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Page 23

by Ray Gordon

  "You're going then?"

  "I have to."

  "Helen, I wanted to ask you about Laura."

  "I'm sorry, it's a bad line, Tony."

  "Helen, when did you last see..."

  Having had enough of the conversation, I hung up. Tony would think we'd been cut off and probably call back, but I wouldn't answer. I had David to deal with, to suck to orgasm! I was right, the phone rang as I walked into the lounge and knelt before David.

  "Aren't you going to answer that?" he asked as I tugged his shorts down, exposing his stiffening penis, his heavy balls.

  "No, I know who it is and I don't want to speak to them," I replied, pulling his foreskin back. "You were saying something about a condition?"

  "Yes, I... God!" he gasped as I engulfed his silky-smooth glans within my hot mouth and gently sucked.

  Breathing deeply, David seemed to have forgotten his condition, whatever it was. Kneading his rolling balls, I rocked my head back and forth, his solid penis mouth-fucking me, his glans repeatedly driving to the back of my throat. He came quickly, his spunk gushing from his throbbing knob, bathing my tongue, filling my cheeks until he collapsed to the floor.

  "That was quick!" I giggled, licking the sperm from my wet lips. "I was hoping you'd last a little longer!"

  "God, you're bloody good, Helen!" he gasped. "I wish Lydia would do that!"

  "Has she never tried?"

  "No, she doesn't like the idea."

  "Perhaps we should persuade her. Tonight, we'll arouse her so much that she'll suck you off and drink your come."

  "I don't think she'd do that," he breathed, climbing to his feet.

  "Mmm, you taste good!" I grinned. "Now you've serviced me, given me your spunk, you can go and get on with the garden."

  "That reminds me," he said, tugging his shorts up. "I bumped into the postman earlier."

  "Oh, yes?"

  "He said that there's this nympho living in a house he delivers to. He reckons that he put his cock through the letterbox and she sucked him off!" he laughed.

  "He's lying," I smiled. "Go and get on with the garden."

  I watched him leave the room, immense satisfaction in his expression as he turned in the hall and flashed me a smile. We'd used each other, no strings, no ties, just cold crude mouth-fucking - mouth-spunking. So, it had been the postman's knob, I mused, wondering why he'd not slipped his cock through the letterbox again. If he did it again, I'd tie a piece of string around his cock and tie the other end to the door handle, forcing him to stand there for an hour or two!

  The drug quickly taking effect, I rose to my feet, deciding to get a good day's work done now that I'd had my fix. In my studio, I donned my smock and put the finishing touches to the girl. The scene was beautiful, the huge penises embedded deep within her lust holes, her head turned, her face depicting the immense satisfaction she was deriving from the lewd double fucking. Removing the painting, I pulled a blank canvas over the wooden frame, wondering what to paint next.

  As I gazed at the canvas, I pictured Gary's sex room, the wooden box, a girl with her buttocks protruding through the hole. Again, I thought of Tony's adultery, wondering what games I could play with him. I suddenly had an idea, have Gary believe that there really was someone at the window watching the lewd scene. The notion appealed to me, excited me. I'd write a note to Gary from the voyeur saying that Tony would be told of the vile episode with Helen. Better still, I'd phone him. My plan barely formulated, I lifted the receiver and dialled his number.

  "You need sperm?" he asked smugly, confidently.

  "No, I don't. Listen, Gary, I've just had another call from that man who was looking through your window. He said..."

  "There was no man, Helen!"

  "Then who rang and told me what he'd seen?"

  "It's one of your games."

  "Games? Do you honestly believe that I'd tell Tony that you were both seen?"

  "You did tell him!"

  "I told him because I was worried, frightened, not because I was playing games! You'd better take this seriously, Gary. This man, whoever he is, rang a short while ago and said that he'd be telling Tony what he'd seen and..."

  "Helen, I know you're bluffing."


  "You're a strange one; I wouldn't be surprised if..."

  "Gary, this is deadly serious! What do you think Tony would do if he were to discover that it was me in the box, that you fucked my cunt and my arse?"

  "Well, I... What does this imaginary man want?"

  "He's not imaginary! He saw me coming out of your house, he knows everything. And I'll tell you what he wants, he wants money."

