Book Read Free

Deep End

Page 5

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Grady woke, jumped up, fell over the coffee table, and smacked his face onto the floor.

  Charlene laughed at first but then when she saw blood she ran to his side. “Are you ok?”

  Grady moved away from her. “Call Dr. Scott.”

  Charlene dialed as quickly as she could.

  “Dr. Scott.”

  “It’s Charlene. Grady asked me to call you.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “He fell and he’s bleeding.”

  “Fell? Fell where? What’s bleeding?”

  “His nose or his mouth I don’t know. He told me to call you.”

  “Put him on the phone.”

  Charlene put the phone into Grady’s hand. “She wants to talk to you.”

  Grady lifted the phone to his ear.

  “Grady! Grady, are you there?”

  “Can you come home. I need you.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Charlene didn’t realize that Cassidy had entered the house until she heard her yell.


  “Dr. Scott.”


  “It was his fault. I didn’t push him.”

  Cassidy could see how upset Grady looked. She lowered her voice. “You need to get out of my sight right now.”

  “But he…”

  “I will be notifying the review board.”

  Charlene stomped off.

  Cassidy knelt next to Grady who was still on the floor but sitting up. “I’m here Grady.”

  “Don’t leave me again.” Grady grabbed her hand.

  “Can you stand?”

  “I think so.”

  “Ok, then let’s get you up and into the bathroom so I can clean you up and see what’s going on here.”

  Grady stood up and Cassidy led him to the bathroom.

  Grady sat on the edge of the tub while he waited for Cassidy to come back with some sterile gauze to wipe the blood from his face.

  “Ok, this might feel cold.” Cassidy wiped Grady’s face. “I think it may just be a busted lip. I don’t think you need any stitches though.”

  “I had another one of those nightmares.”

  “But how did you end up on the floor?”

  “I jumped up and fell.”

  “I’m going to cancel all my patients. If they want to video chat they can, but I’m not leaving you again.”

  Grady silently sat there. Cassidy finished cleaning him up, washed her hands and then reached for his hand.

  “I heard what you said before.”

  “Before when?”

  “That Charlene was taking pictures of me.”

  “She was or at least it looked that way.”

  Grady grabbed his knees and started to rock. “I’m a freak.”

  “Grady, you need to relax. Stress isn’t going to help your condition.”

  “How can I relax when my whole world has gone to shit!”

  “Before the accident what would you do to relax?”

  “Why, what difference does it matter now?”

  “Just answer the question?”

  “I’d have sex but unless you’re willing that isn’t an option.” Grady raked his hands through his hair.

  Cassidy was at a loss for words for a moment. “You’re my patient, Grady.”

  “I’m sorry, that was out of line.”

  “Do you have a second option?”

  “I’d swim to relax when Ry…”

  “Ok, then let’s go swimming.”

  “How am I going to swim like this?”

  “Go get changed.”


  “Just go!”

  Cassidy put on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts and waited outside Grady’s room. He finally opened the door. Cassidy’s mouth dropped open. Grady had on a tight navy swimsuit. She didn’t need a pool to feel wet after looking him over.

  “I still don’t know how I can swim if I can’t see?”

  “I will blow a whistle when you are two arm lengths away from the wall.”


  “No, don’t maybe. You can, and you will.”

  Cassidy led them to the first floor of the house where Grady had an indoor pool. Grady smiled a half smile. “Is that a smile?”

  “I’ve missed the smell of the pool.”

  “I will go down the ladder first and then I will guide you down.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever used the ladder. I always dive in.”

  Cassidy got into the pool and then helped Grady down. As his ass passed by Cassidy’s face, she had all she could do to not bite it. “Ok, so I am pointing you toward the deep end of the pool. I will blow the whistle when you are two arm lengths away so that you will know the wall is coming up.”

  “Will you swim alongside me?”

  “I can’t swim.”

  “You can’t swim?”

  “No. I never learned how.”

  “When I get better, I’m going to teach you, Doc.”

  “Come on, go.” Cassidy gave Grady a shove.

  Grady swam down, Cassidy blew the whistle and then Grady swam back. He was so excited that he was able to swim that he reached for Cassidy and when he found her, he picked her up and spun her around. “Thank you, so much.”

  Cassidy melted as Grady’s eight-pack pressed against her body. “You’re welcome.”

  Grady could feel Cassidy’s breath on his lips when she spoke. He leaned in and kissed her.

  Cassidy whispered against his lips. “Grady.”

  Grady pulled away. “I’m sorry. I got caught up in the moment.”

  “Why don’t you swim a few more laps.”

  Grady nodded and released Cassidy.

  Cassidy could feel her heart pounding in her throat as she slid down Grady’s body and back into the water.

  Grady made his way out to the terrace. It was nice to get some fresh air for a change. Just as he sat his phone rang.


  “Greedy Grady!”

