Book Read Free

Deep End

Page 2

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Cassidy looked over at the two twenty something year old’s and shook her head.

  “I’d love to climb him like a tree.”

  The elevator doors opened.

  “I know. One look at him and…”

  “IT’S HIM!”

  The one girl pushed her friend out of the way and grabbed Grady’s hand. “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I LOVE YOU, GRADY!”

  Grady went into an immediate panic and pulled his hand away.

  Cassidy wedged herself between the girls and Grady. “Excuse me, I’m Mr. O’Malley’s doctor and Mr. O’Malley isn’t in any condition to be greeting fans. Please go!” Cassidy gave them both an evil glare. “NOW!”

  The girls turned and left. Cassidy looked at the orderly. “From now on you take security with you when he leaves his room and you take the service elevator, understand?”

  “Yes, Doctor. I am very sorry, Mr. O’Malley.”

  Grady didn’t reply.

  “Grady, it’s me, Dr. Scott, Dr. Martin’s friend.”

  Grady nodded.

  “I’m going to stay with you until we get you back to your room.”

  This time Grady spoke but it wasn’t much louder than a whisper. “Thank you.”

  Rylan was pacing inside Grady’s room while she talked to her best friend.

  “Leela, I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “Rylan, calm down.”

  “Calm down? How do you expect me to calm down when Grady is blind? His career is over.”

  “Excuse me but I think you should take that call outside.”

  Rylan didn’t even say goodbye she ended the call and pushed her phone into her pocket. “Grady, why didn’t you tell me that you were blind, Babe?”

  Cassidy shook her head. “Grady, if you change your mind have someone call me.”

  “Thank you for helping me, Doctor.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.” Cassidy nodded at Rylan and then she exited the room.

  “Who was that and how did she help you?”

  “Seriously? Do you think I’m cheating on you?”

  “No, no I don’t.”

  “And why not because I’m blind or because my career is over?”

  Rylan walked over to Grady and reached for his hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were…”

  “Here. Yeah, I heard you. I can still hear.” Grady pulled his hand away from Rylan.

  “Look, I know that you always think that I make things about me but in my defense, I was shocked when the nurse told me about your sight and…”

  “I’m sorry. I should have told you myself.” Grady lifted his arm. “Come here.”

  Rylan took Grady’s hand. “I thought I lost you. I can’t imagine what you went through.” Rylan placed her hand onto Grady’s cheek.

  “I don’t remember much.” Grady lied. He’d remember every horrific detail until the day he died.

  “I have to go to the office for a bit, but I will come back later.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to and besides I think that they may let you come home later this afternoon.”

  “How can I go home like this?”

  “We can talk about the details later.” Rylan kissed Grady before darting out of his room.

  “Weston, can I have a word with you?”

  “Sure, Doctor.” Weston followed the doctor into the lounge.

  “I know that you and Grady are good friends and that’s why I am reaching out to you. Grady has been through a very traumatic experience and he must accept the fact that he needs Dr. Scott to help him heal.”

  “He mentioned her. Grady’s never been one to talk about his problems. He’s a strong guy.”

  “Even the strongest have their weak moments.”

  “So, I’m guessing you want me to talk Grady into giving Dr. Scott a chance.”

  “I am.”

  “Ok, but no promises.”

  “I’m only asking that you give it a shot at convincing him that she’s what he needs.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you, Doctor, for caring enough to speak with me.”

  The doctor nodded.

  Weston let out a deep breath and headed to Grady’s room.

  Grady was sitting up in a chair feeling the bumps and stitches on his face and head. He still couldn’t believe that he was the only one who had survived.

  “Hey, Buddy!”


  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “Why did I survive…I mean, why me?”

  Weston pulled up a chair and sat down next to his buddy. “I’m not really sure but I’m happy as hell that you did.”

  Grady looked down. “West, I wish I hadn’t.”

  “Look, I know that I can never know how you are feeling but if it is that bad then please, Grady, talk to someone who can help you.”

  “You mean that crazy person chick?”

  “You don’t have to be crazy to talk to someone who may be able to help you regain your sight.”


  “Grady, you survived for a reason. Don’t waste a second chance.”

  “What if my reason is to punish me?”

  “Alright, now you are sounding crazy!”

  “Crazy is that seven other people died, and I didn’t.”

  Weston placed his hand down onto Grady’s thigh. “Please, just think about talking to her.”

  “I will.”

  “Good. So, I heard they are springing you later.”

  “That’s what they said.”

  “Do you want me to pack a bag and come stay with you?”

  “Rylan said that she’d babysit me.”

  “Rylan is going to take care of you?” Weston let out a laugh.

  “Look, I know that you’ve never liked her, but she loves me.”

  “I know, and you love her too or I wouldn’t even tolerate being in the same room with her.”

  “I don’t understand why you hate her so much?”

  Weston reminded himself of the time that Rylan hit on him right after she started dating Grady. He knew how much it would upset Grady if he ever found out, so he kept it a secret. “We just don’t get along.”

