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Revenge and Retribution

Page 6

by K. J. Dahlen

  Gator nodded.

  “Is she all right?”

  “I think she will be, but it’s going to take time. It won’t happen overnight.”

  “Gator, she thinks a man like me could never love her because she’s damaged,” Deke spoke quietly. “How can she think that?”

  Gator sighed. “Have you ever told her how you feel?”

  “I told her she belonged to me, isn’t that enough?”

  Gator shook his head. “No man, it isn’t enough, not for someone like her.” He hesitated then added, “She’s someone very special. She never had even one person in her life other than her mother or maybe Peaches tell her they loved her. She’s never been shown love before, not the kind between a man and a woman. I will tell you this, she loves you with every part of her being, body and soul. I’ve seen it in the way she looks at you. You are one lucky sonofabitch.”

  Deke sighed. “I was one lucky sonofabitch. I’m not so sure now.”

  Gator slapped him on the back. “Sure you are! You just have to convince her of the fact she can’t live without you in her life.”

  Deke glanced at his friend. “I’m not so sure I can live without her.”

  “Then show her that. Tell her that. She needs to hear the words man.”

  Deke nodded and walked back down the hall. He stopped in the doorway of her room but couldn’t go inside.

  Deacon was sitting beside her on the bed and Peaches was on the other side.

  Deke continued down the hall to the waiting room. He went over to Iceman and began speaking in a low voice.


  “Tell me what the fuck happened? How did Cassie end up catching a bullet?” Deke asked with steel in his voice.

  “Like I said before, this little prick got here before I did. The night we grabbed the evidence, we took a shitload of money out of that house, money records, contacts, the whole fucking works. We took it all. The only thing Janelle had to give the Feds was her cooperation. I turned everything I found over to Leon and he followed the case. Everything was going good until a few days ago…” Iceman paused. “Janelle knew her time was about up and she made one last play. She sent Randall after Cassie. She figured if she were going down, she’d meet Cassie in hell. At least that’s what she told Leon before he killed her.”

  “Janelle is dead then? Are you sure?” Deke grabbed Iceman’s shirt.

  Iceman took a step away as he tugged his shirt from his grasp and nodded. “Yeah, she’s dead. So is Flynn Rearden. Calderone made sure of that himself.”

  “Good, then they both got what they deserved.”

  “So is it true?” Iceman asked. “She’s carrying your kid?”

  Deke nodded. He paused then asked, “I take it you and Peaches are an item?”

  Iceman nodded. “Yeah, we’re together, much to her family’s displeasure.”

  “Has she told you what they went through?”

  Iceman nodded. “I’m sure not all of it but yeah, she told me most of it.”

  “Cassie said something earlier that I don’t understand.” Deke shook his head. “She claims she’s damaged. Why would she say something like that? She was a virgin when we got together and she hasn’t been with anyone but me since then.”

  “I think it has to do with the word that’s carved in her back,” Iceman explained. “Maybe that and all the rest of her scars. Janelle and her kid really did a number on her.”

  “That don’t mean shit to me,” Deke assured him. “She is not now, nor ever been a whore.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that,” Peaches said from behind him.

  Deke turned and saw her standing there. “How is she doing? She wouldn’t speak to me when I was in there.”

  Peaches nodded. “I think she’ll be okay. She’s scared though.”

  “Scared?” Deke was surprised. “What is she scared of?”

  “I think she’s scared of you.”

  “Me? Why is she scared of me?”

  “Oh man, are you really that blind?” Peaches was shaking. “Cassie is so in love with you. She thinks you will insist she return to you because of the baby, not because you love her back. That’s what she’s afraid of. She’s afraid that you can’t or don’t love her.”

  “So, how do I convince her she means the world to me?” Deke asked.

  “All you do is tell her, make her believe you love her.” Peaches grabbed his hands. “She’s dying inside, can’t you see that? If it weren’t for the baby, she would be gone I think. When she left the compound, something inside her began to die. She’s barely hanging on.”

