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Page 28

by Ray Gordon

  But there was no panic to make long-term plans where Laura was concerned; she'd always be around with her juiced cunt, her erect clitoris. The only panic was to retrieve the incriminating evidence from Gary's house! I wanted to shave Laura's pubic hair, lick her smooth pussy lips, drink from her honey-pot. Did I love her? I imagined that I did.

  Lydia had been conspicuous by her absence, and I decided to ask David what she'd been up to, where she'd been hiding. I wanted her cunt, her clitoris throbbing in orgasm in my mouth as she lapped between my vaginal lips. I was craving more and more perverted sex! Perhaps Lydia would give me her panties to hold to my face as I slept alone in my bed at night. As a child, I sucked my thumb, I wonder why?

  Wandering out into the garden, I gazed longingly at David's bulging shorts, wondering what it would be like to be free of my addiction. Did I really want to be free? Would I enjoy sucking his knob and drinking his sperm without my craving? I know why I sucked my thumb at night.

  "What's Lydia been up to recently?" I asked, sitting on the lawn with my legs crossed, my thighs wide apart, clearly displaying my delicious sex lips, my gaping vaginal crack. I loved my cunt, the power she brought me.

  "She's been studying, she's going back to university tomorrow," David sighed.

  "Oh, I didn't realize that she was going back so soon."

  "That's why I wanted this threesome thing before..."

  "You'll have to bring her round, later today, perhaps."

  "Great! I'll call her now!"

  "OK, use the phone in the kitchen. Look, I'm going out for a while. Er... when will the garden be finished?"

  "The pond's done, apart from filling it with water and plants. All the landscaping's finished, as you can see. Another few hours or so, and I'll be through."

  "Good. Tony will be home any day now; the garden will be quite a surprise for him - among other things."

  "Other things?"

  "Nothing for you to concern yourself with," I smiled, rising to my feet. "By the way, I haven't forgotten the way you treated me, David."

  "Treated you?"

  "Wanking on the carpet and kicking me aside when I was desperate for your sperm, telling Gary and the postman about my addiction and..."

  "I told you before, Helen, I didn't tell the postman!"

  "If there's one thing I've learned in my life, David, it's the art of getting even with people, retaliating. I have a list of those who have abused me, and they're all going to have the shock of their lives before long. I was desperate, and you kicked me aside."

  "That was ages ago!" he returned, his deep-set eyes frowning, reflecting fear. A woman scorned... "I thought that we were..."

  "Ages ago or not, you'll... Anyway, I'll talk to you later."

  "OK, I'll go and ring Lydia."

  Following David into the house, I walked through the hall to the front door as he called Lydia to arrange the threesome, the perverted sex session. One penis, two cunts, two clitorises... But I couldn't think about Lydia, I had someone else on my mind. Laura would be on the common, waiting for me, pondering on her love for me, her cunt wet in love. But time was fast running out, I mused, walking down the drive to the lane and checking that the coast was clear - I had to grab Gary's photographs.

  Noticing Gary backing out of his drive in his BMW and speeding off down the lane, I realized that my opportunity had at last come. Creeping up his drive, my heart thumping hard against my chest, I wondered how to break in to his house. I didn't need David to do my dirty work, or anyone else, for that matter! I was more than capable of doing dirty work!

  Stealing around the side of the house, I slipped into the garden and tried the back door - it was locked. I didn't know how long Gary would be. Had he gone to the local shops for a few minutes, or had he gone into town for an hour or two? Checking my watch, I allowed myself ten minutes to be in and out of the house with the evidence.

  Noticing the dining room window open, I grinned. This was it, I reflected, clambering through the window and falling onto the floor - I was in! But where to look? Where had he hidden the photographs? Where was his camera? The prison cell was the obvious place to begin my search.

  I was in luck, grabbing the camera from the shelf, I fumbled with the back, finally opening it and ripping the film out. So far so good, but where were the prints? Obviously not expecting me to break into his house, Gary had left the photographs in a large brown envelope on the windowsill. Please do not bend. Lady luck was on my side, or Lucifer was!