  “Well, thank you for tolerating her for me.”

  “Anything for my best friend.”

  The press practically tackled Grady yelling out questions before he was even wheeled through the front door of the hospital.

  “Grady, do you know how long it will be before you’re back competing?”

  “How does it feel to be the sole survivor, Grady?”

  “There have been rumors that you lost your sight in the accident. Is that true?”

  Weston stood in front of Grady while Rylan posed for photo ops. “BACK UP! GRADY WILL NOT BE SPEAKING TO ANY OF YOU TODAY!”

  Grady was frightened enough in his hospital room but being out in the open and not being able to see who or what was surrounding him was freaking him out.

  “Rylan, do something.”

  Rylan pushed her way ahead of Weston. “I will be taking my gorgeous boyfriend home. Grady needs a few weeks of rest before he can get back to competing.”

  Weston managed to continue with Grady and reach the car before Rylan finished talking to the press.

  Weston led Grady to his bed. “Ok, Buddy, do you need anything before I go?”


  Weston looked at his friend who was sitting on the edge of his bed like a scared child after a nightmare. “Hey, do you want me to stay? I can cancel my dinner plans.”

  “You know I’ve never been afraid of the dark until now.”

  Weston sat down next to Grady. “I wish I could do something to help you.”

  “You can. Go on your date. I need to rest.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, get out of here.”

  Rylan ordered in dinner, dished it out and then she yelled for Grady. When he didn’t come out to the dini
ng room she went to see if maybe he was asleep. She opened the door and Grady was sitting up in bed with his eyes open.

  “Why didn’t you come when I called you?”

  “Not hungry.”

  “Grady, you have to eat.”

  “I said I’m not hungry.”

  “You haven’t eaten all day.”

  “Fine! I’ll eat.”

  Rylan smiled. “Good.” Rylan started out of the room.

  “Ry, I need help.”


  “I don’t know how to get to the dining room.”

  “Oh God, Babe, I’m so sorry.” Rylan walked back over to Grady and took his hand. “Come on, we will walk together.”

  Grady tried to eat but aside from not having much of an appetite he was having trouble using the chop sticks that Rylan handed him for his sushi.

  “Grady, you’ve barely eaten a bite.”

  “I’m having trouble.”


  “Can I have a fork.”

  Rylan stared at him for a moment. “Sure, I guess.” Rylan grabbed a fork and placed it down next to Grady.

  Grady felt for the fork and in doing so he knocked down his drink. “Oh God!”

  “I can’t believe…”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Rylan looked at Grady who was sitting there shaking. She gritted her teeth. “I’m sorry. I should have handed you the fork. I guess I just need to be more aware of your needs.”

  Grady pushed out his chair. “This was a mistake.” He stood up and reached for the wall and followed it until he reached his room. Once he was inside, he slammed the door.

  Rylan pushed the door open and was about to yell at Grady for acting like a child and storming away but then she heard him sniffling. “Are you crying?”

  “I want to be alone.”

  Rylan gently hugged Grady. He didn’t hug her back at first but after a few moments he finally did. “I don’t know what to say or do but I know you and you’ll fight to get your sight back. Grady, I know you will.”

  “I don’t know if I can, Ry.”

  “You can.”

  “What if I can’t? Will you leave me?”

  “Grady, you need to think positive.”

  “It’s just so hard.”

  “Why don’t you get undressed and get some sleep. I’m sure you’ll feel much better after you get a good night’s sleep in your own bed.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Aren’t I always.” Rylan smiled.

  Grady painfully lifted his shirt over his head, slid off his sweats and got back into bed. He pulled up the blanket and closed his eyes. After a few minutes he opened them again. He used to appreciate closing his eyes and sleeping after a long day…now, not so much.

  Rylan cleaned up the mess that Grady made and then she grabbed her plate and sat down on the sofa. She was already regretting her offer to take care of Grady. He was like a needy child. She picked up her phone and dialed her best friend, Leela.


  “I need to vent.”

  “What’s up?”

  “It’s Grady. I thought that once he got home that he’d be different but he’s not. He’s acting like a child.”

  “Rylan, don’t you think that maybe you’re being too hard on him. I mean the guy almost died and besides, he is really hot.”

  “He looks like crap and I know he’s had it rough but so have I. I had to cut my trip short to rush to his bedside and now I’m playing nurse.”

  “Then break up with him if you’re so miserable.”

  “You know how long it took me to get a date with him. I’m not going to blow two years of work now.”

  “Suck it up then.”

  “I guess. Well, thank you for letting me vent.”


  Rylan hung up and took a sip of her wine.

  Rylan was on her last nerve. Grady spent most of the past week in bed. He barely spoke and didn’t want to eat. She decided she would give him one last chance before she packed up and left him. Now that she had met all his teammates it shouldn’t be too hard for her to hook up with another rich, hot swimmer. “Grady, you awake?”