  "Money? Helen, if you're..."

  "You have to believe me!"

  "All right, how much does he want?"

  "Two thousand pounds. I haven't got that sort of cash available, you'll have to find it."

  "Two grand? Jesus, Helen, I'm not shelling out..."

  "You'd better tell Tony what's going on, see what he has to say about it. Tell him that his adultery will be revealed unless..."

  "Tell Tony what? That this man has asked you for two grand to keep your identity secret?"

  "No, no make out that he put a note through your door asking you for the money. Tell Tony that this man is threatening to expose Tony as an adulterer."

  "Look, I need time to think. I'll call you later."

  "You'd better think of something good, I don't want Tony to find out that it was me in that bloody box. He'd kill me, and you!"

  "Yes, all right, leave it with me. I'll ring Tony, as you suggested."

  "You do that. And don't tell Tony any more about me, my past!"

  "Play the game, do as I ask when I ask - and I'll say nothing."

  "This isn't a game!" I returned. "Why did you tell Tony that you'd met my sister?"

  "I've told you, Helen, you do as I ask when I ask or I'll tell him more about you."

  "I don't want him knowing anything about me, my past. Tony asked me what sort of work I did before I met him, what have you said to him?"

  "I've only hinted. I've got you over a barrel, my girl!"

  "Please, Gary, don't say another word to Tony!"

  "Play the game, and your past will remain a secret. Look, I have some thinking to do. I'll talk to you later."

  Replacing the receiver, I grinned, wondering at my dangerous games, at Tony's reaction when Gary told him the bad news. I also wondered where the old Helen had gone, why a rampant nymphomaniac had taken her place. My addiction to sperm was one thing, my insatiable sex drive another - but to play stupid games with Gary and Tony?

  Wandering through the hall to the kitchen, I watched David through the window. Wearing only his shorts, his muscles rippling, he was digging a huge hole, presumably for the pond. I'd tell Tony that the money to landscape the garden had come from my paintings. I could hint that I paid David in kind, I mused. No, perhaps not!

  Answering the door to Gary, his forehead lined, his hazel eyes frowning, I knew my lies had worked. He stepped into the hall, his expression pained, anguished, as I closed the door and turned to face him.

  "Did you call Tony?" I asked.

  "Yes, I did. Guess what, he has a private detective following you, watching you."

  "A private detective?" I gasped, feigning surprise, shock. "Why?"

  "He's had his suspicions for some time, Helen. And the way you've been behaving lately, I'm not surprised!"

  "What do you mean? Tony knows nothing about..."

  "He must know something. What with your antics on the common and..."

  "There's no way he knows anything about that! Unless you told him. Gary, if you've told Tony that..."

  "I've not said anything about the common."

  "Good. What about this man who's demanding money?"

  "Tony's worried sick, as you can imagine. He asked me to pay him off."

  "He rang again, just after I'd finished speaking to you. He wants the money left beneath the bushes in my fron
t garden."

  "All right, I'll draw the cash out and put it in an envelope."

  "He'll be collecting it tonight. Leave it beneath the bush by the gate post."

  "This is a right bloody mess! It's got to be someone locally. Probably some opportunist thief wandering down the lane looking for a house to break into. By the way, Tony seemed to be suspicious of me. He asked me why I was spending so much time at your house."

  "You haven't spent any time here."

  "I know, that's what I told him. He seems to think that I'm round here for hours on end, drinking coffee and sunbathing."

  "Why? I don't understand it."

  "Neither do I. Someone's obviously filling his head with..."

  "I think I know who it is," I interrupted him, having thought of another game to play.


  "David. Because you went and told him about my addiction, he's been demanding sex every day in return for keeping quiet. Come to think of it, he's very short of cash at the moment. I wonder whether it was him at your window?"

  "You might be right there. He does my garden, he could have easily seen into that room during the day and come back later to see what I was up to."

  "He's doing my garden at the moment, I'll question him."

  "Be careful, you don't want him knowing that we know - not yet, anyway."

  "You've caused all these problems, Gary - you and your bloody sex room! And the things you've been telling Tony about me..."

  "You can't blame me! You're the one who's been going round shagging anything and everything!"