  Sure that I'd gathered all the evidence as I grabbed five rolls of film, I left the empty envelope where I'd found it and climbed through the dining room window. Making my escape, dashing down the lane to the common with my spoils, I sensed elation. The photographs were good, and I decided that it would be a shame to destroy them. I couldn't keep them in the house, that was for sure! Hide them somewhere in the wood? For the time being, yes.

  Fortunately, Laura hadn't yet arrived as I ran across the common to the wood. But she'd soon be there, writhing in her confusion, her love for me. I'd play games with her, taunt her, tell her how much I was in love with her - and then use her for lesbian sex. I wanted to thrash her taut buttocks until she begged for mercy. Would she allow me to lick her bottom-hole? I sensed lewdness bathe me.

  Hiding the photographs and films beneath a bush and covering them with leaves, I emerged from the wood, triumphant in my success. I'd return at some stage and gaze at the pictures of my cunt, my abused cunt. Perhaps I'd show Laura the obscene photographs. Her cunt would become wet in lust.

  "Helen!" Laura called, dashing towards me, her long black hair flowing in the breeze behind her, her short skirt revealing her shapely thighs. Was she wearing panties? I wanted her open cunt pressed to my mouth, my tongue delving deep into her juiced honey-pot. "What were you doing in the woods?"

  "Looking for you," I replied as she stood panting before me, her firm breasts heaving, billowing her tight blouse.

  "Well, here I am."

  "Yes, here you are." From the corner of my eye, I noticed Chris skulking across the common. Had he followed me? Had he seen me hiding the photographic evidence of my debauched life? No, he was probably looking for Suzie. "Shall we sit over there by the trees?" I asked Laura.

  "Yes, we need to talk."

  I sensed nastiness welling. I wanted to hurt her. "Do we?"

  "You know we do!" she returned as we settled on the soft grass.

  Gazing at the triangular patch of red material straining to contain her bulging sex lips as she sat on the grass, I sensed my clitoris swell. I imagined the wet, pink flesh surrounding her clitoris stretched taut, exposing her beautiful sex bud. I wanted to have her round for a sitting and paint her open cunt, her intricate sex folds glistening with her juices of arousal, her clitoris swollen in orgasm.

  Her dark eyes sparkling, mirroring love and confusion, I wondered whether she'd masturbated, thought of me between her parted thighs, my tongue between her fleshy cunny lips as she massaged her pleasure nodule and taken herself to a shuddering orgasm. My imagination runs wild at times - runs free.

  "Helen," she began pensively, biting her succulent lower lip. Had sperm dribbled over her lips, run down her chin? "Helen, I..."

  "What are you trying to say?"

  "Are you all right? Only, I feel that you don't want to be here with me."

  "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be here, would I?" Sarcasm didn't become me.

  "No, I suppose not. Are you pleased to have Tony back?"

  "He's not back."

  "He is. I saw him a short time ago, when I was on my way here."

  "You're mistaken; he's not back, Laura."

  "I'm not mistaken! I saw him down by the shops talking to another man."

  I frowned. "What did the other man look like?"

  "Tallish, tight jeans, dark hair, cowboy boots..."

  "Chris!" I gasped.


  So, Tony had sneaked back to meet up with Chris, and probably spy o
n me! And I was on the common with Laura, about to seduce her! Scanning the horizon, I could see no sign of the private dick, or Tony, but they were there, I instinctively knew. Laura placed her hand on my breast, squeezing my nipple through my blouse. But this was no longer the time or place for lesbian sex, lesbian filth. Pushing her away, I leaped to my feet.

  "I must go," I said as she stood up.

  "Go? Go where?"

  "I didn't realize that Tony was back, I have to go home."


  "I'll ring you."

  Dashing across the common, sure that Chris and Tony were watching me, I made my way home. At least Gary had nothing on me now, I reflected as I passed his house, his prison cell. But I'd not had the time to tie up the loose ends, to bring my wicked plan together for the last act of my deceitful play.

  "Has Tony been here?" I called through the back door to David.

  "Tony? No, he hasn't. Is he..."