  Rylan leaned down and kissed Grady. Grady pulled away. “Grady, please, we haven’t had sex since before I left last month. Don’t you want me anymore?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then relax.” Rylan kissed Grady again and this time he kissed her back. Rylan slowly moved her lips down Grady’s neck and continued to his belly.

  Grady tensed up. “I don’t know about this.”

  Rylan didn’t care how he felt. She wanted sex and she was going to get it. She pushed down Grady’s sweats before saddling up on him.

  Grady laid there for a few minutes while Rylan rode him like a prize stallion. He was finally starting to relax when Rylan let out a moan that sent him into a panic. Grady lifted his arm to stop Rylan and hit her in the face.

  “What the fuck, Grady!”

  “Stop! Stop!”

  Rylan climbed off Grady and grabbed her clothes. “You’re fucked up! I’m done with you!”

  “I’m so sorry, Ry.”

  “You should be. I’ve wasted two years of my life on you and for what…a man who doesn’t shave or shower and won’t do anything to help himself. You’re weak and pathetic, Grady. I’m done! We’re over!”

  Rylan packed up her bags and walked out while Grady remained silent.

  Weston was heading out of the gym when he spotted Rylan cozying up to one of his teammates, Lou, in the parking lot. His first reaction was anger that she was cheating on his best friend but then he suddenly realized that if she was there then who was with Grady? Weston yelled out as he approached Rylan. “Shouldn’t you be home with Grady?”

  Rylan looked over at Weston with disgust. “That loser, I dumped his sorry ass.”

  “I need to get to the pool.” Lou got into his car and took off.

  “Dick! You chased Lou away.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Oh please, you of all people know that I never actually loved Grady, so why would I stay with that pathetic excuse of a man.” Rylan shook her head.

  “You’re even worse than I imagined.” Weston shook his head. “You disgust me!” Weston stormed off to his car.

  Grady didn’t know how long it had been since Rylan slammed the door. All he knew was that he was alone…in the darkness that was consuming him. Grady made his way to the bathroom. He couldn’t live like this anymore. Grady slid his hands across the wall until he found the medicine cabinet. He opened the door, took out every bottle containing pills that he could find and tossed them to the floor before grabbing the bottle of mouthwash and dropping himself onto the floor.

  He grabbed the first bottle of pills he could get his hands on, opened them, dumped the bottle into his mouth and swallowed them down with a swig of mouthwash. The second bottle only had a few pills which he swallowed down as he reached for the next bottle.

  “GRADY! GRADY, WHERE ARE YOU?” Weston was running through the house looking for his friend.

  Grady started pushing pills into his mouth in hopes that he’d have consumed enough to kill himself before Weston found him.

  Weston opened the bathroom door and his heart almost stopped when he saw Grady on the floor with pill bottles surrounding him. “GRADY!” Weston dropped to his knees as he knocked the pills out of Grady’s hand. “How many of these did you already take?”


  “Answer me?” Weston started looking to see which bottles were empty. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed 9.

  Grady heard the keypad. “Stop!”

  “Grady, you need help. I’m not going to kneel here and watch you die. I won’t lose you, Buddy, I love you.”

  “If you do, then you’ll leave.”


  Grady reached his hands up and raked them through his hair. “I ca
n’t live like this.”

  “Well you may not be living much longer if I don’t get you some help.”


  Weston had gotten the empty bottles together and was relieved that it seemed they were mostly vitamin C, magnesium, a bottle that at most had four water pills inside and an expired bottle of antibiotics. While he didn’t think Grady was in immediate danger, he needed to get him help. “Look, Grady, if you won’t let me call 9-1-1, at least let me call a doctor.”

  Grady started to sweat profusely. “I, I want you to leave.”

  Weston decided to text for help instead of calling so that Grady wouldn’t know. “I’m not going to leave you alone.”

  Cassidy was half asleep when she heard her phone buzz. She reached across the table from the couch and picked it up.

  Weston: “Hey, it’s Weston, Grady O’Malley’s friend. He just took a bunch of pills. He needs help. I wouldn’t ask but it’s urgent and I’ll compensate you heavily if you’d come to his house right now.”

  Cassidy bolted up from the couch.

  Cassidy: “WHAT! CALL 9-1-1.”

  Weston: “I don’t think it’s anything that can do more than make him sick to his stomach.”

  Cassidy was already slipping on her shoes. She grabbed her medical bag and coat.

  Cassidy: “I’m on my way. Text me his address.”

  Cassidy was a wreck. The mere mention of Grady’s name set her off but the thought of seeing him again and being inside his house was enough to send her nerves into a panic.

  Weston pulled the door open. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Where is he?”

  “In the bathroom. I can’t get him to move.”

  “I was hoping to hear from him but not under these circumstances.”

  “He’s a mess.”

  “Blindness is very difficult to adjust to, not to mention the trauma from the plane crash…”

  “Or that his dumbass bitch of a girlfriend walked out on him today.”

  Cassidy blinked. “Wow! I’m sure that’s what pushed him over the edge.”


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