  “Wild West!”

  “How’s it going, Buddy?”

  “Doc took me swimming today.”

  “That’s great news.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  Weston looked down at the phone and smiled. “She is?”

  “Swimming is…was.”

  “You’re falling for her, aren’t you?”


  “Which is it?”

  “I don’t know. I got so excited after I swam my first lap that I kissed her but…”



  “So that sounds more like a yes or at the very least a definite maybe to me.”

  “West, I know it’s wrong because she’s my doctor, but I can’t stop thinking about that kiss. It was brief and unexpected, but I felt something I’ve never felt before.”

  “You have a crush on Doc Scott.” Weston laughed.

  “How can I have feelings for someone that I barely know? I haven’t even seen her to know if I am attracted to her or not? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Grady, you’ve been living with her for over a week and you knew her before that, so it is more than barely.”

  “West, what does she look like?”

  “Why don’t you ask Doc Scott?”

  “No, that would be too awkward.”

  Weston laughed. “Yeah, ok, maybe it would be. She’s not like anyone else you’ve ever dated.”

  “I’m not dating her.”

  “She is different from the type of women you typically date is what I meant.”

  “Because she’s short?”


  “Then what?”

  “She has…”


  Weston covered the phone and yelled back. “ON MY WAY!”

  “West, you still there?”

  “Grady, I have to call y
ou back. Coach Harvey is yelling for me.”

  Grady heard the phone go dead before he even got to reply.

  Cassidy paced back and forth trying to figure out how she could stop thinking about Grady and his sexy lips. Her mind was spinning. She went from wanting to run away from Grady as fast as she could to running toward him even faster. What she needed was to talk to Jess. Cassidy called her bestie.

  “How’s hot swimmer boy?”

  “Not even a hello?”

  “Hello! Sooo?”

  “He kissed me.”


  Cassidy pulled the phone away from her ear as Jess screeched. “Jess!”

  “I’m sorry. I got so excited for you.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Why not? Does he kiss like a stinky flounder?”


  “Explain then because I know how much…”

  “I’m his doctor.”


  “Jess, I need you to come over here. I don’t know how I’m going to get through dinner with him.”

  “Do you think he’s going to force himself on you because if that’s the case, I’m coming over with a bat!”

  “He isn’t like that at all.”

  “Then why do you need me?”

  “It would really mean a lot if you’d come for dinner.”

  “Ok, fine, I’ll be there.”

  “Thank you.”

  Grady sat on the couch waiting for Cassidy to come out of her room. He wasn’t quite sure if he should pretend like nothing happened or discuss their kiss. Well, his kiss. He had no idea if she wanted it or not…maybe she’d already forgotten about it or even worse…maybe she had a boyfriend.

  Cassidy turned on the living room light and there sat Grady.


  “I thought you were out on the terrace.”

  “I was earlier when I spoke to Weston.”

  “How is he?”

  “We didn’t talk long.”

  “Is everything ok?”

  “Oh, yeah, he had to run.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I called to tell him what you did today.”

  “What I did?” Cassidy instantly thought that he was blaming her for the kiss. “Grady…”

  “Helping me swim.”

  “You swam all on your own. I only warned you when the wall was coming up.”

  “You don’t understand how much that meant to me.”

  For a second time now, her heart skipped a beat when she thought about Grady’s kiss but was it only a form of gratitude? “I could see the smile on your face.”

  Grady stood up. “I wish I could see yours.”

  Cassidy placed her hand on her cheek. “One day.”

  “Come here.” Grady extended his hand.

  “Ok.” Cassidy walked toward Grady and the doorbell rang. “Oh, that must be my friend, Jess. I hope you don’t mind I invited her over for dinner. She was…lonely.”

  Grady shoved his hands into his pockets. “No, of course not.”

  Cassidy breathed a sigh of relief as she practically ran to the door.

  “I brought wine!”

  Cassidy grabbed Jess and hugged her. “Oh, thank God!”

  “You’re that desperate for a drink?”

  Cassidy pulled away. “No, you saved me from Grady.”

  Jess grabbed Cassidy’s hand. “He kissed you again?”

  “No, but he said he wished he could see my smile.”

  Jess rolled her eyes. “Cass, you have an amazing smile.”

  “Well, Grady will never see it.”

  “But I thought you said his condition is temporary?”

  “Typically, it is.”

  “So, you’re going to run the minute he gets his sight back?”


  “Cass, you need to stop running.”

  “Doc, is everything ok?”

  Cassidy looked toward the stairs. “Yes, we will be up in a minute.”

  “Aww, he cares about you.” Jess smiled.

  “It’s not that, he just doesn’t like to be alone.” Cassidy turned and headed up the stairs.

  Jess shook her head.

  Grady turned his head toward the sound of Cassidy’s footsteps.