  Ignoring David, I closed the door and dashed to the ringing phone, panic rising as the reality of the horrendous situation began to sink in. Thoughts raced through my mind, silly thoughts - I shouldn't leave my candle beneath the bed. Would Tony notice the cunny stains on the chair knob? Were there spunk stains on the lounge carpet? The phone bloody wouldn't stop ringing.

  "Hallo," I replied softly.

  "Helen, it's Stephen Giles."

  "Oh, Stephen, how are you?"

  "I'm fine, thanks, and you?"

  "Er... Ok, I think. Is Tony back?"

  "Don't you know?"

  "Yes, I mean... He hasn't been home yet."

  "Hasn't he? That's odd; he should have been there..."

  "Look, Stephen, I'm rather busy just now."

  "Yes, yes of course. Actually, I was ringing to talk to Tony, but I also wanted to speak to you."

  "I was wondering when you'd be in touch."

  "I've been up to my eyes in it, I'm afraid."

  "So have I!"

  "I hear that you're having marital problems."

  "By its very nature, marriage is a problem. Look, I really must go, Stephen."

  "OK, I'll speak to you again. I want to come and see you, when it's safe."

  "Yes, OK. Give me a ring when... Will Tony be returning to Tokyo?"

  "Yes, he's only back for a short time."

  "Thank God for that! Ring me when he's gone back."

  "OK, I will. Bye for now."

  "Bye, Stephen."

  At least Tony wasn't going to be home for long, I mused. But where the hell was he? And what did he plan to do? I sensed that I was beginning to lose the game as I wandered through the hall and paced the lounge floor. Putting myself in his shoes, I tried to think what I'd do. A surprise, I decided. He wouldn't ring, he'd turn up unannounced, hoping to catch me in the act, catch me with my knickers down - not that I wore knickers anymore!

  Flopping onto the sofa, I answered the phone, not surprised to hear Chris's deep voice. "Sorry I couldn't make the sitting," he said.

  "That's all right," I replied in my posh accent. "Would you like to make another appointment?"

  "Yes. Er... I'm free now, if that's OK with you?"

  What was his game? Was Tony with him, listening? "I'm terribly sorry but I'm busy for the next couple of days."

  "Oh, that's a shame. Er... I'll ring in a day or two, then."

  "Yes, you do that."

  I hung up, panic rising, my hands trembling, my heart palpitating. I needed sperm, a fix. David was in the garden, his balls probably fully laden with spunk, but where was Tony? I couldn't suck David to orgasm with Tony lurking. I didn't like it, not knowing what was going on, who was planning what - I didn't like it at all!

  Bottle B crossed my mind, but no. I rang Gary, although I didn't know why. Luckily, he wasn't in. Biting my lip, wringing my hands, an idea suddenly struck me - ring Chris's mobile number, tell him that I was Suzie, discover what was going on.

  "Chris, it's Suzie!" I trilled as he replied. "Got any news?"

  "Suzie, I wish you'd contacted me earlier. Have you been for another sitting with Mrs Hunter?"

  "Yes, I have. What's happening?"

  "Everything's all happening. Mr Hunter's back, although his wife doesn't know it."

  "What's the plan?" I asked excitedly, fearfully.

  "The plan? Christ, it's such a cock up that I don't have a bloody plan! Mr Hunter's staying somewhere locally for a while, just until we can sort out what's going on. He's given me another few hours to get to the bottom of the mystery."

  "What will he do then?"

  "He'll go home to his wife and confront her with what little evidence he has."


  "I use the word loosely! What he intends to do is get everyone together and have a mass inquest."

  "God! Will you be there?"

  "If it comes to it, yes. There's something I don't understand, something that's been bugging me."

  "I don't understand any of it!" I chortled.

  "I went to see Mrs Hunter about having my portrait done. It was a ploy to... The odd thing is that I told her that I'm an accountant, and she told Mr Hunter that I'd said that I was a private detective."

  "But why..."

  "She obviously knows who I am."

  "She's never seen you before, has she?"

  "No, so how the hell... Anyway, if you're willing, I'd like you to be my key witness if this bloody inquest takes place."

  "Well, I don't know that I..."

  "All you'll have to do is repeat all that Mrs Hunter told you during your sittings."

  "Yes, I suppose that'll be all right."