  "And you're the one who's been telling Tony about my past!"

  "How come Tony doesn't know that you have a sister?"

  "Don't change the subject!"

  "Look, there's no point in arguing. Speak to David and let me know what you find out."

  "All right, I'll be in touch."

  Closing the door as he walked down the drive, I felt exhilarated. My game was brilliant, Gary was worried out of his mind, Tony was obviously wondering what the hell was going on - and I was about to earn myself two thousand pounds! Tony must have told Gary about the private dick before Chris had mentioned the affair I was having with Gary, I reflected. Tony would hardly tell Gary about Chris if he'd known of the affair!

  Time for another phone call, I decided, walking back to my studio. Dialling Laura's number, my stomach somersaulting, I grinned as she answered. "Is John there, please?" I whispered huskily, disguising my voice.

  "No, he's not. Who's calling?" she asked.

  "It's Tina, he was supposed to meet me last night and he didn't turn up. Are you his sister?"

  "He hasn't got a sister."

  "Oh, er... He told me that he lived with his... God, there's been a mistake!"

  Replacing the receiver, I wondered what the hell I was doing now. Why cause Laura anguish? There again, why not? I seemed to be revelling in the plight of my friends. What I was becoming, I had no idea, but I sensed terrific fulfilment from my wickedness. It was if my very reason for living was to cause distress and hurt, although I didn't know why. Who else could I damage? I wondered. Who could I hurt - myself?

  Craving sex, I wandered out into the garden to find David, but he wasn't there. The hole he'd dug looked like a grave and, for some inexplicable reason, I imagined burying Tony there. Never would he question me again if... My thinking was going haywire! Leaping into the hole, I sat down, thinking dreadful thoughts about Tony, how I could be rid of him and collect the insurance money.

  "Hi, Helen!" Alan called as he wandered around the side of the house and approached me. "This is Ian," he introduced, smiling at his friend.

  "Hi," I said, eyeing the good-looking young man as I clambered out of the hole.

  "What's the hole for?" Alan asked, passing me a large envelope.

  "I... I'm going to bury something," I lied. "Oh, the pictures - thanks."

  "Bury what?"

  "Just... just some rubbish. Something I don't need any more. Come inside and we'll... we'll have a coffee."

  They followed me into the house, obviously wondering what I was going to bury in such a massive hole. Tossing the envelope onto the worktop, I felt another game coming on, a wicked game! If Alan thought that I was going to do away with Tony... No, the idea was ludicrous!

  Filling the kettle as my would-be sex partners sat down, I wondered whether to have them both at once, one up my cunt and the other up my arse. My clitoris stirring, my vagina wetting, I was revelling in my crude thoughts. Two cocks fucking my tight holes? It would be a new experience, further plunging me into the well of corruption.

  Slipping my smock over my head, I turned to face them, blatantly displaying my gold chain and nipple rings, my shaved cunt lips, my wet vaginal crack. Parting my outer labia, exposing my inner sex flesh, my erect clitoris, I grinned salaciously.

  "Christ!" Ian gasped, rising to his feet as if he'd just seen the Messiah. "Shit, you're some bloody woman!"

  "I am not a bloody woman," I returned.

  "No, I mean..."

  "Let's skip the coffee," I smiled, my wickedness rising at an alarming rate. Something gripped me, possessed me, and I decided to be as obscene as I could - crude in my crudity. "I want one of you up my cunt and the other up my arsehole." Vulgar words, exciting words of female lust.

  "Great!" Alan grinned, standing up.

  "In the lounge," I said, leading the way.

  Instructing Alan to lie on the floor as he tugged his trousers down, revealing his erect penis, his heavy balls, I knelt on all fours, aligning his bulbous knob with my yawning vaginal entrance. He quickly drove his penis into me, filling me with his male hardness as Ian knelt behind me and rudely yanked my taut buttocks apart. This was cold sex, sex for the sake of sex, and I loved the idea. If only Tony had walked in!

  Licking his fingers and smearing saliva over my rectal entrance, Ian pressed his knob against my brown anal eye. Pushing hard, he managed to slip his glans past my sphincter muscles and into the heat of my tight duct, the sensations permeating my naked body as his shaft slowly drove into my arsehole.