  “How do you know all that?”

  Peaches smiled sadly. “We talk every day. The past few weeks, she’s been really chatty.”

  “I’m barely hanging on too,” Deke admitted. “Some days, it’s hard for me the even breathe.”

  “I ought to have Iceman beat the shit out of you, you stupid, stupid man,” Peaches grumbled. “Go to her, tell her what you just told me and make her believe it, or you’ll lose them both. You’ll lose her and the baby.”

  Deke turned back to the hall and walked blindly toward her room. When he looked inside, he found her sleeping.

  Deacon was sitting on the chair pulled up to the bed and he was holding her hand. As Deke came into the room, Deacon put his hand up to stop him. “I think she’s had enough for one day.”

  “I won’t disturb her,” Deke said quietly. “I just want to be here when she wakes up.”

  Deacon glared at him for a long time, then got up and laying her hand carefully on the bed, he walked out past Deke, without saying a word.

  Deke sat down in the chair and carefully took Cassie’s hand in his. Brushing the back of her hand with his thumb, he just sat there for the longest time. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “God woman,” he whispered. “I’ve never been good with words but I’ll try. Everyone has been telling me that you need to hear the words, so I’m gonna try. I do love you so much. Some days I feel like my chest is gonna crack. I miss your smile when I open my eyes in the morning. I miss your laughter and the funny little way you look when you think no one is watching.” Exhaling he continued, “You belong to me because I can’t live without you in my life. You gave me yourself, your body, your heart and soul and I can’t give them back. I need you so much. You fill me up. I can’t live without you anymore. I don’t even want to try. To me, you aren’t damaged and never will be. You are stronger than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Cassie whispered back. “You once told me you didn’t do the love thing.”

  Deke raised his eyes to hers. “I’ve been known to be a dumb shit at times, but I’m more sure than I’ve ever been about anything before. I don’t deserve someone like you but I’ll be as some one said a lucky sonofabitch to have you in my life. With you, I can finally breathe again, with you, I have purpose. When you walked out of my life, you took something that I want back. Something I needed to survive was gone. You took my soul along with you.”

  “This isn’t just because of the baby is it?” Cassie had to ask.

  Deke shook his head. “No, baby it isn’t. Although, the idea of having a kid makes it that much better. I never wanted a kid before but I do now, with you.”

  “What happened to the guy that shot me?”

  “Iceman took him out.”

  “And Mrs. Pierce?”

  “Eleonore Pierce was really Janelle Walden. Leon took care of her and your dad. Neither one of them will ever bother you again,” Deke assured her. “Did Peaches tell you her and Iceman are a couple?”

  Cassie smiled. “Yeah she did, and I don’t think her Daddy and Grandpa are too happy about it.”

  “Cassie…” Deke leaned forward to press his lips on her forehead. “…Will you come home with me?”

  “I’d like that very much as long as you understand that Redemption House needs me too. That’s my dream and I want to see it through.”

  “I’ve been
talking to the guys I sent down there. I think what you want to do there is great,” Deke admitted. “In fact, if you’ll let me I’d like to help you.”

  “Can your club do that?” she asked.

  “Why not?” Deke shrugged. “We’re not running guns or dope and we don’t break the law. We’re just a bunch of guys that like to ride. Sure, we have the dance club and a couple of bars but they’re legit. Maybe this will show the city of Troy that they don’t have to fear us. Respect us yes, but they shouldn’t have to run and hide from us. We live here too. We protect what’s ours.” He chuckled. “I have to tell you something. Each and every one of the guys in my club has the utmost respect for you. Not only that but they love you as well. You have earned the name of Spitfire, because you earned their respect and that ain’t easy to do And believe me when I say this, if I ever get out of line around you, each and every one of them will be more than happy to kick my ass.”