  "Good. How's the portrait coming on?"

  "It's just about finished."

  "When's your next sitting?"

  "I don't know, we haven't arranged it yet."

  "OK, keep in touch."

  "I will, Chris, bye."

  An inquest? That should be interesting! I imagined Tony standing in the lounge, the suspects seated, gazing up at him as he tried to unravel the mystery, tried to work out whodunit. What a mess, the old Suzie with her long black hair and red miniskirt whom Gary knew to be Helen in disguise, the new Suzie with her shocking ginger hair and yellow miniskirt whom Gary had met and thought to be Jackie... I was beginning to confuse myself! Who was I, really?

  Taking two bin liners from the kitchen cupboard, I dashed upstairs and grabbed the old Suzie's clothes and makeup and stuffed them into one of the bags. I wouldn't need her again, she'd played her part in my devious game, and now she didn't exist.

  Placing the new Suzie's clothes along with her makeup into the other bin liner, I bounded downstairs and put one bag out for the dustman. The new Suzie's clothes? Well hidden beneath the hedge, I decided. Easily accessible should I need to strut down the lane seeking out men on the common.

  Fortunately, David wasn't around as I lugged the bag down the garden and hid it beneath the hedge. That was more evidence well out of sight, I mused, wondering whether to hide my candle, my sex candle. What other evidence was there lying around? I wondered as I returned to the house and donned my smock. How many loose ends were still loose?

  Putting the finishing touches to the portrait of Suzie, I stood back and adjudicated my creation. Suzie, Jackie, one of the same - and yet no one. Covering the canvas as I heard someone enter the kitchen, I prayed that it wasn't Tony. I wasn't ready for him, I hadn't finalised my devious plan, prepared for the last act in the tragedy. Recognizing Lydia and David's voices, I breathed a sigh of relief, my stomach fluttering as I imagined the threesome. Time was running on, but there was time for the threesome before the final act.

  Lydia's blue eyes sparkling as she followed David into my studio, her long blonde hair cascading over her pert breasts, she provocatively ran her tongue over her succulent red lips as she stood before me. Again, the tables had turned, this time she'd come to me in love, not lust. I'd take her in lust; use her for sex - as she'd used me.

  No words fell from our lips as I reached out and un
buttoned her blouse, slipping the garment over her shoulders, revealing her straining bra. Moving behind his girlfriend, David unhooked the clasp, the red silk cups falling away from her rounded mammary globes. Her nipples free of the constraining material, they grew, standing erect and proud from her darkening areolae - suckable.

  I took each milk teat into my hot mouth in turn, stiffening them further as David tugged Lydia's skirt down to her ankles. Slipping my hand down the front of her tight panties, my fingers between her swollen vaginal lips, I massaged her wet inner flesh. She moaned, breathing deeply as David slipped her knickers down and I caressed her swelling clitoris. Stepping out of her clothes as her nipple slipped out of my mouth, she lifted my smock over my head and gazed longingly at my firm breasts, my gold nipple rings.

  Turning to David, we knelt before him and tugged his shorts down, his penis catapulting to attention before our wide eyes, his balls hanging heavy, spunk-heavy. I sucked his purple plum into my mouth as Lydia kneaded his balls, my eyes popping out of my head, my cheeks ballooning as I took his ballooning glans to the back of my throat.

  David had said that Lydia wouldn't suck his cock. Perhaps, in her arousal, she'd change her mind, allow him to mouth-fuck her, to spunk down her throat. Wanking his rock-hard shaft as I rolled my tongue over his silky-smooth glans, Lydia watched me closely, my lips taut around her boyfriend's shaft. Again, I wanted Tony to walk in and discover my wickedness, although I didn't know why.

  "Coming!" David cried all too soon. Slipping his throbbing knob out of my wet mouth, I licked his glans as Lydia wanked him, his spunk splattering my face, bathing my tongue running down my chin and dripping onto my firm breasts. Engulfing his glans in my mouth, I gently sucked, bringing out the last of his sex milk, swallowing hard until I'd drained his balls. Crumpling to his knees, his cock slipping out of my mouth, he trembled, breathing heavily in the aftermath of his coming.


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