  “Grady, I’d like you to meet my best friend, Jess Williams.” Grady stood and extended his hand. “Jess, the infamous, Grady O’Malley.”

  Jess couldn’t help but stare at Grady’s very tall, beautifully chiseled body. That was until Cassidy elbowed her. Jess cleared her throat. “I am honored to meet you, Mr. O’Malley.”

  “Please call me Grady.”

  “Wow, you’re so tall.”

  “That I am.”

  “I brought us wine.”

  “Thank you.”

  Cassidy took the bottle from Jess. “I’ll go open it.”

  Jess looked around before sitting down. “So, Mr. O’Malley, umm, Grady, I feel like I know you already because of Cass?”

  “She discusses me with you?”

  “Not like doctor stuff but before she came to stay here, she would talk about you all the time. She could probably be president of your fan club.” Jess laughed.

  “Really? She never said a word to me. I thought I was unknown to her until she met me at the hospital.”

  “Are you kidding me. She almost died when she saw the footage of the plane…oh God, I’m so sorry.” Jess got up and sat down next to Grady. She placed her hand on his leg. “I’m an idiot. Please forgive me.”

  Grady looked down at the floor. “It’s ok.”

  “Cass really adores you.”

  Grady grinned. “She is amazing. I don’t know how she deals with me to be honest.”

  “She wants to help you.”

  Grady nodded and then raked his fingers through his hair. “Sometimes I feel like I’m beyond help.”

  “That does not sound like a positive attitude.”

  “Now, you sound like Doc.”

  “She is my best friend for a reason.” Jess chuckled.

  “Tell me about her?”

  “Cass is probably the kindest, smartest, most honest and caring person that I’ve ever known.”

  “I believe that. Her boyfriend is a lucky man.”

  “Cass told you she has a boyfriend?”

  “No, I just assumed someone like her was taken.”

  “Nope, she is very available.” Jess couldn’t help but smile when she saw Grady’s expression change.

  “I see. Actually, that’s the problem…I can’t.”

  “Feeling sorry for yourself won’t help.”

  “No, I suppose not.” Grady looked away.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, you’re right.”

  “Well, I’ll give you a break and go see what’s taking Cass so long to come back with our wine.”

  Cassidy was sitting at the kitchen table staring into space when Jess came walking in. “Cass, are you alright?”

  “I just needed a minute.”

  “Grady is a really nice guy.”

  Cassidy smiled. “He is. That’s why its going to be so hard to leave when…”

  Jess hugged Cassidy. “Oh, Cass.”

  Cassidy pulled away, wiped her eyes, and then walked over to the sink to wash her hands. “Why don’t you uncork the wine and I’ll grab the glasses.”

  “That’s it. You’re just going to…”

  Cassidy picked up the glasses. “Yes.” Then she proceeded to walk back to the living room.

  Cassidy sat there while Jess and Grady talked. It was nice to listen to Grady tell stories about him and Weston on the road.

  Jess finally took a breath and looked over at Cassidy. “Why are you so quiet, Cass?”

  “Yeah, why are you so quiet?”

  “What, are you two ganging up on me?”

  “No silly, of course not.”

  “Maybe I should give you two sometime alone.” Grady stood and
tripped over Jess’ huge purse.

  “OH MY GOD, GRADY!” Cassidy practically dove onto the floor.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Cassidy helped Grady up.

  Grady hugged Cassidy. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Cassidy looked over and saw Jess smiling at her. “Once you’re back to your old self I bet you will forget all about this awful time in your life.”

  Grady pulled away and looked down at Cassidy. “Maybe but I could never forget you.”

  Jess poured herself some more wine, raised her glass and smiled at Cassidy.

  Cassidy’s eyes teared up. “I’ll be right back.”

  Cassidy knocked on Grady’s door, no reply so she knocked again. She knew he was awake since she had spoken to him just minutes before, so she poked her head inside to check on him just as Grady walked out of the bathroom. “OH MY GOD!”

  “Doc, are you ok?”

  Cassidy couldn’t help but stare at Grady who was standing there naked. “I’m sorry. I was worried when you didn’t answer so I came in.” Cassidy turned around.

  “You’re fine. I should be more mindful with you in the house. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s your room. I’m the one who should apologize.”

  Grady pulled on his shorts. “You can turn around now.”

  “How did you know…”

  “Because you respect me.”

  “To be honest I did see more than I should have.”

  “Don’t hold it against me. I don’t know how people go without shaving. I feel disgusting.”

  “I can have someone come in if you’d like?”

  “I don’t think I’d feel comfortable with a stranger.”

  “I could try but I can’t promise that I won’t draw blood.”

  “You’re a doctor, you can always stitch me up.” Grady laughed.


  Cassidy sat in Grady’s bathroom waiting for him to hang up with Weston and come in for her to shave him. She had no idea whatever possessed her to open her mouth and offer to shave his hot, hard sculpted body.


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