  Cassie giggled. Reaching out, she cupped his checks and brought him close to her. When she pressed her lips to his, heat suddenly enveloped them both. Deke pushed his tongue into her mouth and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. When they broke apart Deke whispered, “Will you marry me?”

  Cassie’s eyes grew huge. “You really want to marry me?”

  “I really love you. I don’t want to lose you, not again.”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you,” Cassie whispered. “I don’t have much but what I have I give to you.”

  “I only want you, nothing else, only you,” Deke whispered before he took her mouth again.

  ~* * * *~

  Deacon was standing in the waiting room staring at Marnie when Lance Sullivan walked in. Gator, Wiley and a couple of the guys that had been there when Lance came to the clubhouse before came to stand in front of him.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Gator grumbled.

  “I’m here to see Cassie,” Lance replied firmly. “I stopped at the clubhouse and was told she’d been shot this afternoon. Is she going to be all right?”

  “She’s as good as can be expected, why?” Gator asked.

  “I have some more questions for her that’s why.”

  “She told you everything she could,” Gator insisted his arms across his chest.

  “Oh, not everything,” Lance retorted. “Were any of you aware of the bodies she reburied in the woods?”

  “She told you about that,” Gator ground out. “She told you she reburied the four kids the old lady murdered.”

  Lance nodded. “The only problem we have with that is the fact that we found six bodies where she said we would only find four. And we found evidence the other two died within the last five years.”

  “Maybe Janelle found out where she reburied the bodies and added two more.” Iceman reasoned. “What’s that got to do with Cassie?”

  “The evidence leads us to believe Cassie murdered these kids,” Lance informed them.

  “She wouldn’t do something as horrible as that!” Peaches cried out.

  “Not only that, but there’s a little fact of some missing gold as well. Cassie’s fingerprints are all over what was left of almost a million dollars of raw bullion.”

  “That bitch!” Peaches cried out. “That horrible crazy bitch.”

  Gator turned toward her and snarled. “You’d better not be talking about Cassie.”

  “No!” Peaches yelled. “I’m talking about Janelle.” She came closer to Lance and asked, “Tell me something, was part of the evidence you found a little gold locket with a tuft of brown hair in it?”

  Lance narrowed his eyes and stared at her. “Yes, that’s part of it, why? Who does the locket belong too?”

  “You know damn well its Cassie’s locket. You also know the hair in it was her mother’s.” Peaches was seething. “Janelle took that locket away from Cassie when she was seven. I was there the day she found it. Cassie had kept it hidden for four years. She used to bring it out at night and talk to her mother. One night, she fell asleep and forgot to put the locket away. Janelle found it and took it away from her. Cassie cried for days. It was the last thing she had of her mother. It just about killed her to lose it.”

  “What about the gold Janelle had?” Lance asked.

  Peaches shook her head. “I never saw any gold and I’ll bet Cassie never did either. She wouldn’t take something that didn’t belong to her. She just wouldn’t.”

  “But she did,” Lance insisted. He glanced around at the crowd of people standing there. “Look, either I get to talk to her or the FBI is going to. They are on their way right now, and they have a warrant for her arrest.”

  “What else did Janelle tell you Cassie did?” Peaches asked brushing away her tears.

  “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that,” Lance admitted. “The case is still pending.”

  ~* * * *~

  No one noticed Wiley as he slipped down the hall. He carefully closed the double doors behind him and made his way to Cassie’s room. He was relieved to see Deke sitting beside her. “We got trouble boss.”

  “What’s going on?” Deke asked.

  “Boston badge is here looking for her.” He pointed at Cassie.

  “What does he want with Cassie?”

  “Something about finding two extra bodies buried in the woods and missing gold?” Wiley shrugged. “Said the Feds had some questions as well as a warrant for her too.”

  Deke looked back over at Cassie and could see something was wrong. Cupping her chin, he raised her face to his. “What is all this about?”

  “I have no idea,” Cassie answered. “I told Sullivan the truth.”

  “He claims there is evidence you knew about the two extra bodies and that they’d only been there for five years,” Wiley informed her.

