," I smiled. My clitoris will blossom! "Off you go, and I'll see you later."

  Quite a turn up for the books! I reflected. Lydia and David, naked, writhing in orgasm, her vaginal juices wetting my face, his spunk filling my mouth. I'd lie on the floor beneath Lydia while David fucked her. I'd lick her clitoris to orgasm as he spunked up her cunt and then I'd drink from her, swallow her come and his male cream. The evening was going to be quite an experience, to say the least! But, in the meantime, I had work to do.

  Chapter Thirteen

  David had worked solidly throughout the morning and afternoon and I wondered whether he'd be in a fit state for a night of rampant sex. He'd said nothing to me before leaving, only offering me a knowing smile as he walked past the kitchen window and around the side of the house.

  My clitoris swelling, my cunt wetting in anticipation, I glanced at my watch - five-thirty. Tony wouldn't have arrived in Tokyo yet so there'd be no questioning phone calls from him, not for several hours, anyway. Had he masturbated on the plane? Had he slipped into the toilet and brought out his spunk as he imagined a stewardess gobbling on his knob? More than likely!

  At least I wasn't having a problem satisfying my craving for sperm. There seemed to be more of the stuff available than I could manage! But I knew that the time would soon come when I was desperate for another fix. Not today, not tomorrow, but the time would come when I was in dire need of a man's beautiful penis, his orgasming knob, his gushing spunk.

  Stephen Giles hadn't phoned, which I found odd. Perhaps he was too busy running the company, or fucking his secretary over his office desk. When the front doorbell rang, my heart leaped. It was far too early for David and Lydia. God, if it was Gary! Perhaps he'd like to make up a foursome? Two cocks two cunts, four tits, mouths, tongues...

  Opening the door to Laura, I offered her a smiled, wondering why she had to call now, of all times. There was no way she'd be into orgies, I was sure of that! As I gazed at her pretty face framed by her shining, long black hair, I imagined her cunt slit, her fleshy pussy lips, her erect clitoris. She was supposed to be my best friend, for goodness sake! What on earth was I thinking of? Something gripped me; I desperately wanted her, her naked body, her wet cunt pressed against my open mouth.


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