  Two cocks buried deep within my lust holes! I could barely believe that I'd lowered myself to such depraved depths of perverted sex. My pelvic cavity bloated, I gazed down at Alan's grimacing face as he repeatedly raised his buttocks off the floor, driving his massive penis deep into my tightening cunt, fucking me there. Ian began his thrusting, propelling his erect cock in and out of my tight arse, bringing me heavenly sensations of obscene sex. Gasping, my blonde hair cascading over Alan's face, my body rocking with the double fucking, my first climax erupted.

  "God!" I cried as my holes tightened around the thrusting cocks and my clitoris pulsated in orgasm against Alan's wet shaft. "God, it's beautiful!"

  "Is there room for one more?" David asked as he entered the room at gazed at the lewd scene, his shorts bulging.

  "My mouth!" I gasped, desperate for three cocks. "Fuck my mouth!"

  "Christ!" Alan cried. "I've never met a woman like you before!"

  "And you'll never meet another like me!"

  David knelt on the floor and hauled his erect penis out of his shorts, pulling his foreskin back and offering his purple globe to my thirsty mouth. Sucking on his swollen knob, a huge penis driving deep into my inflamed arsehole, another massive member thrusting in and out of my hungry cunt, I was alive with perverted sex.

  My obscene act had sealed my debauchery, certified me as a common whore. Never again would I look back to the old Helen, the loving wife. Never again could I look Tony in the face, let alone have him fucking me, coming in my mouth. If only he'd walked into the room and discovered my lewd act!

  Tony didn't love me, I reflected, picturing him screwing who he'd thought to be a stranger, fucking her arsehole. He was probably up some Japanese girl's oriental cunt, fucking her, sperming her - where was his so-called love for me?

  "God, I'm there!" David cried, his knob swelling within my gobbling mouth.

me!" Alan gasped.

  "All together!" I breathed, slipping David's knob out of my mouth as my second climax erupted. "I want you to spunk together!"

  Sucking on his knob again, his sperm dousing my snaking tongue, I drank from his fountainhead as the other men drove their solid cocks into me, filling my lust holes with their gushing sperm. Never had I known such an intense orgasm to grip me, such debauched pleasure possible from three cocks. My first treble fucking was bringing me more sexual satisfaction that I had ever imagined possible, and I vowed to enjoy three penises as often as I could.

  My body glowing with sex, my heart racing as they fucked all three orifices, I wondered how much longer I could endure the beautiful sensations permeating my very soul as my orgasm rolled on and on. Suzie the prostitute had been crude enough, but now Helen had slipped into the pool of sexual corruption. The thin divide between the lady and the whore had been crossed. Far from the refined lady, the faithful wife, I had become so incredibly debased that I was sure I could sink no further.

  "Jesus, you're a dirty fucking tart!" Alan gasped as he drove his penis deep into my juiced cunt, bringing out the last of his beautiful spunk. "I wouldn't mind taking a few photographs of your cunt!"

  "I could fuck her arse every day!" Ian chuckled, squirting his sperm into my bowels. "Spunk up her tight arsehole every day!"

  As the men withdrew their spent penises from my sated body, I rolled to one side and lay on my back on the floor, quivering in the aftermath of my incredible climax. My legs open wide, sperm oozing from my holes, running down my chin, I looked up at their faces, the pure sexual satisfaction depicted in their expressions. Massaging my clitoris as they gazed between my legs, I felt lecherous, carnal in my blatant masturbation.

  "Photographs," Alan said pensively, gazing at my vibrating fingertips. "You could earn yourself some money, Helen."

  "I have money," I breathed as my clitoris swelled in the beginning of my orgasm.

  "I have a contact," Ian said. "He'd pay well for some really dirty photographs."

  "How well?"

  "I don't know, I'll find out."

  My climax suddenly erupting, I gasped my illicit pleasure, massaging my pulsating clitoris faster, bringing out waves of pure sexual ecstasy as my audience gleefully looked on. My vaginal muscles spasming, squeezing out the creamy blend of spunk and my juices of arousal, I closed my eyes, revelling in my lewd performance.


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