  “But that doesn’t make any sense,” Cassie said. “I haven’t been to Boston in a very long time.”

  “We need to get her out of here,” Deke said. “We need to get her safe before we talk to the Boston badge again.”

  “Where do you want us to take her?” Wiley asked. “The clubhouse is the first place they’ll look.”

  “Yeah and Redemption House is the second,” Deke commented.

  “Come with me,” Amos called out from the doorway. “I know a place they won’t find her.”

  Deke didn’t even stop to wonder why one of her guys was so close, he knew she had loyal people all around her as she’d earned it. He busied himself by carefully ridding Cassie of the IV in her arm while Wiley grabbed extra blankets to wrap around her. Deke lifted her into his arms and followed Amos out the back way.

  “Deke we shouldn’t just leave like this,” Cassie tried to protest. “I haven’t done anything wrong!”

  Deke glared at her. “Do you have any idea how many innocent people go to jail or worse every year? Janelle set you up and until we can find out how and why, we need to protect you.”

  “But isn’t running a sign to the police that I’m guilty?”

  “Not in this case, it isn’t.” Deke grimaced. “In this case, we’re doing what we need to do. We need to know what the Feds got against you, so you can explain it.”

  When they reached the back door, Cassie was in a lot of pain. She’d been jostled enough to start bleeding again and her belly felt on fire. Luckily, Amos had his car parked in the back. Deke carefully laid her in the back seat. Kissing her briefly, he told her, “I love you. Please…you have to make it through this. I have to go back and figure things out with the badges.” He turned to Amos. “I’m trusting you with the only thing in the world I care about. No harm better come to her or I will hunt you down and take pleasure in killing you. Am I understood?”

  Amos sneered. “Oh, I understand you, boss.” Then he jabbed his finger in Deke’s chest. “You got to understand something here too. I would never let anything happen to Miss Cassie. Me and my guys love that little girl and we would die for her. Now, get the hell out of my way. Got places to go and people to see.” Amos got behind the wheel and took off. His car b
ackfired a couple of times before he rounded the corner and then he was gone.

  “I hope you just didn’t make the biggest mistake of your life,” Wiley told him.

  “Me too,” Deke admitted. “Let’s go see what the badge from Boston wants.”

  They made their way back inside just as Lance Sullivan opened the double doors and walked to Cassie’s room.

  Peaches, Iceman Gator and Deacon followed him.

  When they reached the room, Lance looked inside to find no one there. He whirled around and glared at everyone behind him. “Where is she?”

  Peaches frowned. “Isn’t she there?” She brushed past him and stared at the empty bed. “Where did she go?” Her face was filled with panic.

  Deacon pushed past Lance and came to a stop inside the room as well. “She couldn’t have gotten far,” he said. He looked from face to face. “Where the fuck is she?”

  Lance looked from face to face as well. Everyone he looked at seemed as surprised as he was that Cassie was missing but he knew someone here knew where she was. “This isn’t helping her case any at all. Unless she answers some questions, she will be considered a fugitive. People could get hurt here, don’t you all realize that?”

  “You got Cassie all wrong,” Peaches defended. “She wouldn’t run away from this. She’s never run away from anything before, why would she start now?”

  “I think maybe we should go somewhere and talk about this,” Deke suggested.

  “Let’s go to your clubhouse,” Lance insisted.

  Deke shrugged. “Fine let’s go and you can tell us what’s going on. I think we’d all like to know.”

  As they turned to leave the hospital, Marnie came up to Deke. “We might have a problem.”

  “What is wrong now?”

  “That woman Reva,” Marnie told him. “She took three runaways home with her. I don’t know where she lives but if the Feds search the clubhouse are they going to find the kids there?”

  “No, but they’re close.” Deke sat on his bike for a minute then told her. “I’ll let Gator know. He can warn her if they show up.”

  “Okay, I’ll follow you guys to your place.” Marnie nodded.


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